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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. If the HUD is not completely rendering, there is a problem. In general HUD's should render ahead of the scene as they get classed as part of the UI. That isn't always the case. There is a problem where the asset pipeline stalls. If it does, your HUD won't render fully. That is usually cleared up by teleporting or restarting. Sometimes it self corrects in 5 to 10 minutes. So, waiting may solve the problem. But, it is more likely a connection or video memory issue. You could try logging into a deserted region, no other avatars. An empty, deserted region is even better. Pooley, Furball... look on the map while in world to find other regions in the area. You'll see large ocean areas. Pick one of those regions that is deserted. You might try clearing your Inventory Cache, which is NOT the viewer cache. To delete just your Inventory Cache: · Look in: Preferences → Advanced. · Do NOT click Clear Cache. · Find the cache location, hover your cursor over the field titled: Cache Location. · Default Location is: C:\Users\[Win_Login_ID]\AppData\Local\SecondLife\ This can vary if you use an alternate cache location · Navigate to that location using Windows Explorer. · Find files that end in: .inv.gz and delete, rename, or move them to another folder. · Now start the viewer and log into a deserted region; Pooley, Furball, etc. · Open inventory and type a letter into Inventory Search. · The inventory should reload and build a new cache.
  2. A couple of days ago a new version of Blender was released. I cover it here. There are only a few things that will interest SL users. But, the changes in Collada allow better transfer between Maya and Blender. So, for those playing with SL and Sansar that is a big thing. The official announcement is here: Blender 2.79 Released
  3. Hard to see... really!?! Try changing your Windlight next time then take the picture.
  4. I agree with Rolig on the inventory structure. I disagree on the numbers. from what I've seen the MAXIMUM number of items you can have in a folder depends on your connection and the server load at the moment you log in. At one point in SL History people with 5,000+/- items in a folder were having problems logging in. The Lindens wrote a script that support uses to move those items in smaller groups into subfolders. So, we know the upper limit is around 5k. Rolig's advice to keep it to a few hundred items per folder is my practice and I think a good idea. But, having a thousand or two in a folder with a decent connection should not be a problem. And there are places where that is necessary. Builders with thousands of textures have cause to have large numbers of items in a folder.
  5. The answer is depends... yes in some cases no in others. I made a bra and shortie panties for my classic avatar body years ago, still in the marketplace. Not long ago I converted the set for use with my Slink Mesh Body. I could do that because I have access to the original textures. I put those textures in an Applier. Pesto, converted. Could you have converted my bra and panty set? No. As the the textures were no copy. You could have hacked the system and stolen them, but you would have no legal or normal way to convert the set. So, it depends on what you have access to.
  6. Wow, genitals that actually are part of the body... Yeah, some of us know. I keep meaning to update...
  7. I get this message in Firestorm when I put on my Slink Body HUD. It only pops up for a few seconds. AFAIK, there is no way to turn it off. But, being it is FS, there is probably a way. The warning is to tell you your HUD has a lot of textures. As HUD textures are retained in video memory as part of the User Interface, they eat up memory you'll need to render the the scene. Such HUD's push people into 'Texture Thrashing', where textures making up the scene load and render sharp and crisp then go blurry and repeat the cycle. No matter how much video memory you have on your card, the viewers can only use about 2GB of it. So, high texture HUD's tend to be a problem by eating up that memory for something you may not use all that much. I wear my Slink Body HUD when dressing and building outfits. Once dressed I remove it to free up texture memory and lighten my script load.
  8. Animations in SL do not scale with the avatar. You'll find some of those that make animations make them in various versions; small, medium, and large or variations of this idea. Also, there is the problem of avatar proportions. If the body is tall or short and arms short or long, no animation is going to look right. So, you have to get your shape set to correct proportions and get the animation that fits.
