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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. If the hair base has the tat icon in inventory, then it is for BoM. If the head is not using BoM then it isn't going to show. Did the hair base come with an applier?
  2. SL has an amazing free market economy. Those that want to give up more and more freedom and have 'authority' take it and enforce one-set-fits-all rules haven't noticed what happens in countries where that is the philosophy. Fortunately the Lab has realized artistic freedom is the life blood of their free market. So it is unlikely they will impose restrictive rules that would break their economic model. People don't have good data on what SL residents do. Depends on which circles you run in as to what you think. Also, basing opinions on the number of SL people doing something based on what the inhabitants of the forum do doesn't work. It is too small a sample size. We have the same problem with poles on the various blogs running them. Too small a sample size. I believe Maitreya is the leading body maker. We have lots of opinions on how various brands are loosing support and why. But, they are opinions. Confirmation bias tends to color people's opinions. I wear Slink and deal with its popularity and lack of it every time I go shopping. While Scandalize seems to be providing fewer Slink-included releases others, like Addams, are providing new Slink releases. You see it one way with your biases and I another with mine. I agree and think limits would harm the Lab's economic model. Yes, they can be ignored. But I see residents response to ARC/ACI differently. I disagree that few pay attention. A good example is hair. Prior to the current ACI implementation and the addition of viewer popups and Jelly Dolls hair was extremely heavy, ACI and script-wise. A 160k ACI hair was common. Now hair is as low as 10 or 20k and script weight dropped radically. Land Impact had changed how 'things' are made for use in SL. People do pay attention. Naw... I disagree. One can cherry-pick stores to count. Also, some clothes by a designer may are may not be made for Slink because the item is difficult to modify for various bodies while others are easy to modify. So, unless a designer says they are not going to support a brand, we just base our opinion on shaky incomplete information. So, we disagree.
  3. I am serious. The new ARC is going to use data collected by the Lindens over the last year plus. The new ARC/ACI based on that data is intended to give a more present-day realistic measure of render cost. As CPUs and GPUs get better it drives down render cost. Also, what was hard to render in the past and what is hard to render now is different as graphics cards and drivers improve. A new algorithm is needed. Some think the ARC calc'd by Black Dragon is more realistic now and foreshadows what is coming. If that is true, using BD Slink is less than half (44%) the render cost of Maitreya (5.01). Maitreya is less than a number of other bodies. This gives Slink a good edge. As it is now the difference between Slink and Maitreya using Firestorm, which is pretty much the same ARC/ACI as the Linden viewer is now, Slink is only slightly less (80%) than Maitreya. If the coming new ARC/ACI favors Slink as much as BD does now then there is a likelihood the more environmentally conscious residents will consider Slink. I don't remember what region owners thought of Slink feet back in the days when mesh feet were replacing sculpty feet. But since then the SL system has changed quite a bit. The sculpty texture map and the mesh vertex lists are no longer downloaded by the region servers. But, that was a transient load that only mattered when an avatar rezzed in. I went back and put on my Slink feet from 2014. They add about 3k of FS ACI and 16k of script which is nothing compared to hair of that era, some of which can add well over 100k of ACI and 200k of script. So there may be a reason I don't remember region owner complaints about Slink feet.
  4. This thread is so awesomely cute and sweet we should warn diabetics away. Thanks for posting.
  5. Yeah... there are a bunch of things that can throw height off. I think the best choice is to get nude and put your flat feet on, see where your avatar is with both height controls at zero, which is 50 inside the Appearance panel. If things are good, then your feet should be close to the floor, meaning within a decimeter or half-foot. If more than that, something is wrong. You should also be able to sit with these settings and be about the same distance from an ideal sit or lay as your feet are from the floor. But, chairs and other furniture can be really messed up in regard to sit positions. So make sure you are using well made furniture for testing. The old system shoe layers can also be a problem. We mostly use them for adjusting foot height now. So, try a flat foot one and none to see if that layer is the problem. If you adjust to compensate for a bad 'shoe settings layer' everything will be wacked. No matter how much effort you put into getting it "right" it will never be perfect. The height slider is going to get lots of use. But if you are adjusting up or down more than 0.5 something is messed up... the avatar, furniture, or ground/floor. That is not uncommon.
