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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Helm Anton wrote: Could we have the animation uploader updated so that we can set indervidual joint priorities please LL? . that would be like xmas and would get rid of the fists to open palms bug too ...i hope .. We can do this now, but the interface is poor, or maybe it's better to say that there is no interface. We can change per joint priorities with manual changes to app_settings/anim.ini I am searching and failing to find good documentation for this file, except for the viewer source code. If I remember right, you just have to add a line, for example priority=4 to each joint section you want to change.
  2. Hi, a few notes. It is good to remember that for the built in animations, the prorities are set individually per joint. The "base" priority number we can see in the debug display is for reference only, it doesn't really tell the whole story and can in fact be completely different from the per joint settings. User created animations can use this per-joint system too, but it is extra work and not really documented, so rarely used. Most animation overrider scripts actually stop the default walk before they run their own replacements, and for that reason most people won't see any problems if the default walk's per-joint priorities have changed. It will only present a problem in an edge case like in this thread, where a user animation has overlayed motions on the defaults.
  3. It most likely is a viewer change, the stock animations are stored in files shipped with the viewer and not fetched from the server. There is a debug setting, UseNewWalkRun, you can try. This tells the viewer to use the new V2 or old V1 walk and run assets. Switch this to FALSE and see if your old objects revert to their old behavior, then you may have a better idea where the trouble is happening.
  4. Hi, that is working how it is supposed to work. The Admin menu has some information displays we can see, but most of the features in there won't work without a special account flag for Lindens. The security for the imporant features is on the server side.
  5. DanielWildcat wrote: Well ts not turned off, its changed, as there is still a 'showcase' in search... and the basic functionality is there, just the way destinations are displayed are less than optimal now (i.e. small icon style pictures, no way to zoom in, only a limited number of results are visible without having to slide the scroll bar around or stretch the search window so big you cant see the screen, etc) It really is turned off. They redirected obsolete viewers to the abbreviated version of the destinatoin guide that appears in modern viewers as World>Destinations, but the old Showcase feed no longer exists.
  6. You can use the Destination Guide in search or the web, it is the same content that used to be on the showcase. The old showcase feed was only running to support LL viewer 1, which was withdrawn several months ago, so LL announced several weeks ago that it would be turned off. Most TPVs based on 1.x or Snowglobe already added support for the new format in their search "All" tabs.
  7. Hi, yes, for now, that is just how it is, prim hollow is limited like that. There is a patch on the viewer side (STORM-58) that would allow bigger hollows, but it cannot work right without server side support. It seems that many other server projects are higher on the list of things LL wants to improve or fix, so bigger hollows have taken a back seat. Maybe you can hide the problem some with the hollow going horizontal instead of vertical, so that the "caps" are walls instead of floor/ceiling. Then you can have the door openings in thinner "front" and "back" prims.
  8. Hi, on newer viewers, first go to Advanced>Show Debug Settings and set AdminMenu to TRUE. Only then will Develop>Show Admin Menu work.
  9. namssab1nad Piers wrote: Actually, it could be fixed but everyone would run like a newby. LL can kill or put to sleep any and all scripts on any object or avatar on any Linden Realms sim. If LL was smart, they would open a couple of sims for competitions where anything goes, with beginning and ending times or a special HUD with a countdown clock. When your time is up, you are automatically tp'd off the sim to a special "cash out" location like the portals. There you cash out and if you are the winner for the day (read the most crystals collected with the largest $ amount), you are that days winner and you get to keep your money plus an extra $5000L. All the other sims would be script killer/sleeper sims where everyone has the same abilities. That would end the "cheating". Oh, and there are rules. One of them is flying, but there is a ridiculesly easy way around that without using any special scripts or objects. LL could really, really use some better controls for what scripts can run. The options currently available would not fix LR, they would have to write some new filters into the simulator. Right now, there are two options available, a parcel-level no scripts flag, and a region-wide script toggle. The parcel flag only works up to 50 meters above ground, and any attachment that takes controls is exempt, so this is routinely bypassed. Since there are high buildings like the sun spire, and also there is no hard restriction on flight, it is easy to even get new attachments running in the game. The region level script toggle disables all scripts in the region, which would disable the game itself.
  10. That looks like very very low graphics settings too. How old is the computer and what does it have for graphics hardware? It will be good to go to Help>About, copy to clipboard, and post that here.
  11. Zanara Zenovka wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: Zanara Zenovka wrote: How updating search should affect this is a bit of a mystery, but no greater than the rest... All the lists of products on the marketplace are really search results, even when there are not keywords. It is a nice setup when it's not broken >_> Search results decide which records are returned, not the contents of individual records. The index breakage exposed formerly hidden broken listings, but they were already broken.
  12. Zanara Zenovka wrote: How updating search should affect this is a bit of a mystery, but no greater than the rest... All the lists of products on the marketplace are really search results, even when there are not keywords. It is a nice setup when it's not broken >_>
  13. I encountered an interesting thing today that is a little relevant to all this, I think. Somebody at an infohub was frantically spamming me in IM with a SLurl, then with copies of a landmark to the same place. I recognized the name as a location that is usually stuffed with bots. Curious, I looked in search to see what traffic was like at the moment, and the whole region was missing from search. I popped over, and found that the land was not marked to show in search at all, even though both owners were online, right there in the sim. The place was still neck deep in bots. When the new bot policy first came out a few years ago, forced removal of the search flag was one of the penalties used, but I had not seen it happen for a long time. I guess we will see if more like this happens, it is not easy to tell from the one sample if search removal was forced or an accident.