  9. @mQQnie The 'What's She Wearing' HUD shows that attachments can be detected. So... contact one of the people that make the privacy orbs and devices. Those things that kick people out of a parcel or region if they are not on an approved visitor list. Ask if they will build you a device that detects the combat/RP meter. I would suggest that you ask that it remember names of those wearing a meter for some period, 30 minutes or an hour. Design it to warn them when they first come in and give them 5 minutes to take the HUD off. If after 5 minutes it is still on, it will eject them. On any return during the next 30 min or hour, it will immediately eject them. I suggest that because if you give them any window of opportunity, the 5 minutes, they will plan an attack/raid to work inside that window. Think flash mob. This won't be a total deterrent, but hopefully enough to keep them out. If not and the device can print a list of those that came in with the HUD, you can ban them at your leisure. You have some hard decisions to consider. If you fire the DJ or DJ's you may simply be playing into the one team of combatants hands. Their goal could be to get a DJ fired. We have vigilante groups that devise sophisticated plans for getting people ejected from SL.Some of us have experience with them. I suspect many of us have experience with combat RP. Some of the teams I played with had well thought out strategies for their battles and raids. While you may think of them as engaging in childish drama, I'll suggest that is likely to lead you to under estimate them. Doing so will prolong your misery.
  10. File a support ticket. Also look for the JIRA and had the information you have. DO NOT just wait for them to fix it. This is not happening everywhere. So, those that run into it have to speak up. The problem comes from a unique set of circumstances. The timing of the restart, when the region is assigned to a server, where the server is in its restart sequence... So, the Lindens need as much information as they can get to help figure out what fails.
  11. Estate managers make mistakes. Whether you did something to get yourself banned, were there at the wrong time, or just have a name similar to someone else that was misbehaving doesn't matter. You got banned. You can look up the region owner. Than check their profile to see how they prefer to be contacted. Contact them and ask to be unbanned. I won't give you much hope for that working. It didn't work for me. Estate managers generally ban and forget. So, while they do not remember you are why you were banned, they aren't going to take a chance on you. However, if the place is reasonably busy, their ban list will fill and people will start dropping off the list. Eventually, you have access. It may take 3 to 6 months. Otherwise, forget the place and go somewhere else.
  12. There is a load of gotchas going from plain Blender into SL. Which bones you rig to defines how shape sliders deform the mesh. There is a lot to consider and you aren't giving us much to go on. Go over to Machinimatrix.org and watch their tutorials. On YouTube find Medhue's channel and watch his tutorials.
  13. Hacked... what do you mean by 'hacked'? The SL system is made up of a number of services. There are login servers, region simulators, bake engines, chat servers, voice servers, asset servers, CDN systems, etc., etc. ... Anyone of them could theoretically be hacked. But, hacking all of them... way unlikely. If the system is hacked, what can they get? There is the idea they could inject a virus into your computer. But, things going into the asset servers, which are the ONLY things loaded into your computer by the system, are virus scanned and formatted in specific ways. Adding a virus or Trojan breaks that formating and the asset servers catch it. So, in almost all cases SL hacks are phishing scams. Who told you SL had been hacked? Do they have any actual knowledge or are the the typical Chicken Little that didn't understand what someone said? Regions get griefed every day. We use the term griefed because hacked is too imprecise for what we are talking about. Some mental midget dropping a load of particle emitters in a region is a type of hack. Dropping high script count objects to crash the region is another griefer attack. But, those don't compromise the systems numerous servers. So, 'griefed' is a more appropriate term. It isn't so much the servers that have been hacked as they were worked around to create an annoyance. Hacking a credit card company to gain database access and take financial information is a whole other thing from what usually happens in the SL system. So, again 'griefed' is a better term for what happens in SL. There are ways to hack your personal computer from information gained from your use of SL. But, most of those are complicated and more effort than most are willing to put forth. SL is very safe, relatively, for a system this big and complicated. Avoid listening to those addicted to fake news and rumors.
