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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. what she said... bottom image is what appears for Bellisseria parcels
  2. Returning to the OP... i would also add "residents' balliwick". I hold that Lindens/Mole should follow a rule for "guardian angels" as presented in The Preacher's Wife, specially "An angel should not do what you should be doing". Substitute "Lindens/Moles" for "angel". The reasoning is that Second Life has "no manufactured conflict, no set objective", consequently, residents find things to do that they enjoy. If the Lindens/Moles usurp some of these activities, then residents are disadvantaged. Clearly there are grey areas, and the Casper situation may be one. A resident can do this but it may be that the function is actually better served by Lindens. But there are clear examples (to me) where Lindens do NOT do better than residents and may make things worse. Here are some examples. Administration of the Second Life Birthday - For many years this was supported by Lindens but run by residents. Since SL16B it has been Linden run. It is clear that the event has lost it's WOW factor and is primarily a vehicle for Linden marketing. The exhibitor experience is greatly diminished due to being understaffed. Kudos to the moles who make it happen regardless. Bellisseria Community Centers - Public spaces are good but static public spaces that are repetitive within a theme are not so good. Would it not be better to include more options for temporary resident builds, such as we have at the fairgrounds. And (to beat a dead horse) why can't DJs have tip jars in Belli? DJs have expenses and it is reasonable for listeners to share those expenses on a voluntary basis. Even the Lindens allow tip jars at their "non-commercial" events. Chaos will NOT ensue as some predict. Fantasy Wedding Venue - Seriously? Residents should be providing things like wedding venues. And why fantasy? I would have preferred a free Elvis chapel.
  3. Assuming "this" means the Parade of Homes listings, I believe it is very useful to anyone who is interested in Linden Homes, either as a prospective Linden Home owner trying to pick a theme or to an existing home owner looking for tips on decorating and landscaping. (And also to proud home owners who want to show off their home 🙂)
  4. great, ty Question is, how do we communicate additions, deletions, or moves? I was confused by item C above. Is using the old update link the BEST way? Why would we need to "forward" anything to you? Also is the Bellisseria : Parade of Homes group still active? There are no notices there that inform about changes. One more thing (ha ha). IMHO, a simple list (with SLURLs) of PoH homes is all that is needed. The forum already has a thread for beautiful pictures of Linden Homes, not limited to PoH homes. When you want to visit, it is because you want to see a home of a particular theme and/or check out furniture or landscaping for ideas. Some might decide which home to visit based on a photo but not me. The fact that it is in the PoH means the owner is proud of it and it is probably worth a trip. Also people (like me) are constantly updating their home, so any pictures may be out of date.
  5. Please explain. Is the Parade of Homes Official Listings no longer being updated? I tried the HUD and it does not seem to have current info either. How are residents that have places of interest or open homes supposed to communicate those changes? Are you sure a HUD is a good idea? Doesn't that make things more complicated? What was wrong with just a blog on a website? (the hud is big and not resizeable... I prefer having the list of homes to visit in a window that is NOT in my viewer)
  6. Ut oh. If your intention is to be a mainland landlord, the economics of tier pricing suggests that you need to own at least a half-region but ideally a full region, as only then does the cost per sqm of tier get favorable. I have posted spreadsheets and graphs about this. If your intention is to use the 2048 included tier of premium plus for your rental property, it would have been less expensive to have TWO premium accounts (on annual memberships). Premium Plus did nothing for you as a landlord. It is optimized for those who want to live in a specific Linden Home or need tons of groups and media uploads (or someday, 2048 Linden Home). If you are doing all this for fun, it don't matter. 🙂
  7. I confirmed this using a MD 500E helicopter and a Bandit 22LTE sailboat. One funny thing about the 22LTE, if you moor it with parcel scripts for everyone turned off, it sinks to the bottom 😁as, I assume, it stops "being a vehicle" but is still physical.
  8. This confused me so I checked it. I flew my MD 500E v1.1 helicopter (LI of 57) over a Belli houseboat that did not have 57 LI available. No problem. The "About Land" for the parcel shown below. The only bad experience I have had with maxed-out parcels is when they have orbs (typically 0 second) that eject me... then the aircraft gets returned immediately due to exceeding parcel LI.
  9. I guess that this is a coincidence. Almost everyday, something takes a long time to rez for me. Changing almost anything (e.g. like the region you are in, zooming in and out, relogging) fixes it.
