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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Nalates Urriah


    Refunds are rare. Customer service in SL is similar to RL but there are some significant differences. Copy-OK items in SL are very different than in RL. People buy Copy-OK, make a copy, then want to return the original, keep the copy, and get a refund. I consider that a type of theft. Most merchants do too. So, the policy on Copy-OK items is No Refund. As I have a strong preference for Copy-OK items, most of what I buy is ineligible for any refund. This general policy of no-refund isn't because the merchant sucks at customer service or doesn't care, but because SO MANY customers try to scam them. Then there are those that are oblivious to how things work in SL. Others are amazingly stupid, arrogant, or entitled. They cause way too much unnecessary work for merchants. The result is merchants adopt policies to reduce their workload. Yet, for obviously legitimate complaints most merchants will accommodate some form of mitigation. One just has to have a sane complaint.
  2. This is most often a connection problem. Having a good Internet connection does NOT mean you have a good connection to a specific server, i.e., the SL servers. So, test that specific connection. Here is how: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ The quick fix is re-start your router/gateway/modem... the device that your ISP provided to connect you to the Internet.
  3. What is odd is that you doubt the most common proven cause of login issues isn't the cause of your problem. You are making a common mistake, Correlation does not imply causation (Wiki article). If the Sept 18 update was the problem, we would have thousands of people reporting the same problem. The Lindens are not shy about saying something when the system has login issues. If it doesn't appear in Grid Status reports, it isn't a system wide problem. While there are RARE cases where an area, like a city or country, has issues or there is a problem with a specific
  4. The WAIT message just means the system had not had time to realize you were crashed out of SL. Usually within 2 minutes you can get back in. Just wait a minute and try again and again until it lets you in. El mensaje WAIT sólo significa que el sistema no había tenido tiempo para darse cuenta de que se estrelló fuera de SL. Por lo general, dentro de 2 minutos, puede volver a entrar. Sólo espere un minuto e intente una y otra vez hasta que le permite entrar.
  5. I was not as clear as I could have been... A dictionary is by no means any kind of standard for a decision, unless one is trying to sort out a contract or legal dispute in court. To debate to a conclusion, whether it is to agreement or a decision to disagree, the point of the dictionary is to clarify the meaning of what is being discussed, to provide a framework. When we are trying to tell someone what color to paint a room we use color chips. There is no better way to communicate our meaning of color. We can resort to precise color formulas, but a colorchip is easier and simple. With the chips we have a simple way to explain the meaning of 'this color'. English is ambiguous. I can mean definition 2 and you inferred definition 1. We find a way to deal with it. If I was not aware of Def 1 because of how the word is used in my part of the country, I learn why we are mis-communicating. The word NEXT gave me fits when I came to California from the midwest. In the midwest there is this exit and the next exit. In California this exit is the next exit. I missed so many turns... The definition of 'next' was not going to help me. While the definition had us generally on the same page, it was not clear on how people were using it. So, there is always some of confusion or at least the possibility. We have to go beyond a dictionary.
  6. I agree. The concept of GOD is widely varied. As are many other words. Which is why the question, 'What do you mean by ____?' is often the first response a person needs to make. But, just because a person has a different idea about something is no reason to avoid conversation. Experiencing diversity of thought is how we learn. Which is way free speech is such a threat to ideologues and politicians. I'm learning Madelaine prefers to avoid discussing her philosophical beliefs and instead relates her experiences. She doesn't play games with it and remains intellectually honest. There is no reason for her to choose do anything other than what she wants. No Alinsky maneuvers. Just a Hey, this is me. I tend to be curious about what people believe and why. Thus the questions.
  7. I think that is an accurate assessment of a dictionary. The purpose of it is so we can use words to convey ideas so most people would understand what we mean. If I user a 16th century meaning I should not be surprised that most current day people misunderstand me. I find it odd you think all 8 definitions are only tenuously related to this discussion. So, while we might come to an agreement of what a soul is or isn't, having to deal with defining words for a conversation with each individual becomes tedious and often confusing. As a society we use the common definitions and retain an awareness of the extended possible connotations of a word. We may have to sort through them to figure out what a person likely meant. The publishers of dictionaries provide a service so we can clearly communicate. To forego their service limits our ability to communicate and complicates everything. ...ummmm actually no. But, you are getting me to reconsider. I agree there is far more going on in our minds than we are are aware of. Psychologists use a model of the mind (person? soul?) that conveys the idea of 3 personalities making a single person. Depending on who's branch of psychology you prefer the names change. I prefer what I consider the more literally descriptive; high-self, conscious-self, and subconscious-self. And there are books on your points. But, I don't see how any of that helps you come to a conclusion about whether a soul exists or not? Webster's definitions would seem to make that an easy answer. So, I assume you present your facade to avoid an answer or you just find it more fun to mess with me. Which is the whole point of being here.
