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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Dividing 4656 by 512 = 9.09375. You own an odd count of M2. When you own the right amount of M2 and divide by 512 (or down to 16, I think) it should always equal an integer (whole number) - if it breaks into a fraction then you'll have odd-sized left over. The only solution is to buy another 512 M@ then abandon 48 meters of it to have a perfect M2 count. The oddness is likely coming from the Group Land bonus, which I *think* is 10%. Because you have deeded the land to the group, you get a bonus of 10% more land for free. In my case, I have 2048 group holdings (two people donate their premium tier to group) However, because the land is deeded to a group, the group land holding offers a 10% bonus so I could still add another 204.8 M2 without increasing the Tier level for a total of 2252.8 - BUT that .8 is where everything gets thrown off in terms of "clean, even" numbers.
  2. THIS. It is amazing that common-sense is called common but ISN'T. LOL As for a place to "stay"... technically you can stay anywhere. In fact, since I'm tired of always putting a house and decorating it and never using it, I've created for myself a GTFO "depot". But what it really is, or rather what my actual intent is is to go old-school SL circa 2006: Share with the community. You and anyone else is welcome to "stay" there. Rez zone with 60-minute auto return, all vehicles are unlocked (that I am able to) so feel free to go for a drive or flight or two, and there's lots of room in the back to lay out a cot and sleeping bag. I'm still putting sitter scripts into most of the furniture and I have to figure how to unlock the building doors (set it to anyone, etc.) - but feel free to "sit" on the palettes in the back room, it already has a nice cuddle set (or solo sits) SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sagittata/220/25/33
  3. Yes, I know - it was mostly a sarcastic response to the always sarcastically-mannered Prok. The actual solution is to ensure you are at least 60-70 meters above "ground level" - unless the orb owner cheats by placing it much higher off the ground than is necessary.
  4. A fair response. Thank you for recognizing my viewpoints as my own and respecting them, as I respect yours also. You have certainly earned my respect. The "Violin" quip, by the way, is something I always throw into my rebuttal comments in threads like these. Now, if only the rest of the forums would be so eloquent in their debates.
  5. The solution is is https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sparx-Land-HUD/12128802
  6. Laugh. I should know well to always read all new replies so I can look for you. You always beat me to the response and always so much pithier and more eloquently. I hate you! (just kidding)
  7. NOTE TO READERS: Off-topic post to answer a question ***** Scripted object. In my case I have a (very popular) helicopter which some in the SL Aviation creator community proclaim is "ripped" or somehow "stolen" (Yet these are the same creators who break copyright I.P. all the time). One sim in particular (and I'm not naming names because I'm not into the shame-game) has a scripted object that detects this particular object (the helicopter in question, likely by its name because it is no-modify) and immediately deletes it, unsitting you (and you fall to the ground). I don't know how they do it and I don't care. All I know is they do it and so I never ever go to that sim whether I'm using that product or not (I have a lot from different creators). So they are punishing me because I bought something they allege is a "stolen" mesh, even though they don't explain where they got this information or any proof whatsoever. As far as I know it could just be "drama" in that creator community. Well, fine. Their loss. I'll never buy from their renters and I'll never donate to their sim (and it appears I'm not the only one, it's on the Blake Sea and almost never anyone there, but the sim next door is always populated).
  8. I understand all this. My point was that for something like being able to hide a tab in the profile it has to work across all browser at the system (LL) level, so it doesn't matter who creates the code. Just saying. As for the share of FS to others, I've seen number bounce around from 40% to 60% - but regardless, that is a moot point. There are more than just FS and LL viewers out there, so if LL is pulling in at say 30%, that doesn't mean FS is at 70%. Just saying, again.
  9. No. Now, please allow me to qualify this LOL No, when it comes to big brand names, like Blueberry, Addams and many others - and that's just clothing. There also are vehicles and gadgets and so on. Here's where the "no" comes from, and it is relative, situational, and contextual: If a creator of mesh is *that good* they are also making money outside of SL with that skill, they are fools if they are not. Now, with that said, I also know very well there are a lot of "amateur" mesh-makers, in fact, they are likely the majority in SL, and with them, the answer would be a lot closer to a yes. However, there are a lot of variables involved, only a very few of which are: Is the "copy" an actual copy or just a similar one, or the same idea? Are they big enough name sake-wise that a thief would even bother? and so one and so forth, etc. My point is this: SL is way too big for me to be concerned about such things that involve an immense and chaotic array of variables; nothing is black-and-white in this (the OP notwithstanding). I am just one person, a consumer who just wants to consume. When it comes to ethics and morals I have mine and you have yours. And what is ethical to you may not be to me and vice-versa, these are squishy ideals. Basically, and I speak only for myself, I shop and I buy. If I learn later that something I have purchased for 5,000L is questionable at best and outright theft (by the "creator") at worst, will I stop using it and throw it away? Ummm, no. Because if it really was that and verified by LL then LL will blacklist it from the asset server. They have done this many times in the past and they will do it again. The onus is on the genuinely original creator or owner of the I. P. to deal with it. Long story made short: I had a Linden 500 club business back in the prim days. Back when copybot was all the rage. Someone spotted some dragon statues I made, called together a literal mob to protest and chases away customers. The creator of the alleged original came by and proclaimed loudly " THESE ARE NOT COPIES OF MY STUFF, ONLY SIMILAR". Did the mob disband? No. My point is everything is hearsay unless the genuine original creator comes forth. It's okay to plonk me for my personal views on the subject matter now. LOL ~Shrugs~
  10. I agree, which is why I didn't quote her, I was intended a more general comment.
  11. You don't have to buy it if you disagree with the permissions; caveat emptor It's not the creator's fault if you purchase willy-nilly without checking things like permissions. You say it should not be supported based on *your* ideas, as though everyone else shares them. Sugar draws more flies than vinegar; the best way to improve something is to win over those who can change it, not insult them or rant about it. /me breaks out her micro-violin and begins playing the ever-popular tune "Entitlement Boo-Hoo for the Snowflakes"
  12. Most people presume the RL pictures is an internet grab. Many will put an SL or meme picture there. I use a baby picture myself. I cannot help but laugh when people presume everyone uses Firestorm. Though I think you meant "Unless LL has a created a new feature...."
