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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I really only ever had one thing happen that I haven't been able to explain.. This doesn't have to do with ghosts or spirits or supernatural things or Lucy brain powers where someone can read my mind or me theirs.. This was something that happened to me and another person in broad daylight right on our front porch on a cloudless day about mid summer.. We were standing on the front porch, I can't remember how old i was, maybe 12 or so.. all was calm and then out of nowhere this thign came out of the sky and struck right at our feet.. It looks like a cartoon version of a lightning bolt.. It was white, flat and jagged on the edges and went from thin to wider.. Thin at our feet wider at the sky.. It was loud as hell and scared the crap out of us to the point that we both ran in the house and freaked out the adults inside.. it was wide like you could have walked up it, and it didn't blind us and we had time enough to see it to have what it looked like burnt into both our brains. Also, it didn't leave a mark in the ground.. That's about the onyl thing I haven't been able to think of what it could be out of just about everything else I've come across in my life time that happened to me. If i can remember it later, I'll get in photoshop and draw it out..
  2. I just pictured trying to explain that to my grandmother.. She is so untouched by today that when I use today's terms, it will sometimes have me in tears laughing trying to explain things of today to her.. The more she say's things like, well I don't see what's so damn funny. The more harder it is to keep trying to explain and not laugh.. Then my grandfather will sum it up in like one line and she will get what I was trying to say.. But only then will she crack a smile and get why I was laughing. tell me I'm so goofy and then big hugs and I love you's.. sometimes I wonder if she does understand and just likes making me laugh to that point of tears..
  3. I can hear my grandmother now.. I don't care what is it, use a coaster and don't spill on my rug.
  4. Yea, it looks like it's still under construction and doesn't have signs up yet.. It's probably why they have someone there directing traffic.
  5. I first read that as mouse and thought of the mouse and the lion and the thorn.. hehehehe
  6. Scylla Rhiadra is offline, but will see your message when they come back online: Ceka Cianci: Sorry I didn't see this before, I was away from the keyboard..
  7. If I was expecting the answer PI and they handed me cheescake or even better yet, a cheese cake shake from sonic.. Hell with the rest of the answers.. Anything is possible now.
  8. *Screams through the grate in the floor* Get out while you still can!! \o/ If you do,Don't eat the breakfast! OMG,So many of us down here ate the breakfast!! It's the worst meal of the day now....... *Her fingers slowly sliding from the grate* Damn the omelets, damn those delicious mouth watering omelets, to hell!! \o/
  9. Ya, I'm not looking for either one myself.. I'm happily married with kids. I might get a little flirty at times, but that's usually having laughs with someone at the same time and not going anywhere further.. The last thing I want is another relationships and have to juggle..One is enough for me. hehehe If I were looking for a quickly, I can get that without logging in. hehehe If I were looking for romance, they better get more original than what's on the card they are handing out at help island.. hehehe ETA: I think I just appreciate the cutting through the bull crap and saving time, more than anything..
  10. lol that was just a random number not really that I get that many at a time..
  11. I'm gonna take a stab at it and say, the new forum changes probably helped in triggering you dream. That's my guess if you haven't had one in a while or ever about the forums. My dreams don't mess with me anymore like they used to when I was younger.. I started to realize I was in a dream which change things like a nightmare into what ever was chasing me or scaring me, into standing up and taking control.. Slow motion running away and not getting anywhere into, turning around and not running away. I remember the first time I could tell I was in a dream.. one second I was on the road, the next I was running from someone on the road but really slow and didn't know how far back they were and ran even harder and harder..Then somehow we were instantly in the barn and the next moment instantly in one of the stalls. I think what triggered me realizing it was a dream was all the in between moments missing, then realizing this is a dream.. It was kind of like a, wait a minute moment.. I'm dreaming.. I turned around and I still didn't see his face, but seen this big man in a long rider.. Then just pushed at him and he flew through the stall wall. then i woke up..But the difference was I always woke up running away once i got in the stall.. This time I turned around and pushed him.. I woke up and was like, omg I told myself to do that in my dream! Rather than waking up freaking out and it messing with my head all day, I felt really really good and couldn't wait to dream again.. Falling dreams turn into stopping or flying or floating, but I don't really have those kind of dreams or any nightmares anymore. A lot of times when I knew I was in a dream I would wake up, but more and more could realize it sooner and sooner where I didn't.. There is like this really thin line of knowing and not knowing you are in a dream.. I'm at the point that if something is out of place in my house, I know it's a dream or anything really wild it's like, oh I'm dreaming.. Sometimes I'll even be like, trying not to interrupt them with me knowing.. Like I'll start to know and then tell myself to back off. Sometimes it's too late and I just wake up. I think what happened was, I just got so tired of having nightmares and such similar ones and so tired of running in terror, that I just recognized they were dreams. It's such a fine thin line of knowing and not knowing. like plastic wrap thin is about the best way i can say it feels like..
