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Marisa Starbrook

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Everything posted by Marisa Starbrook

  1. Maybe it is different on Mainland. I’ve rented mostly on private estates. It’s worked for me that way. Blessed silence. I don’t usually have my sound on anyway and don’t use voice. I’m probably the exception to the rule.
  2. My experience has been to restrict sound on my parcel, and that mutes the sound on neighboring parcels for me. I don’t know why your neighbor didn’t do that. It would have been an easier solution. It must have been more rewarding for them to act like a jerk. I’ve also had to block some objects on neighboring parcels at times but never would have dreamed of contacting the owners of the “tell-tale” clocks. Sorry you experienced this, @KittyKatt2565
  3. Thanks for posting this, Chic. I’m such a fan of tiny houses in RL. I’ve always picked smaller abodes in SL. This is exciting!
  4. I haven’t invested a lot of time auto-refreshing. I did luck into a traditional house on the 2nd release. Somebody must have wanted a better location or got a coveted houseboat. It’s my alt that has been putting In a little extra effort to get a houseboat. If that should happen, I’ll put the house back into the pool.
  5. I missed both rounds of the releases and feel that I’ll probably miss the next release, too. I’m hoping that the new themes will encourage people to abandon their houseboats. Even with auto-refresh, I’ve not been able to snag one. Just not fast enough.
  6. Thanks, Patch, for your thoughtful reply. I appreciate the explanation.
  7. That's why I said it was a pipe dream. I looked at it as a way to appease the many people that got shut out of the new continent. Linden Lab had probably entertained that idea at some point, but it might have never been workable. It's all speculation on my part. I was lucky. I managed to get a house on Bellisseria after someone abandoned it. Still longing for a houseboat, though.
  8. I’m one of those people who spent most of my life wanting life to be fair. Of course, it isn’t. In my universe, everyone would have the Bellisseria themed home of their dreams. In my case, it would be a houseboat near green rolling hills. In the meantime, I was wondering, if the old Linden house regions could be moved to have Blake Sea access. I’m not suggesting everyone get their own dock—just a Rez Area and some waterways that connect to the Blake Sea. That would give the old communities a renewed cachet and perhaps ease the angst of waiting for a home on the new continent. What do you think, @Patch Linden? Is this idea totally out of the realm of possibility?
  9. I’ve been bouncing my alt around the old Linden houses to keep myself amused, while I hope for a houseboat at some point. Ironically I’ve been getting some great places along the water or region edges. One time, I even got a place I’d just abandoned back. I guess it’s good I’m limited to 5 abandonments a day.
  10. I remember when Amaretto horses first came out, I would ride them wearing stilettos. 😊
  11. When I’ve lived in private sailing estates, the covenant required leaving 32 prims available on a parcel to allow passage of water or aircraft.
  12. Thanks for putting this together, diamond! I road through the unpopulated area on my horse. It was wonderful. I look forward to trying out the mountain bike trails.
  13. I’ve been in SL for over 12 years and have been a Premium member on occasion. Mostly I’ve rented parcels on private estates. I like to sail and kayak. I own a couple houseboats, but there never seemed to be very many communities in SL where I could use them. Wherever I live, I like to swap out my houses. This new continent appealed to me, because it offered the opportunity to live in a houseboat community, swap out my dwellings, and maybe make some new friends. I didn’t get a Linden houseboat, but I managed to get a house with some lucky page refreshing. My alt has an old Linden house, though, on a river. 😊
  14. They were gone as soon as they were released. I managed to get a traditional house about 15 minutes ago when I was trying for a houseboat. I guess people are giving up their houses in hopes of getting a houseboat.
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