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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Appliers and some other HUD's can NOT be reset. It breaks them. Read the instructions and any troubleshooting info the creators provide to figure out the case for your Appliers and HUD's.
  2. Teleports are especially sensitive to script load. Everything else Lindal points to is secondary. There have been some server issues with some regions not making good backend connections. So, you may find the slow teleport problem specific to certain regions. Tuesday and Wednesday restarts shuffle the deck. So, the problem may appear on different regions or disappear.
  3. @Tdawg14 Landfall OMG! Let's clear up the confusion. Ranting in the Answers section is pointless. If you are frustrated... kick the cat. Ranting here inspires the trolls to mess with you. The helpful people respond to clear statements of a problem and questions. Your ISP is giving you a hard time. It is easier for them to blame SL than take the time to look at their system. Your questions should be 'How do I figure out who is the problem?' and 'How do I get them to do something?' My Connection Troubleshooting Guide helps you figure out where the problem is and who to blame. The only choices are; you (operator error), your equipment, your ISP, the backbone provider your ISP uses, the backbone provider Linden Lab uses, Linden Lab's internal network, and-or the LL servers. Lots of stuff to check. In running the troubleshooting steps you will record information that can be provided to your ISP and/or Linden Lab that shows where the problem is. Then they can get it fixed. If it is a backbone provider the ISP or LL has to deal with them. Most backbone providers can't be reached and refuse to talk to mere mortals. Linden Lab in 9 years has always fixed the problems on their end. But, they can be guilty of assuming it is the user when it isn't. That is VERY reasonable on their part as years of experience show that is the most prevalent case. It usually only takes seconds for 10,000+ of us to let them know some part of their system is down. So, if you alone have a problem, the odds are it is on your end. When thousands of us have a problem odds are it is on LL's end. When that is not the case, they have to be shown proof. Your word is that of an uninformed non-network specialist. They won't take it. Their time is better spent working on what they likely can fix. Whether that is right, just, or fair only matters to those that have lost contact with reality. It is the way it is. Cope. Your ISP tends to behave similarly. They may think they know their stuff is working and push you off by sending you to anyone, not them... Only when you have documented the problem showing where the fault is will they take action. Learn to deal with it. Since you haven't given us the specifics of your system or Internet service, we can't really help you at the technical level.
  4. @PartySmile Lillith is being a bit hard on you. The i5-7600 is a seventh gen CPU released in Q1-2017. Of course the day a CPU releases there is a new CPU's moving from the design boards to the assembly line. So, in some way any CPU you can buy is 'out dated'. Second Life needs CPU speed more than it needs processor cores. Since your motherboard, which is really tiny, has overclocking capabilities, look into those. I push my i5-6600 by 14%. More than that and my system becomes unstable... well, in the 20% area I have problems. The 16GB of ram, when used with HD Graphics, is used to provide your video ram, which for video is slow. A dedicated card will use an internal data bus, faster video ram DDR5 or better and run at faster clock speeds and hundreds of GPU's and leave the whole 16GB for your system to use for data. For more speed consider placing your cache on a RAM-Drive. Your system memory is WAY faster than SSD. There is software which will save the Ram-Drive at power down and reload on power up. Provides a noticeable boost in performance. You have a tiny MB for a standard case. So, depending on the case you have the system in, in a small case, you may have cooling issues. Get something like CPUID HDWARE Monitor (free) and watch your temperatures until you know you aren't over heating.
  5. When you ask WHY a person does anything you are asking a question that has aspects of human nature and circumstance. Without knowing the individual, there is no answer, just our projection of our thinking. Consider who you think such a thief is, where they live, and how. Then answer the following questions. Are they in a poverty ridden country trying to feed their family? A hacker trying to gain status? A maladjusted person feeding a mental need? A North Korean military hacker stealing funds for Dear Leader? Were any of these types of people in your first pass at who they are? There is your preconception. The reality is far more diverse than I have tried to convey.
  6. Rolig is right. I'll expand a bit because your friend's problem is almost ALWAYS caused by a weak network connection. Most high-quality games require a 4 to 10 GB download which stores all the game content on the local computer. Those that are multiplayer then only have to send information about what each character is doing. All the buildings and clothes are already on the local computer. This is NOT the case with Second Life. Second Life's content is measured in Petabytes. Last I heard we were nearing 200 petabytes of content and have likely exceeded that by another 200 to 300. You can't fit that much in a home computer. A good connection to other games doesn't mean anything. If the highway from Chicago the Detroit is clear, great. But, that says nothing about the highway from Chicago to San Diego. One can be clogged with a wreck and have no effect on the other. Having one good Internet connection tells us nothing about an individual's connection to the SL servers. Plus at any moment a component somewhere along your network connection path can fail or be hit with a denial of service attack. The Internet changes by the millisecond. So, test the connection to the SL Servers. See: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ - This article will tell you how to know if the problem is your friend's computer, router/gateway, ISP, backbone providers, or the Linden network. Run the tests and you'll know what to fix and/or who to complain to.