  8. You make a valid point. But, Humpty is an excellent example of narcissistic thinking in this quote. While I don't address the point of relativistic thinking, I think Humpty's consideration of only self and not how he is being heard is key to the fallacies in his framing of the ideas. Conversation is about conveying clear ideas. If one does not consider how the listener perceives the statements, they can't communicate their ideas. Thus the need for dictionaries. George Orwell's 1984 depicts how adulteration of language removes a people's ability to clearly deal with a corrupt political system. Dictators always try to control communication, avoiding free speech. In a society with free speech enshrined in their basic laws other tactics have to be used to limit the transfer of ideas. The point is to get people to the place where they are unclear what they are saying. If people have no idea what a soul is, how can they talk about it? Much less decide if one exists or not.
  9. You all are right the AM1 is not as old as I thought. 2014 AA is far more a video card thing than a CPU thing. So, I am not surprised you see no difference when you change AA. Turning shadows on and off is far more CPU intensive. I would expect a change as you enable/disable shadows. The difference between 720p and 1080p is mostly a graphics card load. Enabling and disabling shadows makes about a 6% change in GPU load. The change in CPU load is none to maybe 6%... I'd have to do more testing to be definitive. But, the drop in CPU load is fuzzy from just eyeballing it, I would say no change mostly. I only see about a 15% change in FPS enabling/disabling shadows. In general, I am going to run 30 to 60 FPS on an i5-6600 @ 4.1GHz w/GTX 1060 6GB. And with shadows, Sun/Moon, Projectors my GPU load stays <50%. What you are expecting from SL is probably unrealistic and assumes similarities between SL and other games that do not exist. The Lab considers 10 FPS playable... Unless you are playing combat games in SL, they are pretty much right. The flexibility and diversity in SL are not available in other computer games. Since much of the SL world is made by non-professional hobbyists, you are going to see non-professional-performance. That the Lab's programmers get the performance they do from non-optimized everything I find amazing.
  10. Have you tried the dictionary? It provides an accurate shared reality definition. If you start digging, you will find that most people interested in the question have a clear idea of what they mean by the word soul. To say I don't believe there is a soul and also say 'I have no idea what I mean by soul' pretty much says, I have no idea what I believe... You generally seem more rational than that. Saying the brain has a mind of its own... sort of confuses and conflates at the same time. The brain is a physical thing that can be touched. Mind is the activity of the brain and can only be experienced. We know electrical stimulation of the brain can trigger memories and sensations. We are learning the brain is not all we thought it was. For instance numerous experiments show memory exists outside the brain. There is a probability that to some extent it is DNA based. The definitive experiments are of course done on rats. Gruesome as it is, rats are trained to run mazes and then turned into rat food. Rats fed the food from trained maze runners learn to run mazes much faster. What in ground up rat could convey that information? Those doing the studies/experiments tend toward DNA. So, are those reported visions of previous lives just an ability to access DNA memory? No definitive answers available... But, a mind is generally the person. The person has a mind and it can be lost, but that is not the same as losing a brain, which is terminal. That a brain has a mind seems a backward twist of thinking. Psychologists think of the mind as controlling. Pathological issues with the brain can affect how the mind works, or doesn't. But the mind is the controller. A famous example is the case of multiple personality disorders in which a patient with multiple personalities had one with diabetes. Others in the person didn't. Blood test were run to sort out the physical health problems and the non-diabetic and diabetic test results initialed more study and a direct correlation between test results and the personality in place at the time of the test. A serious case of mind over body. My point is, the basis for much of humanities study and scientific advance is tied to clear basic understanding of philosophy. For a person to not know what they mean by the words they say, would seem to leave them isolated in a world exploding with amazing new knowledge. They appear to be left in the primitive world of magic... with no means of determining what is real or possible.
  11. Nalates Urriah

    AO Issues

    Aah... something in the FS files installed on your computer has messed up. The FS AO uses inventory-links. So, all your animations are still in inventory. The problem is FS isn't handling the links as it should. The Firestorm Support group should be able to give you a link to the fix in their wiki. I would try changing to a different animation set or deleting any animations sets and restarting. Next I would try a semi-clean install, delete all the files in the program folder and reinstall FS. This keeps chat and settings. If that fails, I would move on to a clean install, which I HATE doing. The HOPE is there is an easy solution that FS Support can give you.
