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Marisa Starbrook

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Everything posted by Marisa Starbrook

  1. That’s what I’ve been doing. Is yours a Galiko? I’ve had people IM me when I’ve been out in it. I wish they were still in business. I’ve been able to get in very narrow areas with it. I had more trouble navigating my sailboat, so I haven’t bothered with that as much.
  2. When I first joined SL in 2006, it was during an immense surge in popularity. I also had a very slow computer. Even though Starbrook was a choice I had, my first name choice got taken by someone else or the system kept timing out on me. I ended up with LuLu, since I liked and respected a person in RL who had that nickname. My RL married last name is one that is retired, too. It was unavailable before I joined. I’m a little disappointed that I can’t claim Starbrook for my alts. There are only about 35 Starbrooks in SL now..
  3. That was my first neighborhood in Bellisseria. Named after the band Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. 🎶
  4. I want to thank whoever abandoned their camper in Madison Creek last week. I had given up my traditional house in Siros and was living in a lovely old Tahoe neighborhood for a few days. Then I logged into the land page, and a camper was available. Let’s see how long this lasts.
  5. Before this topic gets locked, I’ll throw in my 2 cents. I live in an area in RL that gets 4 seasons. Fall is my favorite. I like snow at Christmas (and that’s it). Then there’s the long stretch between January and April where I’m praying for an early Spring. I’ve lived on private estates where there are seasonal changes reflective of the northern hemisphere. As a resident, I even had the opportunity to vote on snow for the region. I like having the freedom in SL to escape to a warmer clime. So far the covenant in Bellisseria has been very reasonable.
  6. I’m thankful that Christmas isn’t being rushed. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It’s given such short shrift, in general. 💖🍁🍂🌻🍁🍂💖
  7. I just gave up a lovely trad in Siros and decided to check out the Old World. I managed to get a Tahoe in Albatross that bordered the InfoHub. Here's my view.
  8. For all the trad lovers, I'll be releasing my house in Siros about 10 a.m. SLT today (Saturday, October 26). It's a lovely location if you like rocks, lush green, and a view from your Winchester balcony. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Siros/231/173/36 UPDATE: It didn't last long in the pool. Congrats to the new owner!
  9. I used to visit Pearlcoast before it was named and had landscaping. This was my dream spot for houseboats. Congratulations. ❤️
  10. It took me so long to get a houseboat (2 months), and it's on my alt account, that I'd be reluctant to ever give it up. It's in Walrus Beach. I got it during the region release. It's a pretty good location. Nobody's ever around. It's quite peaceful. I've been out of the competition for awhile. Frankly, it's a relief to not be searching for the perfect spot. I didn't even try for a camper, as cute as I think those are. Follow your heart, Rose. Big huggggssss
  11. i was griefed while I was fishing on my houseboat in Bellisseria. It took me awhile to realize what was happening, because the griefer was wearing a naked noob with a massive erection. The noob looked very 2007, so it took awhile to rez. I don't think the griefer got the reaction he hoped for. Since I was fishing, I told him, he was in danger of being hooked and reeled in.That thought got him to move along.
  12. Congratulations and Best Wishes, Patch!
  13. I’d like to be on a high rocky coastline, with an unobstructed view of the water. It took months for my alt to get a houseboat. I haven’t tried for a camper, even though I love tiny homes. The landscaping is lovely. It feels good to be out of the race for awhile. I’m enjoying kayaking on the river byways.
  14. Sure is nice to find these wonderful surprises tucked away. 💖
  15. It goes to show that everyone has a different vision of a dream home. I love this spot because it has my favorite combination—lush green and water. I’m so thankful that Linden Lab and the wonderful Moles have given us such variety. I didn’t go for a camper (yet), because I only recently got a houseboat. It’s been fun exploring the new environment. A great place to visit, even if you don’t live there.
  16. Under "Group" you set the land to your group. Your alts will be able to rez as long as they're wearing the group tag. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/About_Land\ Sometimes I forget to change my tags and wonder why I'm not able to rez.
  17. Leora, I remember how you were nostalgic for the distant sea view from your Winchester balcony in your early catch and release days. Yesterday, I landed a house during the Siros release. I longed to get a house in River Run right on the river. My corner location is across the street from River Run. There were so many people hanging out there after the release that I thought it was part of Siros. I was feeling slightly disappointed about not being on the river bank. When I came to my senses today, I realized I have a lovely view from my Winchester balcony and second storey of the Continental (my favorite house). My house backs up to a rocky hillside with a hidden pond on top. I think I'm finally home.
  18. Apparently I'm pretty short (only 1.7 meters), so that might explain why 4 meters seems deep to me. Thanks for your analysis. 😊
  19. I haven’t measured the depth, but I did notice the first release houseboats were on shallower parcels. (At least the ones I checked out.) That disappointed me. It doesn’t seem uniform, though. It’s deep at Porthole, Beluga Sound and Limevale. I’m glad it’s deep where you are, @Sylvia Tamalyn.
  20. Like the evolution of the landscaping, I think the Moles have been making the water deeper for houseboats. The water is well over my head at Walrus Beach. I’m able to use my diving board without breaking my neck.
  21. Rhyme, I've been looking forward to your happy news. Congratulations!
  22. I hadn’t managed to snag a houseboat in any release (just not fast enough). I was truly astonished when Bellisseria came up with a choice of a traditional and a houseboat before my auto-refresh chime sounded during the Walrus Beach release. I felt like I was moving in slow motion to click on the houseboat, because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Then there was the usual fumbling on checking the TOS box. I was either the first or last person to get a houseboat in that release. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this process, however I love the tutorial that @RaeLeeH has provided. Thanks, too, for the many helpful hints given by other members of the community. You kept my hope alive. 🌟❤️🌟
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