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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Are you suggesting that there is some being out there somewhere outside of this world that controls my every move? Poppycack.. I would have said that word how it really is said ,but for fear of the word filter I went with Cack instead..
  2. *Grabs the wheel and turns back hard towards the road* The SL avatar rights!! The only ones that matter!\o/ Viva Revolution!! Or as Doug Heffernan would say it, Revolu'shiown.
  3. I honestly think that if there were a way to discuss things outside of what goes on in SL, we probably could still be doing it.. But I feel the lack of common respect in those discussions is what brought the hammer down.. I don't know about anyone else, But the more and more I seen them mods showing up in threads and locking things, the more It felt like something was gonna give.. Then something did give. We're here now and I guess we'll see who is a good swimmer or not, because it's sink or swim time.
  4. The only time I wear stockings is with a dress or skirt or shorts.. The ones I really like are mesh from SERAPH. Unfortunately they only make them for Maitreya, so I'm out of luck if I wear another body.. But They really are nice and wish I could find more like them for other bodies.. Not that I've looked that hard lately.
  5. ETA: Removed my old part of the post, because no tea yet.. Updated ETA: Found the ponytail which is sold separate from the hair in the image.. It's in their store on the far end from when you land.. it's an animesh ponytail also.. As far as the hair base.. I didn't see that in their store, so not sure about that part.. Found one Hairbase at Angel Eyes that you might be able to work with by tinting it..
  6. If I am reading this correctly then that means that threads such as "Totally Official, Approved, Cat Thread", "5 letters game", "Make Us Laugh!" etc are now not allowed and according to the rules should/are liable for locking? If this isn't the case then why have such a line in the not allowed section specifically stating that all threads must now be solely related directly to Second Life/Linden Lab and not randomness/fun if such threads are allowed but others not? ETA: Sorry, I quoted the wrong post, I meant to quote the first one and can't for the life of me figure out how to fix it. ETA: Ok I think I have it sort of quoting the right one now.. Aaaaaanyways, It has it listed in the Forum Participation Guidelines. Here is the link for those Drayke. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Forum_Participation_Guidelines Here is the piece that was updated.. It has a notation under that rule, I'll go ahead and bold it.. No Discussions Not Directly Related to Second Life: Please keep all threads relevant and directly related to Second Life and Linden Lab. Anything unrelated to Second Life is subject to moderation. This includes, but is not limited to, politics, social issues, current events, and Non-SL discussion posts (Examples such as tell me a joke, make me laugh, etc). If the thread could exist on a non-Second Life Forum, that is probably a good sign it doesn’t belong here. Note: Posts made before 7/29/2022 will be left open unless policy violations cause them to be closed.
  7. I'm not talking about nudes. I'm talking about the level that some may take adult content to, now that we have a bit more freedom there to express ourselves.. I mean some don't even bother to read the rules..Look at profiles for instance..Those are supposed to be G , but look at how many have RL images or graphic acts with their avatars in those.. I think it's a great thing we can post nudity now and just hope people don't abuse it with thinking things like a close up shots in an orgy is going to fly too well.
  8. Ya,if it gets too busy in there, they may change the rule again.. I'm hoping something like advertisements, don't go overboard in there to where it becomes too much work for mods.. We have an inch, hope people don't try taking a mile, pretty much.
  9. If someone is trying to get you to trigger or going at you personally to where you feel you are being attacked, no matter how small of an attack, they don't want us taking matters into our hands and throw back, they want us to report the incident. If they are slapping you into a group with their words and labeling you as something, treat it as an attack.. because it's trying to get you to drift off topic.
  10. Ya, I let it happen to me the other day. I didn't get a warning, but was advised as how to handle things better when someone tries doing that.. I misunderstood it as a warning, but after reading again seen I misunderstood the message.. That's kind of left me feeling even more the fool today.. hehehe
  11. Ya don't get suckered in, which is really easy to happen.. It might take a little ego eating, but moving passed it and just letting it go, it gets easier to do over time. There really is nothing to win or gain by engaging someone trying to draw you in.. if anything they end up winning in the end when a mod steps in.