  10. YaY! but the real story is... your name is Honey Puddles LOVE IT!
  11. In https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/11637-linden-lab-acquires-caspertech-in-second-life/ @Patch Linden posted 1. I read all the posts. I am aligned with Sid Nagy's thinking. 2. Linden Research is owned by an "investment group led by Randy Waterfield and Brad Oberwager" and includes Linden Lab and Tilia, which "enables publishers of video games and virtual worlds to create in-world economies". 3. Whatever is being acquired can be resold by Tilia. This is the long-term strategy. 4. Second Life will not be with us in the long term. Every day is a gift. 5. I am confident that Linden Lab will adequately address any issues that residents might have with this acquisition as it is in their long-term interest to do so.
  12. What is this Forum Cartel you speak of? Do they serve pie?
  13. I know this is a joke topic... Seriously, everyday that I wake up and find Second Life still on-the-air, I consider it a gift. I don't see anything on the OP's list-of-issues that would move any needles related to sustainability of SL. So let's enjoy what we have while it actually exists. On the positive side, the recent connection of Belli and Satori (at Stromberg) was huge for residents that enjoy vehicle travel. Also, I recently ARed a blatant covenant violation and Governance took care of it. Some things are looking up.
  14. In fact, this is possible... but voting is not necessary. Just ring up Randy Waterfield and offer him a big pile of money. You do have a big pile, right?
  15. Update on the stilts situation as of 9pm SLT on Sep 8, 2022... all 3 types of stilts are still available and apparently have been for the last 8 hours. I abandonned a stilt on pier in Memison and got a new one in Stay Salty via the Linden Homes assignment page. The Beach Daze region was released and there are still available stilts there. As Polenth says, it appears that at this moment both ticketing and chance assignment are in process simultaneously. Has the Linden Home craze died down or are we seeing a slow day due to world events (RIP QE2)?
  16. Thank you! What we have all observed, from day 1 in Bellisseria, is that residents have figured out how to party on protected land or water on their own. We also know that DJs are being tipped directly and always have been. My suggestion is simply that the sky will not fall if tip jars are allowed. Also, in the scheme of things, the tipjar thing is almost irrelevant.
  17. In the post by Derrick Linden that I linked above, he clarifies by saying.... Key word is simultaneously. If the stilts in Beach Daze are not available on the Linden Home selection page, then they are also NOT available to Premium Plus members.
  18. Please refer to this post by Derrick Linden https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/486501-premium-plus-and-linden-homes/?do=findComment&comment=2492139 In summary, I asked if there is ever a period of time when a Premium Plus member could file a ticket on an unclaimed home that was not yet in the queue of homes that could be assigned via the Linden Homes selection page. His answer was NO. Currently (6:30pm SLT Sep 7,2022), the Beach Daze region is no longer is prefixed by SSP. The stilt homes have blue bumpers around them. There are no stilts available on the Linden Homes selection page. Consequently, the homes in Beach Daze are not available to claim via ticket even though the SSP has been removed. Note that Derrick's answer of NO is possibly contradicted by his later statement that removing the SSP means the region is released. He should have said "about to be released". Note also that the Premium Plus FAQ says " Premium Plus members can request a specific Linden Home, as long as the home is not occupied, the region is released". It does not say that a pool of homes is set aside that can only be acquired by Premium Plus members via request.
  19. There is another type of club that, for lack of a better term, I would call "community based" that might last longer than the traditional club you are asking about. For example, the Leeward Cruising Club (established 2009) is still hosting twice weekly DJed dance parties. The key is that there is no one club location, rather each gathering is at a location provided by one of the (over 2000) members and follows a community activity (e.g. sailing). No one person is responsible for club expenses and organizers can take breaks when necessary.
  20. This begs the question "Why?", particularly if you have a DJed party in mind. Community Centers, while scenic, are sub-optimal for DJed parties because tip jars are not allowed (don't ask why). Missy might facilitate rezzing and help you set a parcel music stream but she will not authorize a tip jar. The parties that I observe (and host) are on resident parcels where the parcel owner is in control. Also, I am not certain, but I would be surprised if an event in a Community Center is allowed to be private.
  21. First, you need to set the Linden Home group to your group. As Alwin says, deeding is not even possible as you don't actually own the home. The other avatars (or your alts) must be in your group and must have a role that includes the Parcel Powers/Allow 'Set Home to Here' on group land permission. The default Officer role includes this permission. I double checked about having to have the group active and found that it was not necessary. But you definitely need it active to rez. And what Abnor said 🙂
  22. The Arcade is a shopping event like any other, no more or less addictive. For many in SL, myself included, shopping is a primary activity. I believe that SL would not exist without shopping and is a key feature in virtual worlds. Arcade is fun because it has an "anything goes" feel, that is, you never know what you will find. Also you can resell an item (another activity YaY). As with all shopping, I only buy clothing if there is a demo or if I have purchased from the creator previously. Arcade is a good place for decor, like the lockbox below, now in my Sakura. Concerning creator participation, all spaces appear full. During the transition from the old gatchas to the new machines, this was not always the case.
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