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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: To see if I'm reading this right... () "Returns 0 and does not move the object if position is more than 10m off region or above 4096m." Does this mean that there is a potential to position an object up to 10m into a neighboring sim, triggering a sim crossing? ( ) Yes, this was added so that we would not need messy alternations between llSetRegionPos and llSetPos. Sitting avatars still cross asynchronously, so the usual head counts and pauses before the next hop should be done.
  2. [[beta/BlueSteel]] and friends will want includes for the new release note pages too.
  3. RaptonX Zorger wrote: I had to re add my paypal to payment info when I went to cash out today, I added and had to enter paypal login, it worked and all, I think, waiting for the credit to process, but why would it do that? Did they lose the info when they changed the system? The setup is through different payment companies, so a fresh authorization is needed.
  4. 1) Do you still need to rigg clothing to the skeletton ? Yes, the deformer will only work with rigged, attached mesh objects. 2) Do you still need alpha ? For some items, yes. The deformer will not be a magic bullet for all kinds of glitches, but the glitches will at least be a little more consistent on different shapes. 3) Can meshes able to be flex with this ? The deform patch will not change this. Rigged meshes will still move with the skeleton like they do now, but this will not enable the old flexiprim feature on them. This is a fancy kind of dynamic resizing, nothing more. It did turn out that the avatar jiggle feature will become comatible with mesh.
  5. This is working Ok for me on all 3 streams -- list gShoutStreams = [ "", "", "" ];integer gStreamIndex;key gStreamRequest;GetStreamInfo(){ llOwnerSay("=====\nFetching info for " + llList2String(gShoutStreams, gStreamIndex)); gStreamRequest = llHTTPRequest( llList2String(gShoutStreams, gStreamIndex) + "/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: SC (Mozilla compatible)\n\n", [], "");}default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { gStreamIndex = llGetListLength(gShoutStreams) - 1; GetStreamInfo(); } http_response(key req, integer status, list meta, string body) { if (req == gStreamRequest) { // should do some error checking here but I don't feel like it. body = llList2String(llParseString2List(body, ["<body>", "</body>"], []), 1); list shoutFields = llParseStringKeepNulls(llStringTrim(body, STRING_TRIM), [","], []); llOwnerSay("Current listeners " + llList2String(shoutFields, 0)); llOwnerSay("Streamimg now? 1=yes 0=no " + llList2String(shoutFields, 1)); llOwnerSay("Peak listeners " + llList2String(shoutFields, 2)); llOwnerSay("Max capacity, listeners " + llList2String(shoutFields, 3)); llOwnerSay("Unique listeners " + llList2String(shoutFields, 4)); llOwnerSay("Bitrate " + llList2String(shoutFields, 5)); llOwnerSay("Playing " + llDumpList2String(llDeleteSubList(shoutFields, 0, 5), ",")); if (--gStreamIndex > -1) { GetStreamInfo(); } } }}
  6. Yes,this bug came in with the "shining-fixes" patch bundle, it happens in the LL builds too. To reproduce, pick an object with small prims in it. Choose it in the editor, and use the H shortcut to focus on it. Then attempt to zoom in closer. The object will disappear, or you will find yourself looking inside it, long before the prim really fills up the screen. The clipping is borked somehow. Enabling camera constraints will stop the clippping, but also prevent zooming in as close as wanted.
  7. Hi, for the current viewers see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewerhelp:Inventory_-_My_Inventory On old viewers they looked a little different, try http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory#Inventory_Icons The "Object" block icon wil be used for anything made of prims, so that boxes full of other stuff, attachments, and items meant to be rezzed out on land all get the same icon.
  8. Lorin Rhode wrote: Even after the newest update to the firestorm viewer no luck. I can make a sphere a megaprim standard size. BUT thats where it ends. I can continue to stetch it with the editor much bigger, but observers don't see the increased size. It doesn't even move for them. Beginning to wonder if its SL not transmitting the info That might be normal. When you use the editor, changes are faked in local on your viewer, then reconciled with the server once the update message is returned. Packet loss can make some changes appear to "bounce back", so can edits outside the allowed ranges.
  9. Hi, in V1 viewers like Phoenix, the destination guide is there, but it still has the old Showcase name. Open search, then click on the Showcase tab. You can also search on Destination Guide items using the All (Web) tab. I have not seen s V1 with the new preset camera angles, but it would be a fairly small thing to add, especially compared with a beast like mesh support.
  10. Venus Petrov wrote: Thanks for pointing out this, Perrie. It sounds like it worked only on the client side (?) so you'd look better to yourself but not to others. I am asking, not stating. Anyway, I would like to see a viewer released that manages these things without the extra downloaded files and stuff. Make my life in SL simple, please! That is right, all avatars will look a little different to you, but the same old same old to everyone else. It is taking the same old shape numbers and rendering them a little differently. These changes do a nice job to eliminate some nasty creases, but there are still some poses that retain the "where did all the body mass go to?" factor. Some of the animations circulating in SL do things to the joints that would break a real body, and we can't expect miracles on those ones.
  11. Corin Clary wrote: What driver do you use the driver from AMD/ATI or the open source. It is with fglrx, the open drivers for AMD are not up to running SL viewers at all. I should add that the differences I am seeing are not with graphics, the frame rates are within 1 or 2 fps once all textures are loaded and there are no web pages or other media active. Once the disk access hits in for cache, or an slplugin instance tries to load up, SL performance stays good for me on the Linux side but tanks under Win7. At some point I will experiment with alternative filesystems on Win7 and see how much of the bottleneck is at that level.