  7. Yay! I am surprised the problem is in your router. The TraceRT shows it down the line. But, if it works, it works.
  8. The location of chat logs changes with 32 & 64-bit viewers. Still in roaming but the viewer name changes. Be sure you are looking in the right Firestorm or SecondLife folder.
  9. You wrote, "There is a DNS problem, since login failure started all-of-sudden." Did you mean to write "there isn't"? Either way the 'all of a sudden' part is a VERY possible and likely change. DNS servers get over loaded, break, routing files corrupt, or get updated with errors. It can happen in an instance. My granddad had a mule. It died. It never did that before... it was fine yesterday...
  10. Check Grid Status. You'll see many are having the same problems. The Lindens are aware of the issue and have posted in GS that they are looking at the problem. Avoid any drastic attempts at fixing the problem, like cache clear and reinstall.
  11. I take it from what you have said that while in a region you and others see your avatar changing appearance. Also, this has happened over a few logins. Since others see the change happening, it is unlikely your computer/viewer or connection. MY first guess would be that it is a region issue. Since many on the grid are having attachment issues over the last 12-20 hours your issue may be related. I suspect some confusion between the regions servers and asset backend. I suggest you avoid drastic steps, like cache clearing, until the Lindens announce the issue is resolved. After that, you can get more aggressive. Before then you may just aggravate any existing or even create new problems.
  12. Remember. You can answer the Payments question asked when recovering a password by looking in your PayPal account.
  13. The pertinent pares are: Packets Lost: 59/1,294 (4.6%) 12 51 ms 51 ms 51 ms if-ae-7-2.tcore1.FR0-Frankfurt.as6453.net [195.2 19.50.1] 13 * * * Request timed out. Here is the break... 14 * * 201 ms ae-1-11.bear1.Phoenix1.Level3.net [] The 4.6% packet loss is higher than the SL system can work with. Thus the disconnection. There is a problem between the Frankfurt and Phoenix routers. So, the problem is most likely the backbone provider. To get that fixed, send the same information you pasted in the post to your ISP and place in a trouble ticket with Linden Lab. Your ISP and the Lab working from both ends will find and fix the problem. If you want to add weight to your complaint include 3 or 4 TraceRT's with time and date in your complaint/tickets. Spread them over 3 or 4 hours or even a couple days. This will show it is an ongoing problem, Good luck.
  14. The function llGetAgentInfo is used to find when the avatar is walking, running, flying, sitting, etc. The script has to continually poll the system to know when state changes, You can look at an older AO script to get the polling code. The script you have is pretty much useless for your need. I suggest you post in the Tech section where scripters are likely to see your request. Not many scripters in Answers. Builder's Brewery may have a script in their library that will do the job. Plus there are several LSL libraries on the web.
  15. Scroll down the page and look at the pending Buy/sell orders. The buy stack this morning was L$90+ million for 261. It will take several days for that backup to process through. If you place an order for 261 you are at the end of that line. By placing a 260 order you move ahead all the 261 orders. It is first come first served within a L$ bracket. So, theoretically your order would eventually be filled. However, I doubt a L$271 purchase will fill this year. The L$260 bracket had 15,000 pending this morning. Now that is gone. Check it each hour and see how the numbers change. Earlier it was sell @ L$250 with L$82 million pending and buy @ L$260 with L$92 million pending. Now it is sell @ L$251 with L$1.5 million pending and buy @ L$261 with L$96 million pending. Not many sellers are going for that L$261. So, it will take some time.
  16. Check to see if you have to have a specific group active to use the tip jar.
  17. @natsumi Latour The page layout has confused you. You are seeing a "pop up" request from PayPal requesting you add a credit card to PAYPAL. This isn't the Lab asking for a credit card. PayPal has to have a credit or debit card to process immediate payments. Otherwise, you would need to keep a balance in PayPal. Since PayPal doesn't trust anyone to do that, they require a card be on hand for immediate transactions. You can prove this to yourself by going directly to PayPal and setting up the card then return to SL and try again. It should work then. PS: Look at the page's URL. You are on the PayPal site.
  18. You apparently are not familiar with currency exchanges. Exchanges are pure free market businesses. People and governments often try to manipulate them. But, these are the places where democracy rules supreme. People vote with their dollars. People are free to sell at whatever price they choose as long as someone else is willing to buy at that price. An important concept is understanding the value of the L$ is set by the last, most recent sale. So, just as homes in a neighborhood are priced by the recent sale of similar homes in the area, so too are currencies prices. If one needs to sell or buy a home or currency quickly, the market movement comes into play. To sell quickly, sell below market price. To buy quickly, buy above market price. Another concept is market spread, the gap between sellers' and buyers' offer and bid prices. Understand all the sellers and buyers that matched prices have closed their transactions and left the market. That leaves only those that haven't agreed on a price. What you see in the market are those saying I'll sell at 250 and those saying they'll buy at 260. To know how long it is going to take to close your bid, look at the amount of L$ that have to move before your transaction can close. This morning there is L$97 million (US$400,000+) waiting for a seller @ L$261 and L$87 million waiting for a buyer willing to pay the higher L$250. All those transactions and more have to be processed before your silly offer will be processed, likely never.