  6. Try tweaking the Appearance Height. The Right-click-on-avatar Height, being the OTHER height, works great if the adjustments are small. Otherwise, you see the sit problem you are seeing. So, use the inside Appearance Height to balance things.
  7. Slink was good to me with upgrades at no cost. I had the body, feet, and hands pre-BoM so I got the upgrade to Redux Bundle for free. Slink feet were an early release of mesh feet. Shoe makers pretty much universally supported Slink feet and still do. They are sort of the defacto standard. The Redux body comes in two versions, the Redux Body Bundle with hands and feet (5 sizes) built in. Now the combination of body, feet, and hands take only one attachment point. There is also the Redux Body, without hands and feet. There are separate hands and feet still available. The Redux Bundle comes with everything, body, feet, hands, skins, brows, toe and finger tats, asymmetric arms, box of alphas, alpha templates for download and as a pre-made tattoo layer, and Blueberry underwear. Plus they through in the Classic body too, which is the appliers needed body with alpha cuts. All for L$2,800. Or you can buy the body only for L$1,250. However, the Classic and separate hands and feet are mentioned only in the find print. The main add for the body says hands and feet included. So, I doubt noobs will be confused. The separate feet and hands are for those that want good feet and hands for other bodies. Not for those buying Slink bodies.
  8. When making things for Slink the advice is to make for Original then tweak it for Hourglass. I find that works and saves effort. It is much harder whem you start with HG then try to make the version for Original. So, why they build for just HG... I suspect they are short of time. I keep finding new stores that make Slink Original. But, there are other brands that are more popular. I suspect once the Lindens get around to changing the Avatar Render Cost system Slink will get more popular.
  9. Not to worry. All the important stuff is said in the forum...
  10. No... we did lock-downs because of the lack of science and horribly wrong predictions by Dr. Neil M. Ferguson, a British epidemiologist. Everyone panicked. This was NOT his first screw-up at predicting disaster. That people gave him any credibility and that he still had a job at the college is amazing. He doesn't now. And it is debatable how much of it was political agenda and media hype. After all, the point of the lock-down was to avoid swamping the hospitals. Once we knew that wasn't going to happen, why didn't they lift the lock-down? Now we are told to prepare for a second lock-down because the hospitals are filling up with CoVid patients. Have you looked up how many CoVid patients are in the hospitals and what the typical occupancy rates are? Its online. Daily updates. And do you know what the average occupancy is for a hospital? Corporate media isn't going to tell you. If there are no patients in a hospital, it goes bankrupt. Staff gets laid off. At the height of the pandemic hospitals were laying staff off and looking at closing because the politicians ordered them to empty out their beds to handle the influx of CoVid patients that never came. People are still listening to these clowns. People are dying because of reduce cancer screening, delayed heart surgeries, etc. We are still doing things because we lack scientific research on CoVid. No studies on whether masks work well enough to justify having everyone wear them. Well published ones. There is a lock down on any articles based on research that says masks are ineffective. I think the ineffectiveness is obvious since 80% of the people that contracted CoVid say they wore masks. I did. I got it. No one in corporate media publishes anything, well... very little, about the harm the lock-down is doing. But, we have old studies on how and when to isolate or quarantine. But that isn't what our politicians are forcing on us. And why lock-down kids? Seasonal Influenza-A & B kills tens of thousands of kids. How many have died of CoVid-19? Look it up and remember the numbers are a bit hinky with the hospitals getting an extra $30k to $40k for a CoVid death. Locking kids down is not because the science supports the idea. We have vaccines developed in months instead of years being released. Since 1989 pharmaceutical companies in the USA have no liability for injuries from their vaccines. You cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for the injuries caused by a vaccine. Its the law here. Yeah, I want to be in the first group that gets that vaccine... not. But I like 11 million others have immunity now...
