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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. agni.lindenlab.com is the server the simulator is running in. Second Life RC BlueSteel is the simulator version. This is 3 or 4 lines after the server ID. Good luck getting it fixed.
  2. Well, I think you are missing the point and RL courts have disagreed with you...
  3. From Feb 21, 2019 I've time compressed some parts of this video...
  4. It might. The problem is in what the ToS says is required consent and what the courts have said is consent. While we enter into the ToS as part of an agreement for service the courts have consistently over ruled ToS agreements that infringe certain individual rights. For example those pesky 'you won't sue me no matter what' clauses get thrown out when people sue them anyway. But, we are debating opinion on this matter. Until it goes to court all we will have is opinions.
  5. Wow... Everyone seems to have forgotten the court cases over shrink-wrap and basic EULA website agreement acceptance clicks. Even the Linden ToS is a click to proceed to show acceptance. If anytime you attempt to talk to the person you get the Busy Response with a disclaimer-notice and then proceed, you have given consent. The ToS and Shudo try to define how consent is given. Courts have decided how consent can be considered given. That is what we live with. In Shudo's example their is no visible action recorded that can be offered into evidence. With broken shrink-wrap and EULA clicks the requisite evidence is is there. In Shudo's example, if a combination followed in the text below and that combination were used... it might hold up as use of the combination would be proof of having read. The attorneys on both sides would likely have a field day with the combination use matter. Having the same notice in the profile simply won't count. You can talk to anyone and never see their profile. As shrink-wrap and EULA's are things to get past that leave a recorded action and stand between the person and the software/whatever they are different than a profile notice that is likely never seen and simply does not stand in front of the one required to give consent. I think most are aware that posted speed limits and stop signs have to be visible to the average driver. If they are obscured by foliage or construction, the law can't be enforced. Profiles would seem to be in the obscured realm. Basically, Nathrebel did ask... or more accurately warn and place a condition. Courts have decided that consent can be considered given if it can be shown the user saw the notice/warning/challenge and took some action that shows acceptance. So, opening the package, clicking Agree or OK on a ToS/EULA, and/or using the software.
  6. There are a number of Roleplay games (?) in SL. Most give classes in RP. These are probably the best for learning RP. I'll suggest Amazon River and the Wastelands. Plus both are great places to explore. They do tend to focus on RP for their community and how to do conflict in RP. However, you need to learn the HOW more than what words to say, the mechanics. The HOW do we do RP in SL so that it is not too confusing. The use of /me ... and ( ) and (( )) is sort of standardized in SL. Understanding it will help. You can't know if your mark client is knowledgeable in RP or not. On the chance they are you want to be on top of it... so to speak. Also, we are getting used to bots with an AI program running behind them. Spontaneous conversation that is identifiably a real person is important. If you are copy pasting from notecards, you may come across as a bot. People that hangout will hear you repeat yourself, not good. A Hi handsome is nice. But, it can come across as impersonal and roat. Some personalized comment often works better, Hey handsome. Love the red shirt. Come talk to me. Learning to balance your aggressiveness is a challenge as a welcomer, as you have probably learned. But, comments about them that reveal you are really seeing them can do a lot.
  7. When you ask a question try to frame it in the fewest terms possible. Type those in SEARCH at the top of the Answers section page. The answer may popup and save you time. You can skim the titles and one may be exactly the answer you are looking for. If I had a video problem I would search on GTX1060 as that is the model I have. Then I would skim the titles to see if someone else had asked my question. I hate waiting. Big it isn't a big thing. Look up or not. I'm pretty sure no one here is that concerned.