  12. WELLL! I have no defense. All indications and know measures suggest you are right Yeah, I have my days too... I do try to be understanding and give people the benefit of the doubt. But, sometimes I am overwhelmed by people's stupidity or arrogance and go off. What do you mean by soul? If soul is just an idea in our minds without real world reality, since words can definitely destroy an idea, they can destroy a soul. It leaves people playing word and thought games. The fast wit tends to win. But, their is an objective reality. Psychology and philosophy both try to pin down what is real and what is imagined as people try to decide why to live their life one way or another. So, the word 'soul' has a significance in several areas of human thought and belief and especially in the philosophy of life. But, without knowing what is meant by the word, how does one decide or debate whether it exists or not? And whether it actually has any significant importance?
  13. You can control the position of your camera using Debug Settings. The information and how-to is here: Second Life Camera Position Tips. I think there are similar settings for mouse-look. But, I haven't tried. If you cannot find the mouse-look settings just adjust the third-person camera into a first person camera position. With Firestorm a Shift-Esc key press reverts the camera settings to their defaults. So, be warned. Resetting the camera gets tedious.
  14. Don't you have to have rez-rights to use it? We have a function labeled llCastRay in the LSL scripting language. I would think someone would make a measuring device if there was a general need. Without a demand, one would have to write their own.
  15. I am not sure why you think 25% use of the CPU means only one core is being used? My i5 quad core will run all 4 cores at 25% (varies from 15% to <50%) and say I am using 25% of CPU. The SL viewers use multiple cores. For the last several years the Lindens have been increasing the thread count to improve performance. In general core SPEED is more important than core count, number of cores. Using CPUID's Hardware Monitor you can watch the CPU core's firing up as a viewer starts. When I close the viewer I can watch some of my i5 cores drop to 0 or near 0 use. This indicates the viewer was dominating several of the cores. There are a number of threads here about multi-core use starting in 2011. Back then V2 was a problem as it was pretty much a single thread for most of the viewer activity. But, that has changed. I haven't dug deep enough into the viewer program analysis to see if the render process is multithreaded now or not. But, most of the other supporting processes have their own threads. The 4 cores you have will be used unless you have multithreading turned off in the viewer or your system controls. From the Debug Settings: CurlUseMultipleThreads PluginUseReadThread RunMultipleThreads Use the default settings for these Debug Settings. I have no idea about where the AMD CPU control settings are. Google. If you analyze the threads running on your system while the viewer is up you should see 20+/- 'viewer' threads running at any one time. If you are seeing just one core in use with the viewer, something is wrong. The viewers have the capability to use multiple cores. But, don't guess at what is happening from aggregated performance numbers. Look to see what is really happening. Your 2.2GHx CPU is going to slow you down. Actually your 5350 is spec'd at 2.05GHz. Your CPU uses the AM1 socket. I don't see any significantly faster CPU's for that socket. So, your bottleneck is a combination of CPU and motherboard. You are using old tech. SL is becoming dependent on newer tech while trying to support older systems. Yours is pretty old. But, it shouldn't be all that bad for use at Graphics Mid. AMD uses the idea more slower cores are better. Intel thinks fewer faster cores are better. Intel works better with SL. But, AMD vs Intel in SL is an old debate and the measured results provide no substantially clear winner. One's advantage over the other is marginal as best I can tell. I prefer Intel. I have a series of articles about hardware and Second Life here. Second Life Computer Specs.
