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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. It is likely TWC... but there are other possible problems. The age of the gateway/modem is a prime criteria. These units last about 5 years. So, if you are nearing that age consider buying a new one. Also, the brand of gateway/modem matters. Low cost gateways often have problems with SL. They aren't built to handle the large number of connections SL opens. I've seen SL open 115 connections... I have an on screen floater that watches my ASUS motherboard and network. It tells me how many connections I have open. You can test your connection to see where the problem is. See: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  2. Alwin is right. The region will most likely need to be restarted to fix your home controls.
  3. For $40 get the additional 2GB. For SL you need an NVIDIA card. The newer the better. As things move toward VR NVIDIA and AMD are building more hardware support for VR into their cards. The first round of that tech appeared in the 1000 series cards. I have 1 VR capable game. My 1060 verses my older 560 is beyond belief. It is walking versus flying an F-16. Bree is right. SL is different. It is even different depending on which viewer you are using. Firestorm has been allowing the viewer to use more VRAM. Other viewers are limiting how much VRAM can be used. With a 6GB VRAM card Firestorm allows me to use 2.5GB (if I recall correctly). With my 2GB 560 I am limited to 512... I think. I haven't tried the old machine lately. Whatever card you are planning to buy, look it up on Amazon, New Egg, B&H, and eBay. The price variation may surprise you. Also, people are upgrading and selling their old cards on eBay. You can get some great deals. A GTX1060 w/3GB is US$170 now. With 6GB it is $211... $41 difference, which is WAY cheap VRAM. I have a section of my blog on hardware as it relates to SL here http://blog.nalates.net/category/hardware/ To compare NVIDIA and AMD see http://blog.nalates.net/2016/08/06/video-cards-gtx1060-vs-rx480/
  4. You may be right. I think I see them moving in that direction. The Lindens never, almost, say they are working on something until they are sure they can do it and do it well. So, I'm not surprised they don't talk about VR. I can hope. I think a SL-VR is likely to be more popular with users than Sansar. Sansar is very much for people that want to build an experience, which means separate worlds/games and smaller communities.
  5. I disagree. I've never heard a Linden voice the opinion proportion and camera were reasons for dropping VR. It has ALWAYS been performance. We have a number of areas in SL that are designed and/or have been rebuilt to work with VR. I haven't heard any of those involved in building for VR that have said they would change how their builds are made... The part that didn't work out is the amount of non-optimized content in SL and the Lab deciding to drop VR. Architects that use SL have been building to correct proportions for VR for some time. Certainly everything is NOT built to be viewed from a distance... that should be obvious in how textures are used. LoD is certainly a clue that things are to be designed to facilitate near and far camera locations. For years Penny Patton has been promoting building to scale and sizing avatars to RL sizes. Also, to change camera placement. Those changes are more and more prevalent throughout SL. Mesh builders tend to work to RL scale and sizes. So, more and more new stuff is proportional and to RL scale. Proportion and camera are just a matter of changing some minor settings, nothing that would kill VR.
  6. When Alwin says '...rebuild your inventory cache by clear it...' he doesn't point out that there is more than one cache used by the viewer. Clearing the Main Cache, that is easy to find, is a BIG MISTAKE. The Lab has these suggestions for recovering inventory: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss The team that makes the Firestorm Viewer has a help page here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory This is similar but has more information and the steps for clearing your "Inventory Cache".
  7. We need more information... use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the needed information. Paste that in with your question. Saying the latest viewer and giving a date is not that much help... The Linden Lab Linux viewer is a bit of a problem. The Lab simply does not spend much time on it. http://blog.nalates.net/2015/04/25/second-life-losing-the-linux-viewer/ Firestorm makes a Linux viewer and you'll have more support from their in-world support. Other viewer-makers also support Linux. You can find those on the Third-Party Viewers page. However, I suspect Firestorm is the best supported.
  8. The gesture solution is the ideal way (IMO) to handle this. Using a number between min. -2,147,483,648 and max. 2,147,483,647 gives you a lot of choice. Using gestures makes working the bow or other device easy. Several of my weapons use 6 digit channels. But, I can write additional gestures that are based on words. So, I can type /draw and the gesture will handle talking to the device on the right channel.
  9. Second Life is huge. You can just click the map. If you drop in some place where a homeowner doesn't want you, they will have a device that ejects you from their place. No big deal and nothing personal. You just get teleported to your "HOME", wherever you have set that to be. There are numerous places that will allow you to set their land as your home. The ToS has no restriction on where you teleport. There are ban lines to keep people out of private areas. There are areas where you must be a group member to get in. Other places require you be over 30 days old or have financial info on file. It is mostly on the property owner to keep people out. We generally have no idea where we are or aren't wanted. The Destination Guide (in-viewer and on the web) is full of places that people want you to come to. Figuring out where to go that is fun or interests you is challenging. There are blogs that function like a travel guide. https://loverdag.com/ https://modemworld.me/ https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/ There are a number of groups on Flickr that are focused on PLACES in Second Life. https://www.flickr.com/groups/best_sl_sims/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/xploringsecondlife/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/sl_photo_locales_/ Second Life is very much like the real world. Everything you find in the real world and then some is in SL. How you behave in the real world should to a high degree transfer into SL. But, there are regional cultural differences, diversity. So, you do have to be come much more aware of cultures unfamiliar to you. Unintentional transgressions are not against ToS, but they may piss people off. Apologise and move on. Intentional transgressions can violate the ToS. Innocent mistakes in SL do NOT carry the death penalty. Have fun. Thicken your skin and use the mute button.
