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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. He's safe. He just makes me feel more insecure than necessary because I can't always expect rational reactions from him.
  2. How do you feel about 7Seas fishing? Sn@tch used to have fishing for outfits, with Lucky Boards and those boards that go to a lower price when more avatars are around near the fishing area. I liked the social element of trading pieces of clothing, but maybe it's pointless now with mesh clothing that would probably only be 3 or 4 pieces in each outfit?
  3. I agree. I love that the north coast is finished, but one more region with half land and half water at that sharp 90 degree crook would've been nice.
  4. Peeve: When a friend thinks I'm lying & distrust is created between us. My friend I've been staying with asked me months ago if I'd been letting people into his house when he's not there. I told him I hadn't and the only time I let anyone into the house was when someone came to pick up one of the dogs he was watching. Months later, he woke me up at 10:30 pm because he thought he heard a man's voice coming out of my room. I told him I'd been asleep and maybe I'd been talking in my sleep. Both times he asked if I was sure about my answer. Both times I insisted I was. Last night in another conversation, I found out he still doesn't believe me. He said I'd said I'd watched a friend's dog for them. I told him I didn't say that. I'd said the only time I'd let anyone else into the house was when he'd asked me to be there for someone to pick up their dog. He insisted I'd said I had held a dog for a friend and that he couldn't be wrong because he has a very good memory. He also still seems to believe that I had some man in my room. Note: He also told me that his ex-wife was having sex with multiple men while he was at work, that he has psychic conversations with people, and that he hears voices in the attic of his house, so I don't think his perceptions are reliable.
  5. Everybody is different in how they use SL. I settle on a basic look for each of my 4 avatars and try to keep them pretty close to that. Persephone is me, so I want her to have my RL hazel-green eye color most of the time (which has actually been pretty hard to reproduce in SL). Alycia has dark green eyes. Tasha has wolf-amber. Evan's eyes are generally blue-grey. I still collect free eyes in different colors, just like I collect free skins. I should probably delete the ones I won't use, but then I'd need to try them on and delete all the ones that look flat, not realistic, or not interesting to me.
  6. Yes, Queen! This should be the new picture for the Community Forums! For myself, I like my avatars to look attractive to me, but I wouldn't want to date any of them because that would just be talking to myself. And I do enough of that already in RL.
  7. Ok, so why is the skybox height limit in Bellisseria 2000m instead of 1000m? How much height space do planes really need to have in SL?
  8. What's the difference between 1000m vs. 2000m? I think objects don't show on the world map above 2000m. At what height does a skybox not create a shadow? At whichever height objects don't appear on the map seems to me to be where skyboxes and platforms should be allowed. This would allow for more privacy, since people couldn't see anything on the map that they might be tempted to explore. There would also be less lag up there because nothing on the ground would be rendered. For Mainland 2.0 then, I'd like to have only the space below this height restricted to public-friendly rules. My assumption would be that Mainland 2.0 would be better for stores, clubs and explorers than current mainland is, but landowners there could still expect privacy above 2000m. People could continue to use I'll say 1 second security orbs (since I think all 0 second expulsions should be eliminated). People could have banlines at this height too, because strangers shouldn't be going up there. Between maybe 300m and 2000m should be considered a safe flying zone. Balloonists will probably want to fly lower than planes would. Ground level Linden roads should be made safe to drive by having wide enough shoulders and making banlines bounce avatars and their vehicles off them, rather than teleporting them home. Teleporting avatars to their home point as punishment for trying to enter a region or parcel where they are not wanted should only be enabled on private regions, imo. All structures below 1000m could be limited in height to maybe 80m. How tall does a building need to be in a city build? Everyone in SL should be able to derender objects from their viewer and border walls should not be required to be invisible on the side facing their neighbors, because people could easily derender them anyway. Objects below 2000m might be expected to be connected to the ground in some way - a balloon with a tether for instance - but a floating island might still be allowed. - I think making floating structures below 2000m against the rules would be hard to enforce, unless it's just very large ones that are disallowed, such as those larger than 32 m in 2 or more directions. Commercial builds and activity needs to be allowed on Mainland 2.0, but owners of commercial properties also need to be able to have private, restricted space if they want this. If they want their store to be up in the sky, rather than on the ground, they can do this and still have a private level protected by a security orb as well.