  14. Qie Niangao wrote: Do we know how that list gets populated? We know some. The raw feed that fills in the widget can be seen at http://ws.world-ng.agni.lindenlab.com/destinations/busiest/0 To add, with the query options on the login page, it is http://ws.world-ng.agni.lindenlab.com/destinations/busiest/0?callback=whats_hot_now&format=jsonp&maturity=gma&pagesize=32&maxpop=25 Notice that there is a cap of 25, probably to avoid sending people to laggy places. We can deduce from there that current and average avatar count in the last half hour is used for the population figure, and also comparison against the three hour average helps yield the traffic trend. Somebody with extra time might be amused to compare the avatar counts against independent measurements for selected parcels, this should be much easier work now that llGetAgentList is on the way. That could at least confirm if the averages resemble reality in some form. A second amusement could be to check the supplied numbers against the supplied heat and trend tokens.
  15. Life Shop AO went around a few years ago. Back then it was not really harmful, just an incredibly bad idea. It really was just a freebie AO, but it offered a copy of itself to anybody nearby, so it was like somewhere between a chain leter and spam. I see they are making the rounds again but I have not taken a good look at the latest, to see if it is the same or not. I can already tell you that it does not take your money without permission, or steal your account, because sripted objects can't take your money without asking first and LSL doesn't have a way to steal an account unless you do something silly like type your password in chat. I can guarantee that the "brief notice" didn't come from LL, and the claims it makes are intended to scare people away from using the AO so that the spam will go away. I guess that the message originator though people wouldn't care about spam, but would jump to action if there was some kind of money and account stealing thing involved. Lame. If LL had a real concern about naughty objects, they have the tools to delete them from the grid and would not need to send warnings out.
  16. When there is colorful triangle salad on the screen, the cure is usually to go to preferences, Graphics tab, press the hardware button and switch off Vertex Buffer Objects. Misshapen sculpties can also happen if your connection is having trouble to download textures in general. This can be helped a lot, but with some side effects of its own, if you make sure HTTP texture transfers are enabled in the Develop menu. You may find that you need to temporarily switch HTTP texture transfers off when rebaking your own avatar. LL is working on the problems that cause this last part, so hopefully the switching back and forth won't last for too much longer.
  17. Adeon Writer wrote: The font is Deja Vu sans. It's a propriatry font, so third party viewers usually use a different one entirely. This is false. DejaVu is an open source project. Third party viewers are using it too. The old 1.x viewers did use the proprietary Meta font family, but that was retired in later Snowglobe viewers, and the 2.x viewers never used it.
  18. Blaze Nielsen wrote: Saturday night getting script errors on several main channel sims (including linden sandbox) A rezzer script that has worked flawlessly on over 60 products for nearly two years. Items will rez, however get this error multiple times : (Translation failed: the parameter 'appId' must contain at least '16' characters Parameter name: appId) This is a viewer error. You have Google translate enabled, probably in an older viewer, but Google turned off their free chat translation service so you get that error instead. Newer viewers let you enter an account ID if you paid for translation, but it is easiest to switch it off. The same message can come from old translation HUDs, those broke too.
  19. Hi, the font depends on the viewer, but yes they are all using some proportinal one or another. Most viewers these days use DejaVu Sans, older 1.x viewers used FontFont Meta Book. Occasionally a viewer will use something completely different, especially Imprudence experimented with a few different ones. If you only need basic ASCII characters and want to force monospace, you can "cheat" and use the fullwidth characters normally intended for use in CJK text.
  20. The only recent TP failures I have seen are the ones I kind of expect, when either the departure or destination region is lagged to death. For helthy regions they have been working smoothly.
  21. Hi, the only native representations for LSL are decimal and hex. There is no parsing built in for binary or octal.
  22. Ceka Cianci wrote: are you on a third party viewer or the official v3 viewer? i remember seeing something i believe in one of the tpv's for typing and lip movement..i want to say firestorm maybe but it could be another.. That is a standard LL viewer option, it is only for voice and does not affect prim heads.
  23. OK, then it it is a muzzle talk script in there, regular AOs won't do that to a prim avatar anyway. I don't have that particular avatar, so I don't have a good guess on how to turn it off. In this case it might be best to hunt down the avatar's maker, or an inword support group for their stuff.
  24. Do you have a furry avatar or something like that? Viewers have mouth motion for voice, but usually a moving mouth at other times is a scripted action.
  25. Zerxes wrote: Nope, I looked. Anyone know what specifically turns it off? It's really irritating. :c Hi, if you mean the nodding motion when chat is sent, there is no standard way to turn it off. It is built in on the viewer, and there are others for whisper and shout. You can use animations in an AO to hold the head still, but an immobile head can look even more strange.
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