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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. This is down to hardware vendors, and if they supply decent device drivers. For Second Life's part of it, the compatibility is there.
  2. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/firestorm_release_4.3.1.31155_change_log#firestorm_new_features_and_improvements "Merge up to 3.4.1 codebase" ...and that would be that for 10.5 compatibnility.
  3. Tayler Rhiadra wrote: I, too, am running it on a Mac OS X 10.5.8. It couldn't be the 5.8, could it? It could be. The minimum requirement for the current LL viewer is 10.6 now, and Firestorm is based on that same code, so you may have hit a brick wall for updates until you can upgrade OS X. (SL 3.3.4 was the last LL version that supported Leopard.)
  4. There are a couple things you can do but none are perfect. If the lights are attached to avatars (like face lights), you can disable them with Develop>Rendering>Render Attached Lights. That doesn't work if the lighted prims are rezzed out on the world, but you can completely disable local lights in the main graphics preferences, if you enable the Advanced button. There is a second approach but it can affect avatars around you, and it won't really work if "lighting and shadows" (called "deferred rendering" in some viewers) is enabled. If you make 6 prims, color them all black, enable local light on them and wear it (or rez it close to you), it will block out the rest of the local lights in your view. If it's the sun getting in your way, you can try some of the alternative arramgements under World>Environment Editor>Environment Settings. If the available presets aren't to your liking, check out http://strawberrysingh.com/tutorials/windlight-settings/ and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/WindLight_settings
  5. Were you searching for it at the time? If you type "fireplace" in the inventory search box, but only the foder is called that but the item inside is called, say, "hearth", you'll only see the folder in your inventory. If you click on the folder and clear out the search box, hopefully it will be in there! Inventory windows can be a little flaky, you might need to scroll around a little to find it. Since you bought it today, you might open up the search filters and set to the past day or two, to give you less stuff to scroll through.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: @Edfred -- I was thinking of derender as most TPVS use the term -- that is, just render an eyesore completely invisible. CTRL ALT SHIFT 9 seems to cause every prim on the sim to vanish (including your hair) which seems a bit like overkill. @Perrie -- my alt and I have just been muting each other. Certainly in Firestorm and Catznip, muting someone appears to mute their objects too. That is my present experience now also. Something changed, I am assuming somewhere code, Since then, but I have no idea what. At the time of that thread, something was loopy. Yes, muting is handled mostly on the viewer side, and in the past year lots of tweaks have been made to close up holes. So, in general, the newer the viewer, the better muting should work. There are still some holes left, such as llSetText and group invitations. Facelights were only added to the pile in 3.4.2, so it is still a work in progress.
  7. Truth, Dagger, Noya are all still using magic boxes, so that would explain that.
  8. What do the listings show for delivery method? Are some from the same seller? Communications timeout normally means that the marketplace servers can't reach a magic box. Direct delivery items, or items from a different vendor whose box or region isn't having trouble, would still go through.
  9. Ctrl+9 should fix that. Ctrl+8 and Ctrl+0 open and close the field of view, 9 puts it back to the default.
  10. One easy way -- Go in through Finder, play with the open with stuff, and tell it that *.lsl files should open with TextWrangler by default. Then, if you set ExternalEditor to /usr/bin/open "%s" it ought to work.
  11. While a complete solution to this problem is still in the works, some mesh builders have been using an alternative method that relies on the mostly unused collision volumes built into the base avatar. It is not perfect and it misses some shape settings, but it is pretty nice for what it can do. This SLU thread has a longer discussion of the technique.
  12. From your rez date, you probably came in through the Ahern/Morris hub. That welcome area was torn down and completely remodeled in 2005, so it won't be familiar at all. Plum/Lime was the overflow welcome area for busy times. That one was mostly left intact as a sort of museum. The balloon launcher is still there but it is no longer used. The old notecard dispensers still point you to Busy Ben's in Oak Grove. That lot still exists, but none of the old vehicles are there any more. A second overflow from the era was Waterhead. That spot looks much like it used to, complete with the old telehub station, but your recollection better matches what is preserved at Plum.
