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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. After seeing that bat video, I ended up looking up old 1980's music videos and somewhere along the way took a strange turn and ended up in like really strange videos.. These are strange, but something captivating about them.. the first one i thought was neat because it had this Baby Driver feel to it, where the action and the music fit right with each other.. The second one, I can't remember now.. I just know it was captivating too.. hehehehe IGORRR - VERY NOISE MAC DEMARCO - HERE COMES THE COWBOY
  2. Omg, i was crying so hard laughing at this.. it's like those really old 1980's music videos.. Those ones extending their wings looked like the lead singers.. LOL ETA: I'm still laughing and can't stop just thinking about this..LOL
  3. I think I've only AR'd a couple of people, but heck if I can remember.. It may have been a couple more.. It's getting to the point that being here so long, it's hard to remember way back..That or I'm trying not to remember way back.. There was a lot of cringe worthy things back then. hehehe
  4. There is a very long nasty history with that topic in the forums since way back. I can see you were trying not to go into too much details, but I kind of figured out what you were saying.. I would say with this kind of topic, A bit more details without being too descriptive can save on headaches.. hehehe
  5. Ya, I can't even remember the last time I used those tools, maybe 2007.. So I have no idea where anything is and I don't even know if that was in there yet back then.. hehehe
  6. Sometimes I get a good feeling I should just read the OP and that's it.. This was one of those times..
  7. I'm not sure of all the categories there are in the report options, since I really haven't used them very much over the years here.. But I remember there is an option for taking a screenshot with the tools, which I thought was nice, since they get a raw unedited version straight to them.. If I couldn't find a category, I just kind of treated it like dealing with those stupid phone machines when you call a service.. just get someone human on the line, so just pick any one of them and it I'll end up there sooner or later.. But for that subject matter, I would think there is something in there.. if not, shoot to the closest one you can find and it will probably be handed off to who it needs to reach.
  8. You said you tried the skins from Velour, but have you tried the addons from Velour? They do have some nice addons in that area that you are looking.. I have the little fish also and yes those are nice too.. They let you toy with the sizes and textures.. one I didn't see on your list that you may want to try that really do look nice and I believe they have for legacy is, Sessions The Nips.. You may like those.. you can get them from the main store or the MP.. as well as get demo's in either place. I'd probably go to their in world store to see what all they have since it's much easier than scrolling though the MP really.
  9. I don't think I've ever HAD to reboot my router, I just do it anyways when I reboot my computer, just because I'm used to rebooting everything when i start things up or reboot my system.. It's just habit.. I never had to reboot it that I can think of because of problems..
  10. Ok back on topic.. Peeve: Leaving for a couple of hours to make my, Super Double Probation Top Secret Avocado Egg salad. Only to come back and see such a piece of art from history that was placed on exhibit for the public no less.. Only to end up in deletion hell as if it Twas but just a simple picture.. It took me minutes, MINUTES!!! \o/ to dust things off and delicatly link such a frageelee item from our great history.. I has sooo much Disapoint in yu manatee..
  11. I've noticed that with mah Lelutka head that teh Secks Requests from women have increased, but from teh men, Teh song remains teh same. and teh number is ,LOTS.
  12. That's the one that I have.. I might not have understood how to use it or something.. I gave up on it pretty quick.. hehehe It looks much more updated than when I had it.. This is the site for that translator.. it sounds like it uses a few engines, Google, Bing and Yandex.. I might have to update mine and give it a try.. I couldn't even remember the name of it until you said the name and triggered a bell in my head.. hehehehe I searched my inventory and got nothing until i put in the Q - Translate.. hehehehe Here is the site for the information on that one.. https://yaiol.blogspot.com/2019/03/q-translator.html
  13. I was on the fence until it got childish in there.. Oh yea, and had a couple more cups of tea and woke up to the rest of it.. I'm all for saving sims for the grid, IF they actually are for the grid and not stuck behind a pay wall..
