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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. No. You need transfer permissions to sell to other residents. You need both copy and transfer permissions if you want to sell multiple copies to other residents. (This is unrelated to the permissions you set for the next owner... this is about the permissions you need.)
  2. It's pretty clear that most of the complaints are people who play game of homes complaining that others are doing better at game of homes. It's about getting the hot trendy house of the moment, not just getting a house. There are pretty much always houses on the page these days, so it's really not about that. The game doesn't appeal to me at all, but I understand even less why people keep playing when it's no longer fun. At that point, just claim any random house, keep it for a month at least, and stop watching for new releases. Break the cycle of needing to have the newest house.
  3. If you need a vaccine for a summer job, you ideally wanted your first dose a month or so ago so that you'd be getting your second right now. This is the issue with waiting. It takes months to get both doses and for your immune system to do the thing. If you wait until you want to take that trip, get a job or the infection rates rise, you're late at that point. Still get it as soon as possible though, because being a few weeks into the first dose is better than nothing. Note that the things discussed in this thread are hurting arms and fever and the like. Not feeling great is a bit uncomfortable, rather than dangerous. In contrast, the reactive arthritis I got from the actual virus could leave me with permanent damage. At best, it means I was sick for over a year and still recovering. I went from being healthy and active to barely being able to walk.
  4. Even bigger this year! Though a new person probably doesn't have all the gifts from ten hunts, three birthdays and numerous other events still to unpack. So it'd be faster, hopefully.
  5. The next shop & hop is soon (opens for everyone on the 17th as part of SL18B). You aren't likely to find a full mesh body as a gift, but it'd be a place to get other wearables (each store has to offer a gift).
  6. Donation services initially didn't have a way to block someone from donating, but ended up having to add it. After all, it's free money and who'd want to block that. What hadn't been taken into account was you can leave a message with a donation. For the cheap price of one dollar, stalkers could send messages to their targets to get around blocks on other platforms. Even if messages were removed, sending the donation was a way to remind the target that the stalker was still there. So, blocking was added. That said, I've never needed to block anyone from buying items in Second Life due to stalking or similar issues. Blocking someone because you disagreed with them on the forum is extreme to me. Then again, I find the idea of hating someone forever for that extreme. If I disagree with you here, it doesn't mean I never want to speak to you again. Nobody is going to agree on everything.
  7. It could be transparent on one side or it could be the back face of the rock wall. Either way, the neighbour can't see through it because of the giant rock wall, so the neighbour doesn't have great water views in that direction (which is what a number of responses assumed, but clearly isn't the case). You can't really say that nobody would think the tree screen looks good when this neighbour has chosen that rock wall for their own home. This neighbour does think giant ugly walls look good.
  8. The general region where I have a shop ended up with a public adult area. I went from an open air shop to inside a building, because the reports were ignored. I'm not sure in the end if someone else reported it or the editor who came to check my shop for the destination guide saw it. My reports just didn't go anywhere. All I can suggest is to put up something to block the view and try to get other people to report it. They might have more luck. (The destination guide option is perhaps a bit extreme.)
  9. I'm assuming that you're the sandy beach house and not the grassy waterfall house. If I'm wrong, some of this still applies and some doesn't. I was expecting to see an identical house and a clear view from the neighbour's house from your description, but that's not what the images show. The house looks different to yours and the screen is solid rock on her side. It's ugly, but I wouldn't jump to thinking this is a purposeful attempt to create drama. She may even have thought the tree screen would stop you seeing a waterfall falling from nowhere. I haven't had many giant-screen neighbours over the years, but even the ones with other issues have moved on pretty quickly. As long as it isn't encroaching or breaking any other rules, it doesn't hurt to remember that one person's dream house is another person's ugly mess.
  10. How did you check your land impact? I say that because you said you counted it carefully, but that implies you're checking each object and doing the sums, which is prone to error. A quick way to know is to drag a selection box over all your objects (with "Select Only My Objects" checked).
  11. They might well move the demo region(s) into place after it's started, as that's happened before. So it's not guaranteed to be revealed on the 17th. Just during the birthday sometime.
  12. This isn't a simple answer as it depends on the shop, products and context of the giftcard. For example, if an event has a policy of offering a free gift and you give a discount giftcard rather than an item, that isn't likely to leave people with warm fuzzies about your store. There were complaints about previous shop and hop stores, because they locked the gift to a group rather than being for the public. This doesn't mean group gifts are bad in all situations. It means it'll annoy people if the gift was supposed to be for everyone. In the end, you want people to be happy about the things you give away, so thinking through how different things will come across is more helpful than a yes/no answer.