  9. If you have to use a 10 foot pole to touch someone, it probably helps if that pole has a pointy end too.
  10. I don't wear wings often, but as with fantasy skins, sometimes I like to wear moth wings. Butterfly wings symbolize transformation, but moth wings symbolize the darker (not evil) side of the spirit and life. It's kind of like finding beauty and resiliance in the darkness.
  11. I disable collision sounds, since I bump into doorways alot. I also disable interface clicks (which I absolutely hate in YouTube videos) because it destroys my feeling of immersion.
  12. Organizing my inventory (or attempting to) helps me figure out what to get rid of. It's the biggest, most disorganized folders that contribute most to lag. Landmarks? Create a few category folders within your Landmarks folder. Then filter to only show landmarks. Drag all or nearly all your landmarks into your Landmarks folder. Delete all the duplicates and those you know are dead. Filter now for the word "store" and drag all the landmarks with the word "store" in them into a category folder for stores (or stores and shopping events). Now filter for the word "design" and drag those into your Stores category folder. Now do the same for the word "fashion", etc. Eventually you can get rid of dead landmarks by right clicking on them and selecting "About", which will usually show if the landmark is dead without you having to actually teleport there to check. For each major category of items, you'll figure out ways to break the group down into smaller parts and delete items you don't really need or want. Sorting by age can help sometimes. For instance, mesh came to SL around 2014, so items before 2015 are more likely to be sculpts and poorly optimized mesh. (Filter for the word "sculpt" to find and delete more sculpted items.) For clothing sizes, if your avatar is small or thin, filter for "XL" and delete every standard sized item with XL in its name. If your avatar is not small, filter for "XS" and do the same. If you avatar is male, delete all the clothing for female mesh bodies. If your avatar is female, delete the mesh body sizes you don't wear. The more ways you can delete a bunch of stuff at once, the better. Keep the packages clothing comes in though, so you can pull out other sizes later or replace pieces you might accidentally delete. Filter for scripts and delete all the unpacking scripts. Filter for animations and delete all the box holding animations. Filter for notecards and delete all the "Thank you" and contact info notecards. As long as you can find out the creator, you can check their profile for how to contact them. Once you've deleted all the easy to find crap you don't need, you'll feel better about having reduced your overall inventory number. The next step will be creating category subfolders to organize the items you want to keep. Putting a ! or * symbol at the front of folder titles can help you move your favorites to the top of your category subfolders and eventually delete the items you don't really want. They'll be at the bottom with no stars or exclamation points in their folder names.
  13. The LDPW must have released some more 2048 m homes recently. There are 50 Ranch Homes and 50 Mediterranean Homes available now on the Linden Home page. Still no Stilt Homes on water or piers though.
  14. One page of Barbie and Oppenheimer references doesn't even come close to when we post about food or security orbs.
  15. A properly fitted corset can be just as comfortable as a bra, if not more so.
  16. I didn't watch the Oscars, but here's a couple pictures of the dress.
  17. Mesh bodies are cheaper now than they were when they first came out. My first mesh body was from The Mesh Project and was $L 10,000 ($40) I think. Most of the top brands now are between $L 2000 to $L 5000 ($ 8 to $20). A mesh head would be another $L 2000 to $L 4000 ($ 8 to $ 16). You might find a skin for around $L 1000 to $L 500 ($ 4 to $ 2), but I'm not sure as I get most of my skins when they're free or on sale. And yes, mesh clothing is specific for different mesh bodies, but system layer clothing will work on any mesh body that is BOM (Bakes On Mesh) compatible, as well as on the original system avatars.