  11. SL is a huge and complex system. The Internet is also huge and complex. There are likely billions of things that can go wrong in either. So... it is very likely know one knows. If the Lindens actually know what went wrong they usually say.
  12. I haven't seen anyone doing anything with VR related to SL in 4+ years. The viewers used for the experiments are still around and the VR source code is out there. But, the viewer versions used are way obsolete now. I suspect it would be quite a task to get one running. Plus they never had a decent UI. People were expecting the Lab to develop the UI for VR. That work stopped and VR basically became a stalled project in SL... and it seems in most of the world except for specialized applications. The current viewers can do a couple of types 3D, shutter glasses and red/blue lenses. It has been awhile since I looked for a viewer with those mods.
  13. All of those are big corporate owned media with similar agendas. They pat each other's backs. CNN and BBC are jokes. The information they fail to provide distorts the view of the world. This is a problem... People have a narrow view and assume it is the general. The medical and psychological professions see the CoVid/Lock Down issues very differently. Specialization and small circles of experience lead people miss understand reality. They quickly adopt group think and seldom question their thinking and opinions or look at other aspects of the problem. This video is an interesting visualization of what is happening with breathing, coughing, and masks. Obviously air has to pass through. The speed and volume can be reduced by a mask. A good thing for limiting spread but have you considered what that does to you lungs? The thing they do not mention is the virus is too small to be caught by a mask, even N95. But, since even lame masks catch significant numbers of water droplets the huge number of virus particles in droplets are caught. But, those passing through being smaller droplets and as the water evaporates it leaves the virus suspended in the air, now considered an aerosol, which would make CoVid airborne. The aerosol can penetrate even the N95 masks. And some masks atomize the water droplets to the point that more small water droplets are produced than if no mask were worn. The total volume with a mask is smaller, but with no masks larger droplets make up more of the total volume. Those large droplets settle out much faster, thus the reason for social distancing. But, which is better? Small droplets going aerosol? Large droplets settling on surfaces? We simply do not have good information on the transmission of CoVid and how effective or ineffective masks are. It was first thought to be person-to-person (droplets are person-to-person), then opinions quickly changed to airborne, and now probably not airborne but researchers are unsure. However, something like 80% of the people wearing masks caught CoVid. Not a good number. This makes it hard to know what helps and doesn't help. Vitamin D may be a better preventative than masks. But many people are in too panic to hear facts. While it seems intuitive masks will help stop the spread, masks also create respiratory problems. No one has figured out the benefit to harm ratios. We have no numbers on how many are and are not wearing masks or how conscientious they are/were in wearing them. So the question comes up... if masks may not be more beneficial than not, why force people to wear them? Of the 11.6 million cases in the USA 250+k have died. Why are the 11.4 million made to wear a mask and suffer possible respiratory damage? Especially now that research is showing SAR/CoVid immunity likely lasts decades.
  14. I have to disagree with you on USA Today's bias. Once starts considering who they quote and running the math on their claims, I think, the bias is clear.
  15. A longer explanation and why you would use one or the other method...
  16. I am pretty sure the word 'eradicated' doesn't mean what you think... No... sorry you missed the point. Other pandemics of smaller and larger sizes did not create the economic chaos affecting SL. It isn't the virus but the panic and lock downs that have both helped and hurt SL. The OP asked about the pandemic as the cause. Seems every one got triggered by my pointing out other pandemics without lock downs have not had the social and economic impacts that the lock down has caused. What was the point of the lock down? Politicians in the US and other countries were very clear on the why... I did say of the ones you pointed to... Turn the spikes into percentages to compare. The lock downs were and are an irrational response to an unknown. Which do you think will cost more lives, another lock down or a spike in CoVid cases? You also missed the point of my first response. So... of the hundreds of thousands of known viruses we have eradicated 2? (Small Pox is one) My point was it is very unlikely we will ever eradicate* CoVid viruses. *eradicate as defined by Webster and the medical community are different. The medical side goes with 'removed from the wild environment' or 'no known cases over a significant span of time' as being eradicated.
