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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. Yep, they're not stopping regular selling of things. It's the sales method ending, not the items. I really hope people do this as I liked all the little pets and weird things people put in gachas. I'd pay more to get copy/no trans versions of the ones I really want rather than having to go random for a transfer one.
  2. The first regions were most likely clones, given that it was the same arrangement of three in various places. The coast most likely won't be clones. So those spaces between the new fantasy and the other regions could get smaller as the edges are added. If that is the case and they join there, those houseboats will be in demand for merfolk.
  3. Based on the new selection, I like Moonspell the best. One floor, a little patio to turn into a patio garden, one small room for slime moulds and the rest open for everything else. Everything a fungus could need.
  4. This is why I responded to this thread. I'm the example that anti-vaxxers want to pretend doesn't exist. I was very healthy before covid. I ate a good diet and did a lot of exercise. My immune system smited most things and flu was usually a mild sniffle for me. Do not think for a moment that you'll avoid problems because you're young, fit, eat herbal pills every day or whatever else you've been told. Feeling rough the day after the vaccine is nothing compared to post-viral complications or death. So go get the vaccine.
  5. I'm now about two weeks after the second dose of the vaccine. No fever after the second dose. The joints didn't have any sharp improvements this time, but my energy levels went up again. I'm regularly cooking again and managed to do some filming. I wish I could have had the vaccine earlier, as it really helped with the reactive arthritis / long covid symptoms. I still have some issues with my knees and shoulders, but they're continuing to improve. All my family is done now for vaccinations, unless they do boosters later.
  6. The rules will quickly get unworkable if they include all pets. Some features will use up more resources than others, but we're getting into features that aren't unique to pets and most people don't understand how their decor items work anyway. We really don't need a pet police counting anything that looks vaguely like a moving animal and reporting it. That'll be annoying for other residents, but also clog the system with pointless abuse reports. That said, I wouldn't recommend placing too many items that appear to move constantly or contact servers regularly, regardless of how they do it and whether they're pets or not. Some things will lag the viewer rather than the region, but you're still not going to make friends if you create the garden of twenty lag fountains.
  7. I'd also like to know about the permapets/forever pets. I have a few kittycats like that. They don't eat and they don't breed, but will they be counted simply because of the brand? There were events that caused the changes to the rules though, so they're not just random. There were no breedable rules until people turned houses into breedable farms. There were no seasonal decoration rules until people started reporting others for being out of theme for putting out decorations and it was causing arguments. I don't think most of us would report someone for putting out pumpkins for Hallowe'en, but I guess enough were doing it to cause a problem.
  8. The problem you're seeing isn't the trees or alpha textures or any one thing that you can ban to solve it. This is caused by lots of content which uses different models and textures. Unless you ban people from using anything other than a few items that share textures, this will always happen. You can't really do that, because there isn't much appeal in a home that can't be decorated to someone's personal tastes. You can improve it by dropping draw distance. That means you'd only load texture from the nearest few homes.
  9. I spent most of my first month wandering around Caledon and the mainland. I picked up freebies and bought a few avatar things. That was enough to fill a lot of time, but there's a lot more stuff now. Pod rides on the mainland. Get a bike from Java Sprockets and ride around. Go surfing at Treeowatoor. Visit the fairelands as there is an event going on right now. Rolling back time a few days, there was time to visit the end of the birthday for someone who is five days old. There's a difference between saying it'd be nice if things for new people were more clearly marked and pretending there's nothing to do if someone is new. There are things and we can help by pointing people in the right direction. What you're doing in the thread isn't about helping people. You're just using it as a platform for whatever beef you've got this week. It wouldn't have helped the original poster find stuff.
  10. I don't understand doing all that research, paying lots of money, and then deleting everything because a few regions block new accounts. You did it so quickly that we didn't even have time to help you (it was around 20-30 minutes from the first post to deleting everything). All I can really say for the future is it's better to sleep on such decisions and not make them in the heat of the moment. You've flushed a lot of money down the drain for a temporary annoyance. If you do want to try again, say what you're interested in and people can suggest places you can visit. But give people more than 20 minutes to come up with something.