  18. I don't know who might be doing makeovers as a business, but there is certainly a demand for this. You biggest cost would be for a mesh body and head, then a skin (usually in 2 pieces for a mesh body and head), then whatever hair and clothing you like. The Legacy Male body normally costs $L 5000. The Belleza Jake body now costs about $L 2000. Signature bodies are somewhere between, but their Gianni body is the only one that has much clothing made for it. Lelutka EvoX mesh heads normally cost $L 4000, but EvoX compatible mesh heads from other creators are cheaper. Catwa and Genus also have male mesh heads that are not EvoX compatible and might also be in the $L 4000 or slightly less range. You'll probably have a hard time finding inexpensive male skins that are not made for specific mesh bodies and EvoX heads, unless you find older system skins on Marketplace. If you want simplicity, I'd suggest avoiding the EvoX heads for now. EvoX is a new UV map for avatar heads that gives greater detail than the standard SLUV map, but when worn on a non EvoX head your face would be on the back of your head. 😆
  19. The Virtual Bloke site has this post that suggests a simple male AO for $L 1. Even though you said you don't want to bother with Mesh, I'm going to suggest the DNA male bodies available inworld for $L 1 / body and $L 1 / skin pack. I think these are the simplist mesh bodies to use as the head is part of the body and they don't use a HUD. They are also BOM enabled. (The Senra bodies in the Library of our Inventory also don't use a HUD and are BOM enabled.) The DNA bodies are on a region named Signature and fit Signature Gianni sized mesh clothing pretty well, but they aren't from the creator of the Signature mesh bodies.
  20. Welcome back, Steve. Your old system layer clothes will still work on either a standard body or most mesh bodies (those that are BOM enabled). Prim, sculpt and flexi pieces aren't used much now. What was the last year you were in SL, so we have an idea of how much you need to catch up and what you're working with in your inventory? The website "Virtual Bloke - Queer Eye from the pixel guy" is good for explaining avatars and clothing from system layers to mesh. Ignore the parts about using appliers on mesh bodies, because those are not used much now except for hair, clothing and makeup. Boston Blaisedale and the Second Life channels on YouTube are good for explaining mesh avatars too. You can use one of the starter avatars for sure, but only the Senra Blake one is made for its own line of free mesh clothing. If you want to get used to using a mesh body and head, this is a good one to start with. If you're happy using a system avatar instead, it shouldn't cause lag, unless you're also using flexi or sculpted attachments such as hair, shoes and jewelry. With a system avatar you can wear Standard size mesh clothing that comes with alpha layers to hide your body under the mesh clothes. Sometimes you can use other sizes of mesh clothing too, but only when you can hide your system body under them with alpha layers. Gabriel has a section of older free mesh clothing for men, if you want to try those. The worst looking parts for system avatars are the feet and hands. (The breasts are not good on the female avatars either.) If you use a system avatar with pants and shoes, you'll look ok for the most part. Or just wear one of the starter avatars and don't worry about changing clothes on it. Animation comes from an AO (Animation Overrider). There are some free or cheap ones you can get inworld or on SL Marketplace. Someone else will have to suggest those for you, since I mostly use the ones from Body Language, which are pretty expensive.
  21. Try putting in a support ticket. I don't know if it's possible to get a group back, but if it is, you'll have to act quickly. This was your group, right? Groups need 2 people in them, or else they will disappear. If this is your group, you'll need to add an alt to it.
  22. In the top mesh bodies we now have Reborn at the top for curvy. Maitreya and Legacy are at the top for Mid-shape bodies. What are the top bodies for slim or athletic shapes? It seems to me that this is a niche that hasn't been filled with a top body yet. I think Erika might be the best for a Trans body, though Maitreya Flat fills part of that niche too. I like the slightly curvy shape I can get with Erika, but it lacks clothing support. I like Freya and LaraX best for this shape. I don't love GenX Classic enough to buy new clothes for that body. Reborn lost me because I don't like the hands on it.
  23. The Garbage thread or bin category is just where that particular pink elephant belongs.
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