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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. We've been around SL too long. It is difficult to NOT use jargon in our instructions. I suspect you have made your way through all this and gotten into the box. But, in case... Every place in SL is on some land... or over some land... As in real life (RL) someone owns the land. There is 'public' land we say is owned by the Governor, actually meaning Linden Lab the operators of the "game" Second Life (SL). As in RL there is privately owned land and rented land. In which case someone has leased a server from the Lab and owns the "region" of land, a 256m by 256m by 4,000m-altitude chunk, the server supports. The region can be subdivided into smaller parcels and sold and leased to third parties. The land owner controls the land and sets what can be done on the land and who can enter it. Most land owners do not want strangers littering their land with stuff. So, they remove the general right for people to put things on their land, which we call Rez... (This comes from the computer game idea of a player resurrecting and reappearing in the game.) Because there is a need for non-landowners to be able to rez things, get them out where they can do something with them, there are public places called sandboxes. People can rez things in those sandboxes. You find them by doing a search in the viewer using either Search or the World Map on the term sandbox. There are lots of them. There are common sandboxes that anyone can use. There are membership sandboxes where one has to be a member of some in-world group. There are Premium Sandboxes that require one be a Premium Member of SL, meaning we pay Linden Lab a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee for membership rights and get to do things free members can't. Sandboxes give people places to rez things and some people use them as places to build things, think house, car, dog, etc. Sandboxes usually do a trash collection every so many hours, 2, 4, 8,12, or 24. Whatever is there at cleanup time gets returned to the owner. As you have found, boxes from your inventory can be worn. Not the easiest way to get them open. So, merchants put scripts (computer programs) in them so that when worn they pop onto your screen and let you click them then poke whatever is inside into your inventory. Or just poke stuff in your inventory when worn. You found a merchant that apparently did not script their box to open. So, it is up to you to manually open the box and take out the stuff. You need to understand how boxes work in SL. Not a "have to" but it will make your life easier if you do. Here is the Torley Linden tutorial on Second Life boxes (2007 video - boxes have never changed). There are tutorials on every aspect of SL. For somethings they are the best way to learn. For others it is easier to ask in-world in a help group or here on the forum. Be aware SL changes. Look at the newest videos available. Remember. No everyone in SL knows what they are doing or how SL works. So, salt everything you are told.
  2. Viewers using the complexity calculations used by Linden Lab make use of information about your graphics chip. So, no we don't all see the same ACI values. Additionally distance from the avatar makes a difference too. Modern graphics cards process polygons at amazing rates. They even handle massive amounts of texture data fairly easily. Our bigger problems come when the card starts to run out of VRAM for holding textures and the computer has to help move texture data around, meaning in and out of the video chip. Unfortunately while the viewers handle graphics memory differently none seem to be able to use all that is available in higher end cards/chips. Often it isn't the high ACI of individual avatars as it is the collection of a large number of avatars with many different textures. Makes lots of data to be moved around. A big producer of lag is the scripts worn by the avatar, attachments and HUDs. One can probably do more to reduce their personal lag, what they experience/cause, by looking at their scripts.
  3. This is a two stage problem... There is taking the picture and then how you post-production adjust (Photoshop, etc). You can find tutorials on how to use DoF in the viewer. Some hint at the problem of what happens when you take the image into Photoshop (PS). It is a bit harder to find tutorials that show how to preserve the 'blur' in post production. We usually do the lense focus effect in PS and just put in however much blur we want, create versus preserve. PS has the tools to use the viewer's Depth Map (saved from the Snapshot Panel) to control image blur based on distance from camera. Basically if you take 3,000px wide image and then post or otherwise upload it as 1024px wide... you have shrunk the image and reduced the size and DOF EFFECT by 66%. So, if you want the DOF to look the same... you have to increase the DOF EFFECT in the original shot by 300%. If you play with resizing images that have backgrounds blurred you'll see the problem. This is a problem that is only solved by thinking ahead. All of this will start to appear in your images if you adjust DoF for what you see on the screen (1920 wide) and snap the image at 3,000px wide. The viewer is resizing the image as it saves the image. You then look at the image (3000px) on screen (1920) which is down-sizing the image and DOF. The DOF is still there but you changed the way YOU SEE IT. You have to anticipate what you will do with the image and what size it will be when you or others look at it on there screens. Find an image that has NICE DOF when seen with your desktop then find the image on cell phone. Poof DOF gone and the image is amazingly sharp.
