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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Pecs are short and abs tall... Pecs should be just above the midpoint of the biceps. Examples
  2. So.... you push the envelope and then they make you sit in a corner with your back to the world?
  3. I don't really have a dark look... BUT, I have been a bad girl. (2009)
  4. I am working my way through my old outfits starting from 2008. Some I update with my Slink Redux body. This one uses an OLD dress that uses that front & Back panel thing. The ACI is 117k... I think the old NCORE shoes are the problem. They have those sculpty feet. The dress is pretty nice for such and old one. It would be so nice if I could get the texture and make a mesh panel.
  5. First, the Lindens are in the process of updating the System Requirements. So, the current requirements are insufficient. The laptop you list more than meets the current and probably coming revised requirements. There are Pro AMD and PRo NVIDIA people here. The AMD will work. But, SL is based in a graphics system named OpenGL. AMD is notorious for their poor quality OpenGL support. You can search this forum for AMD problems. They far and away exceed the NVIDIA problems. The i7 Intel CPU may be more than you need but you have to see the rest of the CPU model designator. Intel labels the CPU chip as i3, i5, or i7 with a following number. I run an i5-6600K. The 6600K denotes a huge difference in performance and chip age. The first '6' in the number tells us it is a 6th generation CPU. The latest is 10th generation. The 'K' suffix denotes a chip that can be overclocked, think running faster than the speed limit built into CPU's. You can look up the Intel suffixes for CPUs. Just know the K model tends to cost a bit more. Your link shows the unit has a i7-8550U CPU, 8th gen and U= Ultra Low Power, think longer battery life. But, they do not give us the speed in the ad. Since SL while multi-threaded, meaning it can use numerous CPU cores (core is sort of an independent CPU in a CPU allowing the computer to do more than one thing at a time), primary uses one core for most of the rendering. CPU speed is way more important than the number of cores. The i7-8550U runs at 1.8GHz which is way slow. My i5 is rated at 3.5GHz and because of the K suffix I can run it at 4.1GHz. The model will run SL but slowly. There are too many technical factors not mentioned in the ad to know well or poorly the unit will run SL. I suspect more poorly than well.
  6. You may not realize it but that thought is a product of today's media. I suggest you watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrKOnp1dcoo Complain to your ISP. Tell them you are seeing 100% packet loss on your favorite game and the route trace shows where the problem is. Be ready to send a copy to them if they ask. If they are not being helpful tell them that is OK you'll contact your city and state's customer communication services oversight organizations and the FCC and file complaints. You'll need to get the name of your state's agency. In California it is the Dept of Consumer Affairs. Most cities manage a franchise that allows the ISP exclusive operation in the city. File complaints there as it impacts whether the city will renew the contract or consider another service. The complaints generate a huge amount of paperwork for the ISP. They will want to avoid that. You can also ask for a refund of some amount as the service they are providing is not what they advertised and is incomplete. If not, that is OK. Tell them you'll see them in small claims court. At best you may get a few days of service deducted from your next bill. But that makes waves in the company. If they are really being uncooperative consider telling them you will file a False Advertising claim with the state and FCC and possibly push the state for a class action a law suite. There is always something we can do. At the least we can be so damn annoying they will do whatever it takes to shut us up and get us off their back.
  7. We need to know more. Use the viewer's Help-About... and copy paste the viewer and computer specs here. You can do that without logging in. Also looking in the Viewer's log file will give us information specific to the crash. Information on how to do that and what to look for is here, The point at which you see "Requesting Region Capabilities" is during login to a region. You have been handed off from the Login System to a simulator. At this point the viewer is working to talk to the region server, determining which CDN servers to use, and several other services provided by the SL backend. During this time it is common for packet loss to occur. Often a quick look at Pack Loss numbers immediately after logging in will show high numbers. So we know with some certainty that during this time the viewer is likely to have connection problems. A fast Internet and network-speed-testing does not tell us anything about your connection to the SL servers. You have to test your connection to the SL servers. Since you have this problem with a number of regions it is unlikely a problem on the SL side. The most likely problem is your network connection. The smart thing is to eliminate that possible program before you start ripping you computer apart... REGARDLESS of how good an Internet connection you think you have. A good connection to a server in New York uses entirely different parts of the Internet than a connection to the SL Servers. So, the NY connection tells us nothing about the SL connection.
