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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. It's the difference between the protection they give you and that you have a right to expect, vs the protection they give themselves. The chatlog blurb is a guaranty for you the user that this will be honored by the lab policy. The "any reason or no reason" blurb is that at the end of the day they don't have to justify why they don't want to deal with you anymore.
  2. Or just apply it to other things you own, with absolutely no ill intent.
  3. Well you don't get logged out when away anymore. I'm surprised that there is no AO on the market that has an override for this pose, there is some untapped potential there.
  4. In my humble opinion designing for men is very difficult because the context of what is acceptable for them to wear in public is a lot narrower than with women who culturally are somewhat expected to "tease the eye and flatter the senses", at least that's how it feels for me. I've been asked a lot to make male specific products but it's very difficult for me to wrap my head around menswear, I just don't think I have it in me really. There is also a lot of Marvelous Designer users, and people who shop at asset stores, it's one thing prims had back in the days, you where sure that the item was produced in SL, for SL, by SL users. If content wasn't made with SecondLife in mind, as good as it will look it's still bad content that makes the secondlife experience worse for everyone. But hey that's nothing new in real life, craftmanship is routinely wrecked by superior marketing. As long as the shop pictures will look amazing, everything is fine right?
  5. Yeah but It's not like the lab is gonna forbid people from creating new mesh bodies. People see what some creators demand for their mesh bodies, like back in the days of photorealistic system skins, and they are like: "I want a piece of that juicy pie too and too bad if i'm contributing to SL's compatibility issues, I'm not living in there, just plundering it."
  6. It's already a thing, you're late to the party.
  7. I'll also say that censoring racism and intolerance only makes it stronger.
  8. Within the confine of Linden Lab's services it is. Chat logs aren't exactly a proof of anything anyway, anyone can write a blurb that says just about anything. You should give chat logs as much credit as wet toilet paper. That and the person sharing it is most likely trying to stir some good olf fashioned drama
  9. You could have looked it up you know? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Residents'_privacy_rights#Disclosing private Second Life conversations
  10. Sharing any chat without the consent of all the parties involved is a violation, doesn't matter if it's local chat, groups or IMs.
  11. I can always hand reduce but I oscilate between too kind and too aggressive. My typical trick on cuffs and other body fitting items is that at a certain point i just strip out all the "inner" faces entirely and only keeps what faces outward when worn. The result is sometimes invisible, sometimes very obvious. Otherwise i just turn off edge display and gets rid of anything that doesn't make the model explode, it's not that long but it gets tedious when you do a change/fix to a model and have to redo all the lod models again for 4 different chests.
  12. Unfortunately I work directly in blender so i know nothing of what is required from Maya. Sorry.
  13. I wish that "do not impostor friends or myself" didn't exist as an option, it's literally the equivalent of "lalala i can't hear you" in dealing with the problem @animats I just tried the decimator included with AssetGen on one of my lowpolies. It's ...not very good.
  14. Impostors have a serious optimization problem, even avatars that are turned into jellydolls don't lead to a real performance boost.
  15. Avastar or stock blender dae exporter? Also why did you blot out the parent object name?
  16. Are you using avastar or the standard blender dae exporter?
  17. Yes because SecondLife is as much about the server your region runs on as it is a live connection to Linden Lab's asset server farm. It isnt a coincidence that Philip Rosendale, the founder of Linden Lab was one of the pioneers at RealNetworks, a company who essentially dominated commercial audio and video streaming technologies on the web in 2000. Secondlife is all about 3d content streaming. Regions support 0.3 prim per square meter no matter what. Oh giant cyclopean creature, You gaze upon the land and see this water body as a mere puddle, but at the height of my 1m75 it's a most relaxing fishing pond.
  18. And here lies a problem, Linden Lab has no guaranties that you, or your server will honor copyright laws with the content that other residents have created, If Linden Lab doesn't trust some of our Secondlife Land barons, which deal with millions of dollars in business inworld... Why would they trust you, or anyone really?
  19. So what would you do with a region that has no access to the main grid's content?
  20. Back in the olden days, we did because after a certain amount of time in away mode you would get logged out. However this hasn't been the case for a while I believe, and a few weeks ago I decided to turn it back on since i figured it's probably helpful for other people to know when I'm not actively watching my SecondLife window. So why do you have it off? What's your story?
  21. They already do it's the educational program. And LL already subsidize a number of resident run projects around the grid, such as Gibson and Tulagi.
  22. Unreal engine actually has serious performance issues with dynamic/live content. It's an engine that really prefers to work with "pre cooked" data.
  23. Would you pay 100$ a month for Linden Labs to allow the region you run on your computer to be connected to the SL grid?
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