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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. Finished bingeing Scandal and am stuck trying to decide what to binge on now!!! I am gonna be here a while trying to decide...
  2. I hope they don't forget the older heads as I do not want to give up my Lona! But it probably is inevitable as that is what happened to system heads - mesh heads happened and new system skins became obsolete.
  3. I think I am probably the only person on the planter who still loves that song!!!!
  4. I saw that on a youtube and almost peed myself laughing. SOOOO true!!!!! Also why I stopped watching that show. It got too SJW politically "correct"!
  5. I hope so. I live in hope of watching helicopter man parts and slo-mo naked male Baywatch running on the beach!
  6. Bottom pic reminds me of James Novac from Scandal! I was sad when they killed him off!
  7. I admit I have been on both sides of the compliment thing. When I used to venture out, I often got the "Nice avi" IMs. I would say thank you and if the conversation moved from that, I would happily continue with it. Often times it was Nice avi - thank you - your welcome...the end. I saw no harm in that and it did make me feel like all the lindens I put into myself paid off. I looked good! I have also IM'd people out of the blue to compliment them or say "Awesome name!" if I see one that makes me laugh. Its sad to see that all the time I would have spent getting up the nerve to IM a stranger would be all for nothing. Not everyone has an ulterior motive, wants to make a new friend or is wanting to get into your pixel knickers. Some of us just want to make someone smile and know they are appreciated for making the grid look pretty or the humour of their name.
  8. There's a gacha pose I REALLY REALLY want. I played the machine the amount of times I allotted myself, didn't get it. Now for the peeve...aside from not getting it in the allotted pulls... I LOATHE having to pay hundreds for items people paid 75L to get! Rares I understand, but COMMONS....COME ON!!!!
  9. Whenever I need warm fuzzies...I enjoy watching this...
  10. Sorry I suck at decorating, but I have to say, I am intrigued by "knife enthusiast maid's room".
  11. It is all a personal choice. I resisted getting a mesh head for years because I liked my system head and how it looked, but eventually skin makers stopped making system skins and switched to appliers only, so I was beginning to look outdated quite quickly, and I finally gave in and found one I liked. As for mesh bodies, as a blogger and someone who enjoys taking pictures, the mesh bodies are easier for that as they look good and required less editing - ie smoothing or rounding edges like boobage and buns! And as mentioned above eep @! system hands and feet! If you like how you look, stick to your guns and continue to love the body you have!
  12. Actually my opinion on his comic women pictures was that in a thread entitled "Faces", I would have expected the pictures to be close up portrait pictures. He did not take that opinion well and proceeded to berate and bully me until I was silenced from offering opinions on any pictures he posted....which is his MO on anyone that offers an opinion on his "art" that doesn't kiss his behind about how awesome and wondrous his portrayal of how women should look is. As for my comment of "This" on the posts above, I was simply agreeing with the hypocrisy of his giving an opinion of how women look in pictures when we're not allowed that same right to give an opinion of his pictures of "women". You will find that even we who seem to linger about this forum often aren't privy to ins and outs of many thread conversations and "gossip" either due to not lurking in those threads, having the participants blocked, or simply just not caring. Such is how forums work I guess.
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