  8. You do these looks very well... along with creating the images... thanks for your efforts and sharing.
  9. IF something moves from where you set it via edit, make sure to save the change before you do anything else. You do that by editing, exiting edit, then detaching the item and re-attaching it. It should reattach without change. On a laggy region that may not happen. You may have to find a deserted region and try again. If you edit something and continue to wear it it the change may not get saved when you exit. Viewers, especially some Firestorm versions, tend to crash silently on exit. Depending on where the viewer is in the shut down process your changes do or don't get saved.
  10. I hit that problem when I wanted to go with a mesh head. I went through a ton of demos looking for one I could tweak to look like my classic face. This was the result. I started with GA.EG's Jennifer. Off the shelf it too looks way young. Skin and tweaks can add some age. Find a head that is close to your look. Get the demo and see if you can tweak it to what you want. I suggest you not hold out for an exact match. It may not be possible. Also when tweaking your look, use the Ctrl-0 and 9 keys. I didn't use them until toward the end of my process. I should have started with Ctrl-0. Take picture of your classic face, put it on a cube and set it by your shoulder as you tweak the face. The Ctrl-0 will avoid the distortion caused by zooming in, which complicates the process.
  11. You can ask for feedback in thread or via forum PM. Otherwise, most here are not going to be critical of your image. We do get into image quality and all its aspects. But, the thread is about our avatars and how they look. We tend to stay with the Wow and Nice comments here unless we are specifically asked for help or feedback. There is a thread about how to use Black Dragon for best results. It is more of an I did this and want better... so, how do you... Plus a lot of "where is..." questions. It is not a critiquing thread either. Youtube has lots of tutorials on photography and a bunch on SL photography. Search on image composition to get the ones that may give you what you seem interested in. Feeling awkward is part of the learning process. Take it as feedback you know you can do better. Feeling stupid is optional and totally unnecessary. It is a nice picture.
  12. In general, everything relating to SL is kept in the SL servers. Viewer settings are a mix of information kept on the SL servers and in the local files of the viewer. The local stuff is what Chic is talking about above. If you have been customizing your viewer, note I wrote viewer, then you may need to save and transfer your "VIEWER" settings. All the important SL settings are server-side and will be used with any computer you use to log in from. Video settings (LOW to ULTRA) are viewer side. They need to change for the hardware running the viewer. So, those are viewer-side. Cache and network settings are made for the hardware running the viewer. They too are viewer-side. Most of these settings are variable-default settings. They vary depending on what hardware runs the viewer. The first time the viewer is run on a new machine it probes the machine and decides which default settings to use. Unless you tweak your viewer to your personal preferences the defaults are fine. If you tweak your viewer for performance you will likely need to tweak the new computer manually rather than transfer the settings. Your new computer likely has better hardware and rendering abilities. The settings from the older computer may be worse than the new defaults the viewer picked. We don't know enough about your old computer and the new computer to know whether your SHOULD or SHOULDN'T transfer your settings. You'll need to decide.
  13. First step is start the Win-10 Resource Monitor, just type that in Cortana/Search and the app should come up in the list. You'll be able to see what resources are being used and by which programs. Also, try the free HSMonitor to see how much of your CPU and video card is being used and to check temperatures in the computer. Anything near or over 75C will slow the computer. Another handy tool is MemHistory. It will show you what memory is being consumed by your apps. I think it is more explanatory than the Resource Meter. Win-10 and an SL viewer will eat enough of 8GB that little else can run without crippling SL Viewer performance. We need to see the equipment and viewer specs from the viewer's HELP->About... Paste the info in here. Otherwise, we are guessing blind. Also, you need to define what YOU mean by slow. Are you meaning key/click response time? Scene render time? FPS? You really haven't provided enough info for us to do more than wildly guess.
