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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. your name in the LL database for SL is Bagnu, it's what the forum is using to pull data from, the display name is not apart of that database.
  2. she needs to see if that is an object doing it, can click on the chat if it's green and see if it is, if so block it and then abuse report the owner.
  3. If you have deleted those account, there will be a fee to restore them, if you just abandoned him, I'm not sure what LL will do.
  4. in some news I just saw, certain aditi sims are on aws for testing now! that's some good news in this thread!
  5. This has always been an issue in SL, group chats, are sometimes not stable, most of the time it's depending on the group size too the bigger the group the more the backend is having to work and do, so it can very hour by hour lol. and yes they updated the protocol and worked on it, it's still an issue because of how SL is.
  6. There is to much to dump it in the trash, you would just break everything, maybe adding in another language might help, but at this point, I am going say, let's not throw this into the mix and let's just keep what we have.
  7. I'm not very much awake was I lol. 3 days of 12 hours a day, I was heat soaked when I got home lol. sorry.
  8. Maddie, my fee's on my processing of master card and visa went up (visa is erf, not sure i'm going to take it anymore, the credit card, not the bank card) so LL to drop some land fee's had to up them some place and that was the consumer end. it's not going to change, unless the big name companies that process and control the racket drop their fee's. I had to set a minmium with most people, 10 dollars to process anything related to visa, and I made it the same for master card payments. it sucks, the way things changed on us basically over night pushed some people to offer cash incentives instead of using their cards around town.
  9. bigmoe Whitfield


    I feel we have done this several times with this one person no?
  10. 419 scammers found us! RUN!
  11. LL is legally required to collect information when it comes to the regulations imposed on it by the goverment, they are not skirting that one no matter how much people whine and complain. also they are not mining or collecting data to sell it, LL is one of the last ones I trust online with my data.
  12. @Ebbe Linden we are awaiting you, we needs the info's, we needs the preciouses.
  13. most of us have been through some big changes at the lab over the years, we are still here, we believe in LL and SL. I'm gonna be here until they throw my collection of socks at me and tell me to get lost they are turning the lights off.
  14. oh no. I've got my own private grid that's stable at 55 people logged in lol.
  15. thought it was 89k and the system tanked out? I remember it hitting 88k and services started going offline, what a not fun time that was.
  16. I will make it my mission to get premium once we find out more information.
  17. most ever logged in at once was 89k and it crashed the grid. never has been that many on at once.
  18. I think with SL, there are some big name people in the world that could and might swoop in and buy it, users owning the platform would be of interests to even me.
  19. so you want people to pull and illegal move? I hope they have deep pockets of money. lawsuits for all!
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