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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. For Firefox there really should not be anything else to do. The green install button on userscripts.org should first cause the browser ask if you really want to install, then a second little popup from Greasemoney should confirm it's there. Chrome users will probably want to install Tampermonkey these days, otherwise it will balk at anything that doesn't come through Google's own store.
  2. Is the main channel restart from http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2013/01/14/post1863/ really on? Just a general clearing of cobwebs? Never mind, looks like that was canceled, thanks though.
  3. The problem is that the messages are lost before they are ever sent to the client. No amount of interface work can fix that.
  4. They actually did put a bunch of work into group chat, and rollled out the modifications in mid-2011. This was after a long project to test out several alternartive systems. The changes were really good. it worked so well that people started to use it more than ever, and the new system ran into a brand new brick wall. So, they have gone back to the drawing board. CHUI has some interesting interface changes, but I don't think it will do anything to help the server side load issues.
  5. Hi, the textures are grids of characters, and portions of those textures are displayed on prims that have been flattened to expose several faces on the front. Some of the newer boards are now using mesh objects, because those allow more faces to point in the same direction. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyzzyText and the similar scripts linked from there. Most display boards like this use these scripts or ones very much like them.
  6. Hi, there is no installer for this one. Extract the zip file to a new folder, then go into that folder and double-click theicon for slcp.exe (Windows version) or slcp.app (Mac version).
  7. Yes, that is the normal behavior. It is documented on http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Events and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/State but maybe it needs a more prominent mention.
  8. It does look like it could be trouble to find socks that fit well. Her shape does not closely follow the LL shape (that is a good thing really!) and you would not be able to use the mesh body with socks designed for an LL avatar, if a close fit is wanted. There is maybe good news. This avatar comes with socks and they are modifiable. It should be possible to make a custom sock texture, but it would take some trial and error because a UV map is not supplied.
  9. Links86 wrote: Well if the labs would take out tier fees and size land restricted they would lose so much company revenue for the labs because i would understand that and the maine reason i do because i got a because strong business sense here would be a simple solution to replace the loss of revenue when you create a new account they would charge a one time fee of $10 and that would be it and that would be the replacement for the loss of revenue of the tier fee revenue Second Life used to have exactly that, years ago. The basic accounts had that one time fee, and the world remained small. It did not grow much until that was eliminated, and afterward the amount of land people paid for skyrocketed. It might seem strange that a small entry fee would hold people back more than the large land fees, but that is what happened.
  10. Ok, you can find out of you have 32 or 64 bit by opening a terminal. Use the command getconf LONG_BIT If it tells you 32, then ignore this part, it won't help. If it tells you 64, please see this post on the Linux Mint blog and run the workaround comands they suggest. This bug was supposed to be fixed in the final version of Mint 14, but I know it was not fixed for everyboidy. I see some OpenGL errors in your log, so the problem might not be 64/32 bit at all. Did you install the nonfree graphics drivers on your system? The open source ones typically do not support enough OpenGL features for SL to work properly.
  11. This one is pretty close, except it has one "antenna" instead of two ... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/1AHair-Fair-Play-DEMO/4172356
  12. SL used to have this years ago, and it didn't prevent people from behaving badly.
  13. HI, yeah that's a bug in lots of recent viewers. You should get the right sliders if you check the male box, save the shape, arrow out of the editor, then go back into edit mode.
  14. Links86 wrote: Because now these days pay to play games are becomeing out of date business modle more infavor of free to play games meaning LL should take the land size monthly subscription fees and turn the mainland free to play that how they can see a big population explosion of new and old player to come to Second Life and yet still make money some where easle Second Life already is free to play, and it became that way pretty early, before most MMOs jumped on the bandwagon. There are no points or levels, but Linden dollars fill the same role if you think it is fun to "level up". Just like in FTP games, you can get more of those with time and effort. You don't have to spend real world money on cooler toys unless you want to. If you want to grind and not pay, there are contests, games, and inworld jobs. The most skilled "players" can make stuff, and the really good ones can bring in lots of L$ from other people with that stuff. People who don't want to grind can spend real world money and lots of it, but it's simply not required.