  14. eBay has i5-2400 (2nd gen) to i5-7400 (7th gen) laptops with 14" screens for US$30 to $120. The Pentium is old. The iCore CPUs are newer. the i3, i5, and i7 chips are designated sort of like cars with 4, 6, or 8 cylinder engines. For SL the i5 is plenty as SL uses mostly a single CPU core (think cylinder) with side processes of the viewer using as many as 20 threads (threads being an independent task run by a core in the CPU). i5 CPUs handle SL well enough that mine (i5-6600) usually runs at a 25% load with SL. My FPS is 20 to 150 depending on region and avatars present. The number after tells what generation and how feature rich the model is. A i5-6xxx is a sith generation CPU. It has newer better processing and video tech than a 5th gen. Price is dependent on which chip is in a unit. While you are saving up some cash watch eBay. There are some DEALS that come through. Some people sell stuff without ever checking what other units like theirs are going for. Snap up a deal.
  15. It is Linux. Not much point in filing a bug report with the Lab. I am not up on Linux version numbers. The version 5.0.9 is way way behind the current 6.3 versions for Windows. They have moved their repositories, are you sure you are getting source and libraries from the right repository? Chase down some of the other Linux devs. Join the Linden mailing list for Linux devs. A quick look at SL's third-party viewers list will tell you which teams have Linux people.
  16. @Lindal Kidd The numerous smaller files helps viewer performance. Yay! The smaller files eat more space on large hard drives... how much depends. On Win-10 disk space is still 'block' oriented, called clusters, ranging from 0.5KB to 64KB. (Ref) Text files, say chat logs, tend to be small. Looking at mine I find most are under 20KB. On a terabyte sized drive using 64KB clusters the 20KB file uses 64KB leaving 44KB of the cluster empty but unusable. It is likely that a large number of small files will waste about twice as much space as they use. None of this is a problem until your disk is filling up. You might then want to go through and compress the files into a single ZIP file. As the zip file is a single file there can only be one chunk of wasted space. All the small text files are compressed and then written contiguously into the single file filling every 64KB cluster used except probably the last one in the zip file uses. Putting the theoretical aside, my 1 and 2-Terabyte drives show 0.5KB per sector and 4KB per cluster. A 1KB file only wastes 3KB. Win-10 treats zip files like a folder. You can still browse the files within the zip with Windows Explorer and the system still indexes the files within the zip file. There is no real downside to zipping the files. Win-10 has a compression utility. You can set a folder to contain compressed files. Win-10 will compress and decompress the files on the fly. You never notice they are compressed. I haven't dug into the details of how that system works. As best I can tell the files remain separate files. The 20KB file may compress to 10KB but it will still use a full cluster (64KB). Only the files larger than 64KB will release disk space when in a compressed folder. Think 65KB file in a 64KB cluster system using two clusters, which would use 128KB of disk space. Compress it to maybe 32KB and it uses only 1 cluster rather than two freeing 64KB. For those of us that run disk drives near capacity and keep chat logs it pays to compress them into a zip file. My chat.txt file in Firestorm 6.3.2 with basic default settings for chat logs is dumping all 'local' chat into that single file. Over 2019 that file grew to about 7MB. I archive the file to the ZIP and then clean a copy to have just this year's local chat. (Since I seldom remember to do this in January of a new year.) My IM and group chat files are individual files and rather small.
  17. Gorgeous as always. Where did you find the swimsuit? Maybe we should talk about what "good" means in your case? Well... you definitely win the top spot for cost conscious shopping. Beautiful avatar and outfit. This is one of the poses from a "stand" animation that I froze with Black Dragons Poser and then tweaked. The sign is in the store Spoiled in a region named Clothes. I love the dress (Kyllie Dress by LsR) as it is sexy without crossing the ***** line... IMO...
