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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Hi, yes that is basically it. Timers use the system clock to make sure the event triggers no more often than the requested interval. If it takes longer than the requested interval to get there, no extra events are added, the script "loses a turn". Because of the way the scheduler works, even in the most optimistic case, a timer won't get more than one chance per server frame to run. See https://lists.secondlife.com/pipermail/secondlifescripters/2012-May/006509.html for reference.
  2. It is probably a filter left over from when the TV spammer was pummeling this forum hard.
  3. Coby Foden wrote: Unfortunately I have not been able to try the joystick in SL as my new computer does not have suitable connection for it. I wonder how joystick would handle vehicles in SL. Like turning, would it be smooth, stepless? Or would it be similar as with keyboard on/off style? It will still still be on/off, that's the only interface available for most vehicles. Some vehicles also use the "mouselook steering" mode which tries to be more like analog; but like the name implies, it only works with the first person camera. It can still be finicky, as network, client and region performance stil affect responsiveness.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: I haven't invested a lot in the vehicles I drive so I probably need to test drive some higher priced models. Unfortunately that approach can hurt, the SL vehicle market is wack. Some of the worst handlers are also some of the most expensive ones, including some of the "big" names. The most driveable bikes I've bought cost all of L$300. It uses the KCP vehicle scripts which are generally good, but equally important these bikes have a really good simple physics footprints. Maybe even more important is to look for modifiable vehicles that can be tweaked to your liking. A good physics setup was really hard to achieve before the new "none" type was available, so just about anything more than a year old can probably be improved in this area.
  5. I have not used these in ages, but it used to be that passing ZERO_VECTOR to these functions would restore default behavior. Hopefully that still works. The settng is only referenced when the avatar sits, and released on stand; it is an older function and not interoperable with the llSetCameraParams stuff.
  6. I might look closer at the avatar without the eye bulge, and see if maybe the eye offset is changing on that one too, just not enought to look scary. If you can notice a change, then there is probably extraneous data built in on the jeans object that only the maker can fix.
  7. Hi, they are not giving out the houses, but they do make the textures available, see this page in the knowledge base. That should be enough to make a good facsimile, if you have had the opportunity to learn some basic building. In the Elderglen hub there is also pie. If you had your heart set on Linden-built houses, there are some available here in Mosh Station. These are not the same buildings used in Linden Homes but some are kind of interesting.
  8. All along, they have been specifically requesting that people enable "share with group" on donated items. LL's rationale is -- "When you set out your item please tick the box for 'share with group' this allows us to move it if need be without claiming ownership." Naturally, many donors will have done it exactly how LL requested.
  9. Hi, just a small point, C style comments in the form /* meow*/ or /* woof */ are supported in LSL. This change came with Second Life Server 1.25 in early 2009. The script joeyblueyes posted compiles OK with those commented lines included, on both VMs. Older external tools may choke on them, but it is valid LSL.
  10. 1. Can I grief in patterns? The genesis version is said to be single player, so .. knock yourself out? Can I like turn the world physical? It's always physical, that's kind of the point of it. Can I like Crash the game? It's an alpha, it will be shocking if you can't. 2. Will there be a CopyBot for copying patterns included on release? Yes, but apparently that part won't be ready for alpha.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: OK, I know this may be an oddity, but potholes on the Mainland Roads? I ran into this walking down a road at a SIM crossing. Sometimes you can 'walk out' of it, other times takes a relog. It only occurs walking South. Or is this a problem for the LDPW? You are at 286,253.2, 265,471.4, 92.6 in Huineng located at sim7519.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life Server This looks like one that LDPW can fix. You will notice that at many sim crossings, there are transparent prims just under the roadbed, extending across the boundary. These are there to make up for an ancient problem, prims can only be solid in one region at a time. I don't see any in this spot. Give them the coordinates in a ticket, tell them about your "pothole" experience, and mention that this could be a good spot for buffer prims.
