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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. Paula001 Goldschein wrote: i picked one question: to get into destination guide is easy. good luck! I submitted some time back, and no one with a Linden name has visited the land and there's been no other response. So it might technically be relatively easy, but it seems to be really, really slow.
  2. In the past, if an item was going to be a good seller, it'd start selling immediately. Now, it's a few weeks before it starts selling. It gets there in the end, but it does seem like it's harder for customers to find new things.
  3. The marketplace turns images into jpgs, even if they're already jpgs, so you get a second helping of compression defects. Some colours are hit by this more than others. Red areas will pretty much always blur and turn pixelly. I had to change the colour of my store banner due to that.
  4. I've seen other complaints about the pink blocks in Thayer. The person doing it is most likely griefing the neighbours in the hopes of driving them out of the sim. Which is reportable, because it's not simply a case of someone building something ugly. It's done with intent.
  5. I try a mall spot now and then, but I've never kept one. My highest earning satellite store is hidden in someone's basement behind a secret door (I don't pay rent on that one... it's just for fun). Which puts malls into perspective, because not only do they earn less than my hidden shop, but there's rent to pay. Some of the themed malls may do better, though I haven't found fantasy malls (my theme) any better than general ones. You're better off using the money for your main shop.
  6. There are alternative plans, like a breedable that stays alive without food, but won't breed unless fed. That way in an emergency, the owner misses out on babies, but doesn't lose the pet. They can also pick them up if they don't want to breed that one right now, meaning less lag and http requests on the sim. Food buying will be lower. But on the other side, people are more likely to try and collect one of every variety, because they don't need space to have them all rezzed at once.
  7. I don't ban people on the basis of the copybot lists that get passed around. There's a chance you'll miss out banning a few real copybotters (though if they want to come in, they'll simply make a new alt), but mostly, it's just people who've got mixed up in the copybot banlists somehow. People decide someone is copybotting because they stood still for five minutes, or they revisited a few times without buying, or a few people with similar names visited in a row. Then, from that name, anyone with a similar name is a copybotter. Anyone in a group with that person is a copybotter. Anyone who was in the shop at the same time is a copybotter. Even if the original person was a copybotter and there's proof... a bunch of other names will be added to the list without proof. Sometimes people get their wires crossed, and assume the victims or the people putting out the warnings are the copybotters. Eventually, someone will realise they made a mistake, but by then the list has gone out. More people pass on the list than the retraction.
  8. Possibly you were using an SLictionary game? If you search the marketplace for SLictionary it'll come up, so you'll be able to see.
  9. There are a few more days left to enter. Not all of the Shroomies have been found yet, so there's still a chance at the main prize. Also starting tomorrow, the shop area is part of The Writer's Block hunt. So you can nap the prize for that on your way around.
  10. I had wondered at the sudden upturn in people visiting the in-world shop... not a great day to mess up the marketplace, to put it mildly.
  11. When you buy mainland, your landlord is Linden Labs and you pay them tier (though your first 512 is free, so there's no tier to pay on that). You do need a premium account. As for what you get, your land will stay until Second Life ends. The same isn't true for private estates, which come and go. You get more freedom over what you build. But on the other side, your neighbours also get that freedom... and you might hate their builds. Organising themed areas takes more work on the mainland. At sim owner level, mainland doesn't have all the estate management tools, but the tier is much cheaper.
  12. * The contest is now over. The winner is Strider Ivanovic. You can check out her screenshot (and see which Shroomie was the least photographed) on the Shroomie blog: Shroomie Winner. Thanks to those who took part! * To celebrate the opening of Mustopia (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Yia%20Yuto/128/128/36), I'm holding a catch a Shroomie contest. It's very easy to enter and there could be a lot of winners. The contest ends 11:59PM SLT (Second Life Time) on Saturday 18th February, 2012. How To Enter: * Visit the sim and find a Shroomie. They're little mushroom people with arms and legs. * Take a snapshot of yourself with the Shroomie. * Send it to Polenth Yue. How to Win: The winners will be everyone who takes a snapshot with the least photographed Shroomie. So if 10 people take a picture of Shroomie Bob and 20 people take a picture of Shroomie Fred, everyone who took a picture of Bob wins. This means it may be worth your while searching around for one that isn't quite so obvious. Everyone who wins will get a gift card (L$500) for the Mushporium shop. In addition, the first person to take a picture with the least photographed will win L$2000 (in actual Lindens). The Fine Print: * Only Shroomies posed in Mushtopia (Yia Yuto sim) and owned by Polenth Yue will count. Avatars who are Shroomies do not count (this includes me... you can't win by taking pictures of me). * If you don't want to spend L$10 for the snapshot, you can save it to your computer and email it to me at polly@polenthblake.com (make sure to include your SL avatar name). You're welcome to crop it down to size. Just make sure you and the Shroomie are showing. * One entry per avatar. If you send more, only the first will count. * There are 13 possible Shroomies to find. They're all the same basic shape, with arms and legs (this is important... limbless shrooms don't count). All the colours count for the contest. * The winner of the big prize will have their snapshot (cropped to size, if necessary) and name posted. This is a Shroomie: SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Yia%20Yuto/128/128/36 Blog: http://shroomiesadventures.blogspot.com/
  13. If you're looking for exploits to get to the top of the ranking, a public forum run by Linden Labs isn't the best place to ask. If you're looking for non-exploit ways... listen to Nefertiti. Sorting out product pictures, keywords, title and product descriptions does help move things up search, because it helps people find it and buy it. Redoing some of my older listings resulted in a noticeable sales spike.