  12. Yes, it is pretty much the same story with ATI graphics. SL really benefits from faster file and process creation on Linux too, so the cache and media parts zoom along.
  13. This can show up on tops even if nothing was painted on there. The avatar mesh has a nipple feature built in. It is not very detailed, but it is very obvious when the light comes from the right angles. It really does look like just a circle sometimes, but it is more like a shallow cone.
  14. Qie Niangao wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: The reason I've talked about Google is because LL uses a Google search engine (the GSA). They were talking about using a different one but I don't know if they made the change. I, too, would be interested to know if they ever did make that change. I'd heard that they intended to switch to Lucene and integrate the whole in-world mess with Marketplace search, but obviously that integration has gone nowhere (and Marketplace itself has had no substantive improvements for at least a year). I was given to understand that GSA licensing itself was orders of magnitude higher than they'd predicted--and that wasn't counting the (then?) high cost of staffing even marginal GSA competence. So they had incentive to dump it, but dunno if they finally did. Yes, they got rid of the Google back end with the new search interface introduced in May. The interface on the web search for V1 viewers looks almost exactly like the Google based one, but it is now a simulation that really draws results from the new system. They originally said that there would be no support for 1.23, then they changed their minds.
  15. Hi, the fglrx-updates plus jockey combination does not work properly in Oneiric. Here are some workarounds you can try. Jockey is the system that installs proprietary drivers through the system settings panel. Use only one of these at a time and uninstall drivers between attempts, because mixing and matching can lead to a broken desktop that is a hassle to fix. I will list them from easiest to hardest -- Easiest: Don't try to enable fglrx-updates from system settings, use fglrx instead. Yes, this counts you out of the latest AMD drivers, but it should give you a working driver. Canonical shows the jockry + fglrx-updates bug as fixed, but from what I can see it isn't yet so. A little harder: Go into that same settings panel and make sure to disable any proprietary drivers. Next, go into the Ubuntu Software Center and uninstall jockey. Reboot, and then install fglrx-updates and fglrx-amdcccle-updates manually from Software Center. You may need to click the "show technical items" at the bottom of the Software Center window to see those packages. Reboot and cross your fingers. Hardest: Uninstall jockey and any fglrx/fglrx-updates packges plus amdcccle counterparts, download the Linux driver directly from AMD, create .deb installers from the package (you may need to hunt for and install some dependencies to get the packages to build right), then install the debian packages. See this Ubuntu forum thread for install tips. I have found that sometimes I have to dpkg -i on fglrx_x.xubuntu1_xxx.deb separately before it installs right, sometimes twice, before the wildcard command suggested there will install correctly. I would try running without using the usually recommended "aticonfig --initial" first, and only try it if the desktop is not loading. I found that the settings it creates can interfere with the virtual desktops.
  16. Yes, this was broken by an attempt to change the minimum defaults, but some dependencies in other parts of the viewer were obviously forgotten. Until this is fixed, it is safer to resize the window by mouse. The dialog in the advanced menu can blank the screen until a mouse resize and potentially lose your menu bar until a relog.
  17. Hi, sprints are LL's development cycles. They will have a block of dates marked off for sprint 33, and pick what issues will get worked on. So, that means your pet bug is on the calendar to get attention, but apparently there was a scheduling problem (too much time taken by other work) and it got put into a later batch.
  18. First thing, make sure you have updated to 3.2.4, the new release that came out Tuesday, before you try to hunt down performance problems. It has lots and lots of fixes in it for compatilbility and frame rate troubles.
  19. Chelsea Malibu wrote: It's my understand from my work with online video that anything less than 12 FPS can be seen by the naked eye making it look jumpy. Is the same true for Animations? The system automatically interpolates between frames, so it will stay smooth even with few key frames. It can look kind of robotic with too few,
  20. TaffyOcean Sommerstein wrote: I cannot find this file on my MacBookPro, or in debug or preferences on Phoenix. Guess I'll just have to live with that most annoying server change popup! Old thread is old, but I see that the latest Phoenix with the mesh support still has this annoyance. For Mac OS, right-click on the viewer icon in the Finder, pick Show Package Contents, then dig down into the new Finder window that pops up to get at that XML file.
  21. Hills90210 Beverly wrote: can somebody tell me what the problem here is please, the code works fine... its just problematic when i pick the object up and rez it again, Hi, is this script in a large linked object? The take and re-rez trouble makes me think of SCR-43, "Listeners in child prims get positioned at root prim position first, then switch to child prim position after re-rez (resulting in wrong listener / whisper radius)".
  22. Aurelia Lionheart wrote: Caliah, yes! Problem is I'm using the viewer 3 and you can put 0.something numbers in . For the R G B color numbers, multiply them by 255, then put those in the Rd/Green/Blue blanks in the color picker. You can ignore Hue/Sat/Lum, those will update automatically to match the RGB.
  23. Hi, search listings only appear without login if the land, contents and description are all rated General. If your listing is rated Mature or Adult, only logged in users can see it.
  24. Yes it is still glitchy yet. Rotation along X looks fine, Y can get a strange elliptical movement but the start and end postiitons will be right. It tends to look better when there is a decent amount of translation, mostly or only rotation really shows off the glitchiness.
  25. There is not a thing like that right now. The previous incarnation of the profile system, called Avatars United, did have a developer platform using OpenSocial. Other old AU features have gradually reappeared after adaptation to SL, so maybe it will return some day.
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