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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. try this tutorial on Catwa by Strawberry and see if it helps: https://strawberrysingh.com/2017/06/12/crash-course-catwa-lelutka-mesh-heads/ There is a video included so it should be easy to follow and Strawberry is less geek and more person... so, her stuff is usually easy to understand.
  2. Nalates Urriah


    First step, join the Singularity UG in-world. The developer for Singularity is often on line in the morning. Others there are helpful and many knowledgeable. Use the viewer's search to find the group. Check the website for instructions: http://www.singularityviewer.org/
  3. The concept of SHOULD trips many people. There SHOULD be world peace, people should be nice to one another, people shouldn't kill, rape, steal... They should not 'should' on others... One can attempt to hold to their ideas of how the world should be until it beats them into submission and they deal with the world as it is. Surrender early and suffer less pain and disappointment. Learn. Whether you did something wrong or not, you have a situation. We can debate the right-wrongness forever. But, whether right or wrong you made a mistake and let someone get to you. Now you have an issue. You can be a victim and wait for someone to save you, fix it, and suffer until you figure out you'll need to handle it through action on your part. I suggest you start with the easy and move on to the more complex. You may not have to change your name. But, it is the easiest and fastest solution and we know it has costs and is distasteful. Kirstin gave the easier first steps. Try them. Read posts here about dealing with griefers. Avoid thinking the Lindens or anyone going to save you or solve this. Any computer system can be hacked and there are loads of scammers thinking up ways to beat the system. It's the world we live in. And... many of us have no problem dealing with the idiots and jerks in SL. Recognize the problem, name it, deal with it, and move on. Keep reporting abuse. The Lindens read EVERY report and when appropriate take action. We never hear what they did, a privacy thing. There is also only so much they can do. If hackers can get into the most secure systems on the planet, faking an ID to get into SL is no problem. Resign yourself to the fact this is an ongoing battle with no end in sight.
  4. There is a basic scam that runs by stealing money and then leaving a trail to a shill. It is often another form of griefing. You are left holding stolen goods... Call Linden Lab's accounting and report what happened. Ask what to do and request they make a note in your file that you called about the problem.
  5. Nalates Urriah


    Here is the long answer.... There are different types of avatars in SL. There are starter avatars at sign up, which have what we call mesh bodies. We just call them mesh avatars. There are newer and older avatars in the signup collections and in the Library that use the classic body, an odd mesh body with mesh clothes, and newer 'fitted' mesh avatars and clothes. There are also the older or original avatars which we call classic avatars. The classic avatar skeleton and skin are the base avatar for both mesh and classic avatars. The Classic model was the first avatar in Second Life. When using a new mesh body the skin of the classic avatar is hidden behind it. As the classic body will poke-through the mesh body when animated the classic body is hidden using alpha layers. So... the answer to your question, which are you wearing and how do you know which you are putting on? If you go into Appearance or Outfits Worn and take off (detach) everything you can then what you are left looking at is the Classic avatar. The Classic avatar is also known as the System Avatar. The skin and other parts cannot be taken off, only replaced. Those things that can only be replaced are system parts or clothes. Clothes for the Classic avatar are often called system clothes. So, what can you do? Go into your inventory in the Library folder (at the bottom of the list) in Clothes and play with those avatars/outfits. They are mostly mesh skins and clothes. To get to the classic avatar, you need to open the menu's Develop tab. If it is not showing press: Ctrl-Alt-Q Then revert to the test avatar: Develop->Avatar->Character Tests->Test Male/Female. All this does is set your avatar to use the classic skin and clothes. You can override any of the settings at any time. Once your avatar is a classic avatar try changing clothes using those that were not showing before.
  6. Me too... now. I think my browser has been drinking... something.
  7. Another way to think of it... Avatar Complexity Information (ACI) is an indication of how hard your avatar is to render by your video card, how much work a graphics card has to do to render you and others. So, lower means better performance. BUT... we don't all have the same video card. So, different people see different ACI values for the same avatar. Hopefully this gives you the insight that the number is more a subjective number for your individual use. So, targeting a specific number is probably not the best goal. But, a specific number is easy to talk about... The popup that says 'X avatars cannot see you' is probably way more meaningful. It is also harder to use for planning our ACI or recommending to others, so we tend to just deal with ACI as if it is a universal reference. So, if I have and ACI of 'X' and in a crowded sim 23 of 25 avatars can't see me, I'm either hanging out with a bunch of people will lame computers are my Outfit is WAY too complex. Whatever X is, it needs to be less... if you want these people to see you. A good thing about having ACI is I can put on that medieval battle outfit with and ACI of 900k and not drag down the sim or those around me. Only those that have the horsepower to render me will download the mesh and textures for my outfit. ...and the Lindens are working to make the ACI-do-not-render process more efficient for the viewer and server. Plus the math that comes up with the number is being looked at. Those "internal changes" we see in the server updates are often changes to the data collection they are running to help decide how ACI can be most realistically calculated. That means we may see ACI values change.
