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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Pick up your stuff or delete it. Otherwise it will go back to your Lost and Found folder with parts of it coalesced. Right click on the ground of your parcel & select Abandon. (Maybe it says "Abandon my Linden Home?). Teleport away, either looking for a new house or going wherever. Be sure to change your Home position to your new Home position.
  2. Me too. Louisiana Bayou with dirt paths and twisting waterways, alligators and cranes, hanging moss and bottle trees.
  3. I used to actually enjoy talking with my ex-boyfriend about casting hexes while I was walking through a store. "Don't hex the company you work for while you're still working there," was one of my favorites.
  4. By mentioning Soros specifically you come dangerously close to making this a political statement. The orange one also is famous for using other people's money for everything he does, from real-estate investments to paying for his legal bills.
  5. I agree with @Ceka Cianci Reborn is the top curvy body. Kupra still has some clothes for that body shape, but not much is being made for it now. Belleza GenX Curvy and GenX Classic aren't doing any better than Belleza Freya, so between those it's only a difference of a few new clothes vs. a few older clothes. Slink Hourglass is dead. Maitreya dominates the slim to moderately curvy market. This means Lara classic sizes mostly, though some stores have switched to only LaraX for their new clothes. Either way, these 2 bodies use the same skins, so one can use Lara 5.3 for their older outfits and LaraX for their newer ones. Legacy is good for those who don't mind paying $L 5000 for a mesh body, it's high rendering load, and its HUD. Erika and Belleza GenX Classic also work well for this body type, but neither are well supported for clothing. Belleza Isis is dead. Belleza Venus is long dead. With the loss of Slink Physique, the best choices for a slim or athletic body would probably be Lara Petite, PetiteX or Legacy Perky, but I don't wear this shape, so I can't say for sure.
  6. It's not fair to say that only those who don't know better use the SL viewer. Some people have legitimate reasons for using it. TPVs offer us more options for those who want more flexibility, though. Firestorm also has a great inworld support group. Linden Lab has saved a bunch of money by letting the TPV developers do much of the work and take most of the risk for creating viewers that might have problems. Remember the Pheonix viewer? Users loved it, until they found out one of the developers had been secretly harvesting their data. LL didn't have to take the PR hit when that happened. Phoenix did, and they were lucky their users trusted most of its developers enough to give them another chance with Firestorm. Every mesh body that falls by the wayside has no negative impact on Linden Lab. Meanwhile the starter avatars they create are repeatedly held up as examples of poor production skills. By encouraging users to be innovative while also taking all the risks of creating new products, LL gets all the benefits of a mostly open platform, while also being able to remain unaccountable for many of the problems.
  7. I suspect there may be someone who would do this for you for a fee, but I don't know who. What you'll need to choose and shape a mesh head to your liking will be several photos from different angles of the head you want to aporoximate, an idea of which mesh head brand(s) you like, and an idea of how much you're willing to pay. Demo heads that look close to the look you want, especially the nose shape, lip shape, and chin shape. Lelutka is my favorite brand for mesh heads, but other EvoX compatible brands may work as well. Having pictures or a mirror (if you're copying your RL face) make it easier to make small adjustments to the face shape sliders. Remember it has to look ok from the side, as well as from the front. Good Luck.
  8. I have to give credit to most of the patrons at this Starbucks for either quietly minding their own business or politely engaging with the occational gregarious "weirdo". The one time I went to the Panera Bread cafe near here, the family who sat down after the man who had been talking to himself left were louder and more annoying than he had been. Not having much other data, I'll guess that the overly loud music at Panera encourages the patrons to speak too loudly as well.
  9. What is it about the Starbucks inside Target that attracts overly gregarious people? This one guy has been talking non-stop for the last hour to another guy at a table near him. Not talking *with* him, just a constant stream-of-conscoisness babbling. I thank the gods that I have earplugs to mute him a bit.
