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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I heard they are doing away with it.. I remember hearing something about it a little while back.. Myself, this is the first summer I've had off since I was little.. My whole body clock is out of whack.. I used to be able to tell what time it was without looking.. Now, nigh time sneaks up on me out of nowhere.. I'm starting to feel what people were feeling when the shutdown was going on and I had to work.. I probably won't even notice the time change for the first time since who knows when.. Still, I hope they get rid of it.. It's like so outdated nowadays.
  2. Ya, I'm definitely going to toy around with it more.. It has things I like about it, I'm hoping the more I toy with it the more I find. I haven't even dove into the hud too much or even opened up the deformers yet.. Plus I'm curious if there are certain things of Maitreya's that will fit ,as far as clothes.. Probably not in the tops because of the breasts.. But accessories and pants and things I think it's gonna be close on some brands.. Some pants were just right there on the cusp of fitting.. hehehe Still, I will probably wait on getting it, mainly to see how many creators pick it up, plus hold out for a few updates as well.. That is unless I really start enjoying what I'm finding from the demo's, then I'm not gonna be able to resist.. hehehehe
  3. The hands for Prima and maitreya are really close.. Put it this way.. My Maitreya ring sets fit on the Prima demo.. My Maitreya 3rd party nails just missed fitting .. Parts of them sat just under the nail ..The hands look nice on the Prima.. From what I can tell the big difference between the two is in the shoulders.. The shoulders were brought in a little more than the Maitreya's which seems to have helped with the noodle effect in the underarms, so your shoulder blades don't look like they are being pushed towards each other.. I used my shape and almost the whole prima body from fits inside my maitreya body.. other than the breasts.. it's probably a big reason why the breasts look so big on the Prima body.. I was checking out my Maitreya boots with it and Tehy are close to fitting the thigh high's But just miss making it.. Ankle boots and looser fitting boots I think they will fit.. Clothes seem to be close enough that they have to do a little alpha cutting or layers, but not anythign where it will look too out of shape.. I think if they price it higher than Maitreya, it's gonna have a hard time competing with it.. I really don't think they are going to pull people from their Maitreyas, unless they can find a way to wear their Maitreya things that isn't putting too much of a hassle on them.. I haven't messed with the hud or the deformers too much so they might be able to do something with those and things work out.. but out of the box, the breast have more of a plastic surgery feel to them where the Maitreya's are more shapely and natural looking especially from the side.. Like i said, I haven't toyed with the huds or anything yet.. this is more just an out of the box comparing.. I wore both bodies at the same time and would take one off to see and put it back on,, then did the same with the other.. You can see more of a difference when you take the Maitreya off and put it back on over the Prima, than you can taking the Prima off and putting it back on.. Prima fits right inside a Maitreya and only pops out in a few place.. hehehe It's gonna depend on the price of the elite body as to if I'll be getting it or not.. If it's much more than the maitreya then probably not, but if it's lower or close I probably will.. I'm not spending 5k for it if that's what it comes out of the gate at.. I'm done spending 5k this body or 5k for this head.. To me that's trend setter money not play along money..hehehehe
  4. I'm all over it right now seeing what it's like.. I heard demo and dropped everything! hehehe
  5. Sometimes you have to go into edit twice.. I don't know if it happens to others but always the first time mine will vanish when I'm editing.. But closing the edit window and then clicking edit again , it's fine after that..
  6. I really couldn't agree more.. They really should stick to what they know best and stop trying to act like they know best about what they don't know much about.. it usually shortens their careers.. The ones shrouded in mystery are the ones I tolerate most.. hehehehe
  7. Thank you.. It took me a moment to realize it wasn't the same place, but also didn't want to totally forget the name of the other place so I don't end up in there by some strange chance.. I looked there one time and couldn't figure it out too well anyways.. still, it's a place i don't want to figure out from what I gather.
  8. What's the name of that one that has the super drama that people were talking about like a month or so ago? It was virtual something, but can't remember.. I almost mistook that one for the updated SLU.. I'm so out of the loop on these things anymore.. hehehe
  9. It's been a bit of a busy day.. I decided to tidy up my friends list a little.. Welp, Time for a shower! hehehe
  10. That reminds me of artbreeder.. it does the same thing where we can combine rl and sl images together and get a bunch of results.
  11. That's probably what will end up happening , but I'm just gonna do it tomorrow.. I'm not used to the after effect of drinking.. I don't know how others do it and keep doing it.. hehehehe
  12. I had a couple of glasses of wine last night and ended up adding like 5 people to my friends list..lol I woke up today with my head hurting and then remembered.. omg How many people did I add last night? Should i log in , should i just take a day off? I looked over the chat and was like, omg I'm never drinking again!!\o/ So My autorespond it staying on today and I'm gonna deal with it tomorrow.. I'm too weak today.. hehehe
  13. I just updated my AutoRespond today.. If that doesn't say enough for someone, then they are just being impatient and will start to become a little invasive with each IM.. Time is our most valuable thing we have.. I don't think it's bad of us to take it personal when someone start overstepping and avoiding things we've set up so we can enjoy our time here.. I really take it personal when they start acting like my time is their time and for some reason feel they need an explanation for where i was.. My husband is the only one with the right to get huffy over that. I get really edgy when someone thinks they are anywhere near his shoes. This is my updated version.. It's plain and simple and to the point.. hehehehe The Resident you messaged has activated Firestorm viewer's 'AUTORESPOND mode. They are busy doing something in either SL or RL and will get back with you as soon as they are avalible. Thank you and have a great day / night.
