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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Real peeve, but more at myself than anything.. After organizing my inventory and getting things into their certain areas, I can't find crap! After thinking hard on it, because a lot has to do with using so many different mesh bodies and things getting mixed up.. I think i found my solution to knocking down the chaos. I'm going to make a folder for each body and everything related to that body goes in there.. So any outfits with a version of each will be separated when I get them and each version of the body will have that outfit in their directory. Right now I put on a certain body, it's like opening up a whole separate inventory for it trying to figure what I have in there for it.. It takes me hours just to get things to wear for a photo I had an idea for.. by the time I have things together, it's bed time already.. hehe So hopefully not a peeve for too much longer. I just had to say this somewhere because I'm so close to ripping my hair out, because i've been trying to get things together for the last two days for one picture.. lol
  2. I just keep mine at whatever the default is when running around, which I believe is 2.0.. in ultra it's at 3.0. I'll jack it up for pictures if I have to, but for the most part don't mess with it much.. There is a lot of well made things at those levels.. I wouldn't be able to see them otherwise.. I could jack it way up, but I'm not gonna be playing with it all the time, especially if I'm buying something.
  3. I don't really bother with it, because i'm sure a lot of users don't either.. If I'm getting things for around my house or myself to wear or whatever.. I'm sure gonna want most everyone to see things rather than not.. I might toy with it when taking pictures, but otherwise just leave it where it's at which is usually 2.0 when I'm running around and if I'm in ultra, it's 3.0. If I'm shopping I'm usually gonna be at 2.0, so if something is getting wacky too soon, I'll probably just walk on by, unless I'm just getting it for a setup for a picture and gonna take it down only until I need it again..
  4. Time for summer to come to a close and the cold to make it's way.
  5. Just watch out for all the cactus around the deserts of mainland hehehehe
  6. Today I am IN, ON and AROUND SL Burning it from the outside in and the inside out! You probably feeling the ground and stuff trembling an all that good stuff.. If not,wait for it!! \o/
  7. If it helps to keep them off our backs to where they aren't going to be making new rules because of us, I'm good with that.. lol
  8. Myself, I am on the grid when I'm in SL or in world.
  9. That wasn't really about Caspervend more than about when things do get changed over or whatever is going to happen.. A lot of us don't know if this move is just to ease the burden on you guys, or if LL are going to be doing it all at a certain point.. Would people at that point have to make a ticket..
  10. That does bring up a good question though.. Now if anyone has a problem, will they have to file a ticket rather than have a group in world to go to? I guess there is maybe live chat for some, maybe?
  11. Ya, I get that also.. I've went to the store and even got to the point of blocking anything that made a sound and the subscribe box which i never clicked on in the first place.. It would be nice if we could cut the head of the snake off and everything related to them across all their accounts gets blocked too.. But we know that's not happening..
  12. Ya, I have a couple that jam up my chat when I log in also.. The drop downs are the ones that bother me most.. it's like they have backup bots for backup bots when you block them.. hehehehe
  13. Me too Peeve, but kinda not.. hehehe That happened to me with a well known collar maker.. They showed up one time and only one time, on a thread and thought they were going to get all ecco superhero on me and nail me to a cross.. I probably do more for the environment in one day on a real world level than someone just sitting in a chair going around nailing people to crosses on the intranets. But from looking at their history, I knew it was coming one day.. it was always in the back of my mind.. When's she gonna strike.. hehehehe A ban here with a block there.. It's all good.. There is more than one way to skin a cat in this world with all the amounts of options we have to everything.. I'm not losing money getting banned anywhere.. one door closes another door opens.
  14. Fingers crossed with with both hands.. I wwant them to come back soo bad.. To me they were a trend setter that opened up a variety of looks that impacted the other creators to where they better start getting where there is more variety in their products too.. I mean when you can tell a mile away what brand of head someone was wearing, but not which head of that brand.. Ya.. Just walk through LAQ heads and tell me how many differences there were in those and where they are now? hehehe Since Genus came out, things changed for the better and look at the amazing looks we can make now compared to before they came along. Imagine a Genus head with an Evo x type of plan or maybe even something next level.. I'm one of their biggest fans.. I've deleted just about all my other brands because I know I'll never use them anymore.. My catwas, my LOGOS and LAQ's and some others that I can't remember there names.. I'm down to like three brands that I'm keeping.. My Genus heads are one o them. I have on my other two alts that have Genus heads and all the heads and versions of those heads on this avatar and more content for them than I can shake a stick at.. They aren't leaving my folders any time soon.. hehehe I'm holding out for them and hoping hard.. There really is no reason to change if you or anyone else are happy.. I'm not trying to push people that are already Genus towards Lelutka.. I'm looking at new users or new people moving to mesh.. Which will give them less problems and frustrate them the least at the moment. I always have retention in the back of my mind when talking to anyone new.. When I made that alt to check out the start up point and said to myself, I'm not gonna spend a dime.. A lot of things hit me and a really big thing was, I take the amount of money i spend in here for granted.. Just a few lindens are a lot coming in looking at things from that perspective.. As much as I would like to push them one way, I try to push the the best way for them at the time.. Genus are still good heads and great looking heads with a lot of content, more than enough to keep someone busy for a long time. But i see the troubleshooting and that's really the big thing that moves me to advies them to something else.. Someone that knows the heads already has those moves second nature.. hehehe
