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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Once you open up Adult content acceptable you can be inundated with Adult stuff. If you hang out in noob areas, you are constantly bombarded by annoying users and often nude, rude, crude avatars. Even with Adult settings enabled avoiding adult content is easy. I live in Zinda, the adult continent, and traveling down the streets and flying around it isn't much different than the G mainland. We have no hard numbers for how many are creating things or how many are here to hook up. But, if you look at the marketplace, search on sex and sex related terms and then look at the number of items found you can compare them to other searches. try Dance, dress, hair, skin, etc. The numbers for none sex related items way exceed those for sex. This doesn't prove anything. There are huge overlaps. If you attend some of the Linden run user group meetings you'll from 20 to 40 people in the meeting that are about building. If you search for SL blogs you'll find the fashion blogs WAY out number the sex-in-SL related blogs. If you look at the Tech and Creation sections of this forum, you'll find those sections are way more active than the Adult sections of the forum. These are all empirical measures and not accurate or complete. But, I think most indicators are there is less sex in SL than than there is talk about it. People writing about SL definitely write more about sex and exaggerate. Ask Jo Yardley (1920's Berlin). She grips about the exaggeration every chance she gets. In most of her opinions in this area I think she is right. You may just be getting sensitive. Or swingers have moved into your neighborhood... What we expect, we find...
  2. If the 720 is not working I would be very hesitant to buy a 1050. Older NVIDIA drivers had the problem of video card crashing. If you have the latest form NVIDIA for your card, it should NOT be a problem. Since your 320 (?) failed, did you remove its drivers? They may cause a problem. Try striping out all (ALL) NVIDIA drivers and reinstalling for the 720. (See Major Geeks) Also, there is an additional power cord that connects to the 720. You did connect it, yes? Get CPUID HWMonitor (free) and check temperatures. If you go full on geek, you can look up operating voltages for the 720 and check those too. There are lots of people using 700 series cards in SL. So, it should not be a problem. If you cannot find the problem, you may see it with the 1050 too. Or... it might go away. But, I suspect a hardware problem. I am assuming the 720 was purchased new? The Win 7 32-bit is crash prone when running SL... well... crash prone PERIOD. About 10 times more than the 64-bit version, especially when running SL.
  3. Nalates Urriah


    Look at eBay. You do have to know what hardware is good. But, the best bang for buck is there. When you say Microsoft, I am assuming you mean Microsoft Office. There is a free Microsoft like office program named LibreOffice. The files are compatible with Microsoft Office. You can do most everything you could do with MS Office. If you are handing in files, you can save yours in MS File format, way easy. Also, the Cute PDF printer (software only - free) will let you make PDF files. MS Win 10 has a built in PDF printer that is pretty good. Way good enough for basic docuements and spread sheets. Cheap laptops that run SL will need a CPU designated i3, i5, or i7 in the 4000 (4th Gen) and above series... i3-4500 etc. The higher the number the newer the CPU and the better. 8th gen is the newest and most expensive. With 4th gen and above you can get by without a dedicated video chip. So, no ATI or NVIDIA needed. To future proof a 5th or 6th gen would be better. A video chip would give better performance. Windows 10 is almost mandatory for your college/SL use. Win 10 Home is good enough. Pro is better, but not enough better to justify spending more. Pro's advantages are in networking. Home handles Internet connections as well as Pro. Today there was a new (package opened - never used) i3 7th Gen 17" screen laptop that sold for US$300 on eBay auction. You can find some deals.
  4. If you were verified in this account, you should still be OK. You may have to set your preference to see G, M, or A rated content. See Preferences->General. Near the top, "I want to access..." There is no longer a verification process. They ask your age at sign up and you type it in... that is about it.
  5. Do you have any idea how many Meeroos depend on that stipend to eat!?!?!?!?! This could be a Biblical sized disaster...
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "...its gonna take a year for them to consider upgrading second Life." They, the Lindens, just had a meeting where they considered their SL upgrade plans for the next few months... So, what are you trying to say?
