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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. If you have problems streaming your own stuff into SL with an up to date computer and great connection, what is it going to be like for the average guy? You may want to reconsider how you are streaming.
  2. When you ask a technical question provide us with your computer and viewer information. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the information and copy-paste it in with your question. We are assuming you are using the default Linden made viewer. We know for a fact that it works. So, there has to be a problem with installation, the viewer is damaged in some way, or it is a connection issue. You can eliminate the connection issue by pressing Ctrl-Shift-1 and checking for Packet Loss.
  3. Innula provided an accurate synopsis of how DMCA works in SL. The only missing part is COST. It is possible for a citizen to file a DMCA Take Down and a DMCA rebuttal. But, resolution of the dispute is a court process and requires attorneys. Also, there are companies that will file a DMCA Take Down notice for US$10. There are numerous DMCA "Agents" that are not attorneys. Some work for large law firms. Others freelance. The cost of their services varies greatly. The $10 number is popular in many recent ads. There is no 'average cost' for a DMCA process beyond the initial notice and rebuttal. Google was handling 5 million DMCA Take Down notices per year in 2014 (3 million 2010). They figured the average cost per 'target' to defend against a 'Take Down' was US$100. But, these are only the initial actions. To resolve a dispute is like any legal action, you pay by the hour. Since DMCA is a violation of US Constitutional principles, you are placed in the position of having to prove your innocence. Because the USA does not have good tort law the winner often has to pay their own legal fees. The loser can walk away relatively unharmed. Thus in the US legal action can easily be used for coercion (basically blackmail) regardless of innocence or guilt. It is a pay me or go to court game where the defense is at a huge disadvantage and therefore usually pays to save the greater cost of going to court. Attorneys hate it that Trump has promised tort law reform. That would put a huge dent in their income but would help people in your position. In general, unless you can make several thousands of RL dollars from your fan... move on to something else.
  4. And those that have a SpaceNavigator can cam all over the place and the "LookAt" crosshair never moves. Other controllers are similar too. Only mouse clicks move the LookAt. You'll have weird people say all sorts of things when they see your LookAt on or near them. Have some good comebacks ready.
  5. On the beta grid you will find copies of regions from the main grid. These regions get imported for testing purposes. The region has something the Lindens think will stress the simulator software. Or they may be regions that are having main grid problems. In beta the Lindens can test to see what is causing the problems. Regions that are good at stressing the simulator may remain in ADITI indefinitely, being used to test each new update. Others may last a day or week. Or they may just get left behind and be ignored until a Linden needs some server space for something. You cannot count on a region always being there. Or that the stuff you left there will be there when you come back. ADITI is not like the sandboxes on the main grid. The regions may or may not have return times. You will also find regions that sort of belong to a SL user. These are usually people that have a reputation for helping out the Lindens and that for whatever reason needed a space to do testing the Lindens felt would help the community. Basically, I am saying we just never know... But, fairness is not at play in ADITI.
  6. Ephraim, try these steps to recover inventory: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory If those fail, contact Support.
  7. You can download the transactions. The file can then be imported into a spreadsheet and the sheet can be searched. It downloads as a text CVS file, which can be searched too. Merchants often do monthly or weekly downloads. They can build a spreadsheet or database. These can be used for analysis and research.
  8. Did you press Ctrl-Alt-T? Could you see anything attached to your avatar? If you can see it, is it attached? I mean does it move in perfect sync with your avatar, forward, backward, spinning around? Or does it lag a bit behind then catch up to your avatar? If it lags, it is a follower. This type of thing is either a follower or an attachment. The only possibilities I know of. A follower can be left behind by teleporting to a different region. As pointed out, if it teleports with you, then it is an attachment. Then it is just a matter of detaching it. Open Appearance then select the Worn tab. Is "invi" listed? When you ask technical questions copy your viewer and computer information from the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... and paste the information in with your question.
  9. That it only happens inside the house suggests you are dealing with an "Interest List" issue. Often scenery is on huge prims that some part of remains in camera view, so they remain rendered. The viewer maintains an 'Interest List', things the viewer is interested in rendering... the stuff in front of your avatar, the stuff your camera sees. The process is not a simple one. A year or two ago the Lab did a lot of work on the Interest List. The effort was to get nearby things in your view to render first. To speed things up they ignored the things behind you, those things the camera couldn't see. If you are turning 360 degrees, you force the system to load everything around you. When you start walking or spend time looking in one direction the system will start dropping the things behind you. Inside a structure figuring out what can be seen and what is behind something else gets complex. So, we see odd things happen during the render process. AFAIK, there are no settings to change the Interest List behavior. The Draw Distance affects it by controlling how much stuff can be in the list. Long ago it was common to turn draw distance down to 64m in shopping malls to reduce the amount of stuff the viewer had to deal with. Now good builders build areas with small areas/rooms inside the stores. That accomplishes the same thing as the viewer recognizes when something is hidden by something else (usually). What you are seeing may be normal behavior. That you have machines that behave differently reveals how the viewer deals with different video cards. Newer cards may drop more textures sooner as they think they are more efficient at loading and unloading textures. Old cards may try to hold on to textures until forced to drop them. It is hard to know what is happening. When it takes a long time to get those textures back (turn 180 and it takes for ever to render what was previously rendered) it is hard to pin down the problem. Textures and mesh should be in your cache. So, they should render quickly. But, from time to time I do see it fail.