  18. Ethnic clothes and skins are a bit of a challenge. As you aren't getting much response in this thread, try a new post and phrase for the title. Maybe "Where can I find asian skin and clothes?" Also... this is SL where your choice of gender is a major option. So, be clear whether you are interested in male or female clothes... or both. Many of us will make a call on how we perceive your name... which I have found is often wrong. A starting place is the SL Marketplace. Search for 'cheongsam' and notice the designer's names and store names. Look through their stores. Do the same searches in-world. If you speak an asian language, look for groups for those people and ask there. Getting a physical (meaning body/face) asian look is challenging. You will likely have to get a lot of different demos and see if you can adjust the shape to get the look you want. A mesh head can only be adjusted so far toward a specific look. So, you have to get a head that can be shaped to what you want. I think Catwa has a head with the best asian eyes and the eyes seem to make 90% of the asian look, IMO. I'm irritated with Catwa (a drama thing) and haven't bought it. I'll get over it someday. I haven't found a designer that focuses only on asian clothes... well, the modern styles. There are some that do only the older traditional styles of asian clothes. I generally find designers with a few asian style dresses mixed into their line.
  19. The project is called ARCTan... The Lindens have been collecting data and studying the problem for over a year. Vir Linden is doing some work on ARCTan now. A consideration in writing the new formula is how to get designers to design more optimized content. SL is a place for hobbyists more than it is for professionals. So, some will ignore the new ARC and blithely go on designing high poly, large texture content. Others will look for ways to game the system. Others will spend the time to learn how to optimize content and provide us good stuff. It is what humans do. The Lindens learn from what we do and eventually compensate. The current ARC/ACI is not their first attempt at creating something that will encourage better optimized content. This is unlikely to be their last attempt. No one gets it right the first time, think Windows 10... So, I don't see it as a 'concern' some loop-loopholes won't be closed as it is an expectation people will find new ones.
  20. File an Abuse Report. The accumulation of reports on problems helps the Lindens decide on a priority for a fix.
  21. PING in the viewer is not the same 'ping' as above. The viewer is talking to the server and they are deciding between themselves what the turnaround time is. If the viewer or server is lagging that 'ping' time will go up regardless of what the network is actually doing. If you run tracert tests to the Linden server IP listed in the Viewer's HELP->About... you'll get good data. Also, ping [ip address] n 30 will provide good data on your specific connection to SL. Ideally Packet Loss should be 0.0%. But, most of the SL communication is via error correcting HTTP. This makes it the combination of time and packet loss rate that determines when the SL servers give up and disconnects you. With a 166ms ping you can probably stay contacted with a 1%+/- packet loss. You'll have to do some troubleshooting to figure out where the problem is, your hardware, ISP, or SL.
  22. Linux users have a group. You might get some help there. Also, there is the Open Development user group that meets on Wednesday mornings. You might find some help there. You can look through the third-party viewers to find Linux versions. Contact those devs to see who is doing the Linux work and ask them for help.
  23. Post a picture... You can drag and image from your computer's 'Explore' to a post and drop it... Gyazo links work too.
  24. Many people making things never set the attachment point. They leave it at the default from ignorance or just being lazy, which is the right-hand. This creates various problems like region crossing drop-offs and scattered parts when rezzing into a new region... and others as you found out. When you buy something and try it on for the first time check to see where it attached. If it is the right-hand then detach and Attach To... some point more appropriate. Doing it early means all the copies you make later will have the correction too.
  25. Rezzing indoors has its challenges. Mesh buildings add to the complication. Mesh buildings as skyboxes can be a disaster in the making, not a place to rez No-Copy items. These rez problems or Failure to Rez... sounds like an erectile dysfunction euphemism... which I suppose it could be in SL... 😆 ...are mostly from the viewer having a difficult time figuring out what you are clicking on. Selecting a spot on actual terrain/ground seems to work everytime. If you rez boats you often run into the problem of the viewer looking through the water you clicked on and picking a point on the seafloor usually a ways away from what you expected. Sort of the same thing happens with mesh. Clicking on prims usually works. Unless there is transparency involved. Then the click may pass through and select whatever is behind the prim, which gotcha had me deleting a friends house unintentionally. 😬
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