  14. I use Win 10 Pro and Skype. I do NOT allow Skype to start with Windows. But, I have on occasion had Skype running in the background when using Firestorm. It wasn't a problem. I don't remember trying with the LL viewer. Generally when installing, on the first run Windows asks you whether to give the viewer access to the Internet. It then punches the firewall holes you need. But, if you have a router based firewall in the path Windows cannot punch the needed holes there. So, Lindal's point is right on. You would manually have to open ports there. The Windows Firewall keeps a log here: %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log. you could check that for problems. Warning it is tedious work. We know the viewer works. We know the system is up. That leaves something in the viewer settings, computer, or connection. With all that you have eliminated, it is getting a bit esoteric. Looking in FS using their settings search, there are not many settings that could prevent the viewer recognizing the mic or speakers. So, I'm pretty much out of ideas. The additional firewall hiding somewhere or an ISP block would be the remaining possibilities.
  15. You have tried all the right things. But, you haven't told us about any of your connection metrics. This type of problem is almost always a connection problem. Having a good Internet connection that works for email and surfing does not mean you have a good connection the the SL servers or have all the ports open that SL requires. Use the information here to see where the problem in your connection is: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Since you are using a shared connection, they may have a port blocked that you need. If you are connecting via wire, you may be able to look at the router setup and control screens and open any port you need. An alternative if you are on a laptop is to go to a coffee shop or church and jump on their wifi. On weekdays churches are often a good choice. On worship days they tend to have a huge data load as parishioners open their smartphone Bibles. So, on weekdays 8-5 there is usually huge pipe sitting unused.
  16. I use OBS with FS 5.0.7. I've run into this problem, but it is not a FS or OBS problem, at least if it is what I've seen. Typically, I would press Ctrl-Alt-F1 then start recording. I use a SpaceNavigator and the mouse to move the camera, mostly the SN. If I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 nothing happens, UI does not come back. If I left-click in the FS window then press Ctrl-Alt-F1 it works and the UI comes back. It looks like the Windows FOCUS for the active window is confused about whether the keyboard is controlling OBS or FS. I am not sure whether this is a bug or designed behavior. Whichever, try clicking in the FS window then pressing keys. @Whirly Fizzle I wanted to be sure you saw this,since I have yet to sort out if this is a bug or feature...
  17. If you put something on and it is gray, then it has not loaded... or just partially loaded. There is currently a problem with assets getting stuck in the download pipeline. One may have to relog or wait minutes for a texture to download. These texture normally download in seconds. Some third-party viewers are temporarily removing the HTTP-asset pipeline for textures to work around the problem. But, other assets get stuck too. In general, the only thing one can try to help is check their connection. A good Internet connection is NOT the same as a good connection to the SL servers.
  18. Attachment points and Avatar Physics are a bit of a problem. In general it is attachment-looks-right or boobies-bounce. Not both. Some mesh bodies have standout nipples. Those are the ONLY ones I find work with Avatar Physics. Using Xcite! 4th gen I have to turn off the Physics Layer for the nipples to be in the right place..
  19. When you have questions about an item like this, send a note card with your questions to the creator.
  20. Depending on when you called, you may have run into the USA Labor Day holiday. Most of the Linden office staff wasoff. Plus they posted notices that additional office support people would be of for the holiday.
  21. So... you do know there are various Linden Homes and private rental properties available? There is no need to live under a rock... no matter how nice your rock is. There are several blogs you can follow to know what is going on in SL and what the Lab is doing. That will give you some protection against the fake news that floods through parts of SL. My Google+ Blogging Second Life Ciaran Laval Danial Voyager's Blog Gwyneth Llewelyn Honour's Post Menopausal View iHeartSL Fashion Its Only Fashion Living SL Loki Mischief Mesh Body Addicts Nalates' Google+ New World Notes Official Feedback Rambling in a Virtual World Roxeter – Art Region for SL Rumbo Second Life Second Life Guides & Tutorials SL Alternate Viewers Spyralle Strawberry Singh Toysoldier Thor What a Beautiful Mess! Yuzuru Jewell ...and of course the Linden Blogs linked at the top of this page.
  22. Nalates Urriah


    So.... file a JIRA feature request. If it isn't worth your effort to do that, then the Lindens have reason to doubt the feature is important enough to spend their time on it.