  8. I agree with Miss and Alwin. It is unlikely you were hacked. Miss alludes to the fact that an avatar cannot logon twice… there can’t be two copies of the same avatar logged in. If you are logged in and start a second viewer and login as the same avatar, it either fails or the first avatar gets bumped off. I’ve had it go both ways. That you could strip and stop the problem likely means something got attached. That only happens if you allow/do it or have an Experience or RLV enabled. So, you weren’t hacked. You were griefed or as suggested phished. You are new. So, you look to many as a possible griefer. Griefers burn through a lot of accounts and are usually driving a new avatar. Banning you was likely a mistake on the Estate Manager’s part. They saw a problem related to your avatar and a new avatar, it is reasonable to conclude you were the problem. Examine the things you were wearing. There may be an item that is the particle generator. If you wore it, that means you are the owner. So, it would make you look like the griefer. It may be named anything. A griefer would name it something to trick you into wearing it. It would be a good idea to go to a sandbox and try wearing the items one at a time until you find it.\ Racism… there are racist people in SL. There is no more to be done about those in SL than those in RL. However, any racist hate speech or behavior is grounds for banning. So, if it happens file an Abuse Report. I’m dark skinned and I don’t have that much trouble. Almost none… You haven’t told us enough about ‘no parcel’ and how you know it is the main landing point. The hacker/griefer wins if you let them. You aren’t going to get unbanned. But, a reasonably busy place has a rolling ban list. There is a limit on how many can be in the ban list, 500 I think. Old ones drop out or get purged. Eventually you’ll age out of the ban list. It can take a month to a year depending on how busy the place is. Talligirl made a good suggestion. But, I haven’t had any luck with that approach.
  9. I hoped they would gather they would have to drop 19 groups to add one. ...and what's with the double posts? How did I do that?
  10. Yeah... But, Sansar will have LoD and materials. They may be implemented very differently, but the basic nature of how LoD works and materials are made can't change much.
  11. So far all the virtual worlds I played in have similarities. I suspect Sansar will too. The biggest difference is often in the tools available to to build in a specific world. As Whirly said Blender, 3D Max, and Maya are going to be usable tools in Sansar as they are in most worlds. I suspect mesh will be the same. LoD and materials may be very different but how different can they be? Second Life has Windlight. All virtual worlds have some type of environmental control. Sansar will have some type of control too. Basically, if you can make things you want in SL, you will likely be able to make them in Sansar too.
  12. Generally if you delete a group you can add a group. If you have changed from Premium to Free, you'll have to leave a bunch of groups. Group Limit: 42 for Basic accounts, 60 for Premium accounts.
  13. Rolig may be right, firewall can cause that. Also, your WiFi may be shaky. Try using a cable for the problem computer and see if it makes a difference.
  14. Hey, AVsitter comes in two versions: AVsitter and AVsitter2. AVsitter will be free but, AVsitter2 will still be L$2,999.00. They do not work the same. AVsitter2 is way easier to use. See the videos I have here: AVsitter Going Open Source – Free
  15. @Ciar369 You want to review the Open Collar Manual.
  16. Run through this: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss
  17. @Innula Zenovka Caps is short for capabilities. Think of it as the region server connecting to the rest of the SL backend. So, a cap is the script compiler, group chat, and so on. A cap can be any service or task handled by a server other than the region server.
  18. Look through some recent beginner tutorials for SL. I suggest those made after 2013. The addition of mesh clothes and bodies has changed things a lot. From the video tutorials you'll pick up lots of tiny bits we forget to include in written explanation. Seeing how people with lots of experience use use their viewer can be a big help. See: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/09/02/second-life-introductionbeginner-tutorials/
  19. Learn the basics and life in SL will be much easier. http://blog.nalates.net/2016/09/02/second-life-introductionbeginner-tutorials/ This leads to Strawberry's video tutorials. When considering a tutorial, stick with recent ones. SL has changed over time. So much so that older tutorials can only teach principals... the buttons and menus have changed. The introduction of mesh clothes and bodies has drastically changed how things work. So, tutorials made before about 2013 are almost useless.
