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  1. RIP Dusty Hill - been a fan since I was a little kid.
  2. Hope I haven't posted this before - I listen to the Descendents a lot. 😃
  3. Generally don't like live albums at all - this is one of the two exceptions, because it honestly just sounds like them live without a load of processing, and captures the crowd noise, etc. Bunch of loons for a fanbase though - useful to bring along a large friend you can step behind from time to time. I guess they're done touring now, but if they reform and you're bored on a weekend... 😄
  4. A lot of her work delivers power through volume, but this new Lingua Ignota single knocked my socks off with clean singing. You still know the next song in the album's going to be a barely controlled explosion. 😄
  5. Best listened to in a crowd who know to drunkenly scream the lines, but as we're still in a lockdown here..
  6. And I don't think there are many metal fans in here, but just in case - this was on before the Aphex Twin. It's a 83 minute long song, so maybe get a snack and some coffee. It was mostly written by the band after the loss of their drummer to alcoholism, and it really captures some of the raw feelings of that even without the lyrics being intelligible for the first bit. Really moving live - lucky enough to have seen it twice.
  7. This might be a bit more Sunday-friendly! Gorgeous ambient synth soundtrack written for a trip to the supermarket (literally). I have to say, the En-Trance song is a bit grand for walking into my local corner store.
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