  13. LMR was the project fixing these things, separate to the main viewer fixes. You still got your main viewer fixes while LMR was being worked on. That's why the notes seem like a lot, because suddenly the main viewer and the LMR viewer are the same thing. I wouldn't say the fixes are only for creators. Other people do notice the problems, but don't understand what's causing the problems. A recent thread was from a creator who'd had multiple customer complaints, because the product looked different when seen with a broken EEP viewer. The customers knew something was wrong, but not why or who was to blame. Don't take this to mean I think all this is ideal. Releasing EEP without checking what it did to existing content was not a good move. I wouldn't have chosen EEP as my most wanted feature either. But they launched it, they broke things, and that means they did need to fix them.
  14. These fixes impact me as I create stuff using materials, which the original EEP update broke. I'm not the only creator who has been waiting for this update to make it into the official viewer. Hopefully the other viewers will add it soon. Some of the EEP issues were smaller than the materials issue, but rolling them all in together makes sense. Different teams will have different skills, so you weren't going to get something unconnected fixed faster by telling the LMR people to stop working on fixing EEP.
  15. The answers in this thread might give you some ideas: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/469914-what-advice-would-you-give/
  16. In general, the destination guide, the log in message on the official viewer and Firestorm, and join the official groups for such events. People in event groups will often discuss the next event, so you'll keep adding more to visit. It can be tricky to find out what's happening in advance, so here are a few names. Second Pride is right now. You've missed most of Relay for Life (American Cancer Society), but the final weekend with the actual relay starts on 12th June. For next year, big events for RFL include Home and Garden Expo, Fantasy Faire and SciFi Con. Spoonful of Sugar (Doctors Without Borders/MSF) starts in September. Team Diabetes (American Diabetes Association) usually does some stuff in autumn/winter, though the site didn't have any info about this year yet. For all of those, search on Google with "Second Life" in quotes and you'll get the official pages. That's not everything obviously, but it's a few to get you started. SL18B is also just around the corner and some charity groups/events are likely to have exhibits.
  17. Another simple test is to fly straight up into the sky until you can't see anything. If all the lag goes away, the cause is your client trying to load everything. For that, all you can really do is cut down on draw distance. If the lag is still there with nothing around you, something is using up all the region resources.
  18. Basically, you seem to be saying the power of positive thinking solves everything, written in the most purple prose you can write. Which is very much a marketing thing, as they hope it'll impress people. What it often ends up doing is driving people away, as they don't know what any of that actually means. If you come at people with phrases like "the positive values of my predefined parameters of objectives" you've lost them. I enjoy Second Life and tell people about it, but I do so in plain language and don't pretend that technical issues won't crop up. Most newbies are struggling to get things out of boxes, not looking for a philosophical discussion about the potential of virtual worlds.
  19. Yes, it's a bug. There's no logic to it because it's not supposed to happen.
  20. I rushed to the page to see the freaky eyeball and was disappointed to find it was just a cyborg eye attached to someone. Not the eyeball monster of my dreams. Anyway, I think the bigger issue is that autoplaying video is a bad idea for accessibility.
  21. Events are the best promotion I've found. I sell a lot at the event and the publicity keeps things selling afterwards. Not all events are equal though, so I'm not suggesting signing up for a billion of those monthly events. Look for bigger events and sign up for one of the cheaper options to test the water. (I've sold more at events this year than last year, so I haven't noticed a drop in sales as a small merchant.) On that note, when you make a bunch of new things, put a few aside as event exclusives. The usual event thing is it'll be new and exclusive for the event, but you can sell it normally afterwards. Make sure you include your landmark and marketplace link everywhere. In every product, every hunt gift, as clickable signs in event shops... this sounds so obvious, but so many shops don't do this. I don't do Flickr, my social media is general rather than SL only and my store group is small and mainly used to announce a few events a year. So though you can do various things if you want to, they're extra frills.
  22. I did. I figured it out from the much earlier clue that it would go well with railroads. But in this case, I'm an exhibitor at the birthday and my guesses would be informed by what I can see, so I can't really guess out loud at this point. What I will say is something I said in another thread before I saw the exhibitor regions... you can see the regions on the map (search for SLB) and it's clear the terrain is different.
  23. I'm surprised nobody commented on the skin photoshoot thing, because he was most likely only in a swimsuit/underwear at best. This would not go well with everything else.
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