  14. I think the one that I had in world that someone recommended to me, both parties would have to have it from what I remember.. I got it and was like, heck with it I'm using google.. it's probably good for friends that have it to communicate, but not good if you are meeting random people that might not be wearing it.. I don't know if all the inworld ones work like that, I just know that it was much easier just throwing google translate in a link in chat or an IM to my alt to get the link so that I could get my internal browser to bring it up. OR, you could just set media to a prim and have google translate on that.. Or you could make a media on a prim and put it on your screen like a little hud.. What i did was to just try it out was, and this is only if you don't know how to do this already.. Before anything, make sure Media is enabled in your viewer.. Go to the build tools and make a prim..Shrink it flat with the stretch option in the edit tool, like a tv flat screen .. Then I shrunk the prim on the sides down to 0.5 on the top and bottom so they didn't eat up my screen.. So it looked like this in the build tools area under Sizes (meters) X - 0.01000 Y - 0.50000 Z - 0.50000 Then named mine Ceka's google translator. Then took it into my inventory. Then searched Ceka's google translator in my inventory, Right clicked it and went down to the bottom of the list to, Attach to hud and chose one of the options to attach it to my screen.. Once it's on screen open the edit tools to size and move it where you want it, where it's comfy for you.. With the edit tools still open and everything where you want it.. In the upper part of the tools you want to select, Select Face then click the prim.. That will select that face of the prim that is facing you on your screen.. Now go to the texture tab to open the tools to the texture window.. Just below the tiny window that say's color there is a button called materials.. Click that and you'll see an option for media.. Click media.. Now below that you will see another button that say's, Choose.. Click that and at the top of the window that pops up, you can put in any url that you like.. If you put the google translate url in there you will have google translate on your screen and be able to use it as if you were in your internet browser.
  15. I don't know how much you have bought for your Genus head, But there was a lot of content made for the head and there still is some good content being made for it.. It's just not as much fresh content as when it was up there gaining ground. Let alone the skins and things made for the other heads that do work well with each other.. If a skin is made for strong, it still works very well for a babyface or a classic or the others. If you don't have their catalog, here is the link for it which shows anything new plus just about anything made for it. https://www.flickr.com/groups/genus_catalog/pool/page1 If you love that head and how it works for you and you are happy, don't let the market or the list make you feel that your head has an expiration date. If you feel it's time for a change and want a head with the evo x things, you can still wait until December where it's a good chance of a Lelutka free head showing up..
  16. I have everything in their directories.. I just need to restructure things some, so the hard part is over really.. it was a real mess before.. hehehe
  17. I use the main directories and my body parts are in the body parts folder. Mesh heads ,bodies, eyes,shapes,skins and things like that.. I just want to simplify it some in the clothing folder more than anything.. Just kind of mimic my body parts folder, where when I am wearing a body,I just open that folder and not have to sift through all the other things for the other bodies.. Everything for Maitreya will be in the maitreya clothing folder, Kalhene which pretty much has her own things will be in that one.. I've tried it where they are all in the same folder, but having all the different bodies items in one folder and having to look through say a top folder with different bodies, even that can be hard on the eyes after awhile.. I just want to be able to go in knowing it's for this body and just have to look for pants rather than read the whole line to make sure I'm getting the right one.. A lot of it I think is to save on the eye strain that I seem to be getting these days too.. hehehehe I start out with my reading glasses at the beginning, then I'm having to jump up to another pair that are a little more stronger which I don't like wearing.. Then when I'm done, everything is blurry..lol Squinting leads to brain hurts.. hehehe
  18. Real peeve, but more at myself than anything.. After organizing my inventory and getting things into their certain areas, I can't find crap! After thinking hard on it, because a lot has to do with using so many different mesh bodies and things getting mixed up.. I think i found my solution to knocking down the chaos. I'm going to make a folder for each body and everything related to that body goes in there.. So any outfits with a version of each will be separated when I get them and each version of the body will have that outfit in their directory. Right now I put on a certain body, it's like opening up a whole separate inventory for it trying to figure what I have in there for it.. It takes me hours just to get things to wear for a photo I had an idea for.. by the time I have things together, it's bed time already.. hehe So hopefully not a peeve for too much longer. I just had to say this somewhere because I'm so close to ripping my hair out, because i've been trying to get things together for the last two days for one picture.. lol
  19. I just keep mine at whatever the default is when running around, which I believe is 2.0.. in ultra it's at 3.0. I'll jack it up for pictures if I have to, but for the most part don't mess with it much.. There is a lot of well made things at those levels.. I wouldn't be able to see them otherwise.. I could jack it way up, but I'm not gonna be playing with it all the time, especially if I'm buying something.
  20. I don't really bother with it, because i'm sure a lot of users don't either.. If I'm getting things for around my house or myself to wear or whatever.. I'm sure gonna want most everyone to see things rather than not.. I might toy with it when taking pictures, but otherwise just leave it where it's at which is usually 2.0 when I'm running around and if I'm in ultra, it's 3.0. If I'm shopping I'm usually gonna be at 2.0, so if something is getting wacky too soon, I'll probably just walk on by, unless I'm just getting it for a setup for a picture and gonna take it down only until I need it again..
  21. Time for summer to come to a close and the cold to make it's way.
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