  15. CrimsonCamelliaNeko wrote: EDIT: Looking around a bit, I found that a solution some others had were using third party viewers, but it didn't work for me. BUT at least THEY gave error messages so it's slightly better? I still can't figure out what's wrong though Yes, you might want to share those error messages, else one may never guess what the trouble is. Also did you go with 32 or 64 bit Mint? With the latest release, some people have had to manually install the 32 bit compatibility, because Mint's multiarch support got into a mess this time.
  16. danicah wrote: i remember years ago (on my old account) there used to be fog at a certain height of the sim. What happened to it? Or do only some mainland sims have fog? These were removed in Second Life Viewer 2.8, and other viewers based on that or later versions. They were made from giant particles and were unkind to frame rates. They were replaced by the atmospheric shaders.
  17. Couldbe Yue wrote: Have you had a guinea pig with the initialising problem delete the merchant outbox and replace it? or isn't straightforward enough to do? I actually forced the problem with an alt. I signed her up as a merchant, then went in with an old viewer and intentionally deleted her Merchant Outbox folder. (This kind of deletion with an old viewer is exactly how some people ended up with this problem.) After the deletion, sure enough there was the message about needing to create a marketplace store, and it wasn't possible to upload DD items. After using the modded TestClient, correct behavior was restored, and I was able to move stuff to the MP inventory. ----- I then tried the same thing with yet another alt, but this time she didn't really have a marketplace shop. There were no real ill effects from adding a merchant outbox to her inventory, except that the missing store (this time for real) wasn't caught until after I tried to transmit inventory from the outbox. ----- But, neither of those have much to do with the initializing problem. That error is separate, it means that the viewer wasn't able to establish a connection with the MP servers. The presence of an outbox folder only determines if the viewer tries to connect at all.
  18. I don't know if LL will see it the same way, but this may count as disallowed anticompetitive behavior. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#abusive-behavior "posting item listings that are abusive or disparaging with respect to another merchant or their products." is a thing that an listing can be flagged for. I don't know if LL counts general atacks or only cares if a listing names names, but flagging might be in order anyway.
  19. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Could it be possible that under 18 in RL avs have an underwear layer permanently baked on any skin they wear? Pretty much. Wearing underwear was enforced by the software on Teen SL, and that restriction is probably still in place for under 18 accounts. Wearing smaller (or transparent) replacements might or might not work.
  20. It sure is! http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/3.4.3#Known_Issues MAINT-1931[c] Viewer crashes on Mac when devices (e.g. USB headset or a second monitor) are plugged in or unplugged
  21. Really for others who come across this thread -- This is a quicky snap showing a basic cube with the extreme "Zoom"/"View Angle" settings on each side, and the default in the middle. This can be fun for all kinds of pictures.
  22. They are not just zoom, but you will need to pull your camera back after you change the FOV, because the camera is covering a different sized slice of the world.
  23. Yep. Note that the "view angle" preference and the Ctrl+8/9/0 keys control the same setting. So if you play with both, that will be why the preference slider didn't stay where you remembered putting it.
  24. You can try the field of view setting. Ctrl+9 is the default, Ctrl+8 and Ctrl+0 alter it. A few Ctrl+0 steps may be what you want for these closeups. Viewers generally call this "zoom", but it's a very different effect than we get from the mouse wheel or Alt+up/down.
  25. The first phase of threaded region crossing did indeed roll to the main grid in May 2012. The second phase is what is on the preview grid now, it builds on the prior work. Pathfinding by its nature is for ambitious projects, and those are only beginning to come on the market. I know of at least one FPS game and a couple of breedable systems that are already using it., and there are numerous personal items using it. Note that Linden Realms did not use this pathfinding system. Instead, that game highlighted shortcomings in LSL that prompted the company to add something better. One of the creator tools, llTeleportAgent, was disabled for a short time. It was forgotten that an older version of the function already existed on the grid that didn't look at permissions. This problem was corrected, and also tighter permissions were also put on the teleport functions, then it was reenabled. A very important component of these tools, the experience permissions system, has not yet been introducted. CHUI is still in a probject viewer, but the new HTTP library was released. The blog post called that a beta feature, it must have been written a few days in advance.
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