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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Rowen and Ariel are right. I'll say it a different way. There are two possibilities. Either a change failed to record or you are using the same item in different outfits. When you change an attachment (mesh clothes) and exit SL the change may not stick. Try making your changes then take the item off to force the Asset System to update with your changes. Some people don't understand links. These look like items but they are just pointers to the item. Outfits use links. So if you make a skirt red and save an outfit 'A' you have an outfit with a red skirt. If you never do anything with that skirt again the outfit will always have a red skirt. But, if you then use the same skirt and change it to green and save outfit 'B' and later make the same skirt blue and save outfit 'C'... you will find outfits A, B, and C all have the skirt as blue. Because all the links point to the same skirt. The way to handle this is to put your look together and save the skirt (take it off). Copy the just saved skirt and put the copy in a folder labeled 'red'. Wear the copy. Now save the outfit. Its link will point to the copy. Do that for each color of the skirt you make for an outfit. Since each outfit has a link to a different copy of the skirt the outfits don't change. Logging on and off does not change outfits. The only time a log-on changes items is if the changes from the previous session failed to record. If you are seeing something different, you need to explain if you made or bought the item. From there we can try to figure out what is happening.
  2. No. Only full-perm shapes can be exported. But, there are ways to ripoff anything in SL. Shapes being one of the easier items to steel but few people know how to do it. Ugh. I am not sure there is a GOOD WAY. No-mod is the most protective way. But, many of us won't buy no-mod. You could copyright the shape. But, will you sell enough of the shape to pay for the RL fees? I would probably make the creatures a set, body, shape, animations... and possibly copyright the kit. Head only shape - It is possible to make partial shapes. So a head only or a body only. One exports the shape which becomes and XML file. The XML file can be edited outside the viewer. Lines of XML can be deleted. Say delete all but the head settings. When the resulting shape is uploaded it combines with whatever shape is being worn but only the included XML values change the existing shape. All other settings remain unchanged. The gotcha is the partial shape has to be sold as an XML file and the end user has to understand how to import a shape. Not a user friendly process.
  3. If one is going to wear face-lights, the old style prim lights, they really should look at them with ALM on and off. When done wrong these turn into supernova lights. Using the new type projector face-lights ALM doesn't make much difference as they only work with ALM on. To see the difference look at this face-light. It is a kit for teaching people how to make the newer face-lights. Or they can just replicate and wear what's in the package and skip the learning.
  4. Once you have your avatar just right, save it as an Outfit. This will let you change anything and return easily to the just right avatar. I use a nude me. It is my basic avatar, head, body, skin, shape... This is the starting point for all my outfits. I can wear the nude outfit and start adding clothes.
  5. It is difficult to explain how to make a 4:3 ratio image in an image system limited to powers of 2 dimensions. (JPG2000) A 4:3 image without adjustment is 1024x768. But, the only up loadable sizes near that are 1024x512 and 1024x1024. The only way to get the image to look right inside SL is to stretch the image from 1024x768 to 1024x1024 in Photoshop. Then upload the image. When placed on a 1x1m cube face the image will look stretched. Changing the cube dimensions to 1x0.768m to squish the image will display the image at the proper ratio and remove the stretched look. Other ratios work the same way. The SL wiki explains ratios and max sizes for all the images used in SL. They just aren't very good at explaining how to fit those images into the JPG2000 format.
  6. Free speech is a wonderful thing. Gender fluidity offers a number of hilarious options that tie the PC progressives in knots.
  7. Customer support is a big factor in my decisions. I think I get your point as to not making it the primary criteria. But, it can often be the deciding factor in a close decision. While your participation in a number of threads here are obviously for your personal enjoyment, I suspect many of us are appreciative of your taking time to do your CSR thing. Thanks. Black Dragon - Has anyone played with the new head in BD? I suspect BD will NOT be able to work directly with most of the 'new' slider controls. But, I suspect the base SL controls will influence them. Looks like demo time. I imagine I could mix BD's Poser and the Catwa HUD to get the images with the subtle facial expressions one wants.
  8. ...meh.... yes and no. If one is wanting those almond shaped eyes then it is much more difficult. I think Catwa comes the closest on eyes.
  9. I am not clear on WHEN you want to control your eyes. If just for taking images then there are some HUDs that allow you to position your eyes and lock them in place. I use AnyPose Expression. It was made for classic facial expressions but it still works for eye control. It only works while worn. You cannot set an eye position and take it off. The eyes will revert to their normal behavior.
  10. Did you find out? I would guess something along the line, 'Wow! Yummy.'
  11. In a fascist system it wouldn't be. In a free world people are allowed to be jerks and hateful for whatever reason they can dream up. We being free too do not have to hang out with such people. They being free do not have to listen to our ideas of what is and isn't proper and can maintain their jerkness without conforming to our ideas. That ...pursuit of happiness... thing is tricky. How does one keep a majority from trampling the rights of minorities? Cancel Culture is working to correct such freedom and eliminate diversity of opinion and behavior. If the philosophy is adopted, you'll have a government to tell you what and who to like and such comments will land a person in jail. Conform or be CANCELED. Imagine living in Hong Kong and having the CCCP tell you they have decided to ignore the treaty with Britain and your free speech is gone. Toe the party line or else.
