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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Yes... but, no special case is made for contacts that hit 'busy autoresponse' and other offline IM's that push you to the message cap. So, those messages will be lost too, when you hit cap.
  2. Getting into full regions can be a problem. For every problem in SL there is an app... So, for getting into crowded regions there are TP Hammers. Tell them where you want to go and they keep trying to get you their until you get in. The Lindens in their ongoing research to find bottlenecks found TP's causing an inordinate amount of regon lag. The recent bad case of this I saw was the 2017 Fantasy Faire. Analyzing the problem the Lindens noticed rejected teleports were consuminga huge amount of server resources to the point regions had to be restarted to clear out the cues. The quick fix was to reduce the number of teleports and thus the possible number of rejections per minute. They put a throttle on teleports. You have so many opportunities per minute and then the servers just do not listen to you for a period. This broke many TP Hammers. Those that have adjustable retry rates are still usable. So, you can use one. They are handy as you can go do something else while they they keep trying to get you in. Time of day is an issue too. Peak SL use is between 2 & 3 PM PT. The lowest, off-peak use is between 2 & 3 AM PT. So, deciding to try in off-peak hours helps. And there seems to be some fraction of users that have started avoiding events. Those people seem to have a common personality. Many of us would probably consider their staying away an improvement to the quality of the event. Whatever, they stay away, others get in sooner. Premium Members have an edge getting into events. When regions max out at 30 or 40 or 100 avatars, depending on what the region owner has set, Premium members have access to an additional 5+/- slots over the limit. I usually get into popular events the first day. Very neat. In crowded events some people park their avatar in the air and cam through the event. This reduces the load on the region's physics engine. I use a SpaceNavigator so it is way easy fun. But, mouse works too. I make it through the even much faster and am out to make room for others. I also use double-click to TP. That doesn't always work. When it does it is really great. In cam'ing around I can double-click the ground to snap myself there.
  3. There is a 'garbage' collection process run on the asset servers. It is possible for things to be removed. It has been years since any of the operations people have talked about the size of the SL Assets Database and removal processes. 2012... 2013... not sure, may be earlier, but at the time the data base was about 200 petabytes. That was after they had just run a database cleanup to remove unused items. The Lindens are semi-paranoid about deleting things and breaking content. So, I suspect the cleanup process does a detailed search for use of any item anywhere in SL by anyone or thing before making it for deletion. If you have removed all your uses of the texture, deleted all copies, and you were the only one to use it, I suspect sometime after you empty trash it will be deleted from the Asset Servers. You can test this by recording the UUID of the texture, then deleting it and emptying trash. At some future date try to using the UUID to pull up the texture. I have no idea if garbage collection is monthly, annual, bi-annual...
  4. Since you are getting tossed off... look for ERRORS. Which you found... The HTTP 502 suggests a problem in the server on the Linden side... as 500 errors are server errors but, as we do not have a load of people here with the same problem yours is unlikely a Linden-side problem. As we all use a 'gateway' to access the Internet the problem is likely your gateway (also called a modem, switch, router, or access point). If restarting your router did not fix the problem, run through the troubleshooting steps here: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  5. Well, part of your problem is you already have preconceptions of what won’t help. So, there is a good chance you have already excluded the fix from your thinking and will suffer the problem forever… Clothes option A and B? I suspect most of us will assume you are talking about outfits. This also suggests you are not that familiar with Second Life. So, we’ll probably sound like we are talking to a noob. Including an “I’ve tried…” paragraph was an excellent move. Lindal is right, you have eliminated almost every possible cause other than your connection. Having a good Internet connection does NOT mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. TEST YOUR CONNECTION. Lindal gave you the link to the troubleshooting guide. Lindal is also right about the Firestorm Wiki articles. The majority of the code in the Firestorm and Linden viewers is identical. Plus, they have to do the EXACT same things and therefore suffer the same problems. When you change outfits a bunch of data moves between the viewer and servers. Much of the information about what you are wearing travels via the UDP protocol. Lost packets are not resent. So, the viewer (what you see) and the server (what others see) can get out of sync. You’ll find that you cannot see some items that show in WEARING. Those items cannot be removed. They have entered a state we call ghosted. You can see it or not because the ghost isn’t really there. Firestorm has a Refresh Attachment List feature... somewhere. The Linden viewer doesn’t. So, a relog is the best you can do on the later.
  6. The viewer you use will have no affect on whether others can see you or not. Firestorm is a good viewer. I consider it a Power User's viewer. However, it is as easy to use as the Linden viewer, just more stuff to use. If you leave it in Firestorm mode, it is very similar to the Linden viewer. Plus they have free, really good classes on the the viewer's many features. An easy way for us to help is for you to take a screen-capture of the Appearance/Outfit panel with the WEARING tab showing.