  8. I had hoped that with any luck things would improve today... But, the main channel on the grid is not getting updated. So... Changing from 'crashing' to getting 'logged out' means this may be the problem. If you last about 15 minutes then get logged off... you could be one of the ones getting bitten by this problem. Not many are, so it is hard for the Lindens to get a handle on. Some have tried to replicate the problem but, no luck. Experimenting with this problem on ADITI grid we've been able to predict when the one suffering from the problem would poof. It is like a timer going off. He avoids the logoff by teleporting at 14 minutes... not an ideal solution. Look in the Viewer's HELP->About... to see which channel you are in. If it does not say Blue Steel, Le Tigre, or Magnum in the region name then you are in the main channel. If you are getting bumped from the main channel try hanging out in an RC region; Blue Steel, Le Tigre, or Magnum. If you are premium, you can use the sandboxes with those names. Otherwise, you can try Denby, which I think is currently in Le Tigre channel. If this type of log off is what is happening, file a JIRA Bug Report and mention Caleb Linden. He will know who to point at the report. And include a link to this thread. Time, date, and region name need to be as precise as possible. @Whirly Fizzle This thread may interest you as they are getting logged off rather than crashing as the title says.
  9. There is work going on. And there are some projects running behind schedule. I suspect those are taking the manpower away from the names project.
  10. Nalates Urriah


    Clearing the cache and deleting the inventory list files is a really bad idea, unless you KNOW it is a problem with either. Many in SL consider it a fix-all sort of like aspirin. Once upon a time it was. No longer. Years ago the viewer was updated to make cache and inventory list much more robust, faster, and generally immune from problems. There are RARE scenarios where things can go wrong and the DRASTIC step of clearing cache or deleting the inventory list must be taken. But, it is a last resort. There are people that still push old, uninformed information and tell people to clear the cache... 'your screen is dusty? Oh, clear the cache.' Or it is just all they know to do. Avoid advice from such people in the future. The viewer's cache is fast. It is an indexed system that can find a file among hundreds of thousands in a very few milliseconds. Clearing the cache means the system has to wait for several seconds while the needed file is downloaded and decompressed, which throws a load on the SL servers, your network, and your CPU. All of which drop your performance and to some extent other users' performance in the region where you are.
  11. Rider Linden updated us on when the Lab is in releasing EEP, Enhanced Environment Project. The official line is the Project will go to RC very soonâ„¢ . Rider is speaking in the first few minutes of the video. TM 01:50 BoM is headed to RC too. TM 01:00 The video is NOT fuzzy once it starts playing Switch it to 1080. Watch Full Screen to read chat. Animesh Customization TM 05:30 Getting triangle counts TM 07:30 Turn on-off Animesh TM 11:15 Reset Animesh Skeleton TM 12:00 - Problem resetting when Animesh is attached to avatar. Some Debug Setting needed to reset attached animesh. Animesh attached and texturing with BoM TM 18:00 Texture filtering TM 22:50 - Discussion on 2048px textures, bilinear resampling for better quality... ...and some more...
  12. I suspect Firestorm spoils many of us. Whether I use the slider as you do or press keys depends on whether I have the Photo Tools open. Those not using Firestorm have to use the keys. I do RL photography and videos. Knowing about the lenses and camera is important for buying cameras. I think most people just twist and turn on their lense to get the image they want without ever thinking about the numbers. So, your in the same ball park. As long as you have an eye for the image, it works. If you didn't knowing the numbers wouldn't help. I tend to frame with the mousewheel. I've set the wheel sensitivity low making a fine grained adjustment. And because I do video in SL I got a SpaceNavigator. I like that I can use it to get away from Alt-left-click-drag camera pointing. But I do most of my actual framing in Photoshop. I find the viewer's DoF annoying. I use Photoshop's Lense Blur to control the focus effect. That gives me amazing control. (Ref) But, it is tedious. The viewer's DoF does make it quick and easy. This image uses PH's Lense Blur. The background behind me was too dark for this to be a good image. I tried to save it using blur. Still, did not come out that well.
  13. You can accomplish the same thing in any viewer using Ctrl-0, press 6 to 9 times. Press Ctrl-9 to restore the camera. The idea of wearing parts of the outfit and then compositing them is way neat. Thanks.
  14. The shape files when exported are XML which is written in plain text and easily editable. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-216131 (Please click Watch) You can edit a shape file so that it only includes part of the body. This is a handy thing with the various bodies and heads available today. So, I have made a body shape only and uploaded it. I've removed all the settings that affect the head from the XML file. If I buy a new head I can wear the shape that comes with it. Of course that changes my body too. I can wear the body-only shape I made to get my body back without changing the head's shape. I then save the resulting shape as a new shape that combines my body and the new head.