  14. Ya regular chat is not a problem and that shows up on the bottom left.. I was just hoping I could stop what people type in an IM that shows in the upper right corner.. It even has a little x to close it ,where regular chat doesn't..
  15. That's what i need to do.. Does it stop the chat showing up in the upper right corner also? I keep my chat minimized to not see chat and if someone IM's it gets broadcasted on my screen.. it might not sound like a big deal to some, but when your husband or one of your three kids are standing there that know how to read and someone say's something that isn't that good.. Ya, it's not good.. hehehe
  16. With the names removed and not being there to know what was said at the time it was said. You aren't sure it was said or embellished in some way, to make the situation sound worse or more humorous.. It could have all been made up to fit the theme they were going for in their profile.. Really the only one or ones, that could report them are those that were there and knew what was going on to know better..
  17. When we lived in the suburbs just before we moved down to Tennessee.. There was a guy that would stand on the corner of our block dressed as Micheal Myers. He wouldn't chase you.. But if he seen you looking at him , he would start to walk towards you.. It was like he would be looking around and then just stop on you for a second and then just start walking towards you.. Omg he was so scary. Even if you ran he would always keep walking until you looked back and then turned to keep running.. It was like he picked you out of the crowd and was going to walk the ends of the earth to get just you.. It was like in the movies.. I think he scared me worse than anyone ever has that was fake scaring me.. I'm small anyways but I was really small then lol ETA: Don't be sad face smilying hehehehe It was for Halloween and it was fun having him out there.. They did such a great job on their house too.. It gained a reputation where you would be cautious because you didn't know what they were doing this year to scare you.. It was great and something to remember.. We lived across the street from them and knew them.. we would sit and watch the other trick or treaters going up and being real cautious.. Even their parents were excited and cautious.. It was the house you looked forward to most but took your time going there too.. hehehehe
  18. Just use auto respond and put something in there like, " I can't come to the IM right now because I'm busy with something in SL or RL, so if you would be so kind as to GET OFF MY LAWN!!, I'll get back with you as soon as I can, thank you and you have a really nice day. :)"
  19. I just seen in the image that is had Legacy in there.. I didn't really dive in too much.. Have you tried asking in the group yet? If there is one, someone should know in there..
  20. I've been watching another channel that I really enjoy a lot.. It's really relaxing and informative..
  21. Is the one for kupra a deformer or an addon? I know Kalhene has an addon for that as well.. I can't say i know of any deformers for the waist to bring it in.. maybe someone else does.. I thought those had a lot to do with bones in the avatar.. There is only a middle bone there, but heck I don't know how to make deformers , so I'm probably way off in my guess.. hehehe ETA.I guess I should have looked on the MP first, because wow is there a lot of waist deformers.. Too much wine too early for me .. hehehe I would say Try BOTCHED.. They have all kinds of deformers plus huds to work them .. I use their breast hud and don't even need to wear deformers with that..
  22. Try this.. Go to the MP and do a search for Lucybody and see if 1500 items come up in total on the side categories on the Left side, that are made for it.. Then do a search for Maitreya and see the wide range of things made for it.. A good big difference is, The Lucybody can use some of Maitreya things but not all.. Lucybody is a good body, I have it.. I think if you are happy with it, that's all that matters.. you will still find more than enough stuff that works.. It's a good body for new users as well..it gives them a nice range of things to find for it.. Just have to make sure things work for the lucybody before buying anything, because much isn't made for it, so have to really demo or no buy.. ETA: Really a good rule anyways with any body is, No DEMO or No BUY
  23. This why we can't have nice and fun things.. Cheaters end up causing too much protection put up, because they can't just go and have fun with it, but rather see it as some sort of opportunity to get more stuff, rather than enjoy the time getting it. I want all these things now so it doesn't cut too much into my time of getting more other stuff..
  24. I came on a couple of hours ago, and came on as a cloud and had to relog to get things to load.. It usually happens on Tuesdays for me when it's restart day.. I had to relog a couple of times because of things moving a bit slow, like going to edit a hud to move it and the edit option taking like 30 seconds to show up or something showing as worn but in the inventory not showing it as worn.. A relog fixed those as well.. I had updated firestorm the day before the latest update, so I am on the prior version.. I'm probably just going to wait until the next update since I've heard many in groups and other places complaining about it.. I'm just glad I squeaked in the day before the most recent version.. hehehe
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