  12. I'm trying to think who doesn't have something like that in their groups and profile on my list.. hehehehe
  13. Honestly, After so many IM's of Hi, HRU, whrU frm, how old RU, Wanna dance,bla bla bla bla bla bla ,wanna go to my place.. And all the time spent getting to No thank you. I can really appreciate those IM's where there is no beating around the bush and they come right out at the intro, like they just landed a dismount off the horse, saying what's on their mind.. Some Guy: Hey babe, why don't you make some room on that beach towel and let me tap that bla bla, you look lonely over there by yourself. Ceka: Maybe some other time Fabio, I'm sorting inventory right now. But thank you for the offer anyways. Who doesn't get a little flattered? let alone all the time and eye rolling that was saved . I'll take 10 in a row of the second, over 10 in a row of the first.
  14. There is irritation and then there is fear.. It's probably a really good idea to learn how to tell those two apart..
  15. I just watched the new Elvis movie. All I have to say is, I still can't come up with the words to describe how good it was.. I can't think of a moment from the very second it started all the way until the end of the credits, which is the first time I can say, that there was never a dull moment. I actually sat there glued to the credits because the music was so good and they still had stuff going on through them.. hehehehe I seen movies of people playing Elvis before, But it looked like people trying to play Elvis, compared to Austin Butler that gave a performance as if He was born to play Elvis. He sang all the songs himself.. All his moves were so natural to the point that you would think he went to Elvis school the moment he learned how to walk.. The movie is based on a view more from his managers perspective, So it is much different from the others I've seen.. I love the way it's modernized and how they used the songs as more than just songs.. without giving a backstory to the making of a song, they kind of throw it at you when it comes and it helps put much more depth into them for me.. I'm gonna stop because I'll be here all day.. I just need to call someone and tell them, because I'll eat a page up right now typing it out.. I just can't describe it yet and that's why I'm shooting from the hip on things.. It Just felt very natural and not faked up, if that makes any sense.. It was JUST that GOOD! 10 out of 10 stars! Best movie I have seen in a really long time.. Well done!
  16. Oh, those signs!! For some reason I thought they were actually on the ground at places like landing points and had some use for them.. These are the signs we see on our own map.. Ok.. I was up late last night taking pictures and am really just not with it today ,at all..
  17. Things seem fine for me.. I just fired up MP to see and it popped right up.. I'm in world and not noticing anything out of wack more than usual..
  18. I don't know if I've ever seen a world map sign before.. but then again I have never looked for one.. Are they that common that they've blent in so well that I'm just not noticing them?
  19. If I'm pointing across the room it's usually my trigger finger.. If a finger is aimed up, I'm usually pointing with the back of my hand and finger.
  20. The first thing before anything is, I go right for the profile tab and read the profile, like it's second nature.. It's a good chance that if I'm at a beach and been there for awhile, I've already read them all.. Because one of the first things I do is click the peoples tab and start going down the list, because I love reading profiles and who's in the sim with me.. Honestly, If the About Me section is filled with things like, How everyone else can be a better person and some sort of way everyone else can achieve that and not a word about themselves.. I just close it and go back to listening to music. I won't even make it to the pic section.. Just about anyone else I'll answer for the most part.. I love a good random IM if I'm not in the middle of something. I don't care how new or old they are to SL or if they have a blank or full profile.. I have my red flags to avoid the dramas, like anyone else.. As far as camming others.. About the only time would probably be at a beach when I have tons of time to be doing that. But most of the time It's aimed at the water while I'm sorting inventory or something..
  21. I flattened my land and was gonna do a new terraform, and I think I angered the land.. Out of nowhere I'm in the middle of a blizzard now.. Don't you just hate when that happens? I'm gettin some super cereal ccumilations! \o/ It's neat how it climbs and builds up on the mountains back there.. I may keep it like this.. I love cloudy and snowy.
  22. Well, It really doesn't matter how we got here, you can bet it was a team effort.. I know I gave my fair share over the years that probably lead to more than one change or another and sure over time I helped in the shake and bake with this one.. I'm pretty confident that when they shut the forums down for 10 days, that I was a big contributor in that team of players that had them hitting the eject button.. There were no forums at all for that whole time.. Bad times happen, we adjust and go for a good bit, then after awhile bad times come again.. No sense pondering on then and who to blame, if we're in here then we're all in it together.. I mean did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour? No and we won't give up now.. Lets light this keg! Whos with me!! *runs out of the room in a war chant* ......... Sorry, I got all excited there for a minute........ I'm goin in world.. see ya all later..
  23. ETA: I am kidding too.. I look forward to seeing peoples images
  24. I seent whachew try to did there.. Le'meee juss say's When Silent goes silent, Silent chooses the moment to break the silence.. Silly wabbit.
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