  13. The browser_profile/cache directory is just used for web stuff: login screen, search, profiles, media, etc. Web cookies will be in there too. The other cache folder, usually something like C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\cache by default on Windows, is where the things we usually think of as SL cache (textures, inventory, region objects, sounds, animations, etc. etc.) are stored.
  14. You can use llGetPermissionsKey to learn who is holding the permissions grant right now. You can use llDetectedKey on a touch event, or a listen key, to learn who last asked for an animation change, and run llReuqestPermissions against that key to change their poses. Sometimes it can be easier to skip the llAvatarOnSitTarget stuff and instead loop backwards through the prims, and check something like llGetAgentSize to detect and count the avatars.
  15. Phoenix is not very flexible with its interface, it is buggy, it is missing more and more modern features, and even its maintainers have mostly given up on it as too much trouble to fix. Don't try to get attached to it now, its days are numbered. The same group has moved on to another viewer project called Firestorm that you can download from the same Phoenix web site. It comes with a skin that mimacs the old Phoenix layout, but includes the features you are missing from modern viewers. Give that a try. Of course, if you were happy with the standard Second Life viewer, you could go back to using that one. There is a bizarre tendency in SL to promote viewers with religious fervor, but it's still OK to use what you personally like!
  16. Their real world interface is sold under the name "XCite! Touch". Try a search, a link there is probably not a good idea on this forum. They have an interface program they sell, and they point to outside suppliers with compatible USB adapters, and toys that in turn work with those adapters. I believe that their software is designed to interact only with their closed source scripts, so you still may want to roll your own.
  17. zigazav wrote: OK, I'm trying to log into DCS2's website, but it asks for SL Name, but when I use zigazav as my name, with using the resetted password for my password, it doesn't work! Please help! The DCS web site does not understand the new style user names, you have to tack "Resident" on the end. So -- At the "SL Name" prompt, you should enter zigazav Resident At the "DCS Password" prompt, use the password you got in chat from the /9resetpass command.
  18. Log in with a pathfinding viewer. Stand near where the problem items are, then Build>Pathfinding>Linksets... Sort by distance, and it should be easy to select them from there. There are take, return and delete buttons.
  19. Yup. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2012-11-26/m-p/1748997#M8421
  20. LL skipped Class 6 a few years ago, probably because there were so many crazy rumors about it. Newer sim hosts report themselves as 7 or 8, but LL doesn't make any claims that these newer machines will have any specific hardware configuration, only that regions running on them won't perform worse than on Class 5. Some old LL communications on this -- There is no class 6 Moving away from server Class There has been a little speculation in office hours/user groups about offering different region sizes, but right now that is only talk.
  21. Curious Hazelnut wrote: I love it. Let's do it. ... Do you think anyone would notice if I dropped a zombie rezzer in a Linden Home region? The permissions on the common land between the houses don't allow for much fun like that.
  22. I think it is, when stuff is left in the shopping cart for a while.
  23. Ciaran Laval wrote: Well if you download the SL client from somewhere other than SL website, you'd need to create an account. Someone pointed this out to me the other day, but a place where people should soon be able to Download SL from is Steam and in that context, it not only makes sense, it's also a sign of LL thinking ahead. Yes, Steam is specifically why this button was added. There is also support in this viewer to use a specially tagged signup link when the viewer is installed via Steam.
  24. OK, to start ... when you first start up the viewer, is there a splash screen on the login page, or does that stay blank too? It might take a minute or so to load, but if that doesn't work at all then search probably won't get anywhere either. Do you get any error messages about a plugin failing?
  25. Aditi has an inventory server problem right now, the disks keep filling up and Lindens need to manually make free space. The full disks interfere with some logins, for people unlucky enough to be on the system that filled up. They have bigger toys on the way, so this situation won't last forever. This is a holiday weekend in the US, so the development Lindens who take care of the preview grid will be in short supply until Monday. I hope you have better luck than that, and someone has the time to kick the server before then.
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