  7. I have seen support just fix my problem and never say anything...
  8. As Alwin said, a password change is not the trigger for an inventory update. The trigger is logging into ADITI... when it isn't broken, as it is now. The update usually occurs early morning (about 6 AM PT) after a login. So, if I log in today, at 6 tomorrow my inventory should update. But, I understand it is broken and no one has taken the time to fix it. So, if you have to have an update, ask support. Inventory update no longer replaces ADITI inventory with a NEW copy of AGNI inventory. Now ADITI is sync'd to AGNI and your ADITI created stuff remains. So, the possibility for an out of control inventory increases. I name all the folders for things created in ADITI with the word ADITI and some explanatory name. When I'm done with the project it is easy to find ADITI stuff and toss it.
  9. The setting works in my Firestorm and Linden viewers. Which viewer and version are you using?
  10. When you need technical help, we need to know about your computer and viewer. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the information we need. Paste it in with your question. Your problem is known as Bake Fail. The link Alwin gave you leads to the basic troubleshooting steps.
  11. I suspect the various answers are adding to your confusion. They are all correct, but incomplete. Leaving you to figure out how to put it all together. I’ll try to bring it together for you. What we really need to, for certain, understand is a screen-cap of your Appearance-Wearing. This image is from the LL SL Viewer. I’ll use it for explaining. At the top, you’ll see I am wearing Slink Physique Alpha. Slink is a brand of mesh body parts. Physique is a model of mesh body. The alpha means it is used to hide the classic avatar body to work with the Slink body. The alphs is worn on the classic body. You’ll see I am wearing a body labeled: Slink Physique Mesh Body Original V3.01, near the bottom of the list. So, you can wear either the classic or a mesh body. System clothes, those the inventory shows as shirts, pants, socks, etc. all work ONLY with the classic body. All mesh clothes and body parts are shown as ATTACHMENTS. When you buy mesh clothes you’ll find they come in different types of mesh. As SL tech progressed we had different ways of making clothes. So, depending on when something was made, it behaves differently. The two basic types are rigged and not-rigged mesh. Rigging is about placing information in the mesh object that tells each vertex in the mesh which bone in the avatar it is to follow. So, we tell a shirt that some parts follow the upper arm and others the forearm. At the elbows, we mix the percentage of influence the two bones have on each vertex so it looks like an arm being and not a soda straw. Rigged-mesh cannot be positioned or sized using the viewer build tools. The unrigged mesh can be positioned and sized. Think, hat. Rigged-mesh comes in 3 flavors. The older mesh comes in Standard Sizes. This is from the era when people changed their shape to fit the clothes. These are still in the marketplace and some people still make this type of mesh clothing. Next was an intermediate step in mesh evolution, Liquid Mesh. These clothes we made by rigging the mesh to the avatar’s collision bones rather than the basic bones used for animation. This allowed some of the shape sliders in Appearance to affect the clothes. This type of clothing is rare. Now, most new clothes and body parts are made using a technique we call Fitted Mesh. The Lab decided to provide a complete set of collision bones that were controlled by all the sliders. When Fitted mesh clothes are made the mesh is rigged, sort of attached, to the collision bones. Mesh clothes can be worn with the classic and mesh bodies. If the classic body is used, you often wear an alpha layer to hide the classic body and avoid poke through. The same is true with mesh bodies, but they have HUD’s that control the alpha layers. When you show us your worn list we can tell which you need to be using. These are the basics. I hope, put together in a coherent way. As to why your clothes fit and then don’t… The answer may depend on which viewer you are using. Check your viewer stats (Ctrl-Shift-1) to see if you are losing packets. Make sure you detach any attachment you edit and put them back on before logging off. This forces an update to be sent to the servers. If that is failing, when you put it back on, you won’t see your changes. The problem then becomes chasing the failure to update. There are other possibilities. But, until we see your WEARING list there is no point boring you with those possibilities.
