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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. You really have a great sense of color and lighting as well as texture matching.. Everything just goes so well together in this image.. It's very relaxing feel. Plus I just love the hair too!
  2. It looks like you are getting those shadow shots down, that you were talking about getting down the other day.
  3. Now they need a strong man version.. One of those guys that pulls trains around with his teeth and throws refrigerators to see if he can throw it farther than the other strong guys.. hehehehe
  4. Just to answer this anyways in case you ever do need it.. In the Upper menu go to communication then click that and go down to gestures and click that.
  5. See if you have an active gesture tied to the alt button..
  6. Ok I found it.. It's called Weather System Deluxe, the owner of the store is Damanios Thetan.. I got it back in like 2012, so you may want to look at others on there to see if there is maybe newer and improved ones or something..It's still on the MP though. It is a lot of fun to toy around with.. I found it and wondered how well it still worked and it worked really well.. Then seen that Black hole sun EEP and put them together .. I was like OMG There needs to be an Arch Angel in there somewhere!! LOL
  7. I can't remember the name off hand, but I'll get it for you when I go in world a little later.. I'm heading to take a nap right now.. hehehe
  8. Ya, I haven't seen any one them yet, so they must be getting them really fast. hehehe
  9. I was toying around a little bit with a couple of things today.. First thing was, I was looking through my inventory and trying to get all the things for pictures in one directory and sub directories and found this weather system which I bought years ago and forgot about.. Here is how chaotic it can make things look.. It's really wild hehehehe All the smoke and fire and chaos is from my weather system.. hehehehe Then decided to try out a new EEP that I bought which is really freaking wild.. Probably one of the wildest ones in my sets so far.. I just thought , wow all the possibilities for this.. So I took a few shots with it in the background. The name of it is :Frio's: Black Hole Sun if anyone is interested in it.. I bought it from the MP. Then I was like. I bet it would be really wild to combine them.. then just turned on my weather system to rain down fire and had a tornado in there somewhere to kick up some dust, but it was pretty shy and stayed off to the side for some reason.. it moves pretty slow for a tornado.. hehehe This is what came from the EEP and the weather system. After that I was ready to relax and just bask in the Black Hole Sun. It takes a lot out of a person raining down Hell Fire all morning. hehehe
  10. But you're taller so you has tah be the bigger person.. hehehehe ETA: Oh before i forget, Happy belated rez day ❤️
  11. Really a lot of the child avatars that I have met, Which I'm not gonna say is a whole lot because it might be a couple hands full if anything.. But it's usually through IM's first. Not knowing what they are until I look at their profile or see them.. I couldn't tell from the IM.. Some I've seen do that speak in general chat, but heck if I can remember if I was in an RP sim at the time or not.. hehehe I just remembered, I turned 16 yesterday.. It's mah sweet sixteen!! \o/ That's probably why I can't remember too guud N stuffs..
  12. Honestly, I have a hard time being in anyone's RP.. If I'm in a sim where it's expected, then yea, but if I'm at the beach and really just there to relax.. Them hard legs tend to throw RP at me now and again.. Sometimes if i'm really not in the mood I'll react, other times I won't answer Hard leg: *Slowly tugs on the string to your top* Ceka: Slowly pulls out her 9mm from her beach bag. You better move them digits slick before you lose them.