  15. There is the letter of the ToS and law of the country you are in or where the material will appear. Then comes the practical reality. Will the person suing be able to collect enough money to pay their attorneys? This sets the limits of hobby vs business. are 10 people or a million people going to see it? Is it going to trigger the snowflakes? Is it controversial in such a way as to bring out Antifa, ISIS, the religious right, the LGBTQ crowd... If you are flying under these limits, copyright is a non-issue. It is a matter of the amount of risk you want to take. If you want to avoid all risk, have an attorney figure it out. There are attorneys that work with this community. There are some in-world that may give you an opinion on the cheap or have free information on their websites.
  16. Emotes are most commonly used in role play scenarios. They fill in the emotional and difficult to animate behaviors of the avatar providing color and drama to the chat text. While there are HUDs that expand on what the avatar can do it is often inconvenient to wear all the HUDs one might need. So, emotes are used. So, a love tap might be emoted as: /me slams her clenched fist into the losers chin using her body to drive her stiff arm pushrf by her legs pushing down driving her so hard into his chin he lifts off the floor. ..or something equally endearing. Different role play (RP) communities have different ideas of how emoting should be done. The larger communities offer classes in RP and cover emothing. In local and group chat outside of RP emotes are mostly used to add humor or express a feeling. /me is gobsmacked by Lindal's display of near nudity. Emojis are more often used here in the forum for the same purpose. Emojis are frowned 😣 on in most serious RP games. Those RP games more about spontaneity and fun than dramatic writing and storytelling are less strict and you can get away with more.
  17. So, what's up with Second Life RC LeTigre - Second Life RC BlueSteel EEP works differently in each. Blue Steel is better...
  18. I don't see a reason for it in your specs. Read through this post... With any luck they will get that problem fixed this week... maybe next. With a bit more luck that will be your problem and it will go away. At this point, no one is sure what is causing the problem. It seems to happen with older hardware. Whether or not it is something in your second gen i5 or the mother board chipset... just isn't known. As I say in the other post, file a JIRA bug report and give them all the information you can.
  19. Reinstalling a viewer can fix problems with a corrupted viewer. Reinstalling over the top of an existing install repars most such problems. It is a simple and mostly non-destructive step. So, it is a reasonable early step in a troubleshooting process. However, most of my difficult problems have been because the viewer crashed and corrupted the support files, settings, cache, cache index, or inventory list. Doing a clean install or deleting support files is tedious and places additional load on the system which may aggravate a problem. It is worth the time to chase the problem for a bit before resorting to the more complex Clean Install.
  20. Lindal gave a precise answer. I'll add a couple of things. Permissions,,, basically we have OBJECT and AVATAR permissions. It helps to be clear which you are asking about. A possibility not mentioned here so far is Experiences. You do have to grant an Experience permission to operate on your avatar. For now they are region/estate specific. But, grid wide is coming. Permissions remain given until you specifically revoke them. So, check your Experiences List. In Firestorm and the Linden SL Viewer it is in Me/Avatar->Experiences. I tend to forget the Experiences I have granted permissions too, which is sort of the point of an Experience. If you have forgotten one... Also, there are various things that attach to your 'screen' as a HUD does. To find those use the methods already described and you can attach a HUD you recognize, right-click it, and select Edit. Zoom out (mouse wheel is easy) and you will see your HUDs shrink and appear to move into the scene away from you. If the tentacle moves too... you've found how it is attached. Then it is a matter of being able to select it and get it detached.. I'll point out that FOLLOWERS tend to lag. HUDs and Attachments move with the avatar without lag. Followers are always a bit behind the avatar movements because of the server delay. That can help as a clue to whether it is attached or following you. Adding complexity is the recently released Animesh. These are mesh objects that can pretend to be avatars and behave in ways we haven't seen before. The tattletell give away for animesh is there is no name tag over them. However, some fancy particle work can pretty well fake that appearance too. Right-clicking the name tag is the firm give-away as the result is viewer side and AFAIK cannot be faked. So, we are likely to see some novel griefs using those.. At the simple level, they are just a mesh that is difficult to select. They are subject to all the other manipulations we can do with annoying objects.