  20. I suggest you use a set of Gestures to send the weapons commands. Use the mouse controls to trigger the gestures.
  21. Nalates Urriah


    The Internet is NOT A THING. It is the aggregate of 10's of thousands of discrete components. Nor is it a single pathway. There are numerous paths from you to a specific server and several of them may be in use for your SL connection, which can be as few as 2 or 3 connections to over 100 all depending on what you are doing. Any of these components can fail or overload. Your environment is not static either. A light, appliance, your router, network card, are all things that can fail at any time. Fluorescent lights or their components going bad are often a problem. It may not even be a problem in your home. A neighbor may add a shortwave radio, have an AC that is going bad or is just older and electronically noisy, or doing any number of things that Interfere with your WiFI network signal. All the "was good" "now bad" tells us is something changed. Since we are continuing to use SL without problem, the problem is likely you or your ISP. Regardless of where the problem is, you can chase it down or continue to think it is SL and suffer. What programs do you think are more sensitive to the Internet connection than SL? YouTube and streaming services like NetFlix certainly aren't. Web pages aren't. Not even WoW is overly sensitive to network packet loss... A good Internet connection DOES NOT mean you have a good connection to the SL servers or any specific server. Test your connection. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  22. There isn't a lot of right and wrong in SL. There is what works and what doesn't. If you want to be sure they see your thanks you can type @ then type a space then their name. A drop down will appear so you can select their name. Otherwise, Rolig is good at follow up, so she'll see your thanks as written.
  23. Look in the top menu, Me->Movement->Stop Animating Me. This kills all animations affecting the avatar. Rolig is right. The double-click-walk-to can be a pain. I use the WASD keys and steer with my mouse, so usually W and mouse left-click-drag. I use the double-click for teleport-to. It is handy for getting out of walls and mountains on a bad teleport or when I fall through something. 3D things in-world have a bounding box. This box is what the physics engine uses to calculate collisions, in other word to figure out what you are standing on. The box and what you see are seldom the same. It can be confusing. So, if something isn't working as you expect... you have some idea of what to suspect. Also, clicks on things can get confused by transparency. The viewer may decide you clicked on something behind a transparent object. Your avatar runs into the transparent object on the way to the click-destination behind it... never getting there it never stops walking. Touching the S (or down arrow) key to backup usually stops the walk.
  24. Changing to Classic for testing usually means switching to the Character Test avatars. In the top menu: Develop (Ctrl-Shift-Q to reveal or hide)->Avatar->Character Tests->[Test male/Test female] There is nothing like a default to click to go back the other way. When you dress your avatar you can save the appearance as an outfit. SL Outfits are a collection of everything the avatar is wearing and the HUD's you have attached. If you did not save an outfit, there is no simple way to restore your avatar. Start from scratch. Just start wearing the things that made your look. If you did save an outfit, DO NOT WEAR IT. Open the outfit and add the items one-by-one to hopefully find the item causing the problem. Eyes, skin, and shape are the usually problems. Add/wear those first. During this troubleshooting process is a good time to build basic outfits. I have my Classic Nude Me, which is a shape, skin, eyes, etc. and my favorite hair. I have that saved as an outfit named !!Classic Nude Me. The !! forces it to sort to the top. I have my Slink body, feet, hands, and classic head with a favorite skin and hair saved as !!Slinkv3 Nude Viola Skin. I use these to start new outfits and they are handy for troubleshooting too. Some build their other outfits minus the basic appearance items in the nudes. It allows then to Add an outfit to different bodies. I don't. But, that's me. Good luck.
  25. If you are asking about making things or doing things in SL, that is governed by the Terms of Service. You had to accept them to get this far. TL:DR ToS is you must be the original creator or have rights to anything you upload to SL. You grant Linden Lab non-exclusive rights to everything you upload. So, you and they own it. This means there is lots of free-to-use stuff that CANNOT be uploaded to SL. You agreed to hold SL harmless for violating those terms. RL laws apply in SL. Money earned in SL is RL taxable. If you have specific questions, clearly ask them.
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