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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Your TRACERT is decent. Hops 10, 12, and 13 are from routers that do not respond to icmp requests. Hop 14 shows you are making it through to the target server. 75ms is not bad. I am in SoCal and 30 to 100ms is common for me. Try a PING from the command line. Try PING -n 50 This will send 50 pings to the target and calc the packet loss. Packet loss is likely the problem that is causing you to disconnect. In late 2019 and January 2020 we saw some problems with lots of people disconnecting. There are a number of JIRAs on the problem. You might read through those and see if they describe what you are experiencing. Plus, they list things to try. If one of the JIRAs fits you can reopen it.
  2. Your build of Win10 Windows 10 64-bit (Build 6002.778) is not in the list of builds that MS currently has published. If you have not been updating, do so. The current build is Version 1903 (OS build 18362). You may have a version that is before the network encryption updated. The update was a late 2019 to early 2020 change. I thought they locked out non-current TLS security some time ago. But, they may just be getting around to it. Whatever the reason, update. Those that have problems with Win10 updates are usually running older hardware who's manufacturers are not providing updated drivers. I'm not saying MS doesn't screw things up from time to time. But, they typically fix their goof within a week or so... occasionally longer. Is there a reason you have bandwidth set to 150 kbit/s? Typically this is set to 1500. Experimentation may show another value works better, higher or lower. You need to test the value you use. I suggest you set it to 1500 while trying to solve your login issue. Since you can't log in we can't see the numbers for the quality of your connection to SL. So, you'll need to it. See my testing tutorial Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection here. Since you can't login, here is the IP Address of one of the region servers: or you can query this domain name: sim10333.agni.lindenlab.com. Use this for testing. The IP address is probably good for a week or so...
  3. Are you keeping the system updated? This sounds like a driver problem or a failing network card.
  4. LCDs are on the way out Samsung announced it will stop making them this year. (Ref) There are numerous reviews of the various technologies online. (Google) There are two things I consider important, speed or image change and contrast or how black is the black. Personal preference and your video card determine what resolution you run. 1920×1024 is sort of the common size for office work. I suspect that would be low for a 32" screen giving you a bit of a fuzzy image. The 3840×2160 screens would be better. Refresh rates are a matter of speed, how quickly they can change to a new image without blurring. The speed can be advertised as refresh rate in Hz or in milliseconds for response time. They aren't the same thing but close enough. Generally faster is better. With Hz that means higher numbers and with Response Time lower numbers. Rates of the typical monitors are 60hz, way good enough for SL. The 120 and 140 are common on higher end monitors. The top of the line seem to be the 240hz monitors. The faster rates allow use of some 3D tech. But 240... I am not sure what advantage it provides over 120hz. In general you want to do your homework to decide what you want based on tech then look at the monitors in-store you think may be your choice and decide what looks good to you.
  5. Your info appears to have been collected before you logged in. So we got no packet loss info. Log in then click HELP->About... that should grab the Packet Loss info. Also, grab the region server IP address of the region you are in. It looks like this: You are at 176.7, 7.0, 36.2 in Fishergate located at sim10333.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fishergate/177/7/36 (global coordinates 464,305.0, 306,951.0, 36.2) Second Life Server 2020-04-03T19:49:49.539684 Release Notes Use the Windows Command Line ... type CMD in Cortana/Search in the lower left. In the CMD window type in "ping" without quotes. See how that works. FOr more info on testing your connection and abtaining the info you need to give your ISP read this article http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ This info will be near the end of the list. J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.64 Dullahan: 1.1.1320 / CEF: 3.3626.1895.g7001d56 / Chromium: 72.0.3626.121 LibVLC Version: 2.2.8 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Packets Lost: 45/5,161 (0.9%) April 17 2020 17:54:23 This is the info I was hoping to see. Let this run as long as you can the number changes with time.
  6. I have trouble staying logged in when I use the viewer's internal browser. I have never gotten the internals browsers to work well. I do have good performance on the MP with my external browsers, Chrome and Firefox.