  7. I am not sure why you are having so much trouble getting us readable image... There are a number of free image sharing sites. Many of the SL people use Flickr, which I used for this image of the Snapshot panel. Right-click and open in new tab... takes one to Flickr and the full size image can be downloaded. Other free services are even easier. The red shows the setting that need to change to get an image the size of your full screen. Larger images display a bit differently. But, are limited by the forum. But clicking on them allows you to get to Flickr's full size image display. The invisi... com whatever really sucks. I can't even hack the page and get the image... I can't read your list. From the icons in it I can guess you are wearing a mesh body and clothes. Not being able to read the list I can't tell if the shirt and body are compatible. From the image, they obviously aren't. Changing shape apparently helped the fit. So, the assumption is you had the wrong shape for that shirt. Changing shape and getting a fit brings up the question of whether the shirt is Fitted or Standard size mesh. A Fitted top that doesn't fit a body usually doesn't fit even when shape is changed. The shirt changes with the body to maintain its no-fit... Really annoying. However, the older Standard Size rigged mesh only fits if you do change shape. As you change the body the top doesn't change so, you can achieve a fit. The HUD that came with the top I assume is the one shown in the image. Click Textures and see what it shows you. HUD's added in a No-Script region, often will not work until you move to a Script-OK region. Even then they may have to be detached and then worn again.
  8. Nalates Urriah


    Well... it is hard to beat experience. If it works, there is no reason to change. Our experience and thinking is different. I do believe that while you have a solution for a symptom, you have yet to find the actual cause of the problem.
  9. The grab a screen-capture of the 'wearing' panel use the Windows Snipping tool... Or in the viewer's snapshot/camera click the option to capture the HUD's and UI.
  10. Nalates Urriah


    So far all good answers. ALSO... try right-clicking in front of the avatar. We still have instances where the viewer fails to render something. The physics engine, the part that keeps avatars from walking through things, is server side and can see the physics of the thing. So, you can click on it, visible or not. This often wakes the viewer up and it renders the object.
  11. Nalates Urriah


    I disagree. No matter how bad your connection, a file is not going to transfer via HTTP in a corrupted state. The transfer fails. The system knows it is corrupt and refuses to try and use it. This happens at a low level so, the viewer has no control as to whether or not to use the file. It just isn't there. Unfortunately, not all SL stuff transfers via HTTP. But, everything in the texture and objects portions of the main cache does. Plus more and more of the SL assets transfer via HTTP. Animations and sounds have recently been added to the list. The Lindens are working toward 100% content delivery via HTTP. Only status messages will travel via UDP. So, clearing the entire cache to fix the few things in the other parts of the cache is not an efficient move. There is a server side bug that is causing reporting of objects as malformed. You may be seeing that rather than corrupt object files. BUG-10515. Reloading the cache is cheap, I suppose, depending on how you define 'cheap'. But, if you do actually have a connection issue, asking the weak part of the system to do more just means you increase the chance of problems. RAMDisks do not necessarily clear with each reboot. There is cheap software one can install that saves content at shut down and reloads on startup. Forcing the cache to reload has changed in the last couple of years. Prior, it was placing a load on the region servers. Enough so that to remove that user generated lag, the Lindens are changing the system to use HTTP and CDN (Content Delivery Network). I am finding the CDN provided faster and slower region loading. If I am the first in my area to enter a region, I have to wait for the CDN to fill before I get the files. After the CDN has cached, I get things faster. But, the check for file freshness seems slower. Whatever, clearing your cache doesn't lag the rest of us like it used to. So, if you want to clear your cache it is mostly you that has to deal with the problems. This situation is going to get worse for those that clear cache. The Lindens are again changing the cache to improve it. One of the things they will change is the format of files in the cache. The larger decompressed version of the JPG2000 and other files will be cached. Removal of that file will then mean the viewer has to download, decompress, cache, and then use the new file. With the file in the cache the download, decompress, and save steps are skipped. In the near future clearing the cache will have even more negative performance impact.