  12. So... you are going nowhere really fast.... When all else is failing and when you and those helping have no clue, look in the viewer’s log files. The viewer has various log files you can read to get an idea of what has gone wrong. Look at the log immediately after you crash or exit the viewer. Logs are replaced the next time a viewer starts. You’ll find the logs in: C:\Users\[Win_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\ You will change folder and file names based on viewer used... But, they are all similar. crashreport.log – This log is generated when the viewer crashes, the previous version of the file is overwritten. Rename this file if you plan to restart the viewer before examining the file. Otherwise, just read it with a text viewer (Notepad is good). debug_info.log – This file is internally formatted as an XML file. I never find it of much use. It is mostly the specs of your machine. SecondLife.log – This is the main log file. I find it the most useful. Start from the end of the file and work toward the beginning. Search for ‘WARNING’ and ‘ERROR’. With any luck, the messages there will give you an idea of the problem. Recent changes have added a section heading to parts of the file that can identify the general nature of the problem. There are lots of performance stats included. At the end of a non-crash log there are secession stats; Run Time, Average Packet Size, Dropped Packets, Resent Packets, etc. The file is replaced and recreated for each viewer secession. SecondLife.error_marker – I don’t know what information is inside. I don’t have a copy to examine as I write this. The presence of the file indicates where, when, and what error happened. I think this is a disaster backup file for crash reporting in which information about the crash is retained in the event the crash handlers are destroyed before they can create the other more complete crash files. SecondLife.start_marker – There is no information inside. The presence of the file indicates how far into the start process the viewer has gotten. Whether the file exists or not is the pertinent information. SecondLifeCrashReport.log – This is another file internally formatted to XML. It is created when the viewer crashes. I think this is the new version of the crash log. It is mostly text. stats.log – This is a short file containing network statistics. Similar information is in other log files. It is an easy to read set of stats that show how many packets were dropped and resent in a secession. I find the SecondLife.log is the most useful file for tuning and troubleshooting the viewer. It is verbose and reasonably easy to understand. There is a Debug Setting that allows you to increase or decrease the level of reporting. Most of these files are erased when the viewer starts. If you plan to send the files in with a trouble ticket or bug report, place copies in another folder before starting the viewer. Marker files are temporary and may or may not exist at any given time. Entries in the files associated with errors and warnings are labeled as such. That makes them easy to find by searching. Search and read through them starting at the end of the file and working backward. Warning entries are common and do NOT necessarily mean there is a problem. Some warnings are a part of normal operation. Some errors are trivial and do not indicate a ‘noticeable’ problem in the viewer’s operation.
  13. Alwin is right. Starting multiple threads for the same question is a problem. Please don't.
  14. Your problem is a bit strange... When you don't see the body that is usually caused by connection issues. When relogging fixes it, that is more confirmation it is the connection. You have to test the connection from you to the SL servers. A generally good Internet connection means nothing when talking about a specific server on the net. Others not seeing you also suggests a bad connection. The SL System uses the UDP protocol for a number of things. One of which is updates to your appearance. So, it would not be surprising to have you and the server get out of sync as to what you are wearing. But, to have some see you when you don't and you see yourself when others don't is a bit odd. To troubleshoot the issue I suggest you start with the common problem of connection. When that is eliminated we can move on. Use this info to test: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ You can look at your Current Outfit Folder (COF) to see what the server thinks you are wearing. You can compare that to your Outfit in Appearance to see what you should be wearing. If the viewer is getting out of sync with the server these would be different. You might check to see if the COF changes after TP. It shouldn't. Check the size of your main cache. It should be as large as your computer will handle. Bigger is better, especially with a weak connection. To be able to know if there is a hardware problem on your end, not likely to affect others, you need to always provide your computer and viewer specs when asking a tech question. Use HELP->ABOUT... to gather the info and post in with your question. Also, know which body is being a problem for you is helpful. All the big name bodies work for everyone. Your ACI and script weight affect teleports. More so with a weak connection. Script weight is the more important of the two. What are your ACI and script weight? Once the tp data pack size (made of the number of attachments and script program data size) is large enough to cause problems, the results are unpredictable. Summary: check your ACI, script weight, and connection quality.
  15. So, have you learned anything from that? Teasing and joking are not necessarily perceived as polite by other cultures. Teasing Chinese and Japanese about their ancestry is usually seen as an insult. If you are unaware of these things you are creating the problem. Thinking your culture is "superior" starts to fit in with the definition of racism and certainly arrogance. Neither of which is seen as polite by most everyone. As to being banned... rude is not covered in the ToS. However, disturbing the peace is. If you bother enough people the repeated abuse reports will start to disturb the Linden Support personnel's peace. At some point, they may decide to ban you. I would expect you'll get a warning first unless you are being excessively obnoxious and generating a flood of Abuse Reports. The infrequent mistake in social etiquette is nothing to worry about. I also doubt they will report you if you honestly apologize for the ignorance of their culture... unless they think you insulted Mohammed. Then you go on a death list somewhere. You have to decide if you are thinking everyone must change to accommodate you... or that it is OK for you to do what you want, how you want, without regard for others...