  10. Your can change your Windlight settings to change the lighting. Top menu: World->Environment Editor->Environment Settings - select Customize my environment, set Sky/Day Cycle to Fixed sky - Default. You can download Windlight settings from several web sites. And you can make your own. More information on Windlight is here: Matching Skin Color. Not being able to really tell what the problem is, I'll suggest you right-click on the avatar and look for the selection Reset Skeleton or Reset Skeleton And Animations. Some alternate avatars use 'displacement' animations to distort the avatar to fit the new body. The Cardboard Box avatar in Inventory->Library is such an avatar. When coming out of those animations the viewer sometimes fails to fully restore the avatar.
  11. Bento heads will rez in a non-Bento viewer. They will be deformed, but they will rez.
  12. Lots of people have been griefed. Some worse than others. It is possible to avoid griefers. An Alt is a good suggestion. If that is not an option, turning off your Online Notification for all friends is a step in the process. If you always log into the same place, change that behavior. While it can be a challenge to figure out how they are tracking you, it is possible. Get help. Then you can avoid or stop whatever is providing them your position. Your writing suggests that your computer won't run SL and that is related to the griefer? A poor connection is a matter to take up with your ISP. There are parts of the world where getting a good connection is a problem. Some places just can't provide the connection needed. But, since you once could connect, you should still be able to connect. A griefer cannot change that. The Lab has reduced the load SL places on a connection over the years.
  13. When checking the Time & Date also check the time zone setting too. All need to be set correctly. While the computer is powered on, the clock will maintain its setting. If you have this problem and are forced to reset the clock each time you power on the computer, you need to replace the CMOS battery as Rolig suggests. You can try turning off your firewall. If disabling it allows you to log in, then you need to adjust the firewall. See the SL Wiki or Knowledge Base for firewall settings details.
  14. On the TP issue you have eliminated the common problems. If you and a friend can TP from the same region to your friends place and have the same experience, then it is something on the Lab's side. File a BUG REPORT. PRovide logs, times, and lots of specific information about the problem. If the two of you have different experiences, then it is likely on your side. I suggest two of you try and do it together. Timing is often a key factor in what is going on. You can also look in the viewer log. . The viewer has various log files you can read to get an idea of what has gone wrong. Look at the log immediately after you crash or exit the viewer. Logs are replaced the next time a viewers starts. You’ll find the logs in: C:\Users\[Win_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\ · crashreport.log – This log is generated when the viewer crashes, the previous version of the file is overwritten. Rename this file if you plan to restart the viewer before examining the file. Otherwise, just read it with a text viewer (Notepad is good). · debug_info.log – This file is internally formatted as an XML file. I never find it of much use. It is mostly the specs of your machine. · SecondLife.log – This is the main log file. I find it the most useful. Start from the end of the file and work toward the beginning. Search for ‘WARNING’ and ‘ERROR’. With any luck the messages there will give you an idea of the problem. Recent changes have added section heading to parts of the file that can identify the general nature of the problem. There are lots of performance stats included. At the end of a non-crash log there are secession stats; Run Time, Average Packet Size, Dropped Packets, Resent Packets, etc. The file is replaced and recreated for each viewer secession. · SecondLife.error_marker – I don’t know what information is inside. I don’t have a copy to examine as I write this. The presence of the file indicates where, when, and what error happened. I think this is a disaster backup file for crash reporting in which information about the crash is retained in the event the crash handlers are destroyed before they can create the other more complete crash files. · SecondLife.start_marker – There is no information inside. The presence of the file indicates how far into the start process the viewer has gotten. Whether the file exists or not is the pertinent information. · SecondLifeCrashReport.log – This is another file internally formatted to XML. It is created when the viewer crashes. I think this is the new version of the crash log. It is mostly text. · stats.log – This is a short file containing network statistics. Similar information is in other log files. It is an easy to read set of stats that show how many packets were dropped and resent in a secession. I find the SecondLife.log is the most useful file for tuning and troubleshooting the viewer. It is verbose and reasonably easy to understand. There is a Debug Setting that allows you to increase or decrease the level of reporting. Most of these files are erased when the viewer starts. If you plan to send the files in with a trouble ticket or bug report, place copies in another folder before starting the viewer. Marker files are temporary and may or may not exist at any given time. Entries in the files associated with errors and warnings are labeled as such. That makes them easy to find by searching. Warning entries are common and do NOT necessarily mean there is a problem. Some warnings are a part of normal operation. Some errors are trivial and do not indicate a ‘noticeable’ problem in the viewer’s operation.