  13. I don't remember the virtue signaling things, but I think because I was so focused on trying to make sure I understood the standards to be able to hold ground.. We had child avatar friends in RA that were really good people.. Seeing them get slammed like that by gangs of people.. There was people goig out of their way from the other forums to come over and gang up on them.. In RA a lot of people shared content of their SL all the time and I really enjoyed their content.. I would even get immersed in their world seeing the images they were posting up and the things they would say about the images.. I took it as these people are picking on my friends and going out of their way to do it.. Some might have been doing that signaling thing, but I think there were some that were backing up their friends too.. The last time I studied anything that hard was when I was in school.. LOL
  14. Omg, remember how much the RA forums and inworld were crossed over in almost real time? I was juggling three forums at a time back then LOL Xstreet was like getting my butt handed to me every day.. Major AR groups like there was a bounty on them or something.. A lot of people rated their lands as adult just to be on the safe side.. Names were getting slammed and shamed left and right.. Nobody was moderating the forums back then.. It was really chaotic. If there ever was a time to show the definition of ignorance and hate in SL, it was then.. You had many acting out of fear of the rules, but then you had the ones that seemed like they jumped on the wagon because it was an opportunity to be major asshats and not hold back anything .. LL saying , it's not about the teen grid and the teen grid is not going to be shut down.. Then like a year later maybe even less the teen grid goes down and things went down that road and people really got scared.. Now there are for sure kids on the grid, time to really freakazoid out.. If the word pedo was a bullet, you would have thought machine guns were firing off. There was a few really bad stretches.. We're in a much better place today I think.
  15. It was that there was a confusing set of rules that caused the discussion.. Remember the other day when you guys were confused about the forum rule changes? Intensify that by 11ty. Then focus that energy on child avatars and there you have it.
  16. Let me put it this way, You would know if it was as bad as those days.. it was going on in all the forums, SL forums Xstreet forums, SLU plus all over in world people had something to say about it on a daily basis.. So many people trying to interpret the new standards but getting is so wrong. I never heard the term Pedo being thrown around so much at people that were good decent people.. I wasn't on the popular side of that fight even though I didn't use a child avatar. I remember studying those new standards and reading brown bag meeting transcripts and listening to the meetings like i was a lawyer getting ready for a big trial..lol Ya, it's nowhere close to those days now.. hehehehe
  17. We are fortunate that this is not one of those worlds.. Sure there are a lot of places that don't allow them, but we have a lot that are still confused over the maturity ratings.. Many have more fear of breaking the rules than it is dislike of child avatars.. I remember seeing the fear many had back when the maturity ratings came out.. That was a time when, if you were using a child avatar, you would have thought you had the plague.. A lot just went by how tall you were as an indicator and many still do.. that's why every once in awhile you'll see those measuring sticks at the landing point or an auto kick because of height. It's nowhere near as bad as those days ..
  18. I guess we are fortunate that in this world we have the option to change what we are to adapt where ever we go.. We're not stuck in a body we ended up in.. If an avatar changes who you are, then might as well hang in a more limiting one dimensional world where we are not as fortunate.. The great thing about SL is it gives people a chance to do that, that don't have that option in the real world. it's about imagination, not limits.
  19. I can't remember really running into it that much in SL.. Nowhere near as much as I would in RL that's for sure.. I think a big reason for that is because, before I go anywhere in a place I've never been before, I make it a point to read the rules of the land.
  20. What ever you do, don't ever get this one stuck in your head.. 🐓🐔🐓🐔🐣
  21. What I really love is those huds that some use where you can choose what to unpack.. I think that was really considerate of them to use those.. I think the easier it is to unpack something, even though it might sound trivial, the more enjoyable the experience.. There is no fun in unpacking 3 boxes to finally get to the product, then realize you have 5 more other things you bought from them.. hehehehe I really love when there is an image in there.. It saves so mucn time just opening a folder and clicking the image to see what's there.. Lets face it, a lot of us have things that are years old that we've forgotten what was in there.. hehehe I also love when you can tell a creator has taken their time to do the texturing, rather than get a mesh and let world lighting do the rest with only adding colors.. I love when they don't have demo covering every bit of their demos, so that you can see the product. And really love when they don't use one try only and timers.. Soon as I see a timer pop up I just take everything off and throw anything out that I was gonna try on after that.. Times up for both of us! hehehe I really appreciate the creators that put thought into their customers experience.. I think that and quality are my top two, with customer service also being part of the experience.. With any creator so far that I've had to send a note card or IM with, So far my experiences and the service from them has been really top bar.. I can't say enough good things about the good creators in our community.❤️
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