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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Not really proof. I can add to and edit a profile at my.secondlife.com.
  2. If this 'crashing' persists ask for help in the forum's Answers section... where the geeks and nerds hang out.
  3. And apparently Beautiful hasn't a clear understanding of first life...
  4. I think there is way too much to cover in person-to-person training. Jump over to YouTube and search on "Second Life" tutorial photography. Get the basics down then watch for an image here that impresses you or raises your curiosity. Then ask them how they did it. You should probably consider how you want to do your images. I mean from the viewer only or get into post-production enhancement... meaning Photoshop, GIMP, or Paint.net. There are somethings you can only do in post-production. For instance... a transparent me as a ghosty type. But, knowing how to use the viewer and which viewer to use will give you great images too. I like this one, which was mostly made with Windlight and I think Firestorm viewer. Memory 😕
  5. One that missed the point. Sort of like you did. They asked a question, I answered, I never implied my speech was being limited.
  6. Free speech. Do you know what it is called when someone missed the point?
  7. I'm not an IMVU person. So, I am not sure what that animation looks like. You need to elaborate a bit. There are animations in SL for drunken fall downs and BDSM submissive kneeling animations and numerous other kneeling animations. You can find these by searching in the marketplace or via in-world search for animations. In world there are numerous animation stores in-world where you can try out the animations.
  8. Is that a political or grammar thing?
  9. Where do you get the idea of how the world and people SHOULD BE? If you think we should give everyone their due, maybe you would explain what that means and tell us what you do to assure that is happening in your life. Personally I prefer freedom, leave me alone and let me do what I think works best for me while I let others do the same. OMG! Haven't you heard!?! That is so racist. 🙄 A whole generation is entitled. You are their slave, well society in general, and must provide the entitled all they want. That is a reasonable assumption as it is generally human nature. Free ice cream... I'm down with that. But I am not going to try and force someone to give me free ice cream. So what was your point?
  10. Exploring on the adult Pinewood Island... and playing with Black Dragon's Poser... There are bumper-cars in Pinewood. Used Photoshop to improve and add shadows. Click to get to the full size image. I ended up using both BD's DoF and PS's Field blur to get the blur effect I wanted.
  11. I have a note card of store names I swear never to buy from again...
  12. You look good... I keep wondering why those making rigged hair aren't rigging for the various bodies and heads. I know it is work, but you can't be the only one that has run into the problem. While I don't have ear problems I do have head poke through with some hair. My GA.EG Jennifer head and Stealthic have issues. I made a new shape just for Stealthic hair. And I have lots of annoying breast and hair problems. The hair is passing through my breasts or floating out in front of them. 🙄 Some do make large, medium, and small hair to fit various breast sizes. But, if I wear my dancing physics I look ridiculous as I bounce through my hair. They obviously did not rig to the bones skin makers do. And I did notice, now that you have mentioned it, some of my hair does oddly cover/pass through my ears. With some hair I think it looks OK. This Dura hair is an example. The Firestorm 'Freeze Frame' seams to turn off the Anti-Aliasing... 😕
  13. I tested to see if it was a tab or browser closing thing. Seems to make no difference in Chrome. Closing the browser for 1 minute then launching then opening the marketplace I need do not need to login again. My "user_credentials" cookie was created in 2016... 😕 and says it will expire at the end of the browser session, which I take to mean when the browser is closed. When I close the tab it remains. When I close the browser and then reopen it, the same user_credentials cookies is there. For Chrome open Settings->Privacy and security->Site Settings->Cookies and site data->All cookies and site data->Search Cookies enter marketplace. I have 15 cookies. One is a session cookie. With Firefox doing the same thing I have to login each time I come to the site. Chrome and Firefox's behaviors are different. I tested to see if the 'Remember me' checkbox would make a difference to Firefox. It doesn't. I still have to login each time I close the brower and come back to the marketplace.