  12. You get a server's URL from the HELP->ABOUT... in a viewer. It looks like: You are at 170.2, 2.5, 36.4 in Fishergate located at sim10674.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fishergate/170/2/36 I do not know if the sim10674 changes with each grid restart. You'll have to experiment. The SLURL above isn't, it is a URL that sends you to the maps page, probably not what you need. The 'Visit...' button of the maps page will give a real SLURL: secondlife://FISHERGATE/170/2/36. This may be what you need for the app. Again, experiment.
  13. Nalates Urriah


    Rolig is right. I'll say it another way... One ONLY clears cache when they know the cache is the problem... the keyword being KNOW. These days the cache is almost NEVER the problem. A few years ago the cache WAS the first step in any troubleshooting process. that is NO LONGER the case. But, many SL users have not kept up with the changes and give out way out-of-date advice. If someone is telling you to clear the cache, find someone else to help you. Filling the cache is data transfer intense. Most problems people think are cache related are actually caused by connection issues. So, increasing the demand on the connection by emptying the cache aggravates the problems. So, clearing the cache effectively makes problems worse. The bigger and fuller the cache the better. Third-party developers and Lindens mostly set their cache size at the max. The cache is digital data delivered by an error correcting system. Corruption is way rare. If there are cache problems, they are likely caused by a failure in the computer, which would be causing problems for other programs and need to be fixed before trying to repair the cache. Basic rule, never clear the cache.
  14. The Linden dollar (L$) is traded just as any RL currency is. So it varies. Current exchange rate is around L$260 per US$1. The Peso is at P$17.70 per US$1. So... 260/17.7 = L$14.69 per P$1 On your account's dashboard page you can find the the Linden Exchange in that section is MANAGE button that will expand to show Buy, Sell, Manage... all of these will show the current market rates and trading rates.
  15. Vanity is right on. VR headsets are not needed. Some of the Sansar Lindens only run Sansar on their desktop. Sansar News is a GOOD unofficial source of Sansar news. I follow it. There is also a Sansar 'forum' and 'blog'. Its pretty ugly at the moment, but they are going to change it out for better software. There are "How To's" and meeting schedules, the store, yadda yadda. The current Sansar desktop experience is pretty lame. Graphics are awesome. At the last Friday Product Meet Up (Aug 18) we learned that an update is likely to arrive about the end of the month that will greatly improve the desktop experience. If you are interested in an informative meeting that ran about 2 hours see Sansar – What is a Product Meet Up like? The blog article has an index to the video. So, you can skim it in a few minutes for just the things that interest you. There are daily Casual Meet Ups at 1 PM PT this week. More information and for official sources see Sansar Meetings 2017 w34. There are a number of SL users that think Sansar is the end of SL. I don't. Once you have been there, you'll understand why. Sansar has possibilities. Replacing SL isn't one of them. Some think Sansar will pull most of the SL users to Sansar. I don't. Sansar is very different from SL. In the future it will be a little more like SL, multi-user building is coming, like next year. The fashion market will arrive, probably by the end of the year, but maybe not... Avatar animations will arrive this year, but not yet here. Object animation will arrive, probably within a month. But, to reach the level of SL usefulness it will likely take another year. Even then it is going to be different. One big difference is teleporting to new places. To go some place you have never been can take 5+ minutes... they are working to reduce that. Plus, the Sansar Atlas (think Destination Guide) is so primitive it sucks. In Sansar it looks like they download everything that makes up an experience (think region) at the start. This allows the VR experience to run without having to download more stuff. But, you wait at the start. If you played in Blue Mars, they used this same solution. It does make for a very lag free experience, even with 40 avatars in the area. If you look at the Sansar Product Meet Up video I made and then one of the SL Content Creation UG videos I made using the same hardware you can see the difference.
  16. I suspect that was NOT a resync... but a replace. I'll try to remember to ask at one of the UG's if support can trigger a 'resync' or can only do 'replace'.
  17. Once you decide what is not the problem... there is little point in our trying to help. Since you are convinced it is on the Linden side, and don't answer our requests for specific information... you are pretty much on your own. So, you'll have to fix that Linden-side problem all on your own. Goodd luck. If nothing is changing on your laptop, then what do you think is changing on the Linden servers? If those Linden servers are changing, why aren't the rest of us having problems?
