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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Victoria Kelly wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: A GZ hud can't detect alts..They must have been using something else..Probably Redzone or Quickware or some other alt detector.. Twas my mistake......ment Redzone, but thanks I do that a lot ..After saying RZ and GZ so many times over the past who knows how long..i get them crossed a lot mysself lol It's really bad in group chat when it's lagging and i realise i just said the wrong one..Then by the time i correct it..The topic has already changed lol..Have to love the channle lag these days hehehe
  2. Victoria Kelly wrote: Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Welcome to Second Life Get used to it.. 90% abuse reports get unanswered and unattended to I wouldn't worrry about 1 little person. they are not the face of SL and wont be hurtful to your club. All it does is show the drama level of that particular person. if anything it will hurt them more in the long run I know what you mean. I had a person (GZ user) tell me in IM in very vulger language that he had "outed" my alts. I ar'ed him, but amazingly he is still inworld and posting on the forums. Go figure :smileywink: A GZ hud can't detect alts..They must have been using something else..Probably Redzone or Quickware or some other alt detector..
  3. People that end up putting things like this in their profile about a business..They usually end up making people more curious about the business rather than making people feel like "omg i'll never go there now for sure!!".. lol Just consider it free advertising and give it a giggle just knowing she is helping your draw more than hurting it hehehehe
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Please, don't take this the wrong way, I'm not sticking up for this girl in any way and I'm not saying you did the wrong thing. But isn't revealing personal RL information about someone to another resident a TOS violation? Just saying, maybe you should keep the fact that you may have done that to yourself. ...Dres Privacy Policy: http://secondlife.com/corporate/privacy.php#privacy6 Disclosing Personal Information in Profiles, Forums or within Second Life "You may choose to disclose personal information in our online forums, via your Second Life profile, directly to other users in chat or otherwise while using Second Life. Please be aware that such information is public information and you should not expect privacy or confidentiality of this information." This is different than the issues with RedZone which was among other things possibly (and I only say possibly because LL never made an official statement) found in violation of 8.3 of the TOS http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos8 , "(i) Post or transmit viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that may harm the Service or interests or rights of other users, or that may harvest or collect any data or personal information about other users without their consent;" (my bolding for emphasis). So unless someone is aware of something else in the TOS or CS that I am missing, I don't believe that there was a problem with my sharing this fact with the hostess. Once the girl told me she was 15, it became "public information." The privacy policy is LL talking to the account holders about what they can and cannot do to protect our privacy pretty much.. If we go spouting our information or knowingly go clicking on links..We weaken that and open ourselves to people that could use that information against us.. It's not rules as the CS is.. Example:LL won't go giving out our credit card information to anyone..If by chance we put our credit card information in chat .. The risk is there that someone will use it and that we put the risk there of it being exposed..not LL.. Privacy policy would not be saying since Credit card information was found in chat that it is ok for everyone to use it.. It's easy to read it as a loophole to the rules..but it's about what they do to protect our information and advice about what risks are out there is all :smileywink:
  5. Much better now with the Goo hehehe..That black and white was so depressing ..It gave me that "All hope is lost " feeling lol
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