  7. Dano has the right idea. I'll add that the point you use should make sense. Attaching hair to the Skull, a shirt to the spine, etc. Also, whatever else is attached there influences your choice. The only difference it makes is when you start to wear other things and use more animations. Then mesh and fitted mesh can make for conflicts. Fitted or aka "rigged" mesh will appear where it is supposed to and animate correctly no matter where attached. Well, with the exception of HUD locations. Mesh unrigged can still be attached anywhere and adjusted to look correct. But, animations will mess it up and it will look odd if it is not on the correct (reasonable?) attachmant point.
  8. If you try to figure out how to do avatars in Second Life (SL) without learning the basics, you will WASTE a load of time. The design of SL is complicated by the requirement new stuff be legacy compatible... meaning new stuff has to work with old stuff and without breaking old stuff. The evolution of the avatar and avatar clothes is obtuse to a new user because of the Legacy rule. You'll never intuitively figure out what they did or why they did it without a history of SL design. That also precludes guessing how things will work. You'll forever be asking, 'Why didn't they just...' The answer is always because they did "X" first a long time ago. Skip all that mostly useless information and learn just what works now. It is easy enough even snowflakes can figure it out. I like video tutorials. YouTube has a ton. Search on: second life tutorial beginner 2020 Some are better than others, of course. I am not going to weed through them for you. But, what you learn from almost any of them is going to make things much easier for you and save L$ and time. When you are getting advice, on whatever, it is a good idea to let people know what you want to do. Dressing an avatar for dancing, operating vehicles, role playing in combat games, and many other activities makes a difference. In combat performance is THE key issue, dancing - looks of the clothes, making videos - viewer performance, operating vehicles - optimizing region crossings... it goes on. And just as in RL there is sex, a whole other level of avatar preparation. You can deal with SL with extreme simplicity or unimaginable Machivalian complexity. Both work. I can't really say one is better than the other. Like real life the variety and possibilities are endless. Long time users do NOT see SL as a game. It is far too boundless to be explained by such a simple word as 'game'. Thinking of it as a game will walk you into walls and endless frustration. Once you get an inkling of what SL is... it is a blast of possibilities. Wish you all the best in your experience here.
  9. Consider whether you want to record any video. With pictures you can get by with a less powerful computer. You can set up the shot then turn the graphics up, get the shot, turn the graphics down, and continue on. If you do video, that doesn't work. Older equipment may heat up. But, stuff made in the last five years should be OK energy and heat-wise. On my system my GTX 1060 seldom uses more than 30% of its capacity. If you are reasonably computer knowledgeable you may want to build using 'used' parts. Lots of gamers constantly upgrade to the latest hardware and sell their 'old' stuff on eBay. In this case 'old' is often a matter of months.
  10. We need to know which viewer they use and which profile they are looking at. Best of all they come on and ask.
  11. Well... that is a different take on pulling a train...
  12. There is also a retail service that has a viewer that uses their streaming service to provide a mobile app.
  13. You have to tells more. Use the viewer's HELP->About... to collect info o n your computer and viewer. Paste it here. If you have multiple input devices, try disconnecting some of them.
  14. Pentiums are barely able to run SL and that is if you have a dedicated graphics card. There is no way to upgrade a laptop. They either come with a dedicated graphics chip or they don't. There is no way to add one in later.
  15. Obviously you are new to SL. The 'other' games are small simple games. It isn't that SL design is behind. The problem is you don't understand what SL is and why the other games are so far behind SL. Nor how far behind desktop graphics mobile devices are. The problem with mobile apps is mobile devices do NOT have the graphics power needed to handle real time 3D rendering. Most games on mobile devices use highly optimized graphics and numerous tricks to simulate 3D rendering. Plus, all the game content is downloaded during install. The content for SL is measured in hundreds of terabytes, almost petabytes, and grows daily. Those other games on mobile devices are way smaller and use way less network and graphics requirements. There are retail services that render and stream SL to mobile devices. They use a render system on a cloud server to carry the render load for mobile devices. The Lab is building a mobile viewer now. We have no ETA.