  12. Just saying what was mentioned and that others were having the same problem after.. Be it scripts or a setting or whatever, they might have a common problem with each other.
  13. I was looking to update the other day and was reading the comment section on Firestorms latest update. I don't know if it's common with each patch, but there were a few people in the comments section complaining about having terrible script lag after the update..
  14. I didn't think i would ever get my inventory cleaned, but finally did.. If I can do that, then yea, they may have a shot at it.
  15. Ya, you can't do anything there anyways but look around.. That's probably still the same cookie from back then, that just made it so we didn't have to load everything up each time and have to type user and password each time.. You can only type a search which takes you back out to a search engine like Ducky or Google.. I never had a problem there before really..
  16. I don't think I've ever gotten anything like that when looking through them.
  17. Not sure where you are, but if you are in the states. I think most have to at the very least give a 24 hour notice by law in most places.. We looked into renting one of our houses out, but decided against it.. but I remember that being one thing I remember when looking into things.. But that will change from area to area I guess.
  18. I'm gonna hit this again because this is something that really bothers me and that I totally agree with too.. I mean even SL university is outside of SL when really we should have those videos embedded here and even stickied into their forum sections they pertain to as well, rather than sending a new users to other sites. Soon as they do a search inside the SLUniversity Channel, they are outside of the university and other videos become part of the search.. So now they are in youtube rather than SL.. Oh look Dolphins kissing a dog!!!
  19. What I meant by in world and out is, conversation more SL related than RL related, Not actual inworld conversations..
  20. One big thing I forgot to mention also that we had then but don't now.. We had Torley! \o/ How many outfits do you have with the watermelon texture in there? I used to think, why are there so many things with watermelon textures on them.. Then put the two together.. Torely!!
  21. Wow I really love what you did here.. You could frame that and put it in your RL home right on the living room wall. I really love that style..
  22. Honestly it's was just a different time and different world in a lot of ways.. Anyone could become a creator just from the information from the different sections and information there and the inworld tools. I think they separated the community in a huge way when that went away. A lot of people made some of their stuff back then and it gave things to talk about.. I think there was just more communication between us and LL back then in far more areas than there is now. I think that gave us more localized things to talk about. Just look at how much you can't see or can't comment on now compared to then. They even had a spot that you could see reprimands.. I don't believe you could see who was in trouble, but you could see why and when..Almost like reading the local paper and what happened over the weekend in town. So much more conversations had to do with in world than out of it. Maybe it being Resident Answers instead of GD had a lot to do with a lot of things, why it was kept more about SL that RL.. I know just from being in there and seeing everyone being so helpful and just rattling off answers and being so helpful.. That inspired me to try and be like that.. I used to be pretty helpful but over time and breaks I lost a lot of that.. I know I felt like I wanted to be right in there with them when I was in there. That just kind of got lost with each version I guess. Honestly, I think it's a kind of irony that over time, things that they took out that kept people talking about in world, over time has evolved to more out of world conversations entering in.. So now they had to make a rule to force more of the inworld conversations, because those are not as much part of the nature of the beast anymore. That's kind of a rough summary of just a little bit of my opinion on it.. I doubt it's that simple really but my tea is still brewing so, might even be a mile off like usual.. I don't think too clear before tea enters the bloodstream.
  23. There is still so much GOOD content for the belleza bodies that I won't throw mine away.. I don't use it at the moment, but so much has been made already that is even better than many newer things. Plus some I believe still make things for them.. I think you might find more for Freya, but it's been a little bit since I've shopped for it.. New things really don't add up to better.. I've got things from years ago from blueberry that look so much better than many things coming out today.. I think if you are wanting to shop like, whats trending, you will run into that problem.. But just shop by the name of the body and see what comes up.. Shopping by what's trending will dig into your purse pretty deep..
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