  4. I am sure there are other thinking of playing with that body... Nice pic. Is it the jeans or the stuffing that makes the picture? Sexy lady.
  5. Before logging in you can open the viewer's HELP->About and copy that info to paste here. Then we can tell if you have a problem. That you have NVIDIA and get the message suggests you are on a laptop in power-save mode, which turns off the NVIDIA chip and uses the CPU HD Graphics. But, since you didn't give us anything to go on... may be not.
  6. Chrome is not the problem. I'll have a dozen tabs open and be listening to Internet Radio without a problem. FS or Black Dragon runs just fine.
  7. You can search the marketplace for 'collar'. You will have to dig through all the RLV stuff. You can try including -RLV in your search. That minus is negation and eliminates terms. Searching on 'choker' does a bit better, not as much RLV. Most jewelry stores include collars/chokers. Secrets (URL) has some I love. Fatal Fashion (SLURL) has some I love too. Secrets' Balloon Girl is my default choker... cute and small.
  8. Someone posted pics from PeacefulPlay... I went to check it out. Great possibilities. Obviously there is quite a range of environments. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peaceful Play/142/78/22
  9. That you cannot TP suggests this is more of a viewer-to-server connection issue. When this happens try relogging. If the relog does not fix the problem, log into a different region. You can use the Destination Guide on the web to get a new place for login. Close the viewer and click VISIT in the guide to have the viewer log into the region. If neither of these fix the problem we need to see your viewer/computer specs from the viewer's HELP->About...
  10. These strange happenings are why we recommend making backup copies or the original as soon as we/you get it. There is a known bug where a viewer crash causes scripts to change to RUN disabled, Not Running. With no-mod items there is nothing to be done but get a new copy. With mod-ok items you can edit the items and set scripts to Running. I think this is as close as we get to a viewer causing the problem.
  11. Most viewers will tell Windows 10 what to do with SLURLs. They poke that information into the Win-10 registry during install. If your browser is not calling your viewer when you click on a SLURL then you may want to download and reinstall your viewer. You can install over the top of the existing install. Lindal's recommendation, SLURL Proxy, is what I use because I install so many different viewers to play with. Way easier than tweaking the registry or reinstalling a viewer.
  12. YES. Detach the head. In inventory right click the head and select Attach to... I usually use Skull as the attachment point. I generally get all my attachments off the right hand as soon as I buy them. That way I only have to make this change once.
  13. Direct answer, NO. Never. I think the part you missed is the ownership aspect of the SL content. The Lab does not exclusively own user made content. The ToS requires you to give then the rights to USE the content. Use in this case is to store in a database and delivered to users in a way that allows all to see it. What is missing is the right to allow you to use it. Yes, you can see it on others or in places. But, you can't put the house on your property or wear the dress without purchasing the rights from the creator. Just as the free market systems require respect of your/our ownership rights. Otherwise the culture is stuck in a poverty level economy and the violence that breeds. So too must we respect the ownership rights in SL. Otherwise there is no reason to create content for SL and we end up with s slum. It is in our best interest, the creator's interests, and the Lab's interests to respect free market rights. Taking things from another's labor and giving to others with little or not respect for ownership rights is a basic reason for the repeated failure of Communism and Socialism... democratic or otherwise.