  14. There's currently a mainland sim for sale which is an island, with protected water on three sides. It's up for more than most people'll pay right now, but it shows such things exist. ETA: Posted at the same time as the poster's last reply, so it's now irrelevant. But someone else might be interested, so leaving the reply up.
  15. As some random advice: If you're giving land to a friend, and you can't figure out how to sell to a single avatar, set the price really high. Give your friend the money back after they buy it (or give them the money so they can buy it). It saves a lot of angst and having to contact land bot owners. (Selling to a single avatar is better, but some time back I was selling land to a friend for a group, and they couldn't buy for group when it was set to sale for them. But no land bot was going to pay L10,000 for an 1024.)
  16. A land owner can ban anyone they want for whatever reasons they want. It may well be handled in a way that's unpleasant and unfair, but it's not breaking any rules. So you can't report them. About all you can is make sure you anti-recommend the place to your friends, by telling them about your experiences. And you could suggest alternatives you thought were awesome instead.
  17. Dazza Staheli wrote: As a game creator on SL i have often thought about making the exact type of game you mentioned , i too think it would be fun to make a fully interactive game where avitars are the playing pieces , i have 2 very big multiplayers out on the grid but as you said there is also a market for just fun interactive games too , i will devote some time to it over the coming months , if you have any suggestions (polite ones lol) then please feel free to IM me I wasn't specifically thinking of games where the avatars were the pieces, but that could be fun. The chaos of trying to run a chess game where all the pieces are avatars... it'd be awesome.
  18. All my recent purchases have been fast, so hopefully it sticks.
  19. Metalife used to have a system like that (I don't think they're around anymore, but if I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will say). One of the issues was it got complicated if an item didn't arrive, as every seller has their own way of handling it. I tried it for a bit, but decided single creator affiliates were easier to handle.
  20. I'm going to guess your post translates to this: "I brought a full perms item for builders. It had a terms of service included. Then the creator contacted me saying the terms of service changed, and now I can no longer use the items in my builds." You have all the usual basic rights in this case. You agreed to the terms of service in place when you brought it. Any changes the creator makes for future buyers don't impact you, because you didn't agree to those terms. They can't suddenly decide no one can use the item anymore. However, be aware that if the creator doesn't specify any rights, you only get the minimum rights required for use - which for SL, is using them on the main Second Life grid in your builds. If you want rights like using them on other grids, you have to specifically get those rights. You can't assume you have them because the creator didn't mention it in their terms of service. Some complaints about changes in terms of services I've seen... they haven't been anything of the sort. It's just the creator has decided to reword to be firmer about the rights they haven't granted. And if that wasn't your question... try again with shorter sentences. But at least I tried.
  21. I think you have some decisions to make about what you're after. If you want stability and freedom, the mainland is a good choice. But it comes with lack of overall theme, and the possibility of living next to a build you find ugly. If you want theme and overall attractiveness, private estates are generally a better bet. But it comes with the risk of it closing tomorrow with no warning, and the restrictions stopping you from building what you want. You have to take the bad points of your decision with the good. There's also the mainland decision of where you build. The ground is good if you like a bit of anarchy, and it does bring in more random visitors. But if you want isolation from your neighbours and to reduce client-side lag, the sky is better. From what you've said, I'm surprised you're not in a skybox already. Customers generally won't notice or care if you're on the ground or not.
  22. Is this still going? The system knows the link belongs to "SL Gardening Community", but there was no group page and I couldn't find the group by searching for it.
  23. Qie Niangao wrote: The horse farms are kind of a special case. It's not as if so many Mainland residents suddenly lost their senses and developed a horse obsession. Rather, everybody with the breedable bug was driven from any self-respecting Estate and ended up on Mainland by default. As if Mainland hasn't enough of its own problems, it's the dumping site for Estates' toxic waste. Though for most people, breedables are a fad. Horse farms come and go pretty fast, because few people can make any kind of money at it... and the animals keep on eating and using up money. Back at my old site, there was a chicken farm for a bit, but it didn't make it past a couple of months. The owner got bored and the chickens all died.
  24. Melita Magic wrote: I have an On A Roll game on my beach, and some arcade games at my cinema. So I must like those. I thought they were the most fun at the time I bought them. That's my usual criteria for buying stuff too. Most of the things I've picked up, I saw at someone else's place first and thought it was fun. Except for a few free games, where there's no risk in trying it (I've noticed free games are often a bit primmy, but work fine... I have a free mahjong table and a tetris-like thing.) (Which means all those spamming me with "make money fast!" games after I posted this thread... you're hassling the wrong fungus. I don't buy games for their money-making potential.)
  25. There's been a fair bit of discussion of big roleplaying games and sim-wide mysteries, so I thought it'd be fun to discuss smaller games. Chess, snakes and ladders, tetris clones... the sort of thing you play with one or few people. What are some of your favourite games and where do you go to play them? Any small games done big, like sim-sized board games? One I've enjoyed is Trio (by Moon Metty), where you have to pick out pattern sequences on a board. It's a simple idea, but challenging to play.
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