  16. It appears we have a majority voicing similar opinions. Yet, fuzzyPanda isn't making the connection. For me the question is whether Fuzzy is for real or trolling. I hope the later. I remember when one of the users came on trying to find out how to get their soul back after one of the vampire players said they took it. They were NOT asking about how to play the game. They had the idea that someone through this 'game' had reached through the screen and literally taken their soul... I can understand children not being well connected to reality and believing what they are told no matter how fantastic. They simply do not have the experience to have a well defined reality thus cannot separate the play, BS, and lies from real sincerity. They lack the understanding of science and human nature to cope realistically with the world around them. Obviously Fuzzy is not concerned with 'grammer' [sic] or 'spellchecks' [sic] or he/she is just being sarcastic and following the popular trend to attack the people disagreeing with them rather than the substance of their comments. (On an aside, has anyone heard of Forensic Statement Analysis?) Conflating RL hurricanes and crimes with RP in a game seems to be more about a 'I'm good therefore...' statement than an expression of a well adjusted person that can distinguish between play and serious behavior. Saying it is the little things that matter... OMG. Our society is so inundated with this propaganda people are losing site of the basic principles that form civilised societies. The fascists repeatedly tell us to do it their way and things will be better. Uselly in hope of getting things their way. Being narcissistic they actually think they know what is better. Most actually believe that and are totally unaware of how they are inflicting their beliefs on others. This whole thing is about someone deliberately annoying someone with a behavior they likely thought funny. Instead of going down the trail of how do I protect myself, being personally responsible, it goes off into how to a convince everyone to change and force a person to play as Fuzzy wants them to play so Fuzzy doesn't have to deal with an annoyance... Fuzzy then runs off to hide from those disagreeing with him/her. Society is currently encouraging this type of behavior. Many efforts are in progress to pull apart a society built over thousands of years of trial and error to go with untried ideas/ideals and proven failures. Avoiding rational discussion is a basic tactic. The idea to hold to what feels good, protect your cherished beliefs, attack those disagreeing with your thinking, stay within your group of believers and like minded and ignore history, science, and reality is the message. I seem to be seeing more and more people that accept the propaganda without question and exhibit strange ideas and behaviors. Basic divide and conquer. I consider SL a reflection of RL behaviors. Those preaching against hate often are the most hateful. Those preaching tolerance are often the most intolerant. Those claiming they are progressive are often the most regressive. Diversity... that can only be tolerated if it fits within a narrow range. Speach... well that obviously has to be controlled to protect to delicate... We see it all in SL.
  17. I thought the 'you guys" would indicate I was talking to more than the OP.
  18. Wow... you guys seem to be going to a lot of trouble to get things working. Most of the big brand bodies come with automated alpha controllers. You the end user can use a controller or the designer can include one in the product. I wear Slink Physique most of the time. Slink includes a alpha controller for designers in their design packs and one with the body for customers (Slink Auto-Alpha MiniHUD Clean (Copy me)). I prefer to use the customer side controller. The idea with the customer side controller is to wear A COPY of it. Also wear the body's HUD. In the Body HUD make sure automated alpha is enabled in the ALPHA section. Add clothes and see where the you need alpha to hide parts of the body. Once you have your alpha's set, click the controller. It reads the Body HUD and saves the information. Take off the controller, reset the body to ALL visible, no alpha. Wear the controller. It should set the alphas to what you had. If not, you made a mistake or the Body HUD is confused. I put a the controller copy in the folder with the dress or whatever needs those alpha settings. When I build an outfit, I include the Body HUD and the Alpha Controller as part of the outfit. There is a gotcha. The Body HUD has to be up and working before the Alpha Controller starts. SL does not maintain wear-in-this-order information. So, I sometimes the controller attaches ahead of the Body HUD then I have to detach and reattach the controller and sometimes the scrambled start order confuses the Body HUD. Clear that problem while the controller is off, not worn. Toggle the alphas so all parts are visible. Disable then enable the Auto-Alpha feature (this clears the Slink HUD's memory of alpha settings). Now wear the controller, which is showing in the Outfit's parts. The majority of the time the controller works well and the reset dance is NOT needed. I don't have to worry about filling my inventory with multiple copies of the body or be limited to however few memory slots the HUD has or which slot goes with which dress. I tend to include HUD's in my outfits. The HUD's that I may want to use, like nail color. I stopped saving multiple copies of my nails. I attach the Nail HUD I use with the Outfit as part of the Outfit and set nail color when I first put on the outfit. There are other HUD's I include in outfits when the dress or whatever has settings I will want to change. A dress with a single option is easier to use as multiple copies. But, a dress with 4 options and 6 choices in each has 4,000+ possible combinations... I save different basic versions of the dress as I create them and attach the HUD with them to tweak the options.
  19. I suspect you may be confused by SL jargon and tradition. Not your fault. In some cases things are misleading. In inventory, the 'box' looking icon is not representative of a 'box' that needs to be opened. I can see why one would be likely to think that. It is the icon for an object. It represents a PRIM... primitive, like a cube or sphere. The standard thing thought of for a prim is the default primitive selected in the build panel which is a cube, thus the icon. This is a holdover from the early days when most things were made from cubes. Cubes can have inventories (contents) of their own. Merchants tend to pack things in cubes as a handy package container. There is no way I know of to tell whether something needs to be unpacked or worn from the appearance in inventory. Some merchants add either the word 'open' or 'wear' in the item name to give us a clue. More and more merchants assume the package will be worn, whether it is meant to be worn or unpacked (opened). So, the better bet is to assume all object things in the clothes category are meant to be worn. So, 'wear' or 'add' those things. If you wear a box... well, you are in good company as most of us have put on a box numerous times. But, it should automatically open and unpack creating a folder in your inventory. Many designers still allow their creations to attach to the right hand, the default attachment point. So, I use ADD for every new thing I try on. I got tired of replacing my right hand because I used WEAR. I can then decide if I want to remove it and attach it to a more appropriate attachment point. I hope this helps...
