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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. To really hide, you need to take the dot off the world map AND the mini-map, and the text listing given by the People tool, and disable llSensor (and maybe more things I don't know about). Flyers and sailors depend on these dots to avoid collisions, seriously. Also the dots on the minimap help us identify griefers. Lindens already spend their time working on projects that seem (to me) unnecessary and frivolous (cough trick or treat). Big NO on this one.
  2. Rules come on the notecard that is delivered when you rez the Candy Bucket. You need to have 4LI available for the bucket. Also, the Candy Bucket needs to be in plain sight (I suppose at ground level and not in a skybox.) Trick or treaters must get within 5 (FIVE) meters of a bucket to collect. Security orbs are not prohibited but would be annoying. Trick or treaters are instructed to "Go all around the neighborhoods in Bellisseria and find residents' homes where they are hosting a Candy Bucket", however, this is generally interpreted to mean "get a notecard that lists the SLURLs of Candy Buckets and teleport directly". Rules notecard follows...
  3. PSA - What if the The Great Trick or Treat Event Bellisseria Repeats in 2022? (assuming no changes) The event has two aspects... one is decorating your home and visiting homes that have been decorated. This might be better served by a Parade of Homes Halloween Edition, which would be a list of SLURLs that have been vetted for orbs and open doors. No Lindens needed to run this as residents are capable. The second aspect is the competition for rare spooky Linden Bears, given to the top 100, 35, and 10 candy collectors. As there are well over 1,000 Belli regions and likely over 20,000 occupied parcels, it is not practical to travel around looking for Candy Buckets. Rather, a publicly available list of SLURLs is available in groups such as Bellisseria Citizens and/or the SLURL of a location where you can get a notecard that records these URLs. However, since such lists can be used by any resident, the candy collected in this fashion will not be enough to win a bear. If you want to WIN, you need to participate in a private group that locates Candy Buckets not found on the public list (perhaps using Area Search) and/or accessing hidden Candy Buckets (e.g. in a skybox) owned by alts of the private group members. From my own experience last year, a publicly listed Candy Bucket was visited around 200 times. The winners visited over 300 buckets. If the event does happen, the Lindens might consider amending the rules so as to restrict the search area to something a resident can reasonably search AND award bears based on some reasonable number collected, rather than the most collected.
  4. As I recall, when the event ended you had to go to a place and touch a button to get your skelly bear delivered.
  5. Still don't get why they aren’t rezzing existing themes on 2048 parcels. (Hint: the northern unfinished coast of the logs.)
  6. A few thoughts sort of related to this topic.... 1. Lindens say all sorts of stuff that has no follow up. For example, at SL19B I requested a FAQ on what the current state-of-the-art is for reducing lag. The reply was "we will make a SL University video on that". Still waiting. 2. In the scheme of things, SL is very small in terms of active users compared to just about anything comparable. The percentage of active users that are Ploos is likely small. Point is, I speculate that not many actual Ploosers exist. Much of Ploos perks are just better access to or more of stuff that already exists. The main work was web asset engineering to get the screens that grant you Ploos. 3. Anything Linden Research can do to increase revenue is prolly a good thing, as some of us are willing to fork it over and they likely need the cash. Who knows what the Waterfield Group timeline is for getting a return on their investment? The plug could be pulled at any moment. The current global financial sitch is a gonna be a major headwind. 4. Premium members HAVE seen an upgrade to what they pay for.... in particular, protected water connectivity and availability of the good theme (stilts). Thank you! 5. If @Abnor Mole posts in the forum, believe it. He is a straight shooter. 6. My mobile SL solution is a lightweight, cool, silent NVidia/Intel laptop. Runs great. It is actually my only solution. Don't need no stinkin Speedlight. 7. For value-oriented residents (and by value I mean real-estate), premium stacking or region-scale tier are the way to go. At entry level, you can get 3 Premium memberships (and Linden Homes) for less money than 1 Ploos (on annual basis). btw, i did read this whole thread.
  7. About orbs in Belli, those most concerned would be aviators. Fortunately, due to the abundance of protected waters, aviation in Belli is mostly without orb-worry. The only area that might be potentially problematic is the Logs, however, I can report "no worries" if you find the right route. The photos below show such a path across the Logs. Any orbs I have encountered have been within-covenant, hence, harmless.