  13. Home run, sir! This is, more or less, what I was trying to say in another thread where the OP was complaining to LL that their viewer was crashing on public beta 2. LOL
  14. I won't say "I don't care", though I will say "It's not my worry". Because this. I'm just not caring enough to put in the time and effort to do the research on whether something I'm interested in buying it licensed, original, blah, blah, and furthermore, what burns my butt is when one resident makes it their business to allege a theft by another then ban that item from their sim, thereby punishing regular everyday people who use that item (with no knowledge whatsoever of the alleged theft). The simple result is those people will stop going to that sim; they aren't going to stop using that item they have already paid good money for. And I'm in *that* camp. The real problem here is that there are hundreds of 3D model resale sights and the same original creator will sell their models on MULTIPLE OUTLET SITES, So, even if one site has a TOS that their models may not be used in SL, another site selling the same model may not have that exclusion. *I'm* not going to bother sleuthing all that out before I make a purchase in SL. People are way too quick to make a judgment about theft and often jump to such conclusions without vetting at all.
  15. OH! Haha, My boo-boo then. Thanks for clarifying (and setting me straight!) So many of those look a lot alike.
  16. Maybe a good idea to think about changing password. I'm not saying or even suggesting it, but I once logged into my account on a laptop without realizing I was still in-world on the desktop and this is the message BOTH viewers got: laptop aborted login and desktop logged me out with that message. A few more experiments later I confirmed this happens. Certainly, there are many other reasons for logouts and said messages. But, just saying. Better safe than sorry.
  17. You can DuckDuckGo (a.k.a. "Google" for the privacy-careless) anything "Twitter API" or "3rd Party Twitter" and find a flood of news stories about how Twitter is changing their API and how it will break most, if not all third-party Twitter Clients for desktops, smartphones, and so on. SL also uses that API. That API was changed in the middle of July. When that change happened, it broke everything that is not Twitter itself. Twitter wants you to use their website.
  18. Old system clothing, prims and system bodies are still very useful and a lot of fun. I just bought a complete "ghost" avatar (in prep for this October) that was created maybe 10 years ago and I knew it was created maybe ten years ago and I knew it was the old-school system stuff. The major thing, however, is that the creator is STILL ACTIVE in SL. In a surprise, she was online and answered my IM within minutes (which shocked me. Now the fact that it shocked is a pathetic description of the state of creators listed on the marketplace). THIS is why purging dead and inactive accounts from the MP is a long-overdue, happy, joyful, badly-needed necessity.
  19. There is a difference between 'lag' and 'latency' and such. Most people call sluggish response "lag" and there are several causes, usually in this order: The number of other Avatars in the region (the more that are visible the worse it is). This is the single, biggest factor of lag in general because it chokes both: your local computer and the SL servers. Turn down your Draw distance and use a light-weight viewer (like the Official LL viewer, Catznip, and a couple others; Firestorm, Kokua and others are rather large resource pigs in my user-experience (no matter what their devs say about it)) Badly created textures *everywhere* - people are not bright enough (read: Amateur) to know how to create Web-Optimized textures; they are creating 1024x1024 over-bloated textures when a 64x64 will do just fine. So turn down your draw distance (128 to 512 should be way plenty for anyone) Graphics system on your computer is struggling - turn down some of those really fancy features on your Graphics setting. materials and water reflections are gorgeous, but then you have to decide where your priorities are: Performance or pretty pictures. There, start with taking care of these items first. Then ask what else you can do. Giving your computer specs is a moot point and unnecessary. The fact is no matter what your computer specs are, these three points I've mentioned are the primary cause of your lag and therefore, you need to adjust your settings to compensate, no matter what your specs are (the more powerful your system the less compromise will be required and vice-versa). S.I.M. P.L.E.
  20. THIS. I use MP for window-shopping. If it's a worn item I grab demos. If it's a rezzable then I absolutely will go in world to see it or demo. If no demo and no in-world location then no sale. If "demo available in world" then I ponder whether it's worth going to get it. If I do and I land at the front door and have to hunt for it I leave immediately more often than not. If it is taking more than 30 seconds to rez a bazillion vendor pictures I'm outa there, hopefully, faster than when I arrived. Obviously, that's just me. I simply don't have the patience (when on a hunt) for the crazy badly-created textures to all rezz so I can spend far too much time looking for just one of them. That's plainly stupid. As for already being somewhere and a 'shop' is already rezzed then I may go in to browse a bit for sure. But something in there has to capture my interest from the outside.
  21. It's not. It was a clarification from a Linden in these forums (like within a month ago or so) - and the clarification was if you went into arrears (didn't pay owed money to LL) - they didn;t specify for what specifically, but certainly land-use fees are there because it was in a thread about land-use fees and the different tiers of it.
  22. Pretty much since the "Anshe Chung made a Million RL $ (Nonsense, it was creative "financing") hoopla died down around the end of 2007 pretty much. Ditto.
  23. Agreed. Now if more creators with gigantic virtual showrooms would use web-optimized 512x512 sized images for their vendors so they rez faster I'd start shopping in-world more often, too.
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