  16. @Candice04 You aren't telling us enough about your problem. Without more information, we can't help. Open your viewer and click HELP->ABOUT... and copy paste that info into your post or a reply. Saying SL is kicking you out is not an intellectually honest statement. Get real. You are not a victim. Saying you can't stay in SL after a teleport sounds like the scenery was so bad you had to log out. If the viewer crashed after you arrived or before you arrived, that is a problem we may be able to help with. Be more precise about what it is you need help with. If English is not your native language, write in your native language and we'll use Google Translate. Teleport issues tend to be from 2 primary causes; wearing more than 3MB of scripts or a weak connection to the SL servers or a combination of the two. Alwin gave you a link to a troubleshooting guide for your connection. Be aware that a good general Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. These your connection to the SL servers. The How To is in the guide.
  17. Well... that is true if you give up easily. If you are seeing the ToS accept fail in multiple viewers and web browsers, it is something in your computer. If reading all of this thread is too much or turning off your ad-blocker, anti-virus, or whatever is too technical for you then SL is probably not for you.
  18. I'm not quite clear what you mean when saying 'make animations'. It sounds like you are trying to load animations into an AO. I'll assume that is what you are talking about. If you put No-Copy animations in an AO, the only copy of your animation goes into that AO. To get animations to work in Firestorm you use a link to the animation, which has to be in inventory. Since yours are no copy, that would mean you likely had to remove them from the AO back to inventory. The AO they came out of would stop working. So, the problem with Firestorm is one uses links to animations in inventory
  19. Ask your question once. Multiple posts of the same question create confusion.
  20. Things have changed over the years. So, depending on how long you have been gone, doing things the old way will create problems like you see. There are now different types of avatars in SL. There are two sorts of new starter avatars, one type we have has what we call mesh bodies. The older type we call Classic. There are newer avatars in the Library and signup pages that use the classic and mesh bodies. You won't notice which is which by just looking at the avatar. You'll have to examine the list of what is being worn. The classic avatar skeleton and skin are the base avatar for both mesh and classic. The classic is likely the type of avatar you are familiar with. They were the first avatars in Second Life. When using a new mesh body the skin of the classic avatar is hidden behind it. As the classic body will poke-through the mesh body when animated the classic body is hidden using alpha layers. Classic or System clothes were all we had for years. System clothes are like decals that are painted on the Classic avatar body. In 2013 the Lindens added the ability to create rigged mesh clothing that fits over the classic body. Prior to that, we used Sculpties to make clothes that fit over the avatar body. Very quickly people began to make better bodies. Now it is very common for the entire Classic avatar to be hidden under rigged mesh head, hands, body, and feet. Mesh clothes are rigged to fit on top of the mesh bodies. There are technical reasons that the clothes fitting over mesh bodies do not always fit well. So, mesh bodies are made with HUD's so that we can make parts of the body invisible, so the body doesn't poke through the clothes. You can catch up on what has been going on with bodies and clothes by reading the various blogs covering SL. Mesh Body Addicts is a good one to start with. On a more technical level try my blog (see signature) or Inara's Living in a Modem World. Start with articles in 2013. Welcome back.
  21. For more information on the ADITI grid, aka Preview, aka Server Beta, aka test grid... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid_Common_Questions
  22. Windows 10 has little problem with SL Viewers. Install the viewer (whatever brand), launch it, Windows pops up a message asking if the program can have network access. Answer yes and move on. If you are trying to set up the firewall before launching the viewer, you are just making work for yourself. The old information on configuring firewalls for SL hasn't really changed.
  23. There is no easy way. The marketplace will allow you to search for Store or people names. Try Jstyle. Find their store. Then try to figure out what you might search on that would bring up the hair you are interested in. Otherwise, it is page by page. There is a free HUD named What is she wearing... It will give you a complete list of what an avatar is wearing. Of course you have to run it while they are in your presence.
  24. There is a free HUD called What is she wearing... a bit sexist. But, it will tell you what is attached to an avatar. If you need the info for a script you are writing, Rolig has pointed you in the right direction. There are LSL Script Libraries. Google. If you Google on llGetAttachedList and llGetObjectDetails you may find some scripts that do what you want.
  25. No. You misunderstand what I meant. While you can set your Windlight and the region owner can set a default Windlight, the region owner cannot script your Windlight setting as you move through the region. As it is now, if I want you see rain at ground level and sunshine at 1500m... I have a problem. Firestorm has a thing to help with that. But, this change will give region owners more control and add scripting control.
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