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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. When Stop Flying and Stand don't work it is almost always a network issue. Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection For whatever reason the click is not making it to the servers.
  2. Open Preferences and use search to find RLV. Make sure it is disabled. Check what you are wearing in the way of HUDs. Right-click any on-screen HUD and select edit. Roll the scroll wheel to zoom out. You may have a clear something covering your screen.
  3. Said another way... you never remove a skin. It isn't possible. You replace it.
  4. 600ms ping is barely usable... Painfully slow. People in Australia get 250ms. I'm SoCal and typically get 40 to 80ms. Generally it is a problem for your ISP. But, they tend to try and blame it on you. So, you need evidence when you presnet a complaint. The Blog article will help figure out whether it is you, the ISP, or SL and get the evidence to get and ISP or the Lab to move.
  5. You'll need to look through this stuff to figure it out. https://www.google.com/search?q=karioki+in+second+life+tutorial&rlz=1C1ASVA_enUS743US743&oq=karioki+in+second+life+tutorial&aqs=chrome..69i57.13070j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 You might look through SL Search for DJs and ask for their help.
  6. If you don't give us information, we can't help.
  7. When all else is failing look in the viewer's log files. SecondLife.Log files = how to... You can get the free MemHistory tool to see how your computer is using memory. Also, the Resource Monitor built into Windows can show you what the viewer is doing when it appears to do nothing. HWMonitor will show you your hardware states, fans turning, chip temperatures... This type of error can be an incompatibility between the viewer and your drivers. So, make sure your OS is up to date. Try another brand of viewer. See if the same thing happens. If you have to go to LL support then you must use the LL Default Viewer for troubleshooting. Many of us keep it installed just for trouble shooting purposes. Firestorm is the most popular viewer by far and they have 24x7 in-world support, see Firestorm Support in groups. Singularity and Cool VL Viewer are good choices for those with older computers. ...when you ask a tech question use the viewer's HELP->About... to gather the tech info we need to help. Paste that in with your question. Otherwise, we make wild guesses and you spend time trying all of them.
  8. Try this: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202491
  9. Haven't you heard? It is decaying morals and a collapse of society... 🤣 it is to be lamented. Amazing how being without your clothes for a minute is destroying the world. What's best? I'll go with Arnold/Conan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo9buo9Mtos
  10. We have the ToS and Community Standards to deal with when posting. You'll find that many miss the point of both when it comes to the "intent" of the rules. Consider the problem of keeping people from spamming the forum. And the problem of competitors slamming their competition unfairly. Balance that against people asking for help... How many times have I had to ask people to tell me which brand of viewer they are using? Who's clothes, HUD, gadget is the problem with? Is the answer a merchant/fan spamming their product? Is it a person honestly trying to help? If you know why you are responding as you are, you know if you are within the TOS/CS. I think the Linden enforcement group does a pretty good job of controlling problems. They don't always get it right. And often someone doesn't think they did it as they "should", but that is usually the someone's bias or opinion usually when not informed.
  11. If you can dress a Classic avatar then you know most of what you need to know about using BOM. T ...aren't constrained by... Yes. You can make precise alphas without limit just for your use. I often find that a Slink version of a garment may have a small poke-through somewhere that the designer didn't notice. So, I make an alpha for that garment. This is one of the features of Classic and BOM Mesh that I think makes them much more usable than HUD controlled alpha.
  12. I've seen others using that "Library" avatar. So, I doubt the HUD is part of it. Otherwise, we would have lots of complaints similar to yours. In SL there are Experiences, which is SL jargon for an area proammed (which we call scripting) with a special type of scripting that allows the land owner some control over your viewer. To test if that is the case travel to a new region. There is a Destination Guide in the Viewer and on the Website. Bumps in your connection can often cause things to NOT work as they should. So, a good trouble shooting first step is to move to a different region and then log out and back in, or in SL jargon, relog.
  13. People really like the "should" concept... I think it says something about a person's perception of the world and how they fit into it. Sort of ideology vs reality. In a free market merchants are free to charge whatever they feel is right for them. People can then buy the product/service or not. If the price is too high, sales are few. If the price is too low, demand out paces production and others step in to compete and fill the demand or the merchant goes broke and moves on. Eventually some form of balance is achieved that fits the majority's desire. The product/service's worth to society is freely set by the people. People vote with their dollars. It is the ultimate freedom of chaos and it works amazingly well by eliminating clueless bureaucrats/politicians and kibitzing busy bodies and do-gooders from the process. The free market is the most efficient allocation of resources as each person is involved in seeking what is best. Jamestown (founded 1607) is an excellent example of human behavior and what does and does not work in economics. I am surprised out how many people are unaware that America was started as an experiment in corporate controlled Communism... we didn't have the word 'Communism' but its definition certainly fits the corporate charters of Jamestown.
  14. ...and thus the wheel was invented to improve their ability to pursue their desires...
  15. ...or... was it prophetic? I adopted mine from my favorite uncle... it was a gaming name he made for me in another VW. I brought it with me.
  16. If you use a BOM body then you can use the same alpha layers as you would the Classic body. As Jennifer said, they are easy. A basic trick is to get a set of Classic body templates, like Robin Woods. Use those to make a tattoo. Wear ir and the problem clothes. You can see what you need you alpha out and the template provides a guide.
  17. Go with Perfection in Motion... Since you are making your own shapes you can export them from the viewer as an XML file. Saves writing down all the values. Later they can be imported, which saves typing in all the numbers. Since I have the perfect shape... I exported it using (FS) Developer->Character Tests->Appearance to XML. You get to pick where it is saved. To import a shape create a new shape , wear it, edit the shape and look to the lower right for the shape import button.
  18. Shoes... check the shoes. We may have him beat on shoes. I seldom do short hair. It seems to work with this dress. Some of you probably recognize the place, Tempura. I was hoping to dance. But, all the guys were dressed way down, ratty jeans... What up with that? Tutorial - I put up a tutorial on using a Depth Map from the viewer.
  19. I have a GA.EG head, Jennifer, and GA.EG's mesh eyes. When I first got the eyes they were not quite right. The eye-HUD has positioning and rotation controls. I set them once for the Jennifer head. They've been good ever since. Mine seem to work OK with the AnyPose HUD. But, I am using the Black Dragon Poser more and more to get my eyes pointed as I want them.
  20. Thanks. This is a good tutorial on the technique. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to3EXCPfY4w I use the Poser to freeze the avatar. Get my picture then without moving the camera change the image type in the Snapshot panel from COLOR to DEPTH and grab another image. It provides a perfectly aligned depth map.
  21. I'm playing with Photoshop again... and Black Dragon. I see a number of recent YouTube tutorials on photography using Black Dragon. Seems to be getting more popular. The blur is done using Photoshop's Lens Blur and a depth map from Black Dragon. PS allows me to control the amount of blur, effect on highlights, and add some gain.
  22. BOM makes several things much easier. I like it too.
  23. I am not sure how you would know that. BOM Mesh bodies have the same rez issues as non-BOM bodies. What they were suggesting is a skin that has the underwear baked in or in a system layer. The idea is the Classic body with a non-nude skin will rez before the mesh body. But, it doesn't really work that way. If you wear a BOM-Mesh body, the Classic body is likely to be invisible while the avatar is rendering. So BOM or not if you wear skin with clothes baked in then you won't ever be nude... technically. Being nude during rez used to be a big thing, 2009, 10, 11... The Lindens were doing a lot to improve avatar rez. Now they have kicked the kids out and it just isn't an issue. Now most of us just look the other way... right?
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