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Marisa Starbrook

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Everything posted by Marisa Starbrook

  1. I stumbled into this release thinking that I got my usual abandon. There was a house right on the water that had been in maintenance since April 17. How could that be? Then someone got it and started flipping house styles.
  2. You were the person who gave me much needed perspective when I realized that I've always been a nomad in SL. Even when I found my "perfect" location, I'd continue to seek out other homes. Now I realize that I'm passing on beautiful abandons to others. It's funny that I prefer a backyard water view on the Vics, and you prefer the front.
  3. If you're logged in, Hendrix, don't log out. You'll never get back in! This reminds me of the bad old days in SL in 2007. Second Life would be offline for about 6 hours a day. People would congregate in the forums and commiserate.
  4. Even though I'm not as keen on the log homes, I've enjoyed landing some great abandons during this major release. I've gone on to relinquish most of those great abandons, too. A couple of my hopping alts are getting ready to retire. It's interesting to see my criteria evolve as each new theme has been introduced to Bellisseria. The homes that have become my favorites are ones that give me water access to kayak throughout Belli. It's a wonderful way to explore this great continent.
  5. I’ve consistently called my homes in SL “LuLu’s Sweet Escape,” after Gwen Stefani’s “The Sweet Escape.” The song came out the same year (2006) that I joined SL. With Bellisseria, I shortened it to “Sweet Escape”. My first houseboat was “Dream,” because it was a dream fulfilled to land one. My Vics have been “Dreamwell”. With the arrival of the log homes, I’ve been naming my cabin “Up North” for a nod to my Michigan roots. When I’m spinning the wheel and house hopping, the homes will be called “On the Road Again.”
  6. Waldorf released. It took me awhile to figure it out. My alt got the first home.
  7. We’re going to have to agree to disagree about this. I don’t bother to refresh anymore. When I see something on the land page I want, I click on it and usually get it. That includes houseboats. I’m sure that will change once the log home inventory is depleted. In the meantime, I’m enjoying seeing Bellisseria consistently on the land page.
  8. I’m glad that you’re actually able to select a houseboat. You’re allowed to abandon 5 homes in a 24-hour period, then you got locked out of choosing another for 24 hours. It’s based on the time of abandonment. If you abandon a house at 9:15 a.m., another at 10:00 a.m. and then 3 around 10 p.m., you’d be locked out until 9:15 the next morning. You’d only have one try until 10:O0 a.m. rolls around. I have a tendency to get locked out at weird hours.
  9. RP is a big interest for many people in SL, but it’s never been a draw for me. Sometimes I think I’m just not imaginative enough. The Game of Homes is what ignited my interest in having alts. Then I justified having so many, because I have 4 RL sisters. Ultimately they’re all me and don’t have distinct personalities. I’m fascinated by the back stories of all your alts, Anidusa. Thank you for posting.
  10. This is not the time to spend precious moments refreshing the land page. Houseboats have always been in demand, and in general, hard to come by. It seems to me that there won’t be releases of new regions of Trads, Vics, or houseboats until most of the log homes are claimed. Having a houseboat was what drew me to Bellisseria in May 2019. It took me until August 23 (the date is etched in my mind) to land one during a release. It felt like a miracle. I kept it until recently when I landed some beautiful abandons of Trads and Vics on water. It might take longer than you anticipate, but eventually you’ll get a houseboat. Keep hope alive!
  11. Every time I think I'm going to bypass the log homes, they lure me back in. I got a place in Crimpstile.
  12. They're usually a long narrow column. I've seen them on land and water. I think that little spot might be a sound loop. There was one that looked like that in the lake that I noticed recently.
  13. It was a decent parcel, but I released it. I already had my dream spot in the same region (Red Bluff) , courtesy of @Alwin Alcott. 👏👏👏
  14. As long as we’re mentioning glitches, my alt was in time out yesterday. When I logged back in to check her time out status, I saw that she had acquired a camper.
  15. I thought a Vic I had released was stuck in maintenance for several days. I went to check it out and realized that it was named “Linden Home”. Sometimes people like to mess with our heads, or they’re not very creative in naming their homes.
  16. When the lodge homes were released, I had the good fortune of acquiring some dream locations (Trads, Vics, and a houseboat) that I had been scouting for months. This is one of the lovely spots that I caught and released. I'm so happy for you!
  17. Normally that would be my reaction. I don't have regrets about giving up my rare houseboats and my waterfront log home. I feel it's time for other folks to be able to enjoy the spots that I labored so hard to get. They were random good luck.
  18. When I look at the number of houseboats, vics, and trads that aren't available; I'm quite surprised. As much as I love the environment of the log homes, I knew that I probably wouldn't embrace them. It took forever for me to land a houseboat, and I thought for sure, that I wouldn't ever give it up. Wonders never cease. I let my and my alt's houseboats go. I thought I might regret giving up my waterfront Grand View log home (it did have a grand view), but I haven't. What I have enjoyed is seeing all the themes on the land page and not having to click madly to see if I've gotten a spot that makes my heart skip a beat. That's been calming in these days of uncertainty. I thank the Lindens and Moles for keeping me entertained and distracted.
  19. Some of the names of these places crack me up. I feel like there's a Michigan contingent naming some of the regions. There's a Charlevoix, Michigan pronounced the same way as "Sharlavoy", which is why I'd love it if they named a region "Up North".
  20. I always check the claim dates on surrounding parcels. I’ve been shocked by the beautiful abandons I’ve encountered. Every time I think I’m ready to downgrade an alt to basic, she picks up the “perfect for now” dream spot. Thank you to whoever gave up their ocean and river parcels in recent days. 🌟🦋🌟
  21. I think Dottie deserves a raise. She fixed my no-Rez Vic problem within 5 minutes of contacting chat support. ❤️
  22. The only 512 parcels are the campers. The houseboats are 1024 parcels, so they come with 351 land impact. Your camper location sounds wonderful.
  23. I know that I won’t be a permanent resident of the log cabin regions. I grabbed a couple (let the second one go) to have the experience. Deep in my heart, I hope I’ll land an ocean view Vic, as folks are letting go of their current homes in favor of the new ones. An addendum to my previous statement--my alt got a sweet river view, so I might try my hand at decorating the Grandview. It seems like there are two houses there. I took the suggestion seriously to not change styles. I've got two doors and two windows on top of each other. The blinds tend to flicker. Maybe the previous owner abandoned for that reason. I'll wait a couple days to see if things get sorted out.
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