  20. @tagtoteach This thread is complicated because of the up and down voting... sheese... To get a HUD out where you can get to it, right-click any HUD you can see. Select EDIT. Then zoom out, usually mouse-wheel. Once you can see the problem HUD, select it. Then you can move it to a place inside the viewable area. When it is where you want it, exit EDIT mode and the screen will snap out of the zoom. HUD's are meant to be attached to a specific screen location. Some can be attached to different attachment points and work well. Others won't. Some hide by sliding outside the viewable area. Those usually have to remain on a specific attachment point. You have to experiment to know which are which.
  21. These disconnections are almost always caused be a poor Internet connection to the SL Servers. Having a generally good Internet connection does NOT guarantee a good connection to the SL servers. So, test that specific connection. Instructions here: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ The Internet runs on millions of components. Any one of the can fail at any time. The connections are channeled over wire, fiber optics, microwave, satellite... but not carrier pigeon. All of which are subject to damage, aging, and interference. The number of people using a specific pathway at any moment is constantly changing. Components automatically shift the load as they reach capacity. Their fall back may already be overloaded and we get a cascade effect. All these things happen in computer time, nanoseconds. A problem can arise and cause you a problem then self correct before you can say, 'Oh!' Or it may require a tech go replace a failed (burned out) or damaged (cable dug up accidentally) component and take days. Often things are fixed by the time you can relog. So, just because things were fine yesterday...
  22. They’re right. I missed that command's limit and forgot the HUD’s are a privacy issue thing. So, one can only get the name or UUID of a HUD if the HUD is designed to hand out that information. For privacy’s sake, we can’t get the list of HUD’s one is wearing Many game HUD’s do have a component that is worn by the avatar. Usually the worn part is a hit detector. That will be detectable by any script. If there is no ‘worn’ component, the Game Meter maker can tell you if the HUD is detectable by scripted prims. There are games were access to an area is controlled by whether you are wearing the required HUD or not. We see that in older games like Lost Kingdom that does not use the Experience Tools and the newer Experiences that do. So, detecting the offending meter-wearing people may require cooperation from the meter maker. A more tedious process would be listening for the meter communications. But, with 4 million channels that could take some time. Not all meters communicate via chat channels. But, many do. They often allow meter reset, game master calls, and other game management tasks to be initiated by chat commands. One could get a meter, they are usually cheap or free. Then look to see if there is some aspect of its behavior one could detect or control via a chat channel. I can think of a few things I might do with that information to make wearing the meter in a region unpleasant without having to know who was wearing it. They verge on griefing, so you might want to talk over the issue with one of the Lindens. You could file a JIRA feature request explaining the problem and frame the solution request as a way to protect your region. The Lindens are sympathetic to such pleas. Most combat requires weapons. SL weapons generally make heavy use of chat commands. Those are detectable. Plus, weapons are attachments and they are detectable. Assuming your club is a weapons free zone, you could eject anyone coming in with a weapon. The scripting detection would get complex but it is doable.
  23. You'll get better help from the experienced support people in Firestorm Support Group in-world. Look through this to see if it provides a solution. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/mesh_issues
  24. The problem is HD Graphics 4600... As this is an Alienware unit showing only HD Graphics, something isn't right. If this is a laptop, it is common for them to use a Power Saving mode over the Performance mode, which turns off the video chip making it invisible to Windows. Both NVIDIA and AMD/ATI have a control panels that will let you make settings for individual apps. Create one for SL and set it for Max Performance. For help with making a game profile Google for your brand of video card and 'how to' make a game profile. You may have to look up up your computer at Dell and read the specs to verify which video card you have. There will be a service ID somewhere on the unit. Get that ID to get not just the model's general specs but your specific computer's specs as they sold it.
  25. Good. But, the missing information is the video card or ship. Open the viewer and click HELP->ABOUT... that is the information to copy and paste when asking for help here. The i7 is a 4th gen CPU and should have good graphics processing support. But, Alienware units almost always have a dedicated video card/chip.
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