  17. You didn't read the article... The places in Asia you are pointing to that you think controlled the virus have way low population densities. And they are spiking too. Can you show me any virus that we have ever eradicated globally? The point is anyone researching the benefit ratio of the lock down generally concludes it isn't rational.
  18. Since you can login in a different account it is not the viewer or your connection that is the problem. It is the account or something about the account. At this point I suggest you file a trouble ticket and let the Lindens look at it from their side. Find SUPPORT at the bottom of this page. On the support page is a link 'Contact Support', on the right-side. On the contact page is a link, near the bottom, 'Submit a Support Case'. ...and this is a user-to-user forum. Lindens read very little of it. So, we can't access your account not are the support people going to see you request here.
  19. Mesh bodies and clothes cannot be edited with builder tools. Whoever makes the clothes fits them to a specific brand of body. They won't fit or move correctly with other brands of body. Which is why we see multiple dress versions for different brands in the box when we buy one, a different version for each brand of body. This complication is due to the nature of 3D worlds and how they work.
  20. I think it would be more accurate to say the economic problem for most people is from the lock down. Making the pandemic an indirect cause. This pandemic is the first in US history to have a drastic economic effect. Since 1918-20 the Spanish flu swept through the world; 500 million cases (world pop=1.8billion or 28% ), deaths 50± million or 10%, U.S. deaths 675,000± or 0.65% of the US pop. the medical world has been studying how to stop the spread of influenza. The CDC has published the extent of our knowledge in their paper, Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures (ref 5/2020). Asian Flu: 1957-1958; deaths 1.1 million or 0.03%, US deaths 116,000 or 0.06% with world pop = 2.8 billion, US = 178± million. H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic: 2009-2010; 1.4 billion cases or 20%, world-wide deaths between 151,700 (pop 6.9 billion) and 575,400 or 0.02% to 0.03%, US cases 60 million or 19%, deaths 12,500± (pop 308 million) 0.004%. Covid-19: 2020-?; 54 million cases or 6.9%, 1.3 million deaths or 0.016%., US 11 million cases or 3.3%, US deaths 245,000 or 0.074% - World pop = 7.8± billion, US pop 331± million. I have to agree with the CDC, we don't know how to avoid spreading the flu-like viruses. While it looks like we may have slowed the spread the lock down is crushing the economy. Whether we will have more deaths from CoVid or the lock down is an unknown until we collect the information, which will take a couple of years. This will be a good test of whether herd immunity is a real and significant factor or not. Will Covid pass in a couple of years as humans build immunity as they did to previous flues? Or will the lock downs cause it to linger longer from less herd immunity? Whichever, Rowan is right. Places come and go. I separate my LM's by year. I think a majority of those LMs over a year old get culled because they no longer point to a place that still exists. The rate of disappearing regions does not seem to have changed. Plus, the Lindens can't provide new regions (or only in a limited number) because of the uplift.
  21. Show us an image of your hair base in inventory.
  22. YouTube has loads of 'How To' videos. There are two groups of photographers, well, more than 2 but I'll go with that. Those that do the work in the viewer and those that do the work 'post production', meaning in Photoshop or GIMP image editors. You sort of have to decide which you are interested in before you start searching. An example of some of the ...I'll call it extreme... post production editing is Natsumi Xenga's work. These are not tutorials but you can learn from them. There are all sorts of beginning SL tutorials. These are likely more what you'll want to start with. The forum has a load of advice and tutorials and simple 'this is how I did that' posts. So look through the various image threads as that type of info is interspursed in those threads, hard to find but great information. Orwar posted the link to the main section in this forum. Do search for Black Dragon. Those posts are about the viewer and how it is used, mostly for photos. I think Firestorm and Black Dragon viewers are the two primary choices for photographers in SL. Firestorm has classes in world.
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