  12. For the second one, the cupcake corset thing is from Allegory Malaprop's shop, Schadenfreude.
  13. Drongle McMahon wrote: Maybe. But why can't the texture permissions apply anyway, without it being in the contents? Maybe a matter of programming convenience or performance. Also, I deliberately tested it on a no-transfer object to get around that requirement, and it still couldn't be applied. Whatever, ther's stioll no reason dropping on the sculpt map shouldn't function the same way as dropping on the texture and add it to the contents if that's needed. This is one of those ugly legacy problems. Very very early on, it was decided that permissions for textures would be stored in the inventory entry. The texture assets themselves have no permissions information on them. So, the inventory entry in an object is how the server can learn what the permissions are. This is the case for most asset types that aren't objects. That horse is lightyears out of the barn now, so we get to put up with the quirks. This same problem led to how user-uploaded animations got their unique behavior, where scripts can only run them by inventory name and not by UUID. User animations were added after the trouble with sounds and textures was fully grasped. And of course, this was one of the considerations (along with the performance worries) that kept mesh assets inaccessible by UUID.
  14. Your flight boosters might need updates. We don't need flight assists to get over 200 meters or so any more, so any script that tries too hard to boost over that height might need to be adjusted now.
  15. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I think a part of the problem is that the collision behaviour is changed. 2) If a linkset uses the hack and does NOT use new accounting, the relevant prims will be modified such that they collide only with the terrain Phantom prims are not supposed to collide with anything, surely? That is the same old behavior. Physical phantoms always ignored other objects, but still stopped at the terrain and could trigger land_collision events. Physical llVolumeDetect objects register collisions with anything that isn't phantom, but can sink through the terrain and even go offworld that way.
  16. Hi, the "London City" region is having some trouble today, even walking into it goes badly with timeout errors. There are lots of people in the "London City3" region next door, so maybe try there until the main region can be tamed.
  17. They are OK as placeholders for development. Remember that these functions are really made to go with the experience permission system that has not been released yet.
  18. Does the region have one of those megaprim scenery surrounds or something similar? Those often interfere with physcial pbjects like ground vehicles. If you can temporarily remove it, try that to test. If the surround belongs to the estate owner and you can't move it, rez a big prim in the air and see if you can drive OK on that.
  19. For the curious, there already are placeholder badges for paid subscriptions, but LL kindly omits them from the profiles. In this image the premium is the bowling pin with plus on purple, concierge is the star on blue.
  20. It was probably just a prim with a follower script in it that saw you nearby, then kept track of your location to stay positioned over your head. This is a really old and common sandbox prank. You might be able to see an object like that with Highlight Transparent, then AR it if it is causing you big trouble. If you don't feel like putting up with this stuff, you might seek out one of the privately run sandboxes, those are often moderated. Or, use one of the premium sandboxes if you are a land owner, they are usually pretty quiet. Don't worry too much that others might think the title is really yours. This kind of thing happens all the time in public sandboxes, it's right up there with "kick me" signs in grade school, so people come to expect it.
  21. They changed it a few years ago. The bit that glossed over the customer was a big flaw in the original. The current one is at http://lindenlab.com/careers/culture Too bad that the customer is still held in contempt in actual practice.
  22. Hi, that example really doesn't do anything visible. You could change the //do something lines to something like llWhisper(0, "Red was pressed"); and so on to see when the buttons are clicked.
  23. First, it would be a good idea to remove the erroneous accusation. The sign is not on Alexa Vavoom's land, and the sign does not belong to her. It is on a different parcel in the neighboring region. It is not even ad farming, the sign is for a store on the same parcel as the sign. How to deal with it: don't buy on regular mainland if you want something with zoning/covenant.
  24. Hi, you can hide the crosshairs with the official viewers, but it takes a little more work. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At for the needed changes to character/attentions.xml It is easier to make changes like this if you install the viewer in your user directory instead of the default location, so that you don't have to deal with read-only problems when editing.
  25. Hi, the group only has meaning for rezzed objects. It has to be able to change, or people who buy your stuff would not be able to keep it rezzed on land that is set for other groups! You can use the description field if you want to tag the items with a little more than just your name.
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