  8. It's academic. The Lindens/Moles have no interest in going down this path (where this means "changing mainland rules"). Lindens seem to modify covenants only when THEIR aesthetic is offended, for example, no slanty roofs on Newbrooke Linden Homes. (btw I find the notion that Newbrookes are "shipping container homes" to be suspect, as such homes are based on assemblages of containers. Newbrookes appear much more similar to Eichlers as they have exposed beams and rooms of different sizes. Many Eichlers have slanty roofs.)
  9. I am hoping they are doing some kind of dynamic load balancing, as happens with web servers.
  10. Yes. It is what it is. I just hope they are finding ways to cut their expenses by under-powering areas that are rarely visited. I think each of us has their own view of what a virtual world should be. LL has (through historical accident?) given us options. As Coffee has pointed out, they also continue to support some dumb-as-rocks policies of which tier pricing is only one example. In the future, when these lights are out, SL may be looked upon as a time when many things were tried and we learned stuff. Someone mentioned LH1. Funny, I never ever considered LH1 because you can't sail or fly there and it seemed like solitary confinement. I have never used a sandbox and don't care about them. When I rez something, I want it to stay around until I decide otherwise. Messy mainland? I just consider that "fly-over-regions" and consider it a challenge to avoid orbs and floaty things. My point is is that each of us has their own Second Life. This is the golden age. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  11. Right on! OMG, he didn't say "community" (which I believe is a myth). I believe the main differentiator is two fold... (1) Belli is the best value in SL (if you are Premium) and (2) Belli requires almost no SL knowledge (i.e. extremely low barrier to entry for noobs). Mainland requires investment of time/money to figure out what's what. But the opportunities for expressing yourself are far greater.
  12. I would like to donate this PhD dissertation title… Testosterone and Estrogen in the Metaverse: Does it matter?
  13. I am in on the big NO but the OP does get one to thinking about mainland issues. For example... is mainland a mess because of all the abandoned land or because of all the owned land with annoying builds? Does the bizarre tier pricing structure inhibit the development of mainland? Can the region/simulator/AWS -server-type bindings be configured so that empty or low-density regions cost less to operate? Would a focus on enforcing encroachments on linden protected land/water improve things? Should llEjectFromLand(key avatar) delay before ejecting an avatar? Should the World Map render mesh object (roads in particular) and support informational overlays? So.... issues like these.
  14. Survey says... "Labor of Moles" "Mill of Lindens" "Mill" gives a nod to where lumber is processed and the phrase "milling around" (to move around an area without seeming to be going anywhere in particular).
  15. If you want an actual 2048 Linden Home, wait until they exist…if you like the theme, then upgrade to PP.
  16. You might get a reply from Shirley U. Jest
  17. The whole "continent" thing is a bit suspect. On planet earth, continents are more or less defined by the "shelves" that surround them and they are at planetary scale. What we have in Second Life is more similar to Disneyland, that is, town/village size areas that differ in some way and need names for casual reference, but not used in actual navigation. I have a general idea of where SL continents are but have some border confusion in the Satori/Nautilus/Corsica areas.
  18. This capability is called "speech to text". It exists! Google it.
  19. You might be a saint Scylla. I do not suffer fools gladly. This sort of remark has been made ever since Niépce first photographed his view from a window.
  20. ha ha ha no thanks https://www.salon.com/2022/02/16/nfts-arent-art--theyre-just-the-of-cryptos-latest-scam/
  21. I AR non-compliant orbs, skyboxes, and obviously bad overhanging objects and governance has been responding favorably. Ty I only message a Mole if there is a Linden Home construction or operation issue. Ty again.
  22. The issues you mention would be unrelated to Premium Plus.
  23. Do the moles miss us? Since the Stromberg connection was made, it seems that the activity in this thread has declined. Do you think the moles miss our comments and suggestions? Is that why this appeared here the other day?
  24. Yes, that should have happened. Note also that a newfangled bigger home (theme) is not required for a 2048 parcel (or if it is, it is due to "policy" or "too hard" or "not a priority"). They could have just laid down some 2048 parcels in "unfinished territory" and used the existing Newbrookes or Logs or Chalets. The benefit would have been double LI. The best (cheaper) way to get 2048 is with two premium accounts (not a single Premium Plus). And you get two Linden Homes.
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