  18. Clearing the main viewer cache is unlikely to fix anything... ANYTHING... ever... Clearing it generally makes most problems worse. So, clearing the cache is a last resort for when you KNOW something is wrong with the cache. However, the viewer has many different 'caches'. There are various lists of things the viewer 'caches' (saves as a file). On launch it compares the local 'cached' lists to the master lists kept on the SL servers. Inventory is one of those lists. It is common to refer to that list as the inventory cache. It is not technologically precise to call it that. For inventory the thing we think of as a 'cache' is in the viewer memory space. But, on practical level referring to it as a cache makes explaining what needs to be done much to fix inventory problems simpler and easy to understand. That said, there is an Inventory cache. It lists all your 'inventory' stuff. It is separate from your main cache and in a different folder. Each time the viewer starts, it is downloading a copy of the inventory list and comparing it to the local copy. Which is why a large flat inventory can cause a logon fail. So, deleting the inventory cache is not a big hit on performance. My inventory cache is <3MB. My texture cache is 1.5GB and the object cache 36MB... So, the main cache is >1GB of stuff that has to redownload when you 'clear THE cache'. The inventory cache is nothing by comparison. The inventory cache is a single zip file. I do not know if it downloads via HTTP with error correction or via UDP without error correction. I do know that for some reason this single file does occasionally have problems and have to be deleted. The main cache is literally tens of thousands of files downloaded via an error correcting protocol (HTTP). It is rare, very rare, for even one file to be corrupted. And that would probably not be noticeable and very unlikely to cause the type of problem most people clear cache to fix.
  19. It is a bug. A particularly troublesome one. The Lindens have made changes to the viewer and Firestorm has too. But, the basic changes they made are to make sure people realize they are about to hit delete. There is some effort to get people to LOOK AT what they are about to delete. Programmers not being the best communicators have not made it clear WHY you need to be looking at the list. They are unlikely to ever pop up a warning saying, "Look closely at what you are about to delete as our system is randomly and mysteriously adding folders and things to the trash that you would probably like to keep..." The JIRA has case histories from those that have experienced your problem. If this happened in the last 4 days... jump over to the JIRA and fill out as detailed a bug report as you can. The Lindens are looking for the bug. After 4 days the logs may have been overwritten. So, the reporting is time sensitive. Include the exact time, or as near as you can get, of when the deletion happened. It reduces the amount of server log entries they have to look through. When the bug bites... for whatever cause, other folders and stuff are appearing in trash. Ones the users say they are certain they did NOT put there. So, for now the idea is to look closely at the continents of TRASH before clicking delete. So, while you are certain you did not place the stuff in the trash, we are telling you your trash-deletion click did probably delete the items. Not your fault. Avoid thinking 'blame' or 'mistake' when we say your emptying trash was the problem. Think TRIGGER for a bug... ouch! At this point a JIRA cross referenced to a trouble ticket or vice-vera is about your only chance of recovering the discard. A redelivery is a more likely way to recover.