  16. Support from the Lab is available here: https://support.secondlife.com/ @Leila Refenoir To test your connection to SL and do a tracert refer to my article: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Your CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 is old. But, it has all the needed SSE extensions built in. SO, I think it is OK. The driver for your 760 card is a little out of date, 436.30 vs 436.48... probably not a problem. Try reducing your bandwidth setting from 3000 to 1500. That may help. Experiment with values down to 512. You have packet loss (0.6%), which isn't good but I don't think it is bad enough to disconnect you or stop texture downloads. Try pressing Ctrl-Shift-1 (press gain to cancel) so you can watch your PING and Packet Loss in real time. Packet loss is high during and immediately after login. You usually see less loss as time goes on. However, bursts of packet loss will disconnect you. But, textures are delivered using HTTP with error correction. Packet loss is only going to slow the texture download not block it completely. Keep this Viewer Stats panel open as you experiment with max bandwidth settings. See if a setting gives you less packet loss. I saw CDN mentioned. That could be a problem. You can look in the viewer's texture cache to see if anything is downloading. Look here: C:\Users\[login_ID]\AppData\Local\[Viewer_name]\texturecache. You should see some cache controls files with some size. If you look in the folders you should see lots of files.
  17. Click the viewer's HELP->About... copy-paste that information here. If the servers see lots of packets dtopping they will disconnect.
  18. Door... you probably mean firewall ports. That information is here:
  19. ...ummm... aren't you a bit over dressed for dancing in a dinner? I mean... isn't it sort of like shooting fish in a barrel? Making poses... I would never have thought to call it that... Good pic
  20. Yes, but... while people are adding hand animation into stands, dances, and sits... and etc. we don't have much control. We play the animation or not. If the stand-animation has level 3 animation of the hands we can override the hand-animation with a level/priority 4 animation. So far I have only seen the ability to do this with multiple HUDs.
  21. With avatar-stands and hand animations we hit a minor snag. All the AOs I am aware of allow one animation at time to run. So we run one AO to play the stand. We run another to animate the face. We run another to animate the hands. Eventually someone will combine them.
  22. @Rhonda Huntress remember to send those you recommended a bill for the promo your body is...
  23. You probably are using the default viewer. But, things work better if you tell us which viewer when you ask for help on a technical issue. Right-click your avatar and select Edit My Outfit. In the panel that opens there are three sections; Clothes, Attachments, and Body Parts. In the Attachments row there is a note saying (## slots remain). If this is zero, you cannot add more attachments. In your Inventory you can right-click and item to wear and you get 4 choices. WEAR will cause any item currently worn on the target attachment point to be removed and the new item replaces it. ADD will add the item to the target attachment point and both items will be attached. Unless you have reached the maximum number of attachments for an avatar. The 'Attach to..." options let you change an item's attachment point. The max for an avatar is 38 attachments and HUDs. See Second Life Limits. All 38 items can be on one attachment point. Once you get to 38 you'll have to take something off to add something new. If you have less than 38 items and adding causes something to come off, try moving to another region and then relog. Piling lots of attachments on the same attachment point is a bad idea. Once more than 3 or so are on a point some tend to come off when crossing into another region or during TP.
  24. OMG... I'm conforming... how embarrassing. I start with a look. But, I do compromise and adapt as I go through the process becoming more flexible on the exact look. This thread is a pretty small sample size. So, we may be the non-conformists... there is hope for me. However, those people asking about appearance and building an avatar here in the forum seem to be trying to find a head or body that will fit a look they have in mind. Of course those that aren't trying to fit a look just ask for the Best Head... um... yeah... so they seem to be a smaller group. But, I doubt anyone has good numbers on which type is predominant.
  25. Sometimes it is hard to find a duplicate of a RL thing. Making an exact duplicate is sort of an infringement of the RL maker's patient/copyright things. Some companies are protective and file Cease & Desist orders and some have even gone to court over the copies. It isn't so much that they are concerned with the few dollars you may make. The problem is one has to protect their rights. Failure to do so can let the protected item move into the public domain. Someone wanting to make a knock off of the item can use someone's copy of it to show the owner doesn't care because they didn't prosecute and therefore it is OK for them to make copies... that sort of stretches the point but that it the thinking.
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