  15. There is a shooting game at Gridbert's... See: What is GridBert?
  16. See if you can walk/fly across region boundaries. There is a new package running on the ADITI grid that has some issues. One of them being when the region comes up it fails to connect to the backend servers that help with teleporting. So, you can cam into the region and see it on the world map. But, you cannot log into or tp/walk/fly into the region. Not all the regions run the same package. There are regions running some old versions, current version, RC versions, project versions, versions in QA... and whatever the Lindens are experimenting or playing with. So, expect different regions to behave differently.
  17. Well... probably. If so, I am sure it is based in San Francisco.
  18. You are right. But, the additional resolution allows me to crop the image and take just small parts of it to use for a final image. Also, if I go to paper, I need 150-300px per inch. An 8x10 paper picture in photographic rez requires a 2,400x3,000px image. Some people on Flickr are selling paper prints. When editing the picture in Photoshop to create something like AvatArt's (50% NSFW) images you need all those extra pixels to get smooth color transitions. Work on a large image and you can be a bit sloppy. When the image is reduced down to web-display-size all the little mistakes disappear and the image looks way better.
  19. There is a feature request for that ability/feature. But, it has not been added to SL And I can't find the request...
  20. In many cases it is not the viewer or plugin that triggers that error. The video or media you are trying to watch or hear may be the problem, in which case you can't fix it. The one that made the media must fix it. There is a lot of old media in SL that just doesn't work now that we have moved on to CEF. If you have the error with ALL media... it may be a viewer problem. Typically when you ask a tech question we need the info from HELP->ABOUT... and a good description of the problem, what you did to pop the error message, the text of the message, in your case where the media is, and what it is.
  21. Rolig is telling you a bit about etiquette in SL. In general we ask if we may 'friend' a person before sending a friend request. Also, there are levels of friendship. In the first level they can tell when you are online by default. You can however retain the friend and turn off the 'now online notification'. You can enable MAP (off by default), which means they can click your name in the Friends List and find you on the World Map. You can share your stuff with them (also off by default)... they can Edit, Delete, or Take items you own... like being married or in SL partners. To change the friend's permissions used to be easy. Now you must open their Profile, select SETTINGS, select PERMISSIONS and then grant or deny the permissions. Way too many clicks. Firestorm Viewer has the old style method with permissions in columns in the People/Contacts panel. One only need open the panel, find the name, and then click the permissions to enable or disable. Much easier. So, you can see there are more aspects to offering friendship in SL. We give friending much more consideration than we do on Facebook, Twitter, FLickr, etc...
  22. Are you for real? What religion has believers that think a character in a computer can take their soul? Troll...
  23. Nalates Urriah

    Beta Grid

    Support will get you fixed up. A new interesting feature of ADITI is inventory sync. Your main grid (AGNI) inventory gets copied to ADITI and then each morning after a login it gets sync'd, adding main grid inventory changes. I now use folders starting with ADITI for everything I add while in the Aditi grid. Makes it easier for me to clean out old AGNI stuff... as what I delete in AGNI does not seem to delete in ADITI.
  24. Check the size of your main viewer cache. Larger is better. Firestorm and Linden have a default cache size of 512MB. I use a 4GB ram drive to house my Linden cache, it is full. Scene render is fast once an area as rendered an been cached. But, I do get some cache thrashing. With FS I use a larger SSD drive and a cache size of 9GB which currently has 7GB in it. As it isn't full, it is almost as responsive as the ram drive. If you have not increased your cache size... give that a try.
  25. Annika, Rolig is right about connection issues often being the problem... even the primary cause. But, connection issues are not the only cause. So, make sure your connection to the SL servers is good. Having a good Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. Having a good connection to one SL server does not mean you have the same quality connection to all SL servers. Generally if you are good to one you are good to all so, don't over test until you are REALLY desperate. When you next TP leave the viewer stats panel open. Watch your Packet Loss numbers. Another cause of TP problems is the number of scripts and attachments you are wearing. Scripts are the usual problem. If you have a lot of scripts using a lot of memory you likely will have TP problems. Firestorm has a built in script counter and you can get free ones in the marketplace. Most consider 3MB the limit not to exceed. Less is better. High ACI can be a problem, but it has to be REALLY REALLY high. Like >900k but, depending on your computer and connection possibly lower. So, what you are wearing can be a problem but, it is more likely the scripts in what you are wearing. If you have changed your ACI to UNLMTED (Jelly Dolls) change that. If you crash in only some places, there may be some item too complex for your video card. Griefers like to scatter those things around to crash users.
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