  20. Speedtest is nice. But, you can use TRACERT to get more detailed information on where the failure is. With cable services, just complain. They are renting you the gateway. Maintenance is their problem. Quit often the problem with cable is the signal strength reaching the gateway or said another way, in the cable outside your home. The cable techs have to measure signal strength. I find with cases where no one can find the problem, it is almost always signal strength. I think that is because it varies and creates an intermittant problem. The TRACERT may show the problem or not. If it is intermittant from signal strength, you may have to catch it. Try as soon as you notice the problem with SL. Hopefully you'll catch it. Plus, the reporting may be inconsistent. It may report a problem downline because the ping coming back from that router/switch hits a weak signal moment. Since the ping got out and doesn't make it back, TRACERT reports it as a the remote router failing. The actual problem is at the local gateway. The ping return at low signal was too faint to register. It is the cable company's problem to sort this out. If you tell them SL is the only problem and all else is working, they will figure they can avoid doing anything and just figure it is the SL servers and tell you to call SL. If the TRACERT shows failures, regardless of where, show them that. Complain your favorite game is having problems and it is just you, your friends are NOT having a problem and you have been talking with Linden Lab and other players. The problem has been tracked to your connection and your local gateway. Once it is clear that you are doing due diligence and getting knowledgeable help from beyond the SL owners, most cable companies will get on it. If not... Know cable companies are franchised monopolies. They are very sensitive to complaints to the 'franchising authority'. Usually the local community, county, city... So, if you are not getting help, let the cable company know your next steps, which are; call the city and ask who handles the cable franchise. Start complaining to them. If that fails start complaining at the state level. Who that is varies by state. Worst case complain to the to the FCC about the cable company, city, and state. Feces slides down hill... Eventually you'll hit a pain point as the feces storm grows. Be persistent, unemotional, frequently call and politely annoy pleading for help with the big bad cable company (most bureaucrats are sensitive to drama and you escalating to higher authorities), and be resolute. With just a little activism you can create loads of paperwork for them, something management will react to. It is easier to send a tech than keep responding to city and Federal queries about their customer service. Summarize the troubleshooting steps listing each and the result so they can see where it is pointing. Also in each complaint briefly summarize your steps to date to show this current complaint is a last resort following lots of work tracking the problem's cause down and you unwavering resolution to get it fixed. The TRACERT results are the most damaging. Even while most bureaucrats won't understand the tech, it looks like CSI type DNA evidence. So, they take your side. I've been a bit dramatic about last resort steps... I think it conveys what your possible options are. And explicitly, you do NOT have to buy another router/gateway, even to test, since you rent. They should replace it for free. But, you may want to check purchase price verses renting cost. You can usually cover the purchase cost in rent fee savings over 18 months. Then you are money ahead. Router/gateways last about 4 to 5 years, at least.
  21. There is a Destination Guide built into the viewer and one on the web. Both are categorised. There are a load of blogs that give destination tips. Search for them (Google) based on your preferences. the iHearts blog is an aggregator that will introduce you to hundreds of fashion sites. Flickr has groups that require posters to include a URL/SLURL You see an image and get a SLURL. You can use the World Map to browse the world. Places with lots of dots are busy... mostly. Some of those places are all bots. This is the least productive way of finding places. But, I've found some interesting places when I just wanted to explore and had nothing specific in mind.
  22. Yes... but, no special case is made for contacts that hit 'busy autoresponse' and other offline IM's that push you to the message cap. So, those messages will be lost too, when you hit cap.
  23. Getting into full regions can be a problem. For every problem in SL there is an app... So, for getting into crowded regions there are TP Hammers. Tell them where you want to go and they keep trying to get you their until you get in. The Lindens in their ongoing research to find bottlenecks found TP's causing an inordinate amount of regon lag. The recent bad case of this I saw was the 2017 Fantasy Faire. Analyzing the problem the Lindens noticed rejected teleports were consuminga huge amount of server resources to the point regions had to be restarted to clear out the cues. The quick fix was to reduce the number of teleports and thus the possible number of rejections per minute. They put a throttle on teleports. You have so many opportunities per minute and then the servers just do not listen to you for a period. This broke many TP Hammers. Those that have adjustable retry rates are still usable. So, you can use one. They are handy as you can go do something else while they they keep trying to get you in. Time of day is an issue too. Peak SL use is between 2 & 3 PM PT. The lowest, off-peak use is between 2 & 3 AM PT. So, deciding to try in off-peak hours helps. And there seems to be some fraction of users that have started avoiding events. Those people seem to have a common personality. Many of us would probably consider their staying away an improvement to the quality of the event. Whatever, they stay away, others get in sooner. Premium Members have an edge getting into events. When regions max out at 30 or 40 or 100 avatars, depending on what the region owner has set, Premium members have access to an additional 5+/- slots over the limit. I usually get into popular events the first day. Very neat. In crowded events some people park their avatar in the air and cam through the event. This reduces the load on the region's physics engine. I use a SpaceNavigator so it is way easy fun. But, mouse works too. I make it through the even much faster and am out to make room for others. I also use double-click to TP. That doesn't always work. When it does it is really great. In cam'ing around I can double-click the ground to snap myself there.
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