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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. hey guys, downdetector is fine, but the statuspage is what you need to be watching, if LL's team detects issues, aka they get alarms sent to them. they will investigate, but if nothing on their end is actually having issues, reporting it will not do anything, LL can not fix whats not broken on their end.
  2. 1 minute ago, bigmoe Whitfield said: okay just checked a few sources inside our backbone at our dc (I am not LL, but have 20+ physical servers back home in indiana) and I'm seeing cdn routing issues, cloudflare has re-routed a few and is having https connections errors that consumers are seeing right now. akami is fine it shows, bunny is fine. fastly is having some issues. so knowing that, there could be migration issues or routing issues hampering too as one pipe gets clogged as another empties out. but I'm not seeing this as LL issue as, tracert and ping times are low, even if I use my vpn to tracert from sweden to where secondlife.com is hosted.
  3. okay just checked a few sources inside our backbone at our dc (I am not LL, but have 20+ physical servers back home in indiana) and I'm seeing cdn routing issues, cloudflare has re-routed a few and is having https connections errors that consumers are seeing right now. akami is fine it shows, bunny is fine. fastly is having some issues. so knowing that, there could be migration issues or routing issues hampering too as one pipe gets clogged as another empties out. but I'm not seeing this as LL issue as, tracert and ping times are low, even if I use my vpn to tracert from sweden to where secondlife.com is hosted.
  4. This is hitting multiple sites, and just not SL. so I do not think it's anything on LL's side as it's not triggered anything at their NOC, since nobodies responded with the status board yet.
  5. fastly cnd is having degraded performance, I think it's also whom LL uses for their cdn.
  6. web-tv, I know what the device is and it went defunct September 30, 2013, there is going to be no browser updates at all, it would not even access SL, it's very low budget hardware. @Qie Niangao https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSN_TV
  7. I come across them daily, they are not an exclusive bunch. sometimes they drop in to some of the oldest communities to hangout and visit.
  8. not sure what that is, but I wana pet it's nose for sure.
  9. hardware is not cheap, bandwidth is not cheat, power is not cheap, data center costs are not cheap, staff is not cheap, I can keep listing items here. LL is a for profit company they are going to make some money with over head, which they do, that's fine, but if they bottom tiered out pricing, we are going to lose SL.
  10. Is this the one we can volunteer for? I got dibs.
  11. far as I'm aware we are on a stable release. we are gonna need a linden to drop by, I had asked one in world about it and I was told we are current with the release.
  12. http://www.internettrafficreport.com/europe.htm I've checked with a few dns routes using a few tools at the datacenter where co-lo at, I'm seeing packet loss across a few networks.
  13. If you want a good general rated area to hangout in, Lusk would be a good one. I'm typically there.
  14. Game engine wise, we are on havok 2018 or 19 right now.
  15. Also those of us on the dark forum theme can not read this.
  16. most likely they are searching around on google for some kind of answer or they they are a normal forum user and know the search function, but are also ignoring the warning about bumping of old topics and then sometimes, new people come along, think this is face book and just bump it anyways because "it's not rude" while myself as a very old bbs/forum user consider it very rude to bump old topics, when a new topic could be created as to not drag old drama and issues up.
  17. not me, I know all about fee's and processing fee's and such, I still get my lindens, this was for the op.
  18. I bet that person also did the buy down on it, and it's 195 a month for them and they are banking the rest.
  19. So checking xe.com 310USD = 408.443CAD so there are fee's involved, transaction fee's, which you have to take into account of bank transfer free, then processor fee's. then LL's own fee. it could well be it's 45 bucks more for it.
  20. it's using a google appliance that's been custom done just for SL (or this was the case years ago) @Patch Linden ya'll still using that google appliance?
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