  15. Sure thing. It's Laveau Dreads, from CAMO.
  16. I still have my all my Genus heads on standby waiting.. I was one of their loud voices during the beta and after rooting for them and trying to get people interested.. I think they got the others off their butts if you ask me.. It's another situation where all we can do is hope for the best, but plan for the worst.. I hope the one filing all those fake DMCA's is feeling the burn to the bone right now and paying the price for what they were doing to others. Genus came back after that Bonerhead pulled that cheap shot and the store filled right up.. I'm hoping they do make a comeback and drop some amazing things on us.. We need more not less good content and I would hate to see them fade away.. But for right now, where we are at right now. If someone were to ask me which head I think is best.. I can't with all honesty and good conscience say Genus. I'd be lying to them.. I have all their heads and jumped on them the moment they came out..I have everything that came out for those heads in the first year.. Soon as it came out i was on it.. hehehe I always looked at them as the little engine that could.. That hasn't changed and I think they still can.. But I have to set all that aside when it comes to someone else's money..
  17. Did you quote someone? Mine disappeared for a few minutes and I was fuming. I went back for some reason and seen it was there without the quote.. if you quoted someone they may have cleaned out the quote at put it back..
  18. I don't think it is altruism, but more as someone said in there, seeing something that is too big to fail.. I don't even want to imagine the chaos that would come if Caspervend just wasn't there one day, because of something like what is going on in the world today with unsure economy's.. For all we know, LL might not have been the ones reaching out.. I think if they show up one day saying everyone has to use their system, like they did with Xstreet and Slappy ( I would never forget you Slappy Hugs) Then ya. But it really does feel like more of a thing to make sure both creators and their customers don't fall into a Ginko situation, where one day they are left holding an empty bag of omgwtf happen to mah backup stuffs. They won't know what we bought we we would end up having to go and get new one or go without.. Sales slump off, profits for creators slump off, customers quit, creators quit, retention goes down, lights go out.. <=========Worst case scenario.. Why start at the minimum if we're already thinking big.
  19. The nice thing about the evo x heads is, they give you both worlds.. You can wear the evo x or you can switch to evo and use the other skins and things as well.. The genus heads, the last time they were updated was around when the strong gift head came out.. version 1.7 when everyone was told to stay home when the pandemic hit.. I remember dating it on my folder because I keep all my versions folders dated.. That was in march of 2020.. They weren't fast before with updates, but I have a feeling there are bigger RL things going on.. A lot of really good creators live in Ukrain and their situation might be where, they can't do anything right now.. I just don't think we'll be seeing updates for that head any time soon.. If you ask in the group when's the next update, you'll get, they are working on it.. They might be and just squeezing time in when they can, but I don't think it's just work that they have to squeeze time in from.. they are in a pretty rough part of the world right now.. I love my genus heads, but they are in so much need of updating.. Hopefully they do put out an update and things turn out really great, but it's pretty much like looking at static on a tv right now on when the next one will be. I would definitely move towards a Lelutka, it's just an all around better head.. My last two were free, Lilly and Kaya.. I haven't taken my lilly off since I got it.. hehehe
  20. I'm sure they made an offer for it and someone took the offer..It doesn't sound like they got squeezed out like with the Xstreet thing. This sounds more like a deal where both walked away smiling.. If both walk away smiling, then it's a good deal. I don't think LL makes a profit off the redeliver from the market place.. This actually could be a good thing, where market place and in world purchases can be in one place for redeliver. Well, other than those not using Caspervend. Caspervend could one day just not be there, then what? With the world economy heading where it's heading, that could be a real possibility.. Stores can still do their own redeliver, which some do and that's nice.. But if it ends up being where they don't have to, that could be nice as well. Or if they want to keep doing it they can. Unless they come up with something one day saying, nobody else can do this, then I'm not seeing how it's going to hurt anything..
  21. I did have that song on there, but it was the version where the other politician he's running against interrupts the song.. He say's some things that might have upset some people so I pulled it off.. It's been awhile since I seen that part and forgot he did that in there.. so I was like, Oooookay, we better get that back off there.. hehehehe Found the version where there isn't any of that.. hehehe
  22. Another thing to add to that is, If you run into a problem with the product, there isn't any transaction history that you can see or show them.. I don't know if they can see it or not, but nothing show in yours.
  23. You could try looking at Aii & EGO.. If you haven't already.. They have all kinds of wild things there.. You might find something there.. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aii and Ego/124/149/1521
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