  11. As you're premium, you can get a Linden Home for no extra cost. The new ones in Bellisseria are in a large area that you can explore and there are events at the fairegrounds. You can find the fairegrounds dock here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whiskey Bay/159/15/22 The destination guide has a newcomer friendly category here: https://secondlife.com/destinations/howto/newbie
  12. Another side of this is that transfer only items are not good for home decor, because things do go wrong sometimes. You can likely find similar flowers that are copy.
  13. It's at a point where threads aren't very helpful anyway. There are pretty much always new houses there for you to claim and region releases aren't always noticed as they slip in with the rest of the available houses. Just keep checking the page until the house style you want appears.
  14. I considered not replying the first time, because you always do this to people. This stuff is all irrelevant to your current situation. The hard truth is you need money so you don't starve. This is the only reason I'm replying, because nobody deserves to starve. Now you need to do your bit, which involves listening to people and being practical for a moment. This is about basic skills, not a higher purpose. Write out lists of things you can do, things you can't or won't do, and then look for something based on that. I suggested POD art because you said you could draw (and if you're making textures for Second Life, that would imply you can use computer graphics programs). That's the level of stuff you need to be thinking about right now. Don't expect the work to give you freedom to reach your full potential or anything like that. I sell a lot of basic vector patterns on things. It's not original work, but it's not like I have an ethical issue with polka dots. I've had much worse jobs. Also don't limit yourself to one thing. You can work on a lot of different sites/projects at once (including selling things for Second Life), then decide which ones are producing the best results.
  15. Did you set the item to physical? Does it contain any scripts?
  16. Print-on-demand art sites can have a good return if you put in the time. You aren't going to be rolling in riches in most cases, but an income that will let you pay a few bills is better than nothing at all.
  17. I never met people at sandboxes and have no nostalgia for them. All these sandbox dance parties and social occasions people talk about were not my early Second Life experience at all. Most people at sandboxes either ignored me or they were griefers. I still meet people in the same places I always met them... at events and in the groups for those events/communities. There are so many events that you wouldn't be able to attend all of them, so you're bound to find something you like. My personal event schedule is quiet for a bit after the birthday, but it'll get busy again from September (I'm signed up for Spoonful of Sugar and SciFi Expo and will likely have a couple more things arranged soon). Fantasy Faire started in 2009, so some of the events might even be things you have been to before.
  18. I filled mine out and it links to my website (under my real name). I don't use profile photos because that does lead to extra harassment, but people knowing my name won't make things any worse than being on social media under my real name already does.
  19. This came up in chat and the mole who dealt with the applications noted that few men's stores applied. Why they didn't is an interesting question. Last year saw a push towards a greater range of shops, but it could be that the men's fashion world didn't catch on to the change in focus.
  20. This was my thought. This isn't really about the same person having two avatars. It's the same IP address for two avatars. It's not unusual for families to run businesses together or go to events together.
  21. You aren't going to be suddenly banned for life for a small thing like a few flowers that turn out to be in the way. They will simply be returned. Putting the item back can get you into trouble, because the thing being returned was your warning, but they don't treat stuff like that as a major rulebreak. People understand that mistakes happen as well, such as pets with the roaming settings not being right. If you end up with pets escaping your garden, you won't be the first to have made that mistake.
  22. The building is a lot more spread than when it started. There are in-progress areas in a number of places now. Different people do different bits (like lay down roads, do the decorations, final checks and so on). These sometimes have markers, such as big colour squares around the whole region (you can see these on the map) and prims with messages on them like saying the road flickers. They also won't release unnamed regions (the ones starting with SSPE). Some are named before the building starts and some are named right at the end. Once you see all the stages of decor done, the marker prims removed and the region named, that's when the release is likely to be soon.
  23. I'm a little surprised they haven't cut off new residents in the old areas. Maybe they're waiting until a few more themes have dropped, though there's pretty much always some newer houses waiting now.
  24. I'm set to not show. It doesn't stop people sending me IMs when they need help with something or when I'm right in front of them. I've never had drama about it. I have had drama in other games/forums where online status is reported. Anytime I have an option to turn those features off, they're gone.
  25. I like playing walking simulators and sandbox games, so that translates very well to Second Life. You don't really see that side until later though, because most newbie areas aren't interesting to look around. They could make those areas do more work by showing what can be done at the same time as teaching people how to move around.
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