  14. Yeah, mesh is a 2013 thing so it has been awhile. In SL style is VERY fluid. I think it can best be described as whatever you think looks good. Goth, street s l u t, hooker, pimp, beach wear, Sci-Fi, fashionista, RP combat attire, and everything else... Mesh bodies and heads are THE THING for now. I think they look way better than the Classic avatar you are familiar with. But, people do make some amazingly good looking Classic avatars. So, mesh is not "mandatory"... in most places within SL. Mesh clothes are made for Classic avatars that use the Standard Sizes. You can find those 'sizes' listed in the market place. The size info stuff is free. With the Std-Size stuff you change your avatar to fit the clothes. The Std-Size clothes do not respond to the shape sliders. People didn't like that idea so designers moved on to Fitted Mesh, these are clothes, bodies, and heads that responded to the shape sliders. The complication is clothes have to match the body. This means those using a Slink body have to buy Slink-compatible clothes. Both the body and clothes fit them selves to the shape you build. Using a Classic body one has to use Std-Size clothes and then set your shape to fit the clothes. You'll hear of BOM... Bakes On Mesh... when you were here they changed SL to use Server Side Baking (SSB). BOM is that same feature extended to work with mesh bodies and clothes. You missed the Applier Era. My advice is to stay away from appliers. They still have their uses. But, they are mostly unnecessary with BOM. Just make sure things you get are BOM compatible. That may sound like a lot, but it isn't. Your challenge is in recognizing you are coming in at a time when the look of clothing and bodies has just changed. All the stuff we had to do for a number of years to deal with mesh bodies just got WAY simpler. Now it is more like what you were used to but we now refer to what you knew as clothes as system clothes. There are people that have come in and never known anything but Appliers. So you will see all the commotion about the BIG CHANGE and how hard it is to figure out BOM. Avoid letting it confuse you.
  15. Where did you get the idea it is ok for one person to take from another? Where do you think the 'deserve right' comes from? You are rich therefore you deserve to be my slave... If you have more than I do, do I deserve that you buy my clothes? Oh, you probably don't realize you are quoting the theme of those promoting class warfare... divide and conquer... runs off to update her wish list to the expensive stuff.
  16. The L$1 and L$2 are not a problem. Most of those refund the money anyway. I think the purpose is mostly for data collection. How many try versus buy. That information can be used to improve marketing.
  17. There are some handy caps that make sliders, use of a mouse, and visual impairments that complicate and make things difficult for some. But a physical or mental disability does not entitle one to another's labor. However, human nature is such that people want to force others into slavery so they can have the benefit of their labor at no cost and will use any 'justification.'
  18. So... you are saying you have BIG ears? 😘 I have a GA.EG head and ears. I also a have quite a few mesh hair do's. I don't run into that problem. Thanks for all the Third-Party Dev UG meeting videos. This is a lovely picture. Thanks.
  19. Demo Skin - Some people are keenly aware of how easy it is to steal skins or any texture. They try to protect their creation by limiting or omitting the demo. It doesn't work. Even writing demo all over the skin is just an annoying slow down to the thief. AFAIK, there are no numbers on how lack of a demo affects sales. I believe it is significant because I VERY seldom buy things without trying a demo. But, I don't know. I also doubt there are any reliable numbers on how theft affects sales. My opinion is the sales lost to theft overall are significant but as a percent of sales probably not worth trying too hard to prevent. I suspect the No Demo Skin Store is loosing more sales to the no demo policy than they would to theft. But, there is no way to prove that point to the store owner. He/she will have to live with their thinking. I doubt they will experiment to find the reality. So, we leave them to their imagined world and buy elsewhere. @Marianne Little I doubt the No-Demo thing is a trend. You just came across someone that lives in their bubble/echo chamber and from their Profile has obviously closed their mind and lost touch with reality. Seems we have a lot of those people in SL. Timed Demos - I sort of understand the point of them. I don't like them. I often save demos and come back to them later. I can't do that with timed demos. Yes, the timer only runs when wearing the demo. But, I need a reasonable amount of time the SECOND time I try on the demo. I can live with 10-minutes. But, I will toss the demo after the first try on. They get no second chance from me. At 5-minutes I will likely not get to play with the demo as much as I would want, so I know it has less of a chance of my buying it. I would much rather deal with the floating Demo-rings and signs.
  20. Now make a copy of your shape. In inventory it is a simple select, press Ctrl-C (Copy), [optional: select a different folder], and press Ctrl-V (Paste). Done. This makes a completely new copy in the SL assets system. If the original gets messed up, you have the backup to use. And as we talking elsewhere, you can export your shape to an XML file saved on your computer, Developer (Ctrl-Shift-Q if not in top menu)->Avatar->Character Test->Appearance to XML. Too pretty an avatar to loose.
  21. You mean like gravity?
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