  19. Fraud is a RL crime. Linden Lab is a business entity, not a law enforcement agency. The Lab enforces ONLY the ToS, the 'contract' you accepted when signing up. In general user-to-user disputes are not a matter the Lab staff will handle. So, they may or may not help. If you can show a violation of the ToS, you are more likely to get help. If a store in RL ripped you off, you wouldn't call up their landlord and complain. You would call the police, law enforcement. In SL fraud and theft tends to be in the range of US$ to $100. Most enforcement agencies won't bother with a complaint involving less than US$250,000.00. We are very much on our own when buying stuff in SL. While there are many compassionate people in SL I'll say most of us while empathizing can't do much more than watch to see if you'll deal with these problems as an adult... or whine and cry. Sorry for your loss.
  20. When you ask any tech question use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the information we need. Paste it into you post. You can look in the SecondLife.log file to see what the error message is. C:\User[Win_Login_ID]\Appdata\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\... This problem is almost always a connection issue. Having a good Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. See: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  21. Having a good Internet connection is not the same as having a good connection to the SL servers. The Computer info you provided is good but we need more. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the info we need. Your packet loss is high. You can look in the SecondLife.log file to see how bad. At the end of the file is a summary of the session with network information. Provided the viewer shuts down and does not crash the summary will be there. So, 355 of 729,331 were lost in my last session. 0.049% compared to your 2.5% or 51 times more loss than I experience. So, in actuality, your connection to the SL servers sucks. Now you need to figure out if it is your computer, its connection to your gateway/router, to your ISP, their connection to the backbone provider, the Backbone to the Linden internal network, the Linden network to the host server, or the host server. Follow these steps: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  22. No and sort of... I have been playing with VR since getting my Gear VR. You can follow my exploits into VR on my blog. Second Life VR – How To Most of my newer VR articles are here. I have gotten SL to run in 3D VR. But, it was less than ideal. The last SL-VR enabled viewer is way old and does not support Bento. So, the simple answer is NO. If you are a geek then YES. PS: There is no Cool VR Viewer as far as I know. There is a Cool VL viewer (Virtual Life). But, it does not have VR support.
  23. @ral61 For a couple of months you have been posting about this or a similar problem. If you want to find a solution, you will have to follow up in a single thread. When you hop around creating new threads you make it hard for us to follow the conversation and know what has been tried and what hasn't. We get frustrated too. Our solution is to start ignoring you. In a single thread we can work with you to eliminate failing solutions and narrow in on the problem. If you haven't realized, SL and computer problems are often like a fever, a symptom, with many possible causes of the same symptom. There is no single cause or answer for most SL problems. As best I can tell, all of your problems from all the threads are connection related and more specifically DNS related. Since you post once and run, I have no idea what you have and haven't tried. So, whether it is your computer, firewall, anti-virus, router/gateway, local network, or ISP or not we can't tell. If you do NOT include your computer and viewer specs we are further hampered. Use the Viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the information we need. The DNS problem the error message clues us to is almost always a matter of your system using a DNS server that is having problems. The solution most often working is to add more DNS servers to the list of servers your computer uses. You can continue to suffer from this problem or work with us. Your choice...
  24. Try using a different browser to change the setting. See if it sticks in that browser. If it does it should carry to any other browser. If you only have the problem in one browser... then it is something in that browser's settings or cache.
  25. @n542 The video card is 5 years old, not bad. The performance ratings are way low for cards in that class. If you are happy with its performance it should be OK. If you are running a desktop a newer card might help. The 1 GB GDDR5 memory is very limited and may be contributing to slower scene renders and texture thrashing (clear-blurry-clear...) There are somethings you can try. As Lindal says, reduce your draw distance. Also, in Firestorm there is a feature that adjusts draw distance from 20m to whatever you have set when you TP into a new region, Progressive Draw. This is supposed to improve render speed. There used to be debate about whether this lagged the region or not. The Lindens have done some changes that may actually make this trick a slower render. So, play with the setting and see what works best. In FS open Preferences and search for progressive draw. The chat command 'dd' and a number will change your draw distance. Also, your Max Bandwidth is probably low at 500. The optimum setting according to the FS peeps is 80% of your connections download speed or 1500, whichever is SMALLER. This is a less important setting these days as more of the connection travels across HTTP and Max Bandwidth is only for UDP traffic. You could also tweak the RenderVolumeLODFactor downward. (Debug Setting only in LL) In FS Preferences search for LOD. None of the settings changes will break your viewer. Plus the can be reset. Save your 'everyday use' graphics settings as a default before you start playing. That makes it easy to undo all your changes. If you find a better performance set of settings save those too. In Preferences>>Graphics Save Presets are the buttons for saving graphics settings. In the upper right of the viewer is a screen icon that gives you quick access to the Presets. A new trick is to turn your settings down to disable lots of performance heavy features then enable ALM (Advanced Lighting Model) to get back a better render with better performance. try it, you may like it. In general, Firestorm does seem to be slower rendering a scene than the LL Viewer. But, it stopwatch stuff most of the time.
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