  21. Both are right. Script load is the most influential component in a region crossing. Behind that is the number of avatar attachments. The fewer the better. I have a classic avatar wearing only system clothes and the Firestorm bridge I wear when flying. Behind those consider the Land Impact and script load of the vehicle. Not much one can do to change a vehicle. But, various vehicles are better for various types of travel. When crossing regions AVOID the region corners. Cross perpendicular to the region boundary. If you must cross at an angle, try to be headed toward the middle of the region you are entering. You want as much time as possible between crossings. Flying a copter at 80 knots (135 ft/sec) across a 256 m (840 ft) sim takes about 6 seconds. Avoid turning as you cross. Actually avoid any control input as you cross. When the crossing starts and ends is difficult to gauge. Firestorm's STOP mode of crossing is a help in knowing when you are in the input limbo. The servers can have a hard time anticipating what they should do if you are turning and stacking up keystrokes can make a mess of the crossing. Also a crossing may take longer and increase the chance of problems if you are turning. Clipping the corner of a third (or second depending on how you count) region as you cross into the next region will often cause a problem. You can be forcing 2 crossings within a second. So, avoid corners. There is a Ban Line HUD that tells you where it is safe to cross. If the parcel on the other side or within the region has ban lines, is at prim limit, the region is down... I think it best for sailing. But, I have used it flying.
  22. I put together a new outfit. I love the Just-Because pants. -SECRETS- Baloon Girl -choker- (gold) [neck] Blueberry - Zuzu - Knotted Tops - Physique [R hand] Essenz - Spain (All colors) Slink [L foot] Izzie's - *resize* Braid Bracelet red brown r [R lower arm] JustBECAUSE Celine Slacks - FatPack - Physique [L upper leg] Nose Ring Silver - Bonia [nose] Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High Left V3.7 [L lower leg] Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High Right V3.7 [R lower leg] Slink Dynamic - Addon Nails Stiletto L v1.2 [L hand] Slink Dynamic - Addon Nails Stiletto R v1.2 [R hand] Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female L V1.5 [L lower arm] Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female R V1.5 [R lower arm] Slink Physique Mesh Body Original V3.0.7 (ADD ME) [avatar center] Stealthic - Desire (S Breast) [head] [GA.EG] Jennifer Bento Mesh Ears (Rigged) [R hand] [GA.EG] Jennifer Bento Mesh Head [head] [GA.EG] Jennifer Bento Mesh Teeth [R hand] [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes L [L eye] [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes R [R eye]
  23. When we can't log into the SL Grid but can log into the forum, we know our account is OK and all the hardware between us and the SL servers is working. That leaves two other areas to check. Our login credentials and grid/region status. I suspect most of us have the viewer remember our log in info, so generally that is eliminated. But, the viewer may have broken or messed up credentials in a crash. So, I try a second viewer I keep installed just for that reason. I do NOT re-enter my credentials. I trust the viewer to remember them from when I successfully logged in. I also have a couple of Alt's. It is easy to switch to one of those and try to log in. That leaves the problem of whether a specific region is down or the whole grid. I have my viewer set to show me my favorite LM's at log in. So, I have a number of regions I can try. I also remember some region names, Morris, Denby, Furball... That makes it easy to try other regions. By the third fail I am pretty much convinced it is the grid. Then it is a matter of waiting for it to be fixed. The Grid Status page may take some time to register the problem. I'm not sure if the status reporting is automated and if it is, how good the problem detection is. I do know it can take some time to report an outage. These days not being able to log in is rare.
  24. Nalates Urriah


    Surprisingly, there are still more first time (or new) Internet users than experienced users. So, the new satellite and balloon connected users are unlikely to be Linden customers. However, latency in the balloon network is reported to be in the 1 to 10ms range while satellite is in the 10 to 2,000ms range. So, the balloon connected would likely have service comparable to Africa's and Australia's best connections.
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