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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Zuck looks like his FaceMetaBook really hard one time and it just stayed flat like that.
  2. There might be I don't know.. With phones nowadays anything is possible. hehehehe I know just about everyone that works at the Walmart, I'll ask someone if they're playing music and dancing.. hehehehe
  3. This is probably buried somewhere in their repertoire arr arr Couldn't post the actual video because youtube put an age restriction on it because I think he shows butt cheecks or something.. silly youtube, regular tv shows butt cheeks.
  4. That was a studio 54 reference about the wild pictures that people see on the internet at Walmart.. I don't know if it's on certain nights or not and probably doesn't go on in every Walmart. But I've been told more times than i can count by men and women to never go into Walmart in our town after 9pm, because the other meat market opens.. They say it's like a free for all in there and everyone's up for grabs.. hehehe Men hitting on women, women hitting on men, men hitting on men, women hitting on women, like it was a night club or something. I think a lot of it has to do with being the only place in town that is open 24 hours a day.
  5. I'd still go to Blueberry anyways.. It's like 20L to join their group and they have some really nice stuff on their group gift wall.. Plus, Their mega packs are really decent priced.. they have 60L items around there as well.. All just really well textured.. I just pulled out an older outfit and was like.. OMG this is so well made! \o/ They just have a good sense for style and the ability to back it up with great texturing work.. Can't say it enough. I'm in maitreya here and this outfit is years old..
  6. The murder wasps or whatever they are called are the ones need to really be put down.. They wear out bee population.. Wasps probably are some sort of population control.. We would probably be over run with bee's if they weren't around, I'm guessing.. But those really Big Murder Wasps can kill you pretty easy from what I hear and just wreak havoc on bees way too hard.
  7. My husband had to stay away from a job site one time for a few days. A guardian Red Wasp stung him one time.. Every time he would go back, as soon as he start to walk away from the truck he would start getting stung.. That guardian Red Wasp tagged him with their pheromone, so he had to wait for it to wear off before he could go back because he was targeted by the nest..
  8. I don't even like to say their name the whole way.. I got really bad phobia looking up on them to see how to get rid of them years ago.. I start to read you post but had to stop.. I will trigger cluse phobia again.. I mean I had it really bad especially when I was pregnant with my first baby.. There is nesting and there there is what I was doing which was, never feeling things were clean enough.. I would constantly reclean cabinets up top and below.. Wash walls all the time and vacuuming every inch of the house and every noock and cranny at 2am. shake beds down every day and always washing sheets and pillow cases.. Always pounding the hell out of shoes and boots before putting them on.. I remember tearing apart a desk on time because one ran under it and could not find it.. My husband was pissed about that for sure.. it took me a good bit to get it apart.. but when he came home it was out front tore apart in the yard.. It was too big anyways.. hehehe I have every speck memorized throughout the whole house.. If something is new Ican spot it out across the room and nothing else matters in the world.. I get one of my shoes and go see what it is.. I know exactly what they are capable of.. I have to stop talking about this.. Didn't we just talk about this like last month too? hehehehe omg I'm getting the Jeebeez!! Ya, I know them way too well hehehehe
  9. Do dudebros like to bob hard to the music, like Angus on the guitar? If so maybe some of these, since they might want to save something for the club.. hehehe I just love good mashups.
  10. I haven't shopped there much lately but you could try Blueberry.. I think they did Belleza things.. and they are really well designed things there and from the last time i was there the prices really didn't look bad at all compared to a lot of things asking a fortune today..
  11. Old mesh life was such a hard life and struggle, but we overcame to be the survivors and strong spirited people we are today.. hehehe
  12. Honestly I don't know, I'll stab in the dark and take a shot at it.. hehehe Maybe any of the Brass Against covers.. They're just great..
  13. I'm getting dizzy trying to make heads or tails of what is what. You are a guy looking for a guy partner? You are a guy looking for a guy to be with you and your partner? You just looking for a guy for a wing man?
  14. May flies get really bad like that also.. It's like a really bad blizzard when they show up.. Then it's all over but the clean up.. hehehe
  15. I guess those aren't even spiders.. They don't have fangs and only two eyes.. But yea, when they get on you and you don't know it until they touch skin.. that can make me jump out of my skin for sure.. hehehe Most spiders I just let live because they kill the bad ones too.. But the cluses and widows feel the wrath of my special flat bottom sneakers i have set up around the house where most sightings happen.. Then bleach the area with extreme prejudice.. Hate the deadly and bodily harm ones sooo bad.
  16. From what I can figure.. The top one is what's trending for summer and the one you'd think was for summer is for Fall.. This winter, the new Teen Shorts and Flannel scarves are supposed to be really different.. I wonder what sneakers they'll set them up with. It must be nice to be younger and able to wear anything you want any time of the year.. hehehe
  17. We might buy something online and have it shipped 2 or 3 times a year. Usually something we can't find in town or a town close by..If it's something we need right away we'll make a drive for it.. If its not in driving range and it's not something we need right away, we'll get it online.. Usually we've researched the best place to get those things and just get them there.. I can understand elder people needing so many everyday things delivered to them.. I just don't understand the need by younger people.. I'm just not in a hurry to have more of my senses dulled or numbed up just yet and feel I'm making progress.. I can't see how less moving around is gonna make humans live longer. Just to shed some light on the wal mart scary people thing.. I don't know how it is anywhere else, But in our town, you just want to make sure you are out of walmart well before 9:00PM.. It goes from walmart to walmart 54 after 9pm I'm told.. So I don't think it's like that in Walmarts 24/7 I don't shop there myself, but have heard the warning cries!! From 7AM to 8:30pm you should be fine.. hehehehe
  18. Media is on by default in the SL viewer and pretty sure it's off by default in the firestorm viewer.. You need media on for the hud to work.. I'm not sure if the media filter does anything to disrupt it , but may want to have it off if you're using your hud to see if that helps.. If it's not bothering the hud I would keep media filt back on.
  19. That's a really good community.. I've lived with that community for like 99% of my second life..
  20. You can walk through my tree house if you like.. Here let me try and reach that handle and get the door for you.. hehehe This is why I have so much more room for activities.. That's me way over there. I really should make a Keebler elf avatar hehehe
  21. Some of the small ranch stick homes, I guess they are called post war homes too.. The rooms in them are small like that but with an 8' ceiling. We bought one in town that is made of brick when we seen prices going up a few years ago. it's small in there.. Any time i think to myself about it being small, I think back to the camper we had to live in, for what felt like a year while our house was getting built.. That thing was small, especially for four people.. lol
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