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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Billie is a cute head, but I don't really need another...unless maybe Lilith, with the horns, for Persephone. Lol. I'm happy with River for Persephone, Gaia for Tasha, Lilly for Alycia, and Logan for Evan.
  2. ☺️ I think it would be in RL, but I'm guilty of this at times, and in SL showing our undies and naughty bits is more of a fashion statement than a faux pas.
  3. I'd like to see a cursed store that actually moves, or maybe just a rotating store if they can't move it's location every week. The entrance door would always be changing. They could also switch around the doors and windows frequently, so we can never be sure what is an actual doorway or just a window. There was a store called Country Clutter once. I forget now if it was in SL or RL.
  4. I'd buy bubble wrap to wrap around my avatar. It could make popping noises when someone bumps into me or I bump into a doorway or someone else. The store could also sell giant bubbles to wear around our avatars. If people don't want their avatar to be seen by others, they could be made opaque to others, but not to the owner. Even better, sell bubbles that can hide other people's ugly avatars, so we don't have to see them
  5. So it's perfect for making a centaur avatar, but what is the best way to use it to make a horse avatar? Should one use the arm attachment points for the front legs and the back leg attachment points for the back legs? Or should the front legs be attached to the regular leg points and have nothing attached to the arm and hand points? In the latter case, objects that would normally attach to a hand would seem to float in space, wouldn't they? This might be better than them attaching to a front hoof.
  6. I think I'm gonna try using modesty patches more often. I hate how some mesh clothing shows a little bit of nipple, and if I try to cover that with an alpha cut, then it shows a gap. I think showing a nipple, crotch, bra strap or undies is not risqué. It's just sloppy dressing.
  7. It would be interesting to see who has the biggest blocked list. We could call it the "No Drama" list.
  8. On sale at Glitz for Woman's Day (Last Day is March 8), all Pink items except the newest releases are $L 50. There are a couple lingerie items that fit LaraX & PetiteX.
  9. Alycia wearing an old school skin, hair & clothes from DV8 on her LaraX body
  10. I left my phone at the Library yesterday. Went back today when they opened & it was still right where I left it. 🙂
  11. Six new regions have been added to connect the Ranch and Mediterranean regions: From Typhoon to the rail line: SSP Lobster Bisque, SSP Cougar Den, & SSP Midnight Waltz From Michael Row to the railway bridge: SSP Windward Drift & SSP Subtle Joy From Admiral Bligh to the railway bridge: SSP Escape Quay
  12. I agree with So Whimsy. Most people expect chairs, benches, sofas, beds and such to have the appropriate sitting or lying animations in them already. There are some that are readily available, I assume, since the same ones are in most inexpensive furniture. Tables, cabinets and shelves, on the other hand aren't expected to have animations. You should clearly state in your ad whether the piece has animations, how many single user animations, how many couples animations, and how many Adult animations (if they have any).
  13. Hi, Kiara That looks like the packaging for your clothing item. There are few different ways that creators package their products in SL. The oldest is a box that you have to pull out of your Inventory, rez on the ground, then right click to Open it, which creates a new folder in your inventory. Some packages are worn on your avatar. These might look like a shopping bag, a gift box or a purse. You have to click on these for them to create a new folder in your inventory. What you have there is a package that's "Worn" as a HUD (a Heads Up Display) on your viewer screen. Click on it to open the package and create a folder in your inventory with the items you bought inside it. Then look in your inventory under Worn, to see if you're still wearing the package. You can detach it by right clicking it on your screen and selecting Detach or by right clicking it from your inventory and selecting Detach. Either way, I suggest dragging the package into the newly created folder for your items, so you can find it easily later. If you bought mesh clothing, it probably came with sizes for multiple types of mesh body. You can delete the ones you won't use, but keep copies of them inside the packaging, in case you end up wanting to use them later. You can also delete the unpacking script if that appears in your folder.
  14. A rail line from Marimba to a region just west of Lac de Larmes would be the most direct, just one more region with no houses on it, and LL prefers to build regions that pay for themselves. Will it be an underwater tunnel or a bridge though? I'm hoping for a bridge. As for where the Mediterranean community region will be, I'm going to bet on the region just north of Outwash. It would be fairly central, near an existing bridge and road, and not too far from where I think the Ranch community region will be at Briar Hill. p.s. Either way, it will take 3 more new regions and a rail connection added to an existing region to complete the connection between the Ranch and Mediterranean regions.
  15. I love my Lelutka heads, but Akeruka sure gives people a wide variety of looks.
  16. How do you justify calling this a Bellisseria boat slip when you can't rent parcels in Bellisseria?
  17. Every time I see a post from LL saying "friendly greetings" I think of Torely and wonder if they wish they could get him back now.
  18. Maybe they'll have a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts region too?
  19. He said he paid you $L20,000. He said he got $L 1. It's suspicious how this supposed problem always works out in his favor, especially since I've never before heard of a problem of this kind happening in SL. I think he may be tricking you out of your money. Ask him to send you a picture of these transactions.
  20. Those in the south of Mediterranean are a surprise. I didn't expect the Medi regions to jut out that close to Ranch and Stilts there. This makes me wonder if the train line connection will be at one of those other Ranch regions there.
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