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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. A couple stores are sponsoring give-aways for the new body. Carol's Store is one of them. Stealthic might be the other one?
  2. I'm surprised that a big fruit-named store only had 3 listed LaraX outfits on a recent notecard they sent out in group notices.
  3. I love the Amazon series Upload and Black Mirror stories that have used the same theme of putting human consciousness into a computer generated world. I don't believe such a system or Star Trek style teleportation could actually capture a person's soul, but it's fun to imagine being able to live in a digital world such as SL. For anyone who uses SL, I highly recommend watching Upload. You'll see the similarities between that world and SL.
  4. Frozen veggies retain much of their nutrients, but canned ones tend to have vitamins leach out into the cooking water. Canned goods have also gotten more expensive lately due to the increased cost of metal cans.
  5. Anti-peeve: Mixing plain yogurt with the salad dressing for packaged salads and then using half as much of their high salt, high oil dressings.
  6. Thank you, @Love Zhaoying, for creating this thread. It's interesting to see which famous people interest folks and how they imagine they would react to SL.
  7. 7/11 was originally open from 7am to 11 pm, but some close earlier due to the risk of late-night robberies. Many other stores close earlier for the same reason, depending on the crime rate where they're located. Many of the larger grocery stores in my city are open from 6am to midnight and will have one or more security personal on duty. Target (a large store similar to Wal-Mart) recently had police help in craking down on theft by customers. Daylight "smash and grab" robberies, especially of jewelry stores, have been up lately too. Food deserts are a real problem in low-income areas where people may not always have a car and public transportation might not run late or reliably.
  8. Turn on "Show Parcel Boundaries".
  9. Updated at Spoiled: Tentacle Body Wrap - in multiple mesh sizes
  10. The culture and governance of SL kind of mirrors that of the USA. It's capitalism overlayed on a very diverse, liberal culture. Thus, the founding fathers and Veronica Franco would likely notice the similarities and difference to the culture and politics of their own days. Franco would probably be thrilled to see the power and freedom that women have in SL, would love the easy fashion choices, and would be dismayed at the derth of intelligent discussion. Shakespeare and Mozart would probably be interested in our diverse music and simulated "theater" choices, but might be disappointed that performers don't usually get much feedback from their audiences. I think the founding fathers would be both fascinated and terrified by the diverse cultures of SL, shocked by the immodest clothing, and confused by our SL social norms (e.g. leashes on people, furries, gesturebating, and how people speak in local chat).
  11. Heads up: If everyone who is not interested in a thread ignores it and doesn't post in it, it's more likely to sink to the bottom of the pile faster.
  12. It's more like buying a chicken vs. buying eggs. If one buys a chicken, they're insured that they'll have "free eggs" (a place to live and rez stuff in SL), but they'll also need to buy a chicken coop and feed (tier payments).
  13. This is a very legitimate fear, especially with your "free" land model. I can imagine some newbie "buying" land (free or cheap), without realizing that the true cost of owning land is the tier payments. They put some God-awful build and junk all over their land, such as packaging boxes and crap that spews particles and sound. The long-term neighbor has to put up with this crap (if they don't know how to derender it all). The newbie gets hit with a tier bill, abandons their land, and then the next newbie does the same thing. Rinse and repeat. At least having to pay upfront for land will make newbies think twice before buying it. Purchasing an annual Premium account saves one from having to pay constant fees to buy lindens to pay their rent.
  14. This seems more like an AI idea than an SL one. I'd like to resurrect Torely Linden and ask him what would make SL more fun for newbies. As for RL people, I'd like to create some AI's of the United States founding fathers (those with the most written documents to draw from) and ask them what they think of the current state of culture and politics in the U.S.A. p.s. I'd also like to resurrect Veronica Franco with an A.I. to ask her what she thinks of our modern would, William Shakespeare to ask him what he thinks of our movies, and Mozart to ask him what he thinks of modern music.
  15. I love click bait forum thread titles. That's why I read it. 🤣
  16. Asking "what if" is not the same as disclosing someone's secret identity. It's exploring the multiverse of possible Peter Parkers, not outing the actual Peter Parker in our Universe.
  17. That's so we can emote about suspending our disbelief. 🙃
  18. Where will the Mediterranean Community Center be? There are train Stations and fancier boat rezzing areas at Kersplash and Seaweed, so these are my best guesses right now.
  19. Friends don't let friends drink and DJ. Friends don't text friends when they know they're on a date or are "busy now" with another friend.
  20. True. Warning: Be careful who you name, and no shaming allowed!
  21. Just for fun, imagine one forum member were actually the alt of another. Example: What if Zalificent were the alt of Luna?
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