  14. Lip sync will not be so much a function of the head as it is the basic avatar. Animation of the jaw and possibly lips is something the viewer triggers. AFAIK the trigger is pulled when we type or push the mic button. The viewer and servers do not listen and work out how the mouth should move. So... sync is a bit weak. At best we can have the mouth imitate talking with a standard animation. Push to talk and the lips move whether you speak into the mic or not. There is no "standard animation" for talking that can be replaced. See REF. The answer is in whether Catwa overrides the viewers basic animations for talking with its various expressions. Otherwise the movement of the Classic avatar will translate to the mesh head. If it does override, you should be able to turn off the Catwa animations and allow the viewer to control the talking animation, which will give you as much sync as is possible in SL.
  15. There is change and then there is CHANGE... I consider change to be skin, and make up. I consider CHANGE to be a matter of Shape or switching from the Classic to a Mesh head. It would help to know what you want to change about your face and whether you use a Classic or Mesh head?
  16. Also... use the viewers HELP->About... to copy paste the computer & Viewer specs here.
  17. THe problem is often in the icon you launch from. Delete that icon and any other viewer icons. Reinstall the viewer to get a new icon. If you understand icon-launchers you can just update the launch icon.
  18. When you ask a tech question we need to know your computer and viewer specs, use the viewer's HELP->About... You can use HELP without logging in. HD Graphics are a part of the Intel CPU. On desktop machines you can upgrade the CPU for very little money and that upgrades the graphics processor. Some laptops can be upgraded but that is more complex. eBay has some decent machines for <=US$200... plus you can find deals on parts.
  19. Face App is an Android app. You can get Blue Stack and run it on a PC. Apple - Android
  20. Which video card do you have? There are system settings that can affect the viewer render. When you have tech questions you can save everyone time by including your computer/viewer specs with the question. Help->About... copy paste.
  21. If the avatar is invisible, not particles, then check your muted/blocked avatar list in the viewer. It is possible to block yourself and it happens accidentally. If you are seeing a cloud... it has to be one of the basic system/classic avatar parts. Go into the Library and start changing parts. Focus on shape, skin, eyes, hair, shoes/feet, and all the basic system/classic stuff... meaning those things that have an icon other than a box.
  22. This is a common problem. There is a fix. One of the basic avatar components is having a problem. You will ave to find out which one. The quick and somewhat easy fix is to switch to the Test Male/Female avatar. Before doing anything drastic always move to another region, log off, restart your computer and relog to SL. That will fix an amazing number of problems. If "Develop" is not showing in the top menu, press Ctrl-Alt-Q. If that doesn't reveal Develop, press Ctrl-Alt-D to get Advanced in the top menu and try again. Click Develop->Avatar->Character Tests->Test Female/Male - This will change your avatar to the default avatar and it will render. Now rebuild your avatar one item at a time, slowly. You should find the problem part. Trash the problem part and remove it from yout outfits.
  23. K-cups... San Diego has (had?) a downtown bar that would cut off ties and staple them to the wall (which I've seen them do) with your name. They also took bras... I've not seen them take one, but I have seen the bras pinned to the walls and ceiling. It's the only place I've seen a GG size... OMG!.. well... excluding SL which is a place where boobs can be SO BIG the weight of them would break a real person's back. This dress requires an Hourglass body. I keep changing the shape to a smaller breast size... they still look huge, at least to my thinking. The background is Isles of Scotland. I used Black Dragon to get the pose I wanted... almost. I gave up trying to grab the sheep's ear. But, I am getting better as using the Poser. I've decided that with fingers I'll just select all of them and reset the rotations to ZERO then adjust them as I want. I am getting used to the environment controls in BD. FS has me spoiled.
  24. There is a file-size-limit per post. Using Flickr or other image sharing services let me use just a link in the post. Thus avoiding the limit restriction. In your case where you are modifying the image for modesty (or in radical language: buckling under the thumb of authoritarian oppression 😎) consider the Photoshop Export tool... [Export As... links to the pertinent part] It allows you to keep pixel dimensions and still reduce file size. I sort of knew about this but didn't realize how easy Photoshop had made it nor how I could see the 'quality' change in real-time as I adjust until I saw the video. 😮 No..... 🤣 Both are nice images. Thanks for sharing them. Wait.... people aren't supposed to see those.... !?! OMG I am sooo embarrassed.
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