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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. They do have one benefit, they can be set by script (uuid). That's the only reason I still deal with them after all these years.
  2. I'd wager that the problem is more than likely that this is a 50Ktri bracelet (more than twice as much as some mesh bodies) on an area the size of a cigarette case. The beta grid might be handling uploads and mesh compression a bit differently than the main grid, there is no real way to know as it isn't really designed for that.
  3. That's what I do lately on my land, prim "blocking" with mesh detailing, the more you reuse mesh parts and textures and the better the performances tend to be.
  4. If only there was a way to publicly shame those creators, in a way that actually hurts them in the only organ that matters to them: the wallet.
  5. I don't know either, Maya, 3DStudio & Lightwave are hardly "simple" softwares. But does it matter if a software has tools in it you're not going to use anyway?
  6. Oh I absolutely blame creators for it. They could do things properly, but since there is no monetary incentive to do it? They don't. Now, I know you are in the "auto-lod boat", but since we aren't there yet. Wouldn't it be amazing if the uploader refused bad lods...
  7. Yeah me and my big fat brushes are becoming a pattern isn't it, I did say it "TEND" to happen. But making meshs is not simple. I've used "simple" softwares in the past, my first 3D model was made on Milkshape3D more than 20 years ago. But it's always a pain because the tools you need simply aren't there. You don't have enough control over what you are creating to be able to do it well. Blender's main sin is that it doesn't follow at all the standards for interface design that are pushed by Microsoft & Apple operating systems, and as a result it's really difficult for people to learn by "poking" at the program. It is designed to be flexible and to make you work with both hands: one on the keyboard and one on the mouse.
  8. I read this thing a long time ago and i think it sums up the situation. There is 3 options CHEAP, GOOD & FAST, but you can only pick two: if it's CHEAP and GOOD it won't be FAST. if it's CHEAP and FAST it won't be GOOD. if it's FAST and GOOD it won't be FREE. Blender's interface is something... special, I wouldn't say it's bad, it's very efficient once you understand it and is infinitely customizeable to your workflow. But it also takes a lot of time to learn because it is designed for using, and not so much for (intuitive) learning unfortunately. That tend to happen with Open Source software because OSS developpers essentially create the software to suit their own needs. Non-contributing user requirements tend to end up at a low priority since there is effectively no customers to please.
  9. Because of the amount of people who simply won't bother learning something if their favourite format is not available. I don't like videos but i'll torture myself regardless if that's all I can get my hands on, because I want to learn, and yeah it might take me longer, and yeah it will be frustrating, but I'll get there regardless, as long as it is well made, whether i like the format or not doesn't matter. You can't really use tactile learning for speech training, or audio learning for blacksmithing.
  10. Look I'm sorry okay, I do not intent on making it sound like i'm looking down on people who use videos. There are great videos out there, but everytime I'm looking for a specific information, I'm usually forced to sit through a 20 minutes video of some guy "stumbling" through his explanation and it drives me crazy when that information could have been given to me straight away from a searchable document. The problem isn't really that videos exist, it's that some informations are only transmitted with videos. A lot of informations about avastar is like that for instance, you either sit through it and hope that the answer you are looking for is covered in there, or... well you just figure it out by yourself.
  11. The problem of videos is that they are a non-interactive substitute to an actual teacher, but it only looks like an actual class, and has none of the advantages. As for preferential learning, yeah I know that it's a thing, you can still learn outside of your prefered learning medium, just not as easily. But back to my issue with videos, it's typically a format that is easy on the teacher and hard on the student because it puts very little constraint on the teacher. That doesn't mean there isn't excellent videos out there. A video can be great if it is well planned, but 90% of what you find on youtube is some guy trying to talk to a camera about a subject, rather than someone giving a class.
  12. I blame the many people who don't understand that "donation" implicitely means that you get nothing in return other than the warm fuzzies in your heart.
  13. It could be due to your attitude on the forum. People come to see the bears in their cage.
  14. That's also because video is a really horrible format for self learning. It's just really easy to make and there is a horde of people who are convinced that it's the only way they will ever learn something.
  15. I gotta make up a logical explanation since you aren't providing any.
  16. Back in the days one of my friends enjoyed building elaborate scenes around visitors who had the misfortune to AFK on his land. There was always a handful who would angrily message him with something like "you think this is funny?". It really was. I kinda understand how @Selene Gregoire sees trespassers, it's not that they actually bother her, it's just a matter of principle: standing against any possible balancing of land owner rights with the greater good.
  17. Sure, show us how good you are at following the public paths with a boat/airplane/car without ever clipping in another parcel. Oh right, that was a purely rethorical statement isn't it. And what could possibly give you the impression that I was talking to you?
  18. Pretty sure you can't just shoot someone for accidentally stumbling into your driveway IRL either. Navigating SL while lagging is really just like going home drunk, trying to open your door and crash on your couch, while in reality you are 2 blocks off course and trying to open someone's door by pushing a shoe into the mail slot.
  19. It would be pretty simple to setup a donation pot, lots of places in SL are run like that, setup a monthly goal to pay for tier and refuse any amount above that.
  20. I believe the problem is that Linden Lab has no real guarantees that the money collected in-world is being re-invested into the non-profit organisation, which is what is required of them: A non profit org is not allowed to make a profit. us 501s and french 1901s are strictly regulated and for Linden Lab it's just simpler to put a blanket ban on commercial activities.
  21. I've requested a few times on the jira already to add ban lines as volumes into the physic system so that vehicles actually collide with them without entering the parcel but that doesn't appear to be possible without a lot of work.
  22. I suspect it wouldn't sell well either. A lot of people WANT they security orb to cause maximum disruption on whoever it catches, it's not just protection, for a lot of people it's all about dishing out punishment.
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