  10. Note these are all prime wine-grape growing areas, so grape vines would be great for Mediterranean landscaping.
  11. Yes, you can mix and match parts, but you can only Wear one of each of those system parts I mentioned. You can Add multiple parts such as mesh pieces, tattoo layers, and system clothing layers. Skins now can come as both a system Skin (usually on the body), a tattoo layer for the head, and a Universal tattoo layer for EvoX ears. You can wear multiple Tattoo and Universal skin layers. One thing to be careful with is which Shape you wear with mesh heads and bodies. If you wear a shape that is not made for the body and head brand that you're wearing, your avatar will likely look very weird. Once you get a look you like, it's probably best to Save it as an Outfit. Also save a basic look. Then you can easily go back to one these Outfits if your avatar gets messed up.
  12. When your avatar stays as a cloud, this usually means one of the core components didn't get added. Look under Worn in your inventory to see if you're not wearing a Shape, Brow shape, Skin or Eyes. Then either Wear one of the missing parts or switch to a default avatar, then back to the one you want to wear.
  13. Are the balloons or floor mesh? Mesh often has trouble recognizing a mesh floor or ground surface. A prim rug is one solution inside a house.
  14. Rain and wind outside while I'm safe and cozy inside. I'm also glad I'm not in the Sierra mountains this weekend and that this storm is gonna give us a good snow pack.
  15. Give your alt full owner rights too. If you ever get locked out of SL, they can still handle the necessary business.
  16. Oh my gosh. I wish now that someone in SL would make a full Chinese porcelain tea set illustrating all the major scandals - past and present - in SL. - Ok, maybe a set of etchings or water colors would suffice. - Call it the "Sky is Falling" set.
  17. I think the Sakura to Newbrook connection will be an underwater tunnel connecting at Grey Ghost. That's where the lighthouse is, isn't it? This will thus be similar to the connection from the northern Log Home coast to the Ranch regions, though not with as long of an underwater tunnel. I'm gonna guess that there will be a bridge rail connection between Ranch and Mediterranean from Michael Row, and the connection between Mediterranean and Sakura will be another underwater tunnel. We'll see what really happens by June.
  18. Time for a weekend discussion thread. Since many of us in SL are basically introverts, I think we need to think about what it takes for us to be our own best friend sometimes. What are some things that you do for yourself to improve your experience of Second Life? What are some things that irritate you, and how do you reduce those irritations? For instance, I joked in another thread that I was pleasantly surprised to get my weekly stipend, but ensuring that I have this not only ensures I always have a little spending money, but also makes sure I don't waste money on transaction fees. It keeps me from spending more than I really want to spend in SL and makes me wait and think about purchases while I'm waiting for the next week's stipend to drop. Other examples might be having a favorite music stream playing on your parcel or giving yourself a limit on how long you'll put up with an annoying user.
  19. I can adjust the time of day with a slider, but I admit to being lazy and usually going around SL with Midday (shadows off) and a bit of gray added to my Personal Lighting. If I think I'm missing the intended environment, then I switch to Shared Environment, but I mostly just want enough light to see clearly.
  20. Why are there only 4 basic time of day settings on the SL viewer? Most of the day cycle is during daylight, so why doesn't LL (and Firestorm) add Mid-morning and Mid-afternoon quick settings?
  21. I love watching YouTube videos in which people are trying foods from other countries for the first time. I've never been to the Southern states (except changing planes in the Atlanta airport), but from what I've heard, they have the very best food in the USA, especially New Orleans. I've had scones with clotted cream in England, while having tea with an English couple. While they were good, they are not as fluffy as proper Southern American biscuits.
  22. I frequently wish that clothing stores would just have separate sections for older clothes vs. newer clothes. Could you have one section with mostly Reborn, GenX and LaraX sizes, then an older section with possibly Physique, Belleza Freya, Kupra and Lara classic sizes? I realize it's not a clean split between these sizes, but something like pre-2021 and post-2021 might work. Then gradually delete the older outfits that aren't selling, while adding new outfits.
  23. You can have your SLURL in your forum signature.
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