  12. Ctrl-0, 9, & 8 take care of the in-viewer setup. Since I often am shooting up or down for effect I get the subject the way I want and then correct the geometery in Photoshop. Otherwise, my geometery corrections in the viewer affect the subject. It is possible to get the geometery perfectly vertical. However, that is not always desirable. If you adjusted a picture to make railroad tracks parallel as they vanish in the distance the picture would look wrong. Some perspective convergence is needed to make the picture fit our mental expectations.
  13. No one has mentioned it, but Skin has a lot to do with the apparent breast size. With Slink's Redux Original you can adjust to a small height and breast size, they will never be as small as Petite, but you may get what you want. With a Petite skin the breasts can look small and non-petite clothes would still fit. Whether you can get a combination you like... do the demos. The Redux Hourglass body is supposed to have large breasts. So... trying for small ones with Hourglass isn't likely to give you want you want.
  14. Designers are not static. Most grow and change. So a list would go out of date quickly. Most of the big names are reasonably efficient in their design. The only way to know who is doing reasonably optimized content is to find clothes you like then get the demo and look to see. Maybe make a note card with the names of those shops you want to avoid. We have Avatar Complexity Index (ACI) numbers. While not the best measure of optimization for an easy to use tool it is the best we have. The tool is being reworked to use a new algorithm and provide a better measure.
  15. Start with this information... The viewer you use is also a factor. Different viewers use different profile images... sort of... With 15 posts most of us will assume you are new. Look here to get an idea of what is going on. https://kultivatemagazine.com/2017/08/25/sl-photography-the-problem-with-profile-photos/ This is old and some images are missing but the words are accurate. The SL Wiki provides this information: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_set_profile_pictures The point is any image resizing done by the SL system is weak. So many of us resize our images in an editor outside of SL; Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.Net, etc.
  16. For image quality there are a number of things to consider. Max image size in SL is 1024x1024. Anything larger gets down sized by the uploader and it is not anywhere near as good as Photoshop or GIMP's resizing. SL uses the JPG2000 format for image storage. It is a lossy format. Uploading JPG images causes a double loss. TGA and PNG avoid one loss process. JPG2000 images require power of two dimensions; 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. Other sizes are resized down to the nearest power of two dimension and there is some loss of quality. The size image you want to use depends on how it is to be used. A 1024x1024 image targeted for a fingernail texture is highly wasteful. Consider how many pixels something will normally use when on screen. A fingernail will normally use less than 100x100px. When zoomed in on it might use 256x256 and possibly 512x512. How often do you zoom in on nails? So, there is no single BEST size. SL has a reputation for being horribly laggy. That is generally considered to be the fault of content that is not optimized, i.e., nails using 1024 textures.
  17. I think you ignoring the reality of what people do with the law. If the law were followed, a FALSE claim would not be filed and Genus would have suffered no loss. But it was. Filing the DMCA Take Down with the court and LL initiates the process and mandates LL do the take down. At this point no court action is required beyond the filing to inform all parties. The idea was this would protect the DMCA filer from additional damage while they instituted the court actions. The devious realized this could be abused and they do.
  18. ...and it is fun to look at. My new home...
  19. Free speech can hurt. But it is the cure for ignorance and stupidity.
  20. Take 2 shots. One nice sky, one nice ocean then combine them. Enjoying my new home in Bellisseria.
  21. You should probably make your self a test OUTFIT and a basic outfit. I use a basic nude avatar to start all my outfits from. I use a copy of the original purchased body and head. This leaves the original copies as a starting place for emergency recovery if needed. I have another outfit that uses another set of copies of the original body and head that I consider my test avatar. I expect to screw this avatar up. I have on various occasions replaced the body and head with new copies from the originals. I also make copies of my shape. Trying new heads usually means I will be using their shape as a starting place for tweaking the head. With a test body and head I am free to boldly experiment and go where no girl has gone before... I'm always one click-away from being able to restore my avatar to its original/basic look. The platform receiving the DMCA take-down notice has no choice. So the Lab or anyone else in a similar position is NOT supporting fraud. They are following the law. The system dos NOT support the abuser. If they can be found, they may serve jail time for filing a false charge. BUT, the system is prone to abuse as we have seen in the Genus Project case. This is the problem with any system where one has action taken against them and then they have to prove they are innocent to get it reversed. The idea that one is innocent until proven guilty is a foundation stone of a just civil society. Anything else is regressive.
  22. We are assuming you are using the default viewer. But, you need to give us specific information. Click HELP->About... in your viewer and paste that info in with any question like this. A slow connection is often a connection that drops lots of packets, which will cause these types of problems. But, without specific information we don't don't know where to start troubleshooting.
  23. Using FS 6.4.5 sounds work for me. Music stops. I can't get to the ground level to see the parcel settings. Via menu for the parcel it all looks to be working. A number of my tricks for getting to the ground all failed, which is odd. But nothing odd about the Sound channel. So, I agree with Qie.
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