  10. It is possible. Things can and often do go sideways during a rolling restart. For fast recovery of strange happenings make a copy of any HUD before using it. Use the copy for everyday use. If it dies or breaks for whatever reason, it is easy to make a new copy and see if it will work. Also, a number of HUD's (like Appliers) hold settings in memory. If you RESET them that clears memory and they will never ever work again. So, avoid resetting HUD's unless the manufacturer says you can in their manual/instructions.
  11. This is the third time you have asked the same question... Once is enough. See the other postings for the answers.
  12. BUG-100468 - Number of online users, exchange rate & number of signups has not updated since April 12th
  13. The primary reason the VR version of the viewer was dropped was stated by Oz Linden. Too much lag... the SL VR Viewer could not maintain the minimum frame rate of 90 FPS. The problem is all the hobbiest made content in SL.frame rates tend to get down to 10 FPS. Only the newer hardware comes close. My 7 month old computer runs at 20 to 140+/- FPS depending on where I am and how many avatars are around. Once the frame rate drops below 90 FPS the occurrence of simulator sickness goes up. The Lindens think the sickness would give SL a bad name and drive people away. So, they dropped the VR Viewer. Will the Lab ever develop a VR Viewer for SL? May be. As hardware improves and the Lindens make improvements to SL they may. Or a third party may. In the mean time there is VorpX. The HOW TO instructions are old: Second Life and OpenSim in VR using VorpX
  14. You have to give us details... are you checking a box in the viewer, on the web site, where? Be specific.
  15. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect info about your viewer and computer. Even the 'standard' Linden made viewer is constantly changing. If the arrow keys stop working it can be lag, yours or the server's. If the <- and -> arrows spin you and the ­­­up and down arrows have no effect it is very likely lag.
  16. When you ask a technical question we need to know about the computer and which viewer. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the information and paste it in with your question. We are assuming you are new enough to not know about or use RLV. However, if you are, try turning RLV off.
  17. I assume you have the TMP model to transfer weights from... If the straps are clipping into the avatar, the chances are good that some weight from the arms or other bones has got added in. Check to see which bones affect the skin in the area of the strap. The same bones should be applied to the strap. This is often a problem from having too many bones weighted to the strap or too few...
  18. Bright Canopy seems to be alive: https://www.brightcanopy.com/
  19. That happens. If your connection is dropping packets or the region you are logging into is lagging this is a likely manifestation of the problem. A relog will usually correct the problem. Otherwise, it generally isn't a big issue for people. Plus, there isn't much to be done about it.
  20. I'm not sure we understand. Before logging in you try to get on? How does one do that? Normally we launch a viewer. That isn't 'getting on', its launching the viewer. The first screen presents a login. Once completed then you are getting on. The flagrantly humble Rolig is thinking you may be trying to click a link in a web browser to get in. Your browser may not know what to do with the SECONDLIFE: protocol. The SLURL proxy is the easy way to handle the problem of setting the correct protocol. When you ask a technical question click the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... and copy paste that info in with your question. Also, be very precise in describing what you are doing. There are numerous ways to do almost everything in SL. So, we don't know what you are doing.
  21. Glad it got fixed. I guess you probably know about the Firestorm Viewer Wiki. They have a page on dealing with apparently lost inventory items. The SL morning after you have been logged in, recheck our inventory. It should have sync'd. All your AGNI stuff should be there in ADITI. If not try the fix-it steps from Firestorm Wiki. I always have more stuff in ADITI. I now label my ADITI folders with "ADITI". That way when I finish a project and move it to AGNI, I can delete all its garbage files in ADITI.
  22. There are fonts and words that are banned. I do not know of any list of the banned fonts and words. Display names with any of those will reset. If you use plan text and it resets, then you need to contact support. A little digging in the forum shows some 2011 problems where this problem was happening to others. Additional 'official' information is here: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/usernames-and-display-names-r79/Section_.2
  23. Waiting hours is not the solution. The likely problem is in the Linden servers. ADITI will try to update your ADITI inventory list the SL morning after your last log in. It is a SL AGNI to SL ADITI one way sync. So, some time between 5AM SLT and 7AM it will/should update. You may need to clear your inventory list from the viewer. For any viewer that DOES NOT use a separate inventory list for each grid you are going to have problems. If you used such a viewer in the past and are returning to ADITI now it may still have problems. If clearing the viewer's inventory list does not resolve the problem, file a trouble ticket with SL Support. As the new sync process was being added this was a common problem. Support had to reload a number of people's inventories. If your outfits have transferred to ADITI try wearing one. That the Test Male/Female are not working suggests you are caught with a corrupted ADITI inventory. The Lab's support people will have to clean up the server side.
  24. You can easily find new purchases hidden in inventory by clicking the RECENT tab at the top of the Inventory Panel. If you click the Gear Icon in the bottom left of the Inventory Panel you will see a selection Show Filters. Click it to open the Filters. You can set the time-frame for what is shown as 'recent'. You can go with minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years...
  25. There are two things you must make; an animation and a gesture. Animations are made in Blender and Maya. Most of the older free animation tools for SL have not updated to where they can handle Bento. I tend to doubt they ever will. Bento animation tends toward advanced animators. You can look at Medhue's YouTube channel to see a number of short tutorials on SL animation with Blender. When you say 'gestures' I am assuming you mean the gestures in the Gesture Panel (Ctrl-G). For those gestures you do nothing different than you would for any other animation. Create a new gesture and set it to play the animation from Blender/Maya.
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