  23. The GT 320 (release date 2010) uses 43w and recommends 300w min of system power. The GTX 720 uses 19w and has the same system req. There is no additional power receptacle, so not additional power leads are required. I was mistaken thinking the 700-series required additional power beyond what comes from the motherboard. However, the 1000 series does require an additional power lead. So, if you choose to get one make sure your power supply has the provision for the connection. The GTX 1050 will need 75w. But, Nvidia retains the 300w system spec… which I think is a bit bogus. Depending on what all you have in the machine your 600w PS is likely adequate, more than… ASUS has a power supply sizing work sheet-page on their site. (Google) You can use that to verify whether you are likely having power issues. I would guess not. GTX 1060 3GB cards are going for US$170 and up on eBay. The 1060 6GB start at about $200 and up. Every so often deals pop up. Use the eBay WATCH to catch them. (Compare – Better charts) The difference between the 50 and 60 is significant. 16GB of RAM is fine. Many run SL with only 8GB, which I think is too little. But… only 64-bit systems can use more than 3.5GB of memory, regardless of how much is installed on the motherboard. My hardware monitors seldom show my system using more than 2GB for Firestorm. So, those that think I’m nuts for recommending more than 8GB have reasonable grounds for thinking so. On a 32-bit system the computer can run out of memory very quickly when running SL. Both FS and Linden viewers have memory leaks. In my Win 7 64-bit 8GB system both FS and LL viewers suffered mini-freezes (system paging) and other problems. When I pushed it to 16GB the problems went away and I had fewer crashes. Whether new or used, it may be a defective card. We have eliminated most other hardware and driver possibilities. I haven’t seen where you have checked temp and load on the GPU. While temp can be a problem, check that there is a load and the card is actually being used. If the system manages to revert to HD Graphics it consumes system memory and 8GB may not be enough and for certain the 4GB of useable RAM on a 32-bit system isn’t. Your solid blocks of text are difficult to read. Paragraphs are way helpful. I buy a lot of my components via eBay. All the problems I have encountered with defective parts advertised as good, and that is VERY few, have been handled well. No lost money. Some lost time. I would try the change to 64-bit. The Win 10 usually comes with 32 and 64-bit versions on the DVD. If not, you can download the 64 from Microsoft for free and use you COA key. You just have to match the key as Home or Pro to the software you install. The Lindens STRONGLY encourage a change to 64. Their stats show 64 systems crashing way less often, like 10 times less. Drivers are now written primarily for Win 10 64. Also, how gaming video is handled in Win 10 changed. There are more and more games that run only on Win 10 because of that change. Win 7 and Win 10 are similar. Win 8 was the disaster. I understand most of the people that designed 8 are gone or transferred to writing software for refrigerators in Alaska… So, the change from 7 to 10 may not be as bad as you may think. I went Vista, 7, and then 10. Clients used 8 and I hated it when I had to work on their machines.
  24. Actually, if you have tried EVERYTHING then there is no hope for you. You are doomed for eternity to be a voiceless virtual you... I'm being flip to emphasize the point Rolig was making. Unless you tell us what you have tried, you are pretty much on your own. SLVoice.exe is an app that connects the viewer to Vivox voice services. Anti-viruse software and firewalls are suspicious of programs that perform these functions. So, if you haven't (here I am guessing cause you didn't say) try suspending your firewall then in another pass your anti-virus then in another both and see if that resolves the problem. If so then you'll know where to look to solve the problem. And hopefully you know about Voice Island for testing and resolving voice problems.
  25. Theresa makes a good point. To resync your Current Outfit Folder (COF) replace your outfit with any other outfit. If that isn't working or you are not using 'Outfits', switch to the Test male/female avatar (Developer [CTRL-ALT-Q]->Avatar->Character Tests->[Test Male/Test Female]) or one of the starter avatars in the Inventory Library. REPLACE forces a complete clear and load for the COF. DO NOT manually edit the contents of the folder. Doing so forces an out of sync condition between your viewer and the servers. The results are unpredictable.
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