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    Ballistic Weasels

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  1. Never mind. Weird pagination, tucking it under the one undecorated link on the page looking like a sub-category to the premium+ plan. But whatevs. Free at last...
  2. Perhaps it's just late and I'm frustrated, but I've decided to give up my Premium+ membership, and no longer see a way to revert to F2P on the website; just to choose between various premium and premium+ payment options. Could someone kindly point me to the place where I can choose to revert to free membership, or does that require a support ticket now?
  3. Just check the parcel details. The objects tab will show you what you want to know. Either right click the ground itself and choose "About Land," or pick Parcel Details from the World menu.
  4. That avatar always makes me happy. Love the pics.
  5. I like reading the comments, but it would maybe be nice if they would include a thumbnail of the original photo that links to the full-sized.
  6. Both on moderate sims. Both green rectangles on slopes. 2048m on Logray - L$500 and 1024m on Odumin - L$250
  7. The fact that people know a dude who has to tell people how "nice" he is probably isn't, but failed to miss the fact that someone who has to constantly point out how tolerant they are (especially when about 90% of their examples involve ripping anyone with a different experience or opinion to shreds) might suffer from the same "are you trying to convince us, or yourself?" condition. It isn't "tolerant", it's "toleraint".
  8. on that note, attempting to "teach" said subject "a lesson" would likely invalidate the methodology entirely.
  9. Desperate Housewives. A show I admit to liking probably more than I should, but then what the heck. I liked it.
  10. Say... did you ever go to sleep thinking you'd bought real estate on Sesame Street, but somehow woke up on Wisteria Lane?
  11. I remember how to get there. We had a conversation recently in that thread about autism and sarcasm, iirc. It's a fun thread.
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