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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Yes, that was the traditional way, to use either a moving object or multiple stationary ones to increase the range. For most applications it would now be easier to use llGetAgentList. That function has only been around for a few months, so most offerings on the market are probably still using sensors.
  2. If you already took it off, moved around sims, or relogged, then the sim probably already forgot the old values and you would have to put it back together by hand. If you catch mistakes right away, Ctrl+Z can undo resize and position changes. Remember that for next time. I am hoping that you got a kit that was copy/no transfer, then at least you can start over. If your stuff came in a box, you can open that and grab a fresh copy. If you got a folder of parts and there wasn't a box, check with the seller. They might have a redelivery spot that can give you a fresh copy. If not, ask them if they can help, many sellers are OK with giving out extra copies of no transfer stuff. If it was no copy, then you might still be OK, because you have the old broken parts to show them. It gets harder if the parts have gone missing completely, because then you can't prove you didn't sell it on! At least that's not a problem this time. Adding some general stuff for other new avatar modders: - If you want to mod your avatar, avoid no-copy stuff. If you break it, it can get expensive. - If you have copiable stuff, make a copy of the original and hide it out of the way in another part of your inventory, so that you have a clean version to recover from mistakes. No matter how careful you are, editing horrors can happen.
  3. Check out the llGetListEntryType page and the sample functions there.
  4. Yes, support was dropped for some older viewers on this release and an update was pushed. This time around, Second Life Viewer 3.3.2 was removed from the supported list. In the new viewer release, the graphics settings got a fairly large overhaul. It was needed because there is much more variety these days in what different cards can handle well (or at all), and because some high end features of a few years ago have moved to the lower and middle end on the latest hardware. The quality slider in the graphics settings now has 7 positions instead of 4, and the table of GPU chips was updated to use it.
  5. Madeliefste Oh wrote: I don't understand a bit of the technology behind server side baking. What I understand from it, after a quick read here and there, is that processes that first took place in the viewer, in the future will take place on the server. What I am actually curious about is: will it have any influence on how easy it is to rip content from creators? Will this new way improve things for us merchants, when it comes to content ripping? Or does it not make any difference at all? It won't make ripping any easier, but it won't make it much harder either. It does remove one avenue to grab textures, but that probably wasn't the most convenient one.
  6. A totally transparent skin will simply show the old fashioned system skin that's always lurking underneath on every avatar. This is by design. The original concept was that people would use that layer to put things like tattoos on top of the system skin. Then it sort of exploded, and people started painting entire new skins on there. If a skin like that ever made your avatar invisible, that was a bug. To get what you really want, you will instead want to use an alpha wearable. It's a "new" (well a couple years old now) clothing part you can create from the inventory menu. There is already one pre-made in the inventory library that hides the whole body, you'll find it under Library>Body Parts>Alpha Masks
  7. Jen Oskan wrote: My merchant outbox stucks in initializing , i also cant use DD. Stuck in the initializing state is a whole different problem. If on Windows or Mac you can try viewer roulette an might get lucky. On Linux the viewer needs to be patched up with old SSL and crypto libraries, because the ones LL ships on that platform don't actually work with their viewer.
  8. If you have a marketplace store already, but the viewer is telling you to make a new store, then the trouble is always the same thing. There needs to be a specially marked merchant outbox folder in your inventory. EIther it is missing, or there is a folder called "Merchant Outbox" but it is not correctly flagged. Regular viewers don't have the ability to make one. I have found that it is straightforward to create a client that can fix this problem. There is a proof of concept using libopenmetaverse described here. I have tested that and it works, but I am also very much not interested in distributing an executable SL client. You could, on the other hand, point your favorite TPV maintainer there, and ask them to add a feature that does this.
  9. Fate Blindside wrote: Thanks Knowl, So it will show if your being watched but not by whom? Names can appear with the crosshairs on the Exodus, Singularity and Firestorm viewers. LL declined to add them, feeling that adding names was a little too invasive.
  10. Fate Blindside wrote: Just wondering if there is any way to know if someone is watching you from far away in "Zoom view"? Not in any reliable way, no. There are camera hints if a person directly selects your avatar, but this only works in a few cases. If the observer pans around, the pointer will not change. No hint at all is generated if the observer is using a Space Navigator or similar pointing device.
  11. I see that you already found and used the home page field for this, so you've answered your own question.
  12. I know that within the last month, at least one place catering to that was successfully reported and shut down. LL took back the land and closed the owner account.
  13. iCade wrote: I thought trademark infrigments could only be flagged by the trademark owner? Yes, in fact the flagging system doesn't have a way to report copyright and trademark stuff. If you choose "infringes my intellectual property rights" as a flagging reason, the form won't let you proceed. Instead, the following message is displayed: We can only process intellectual property complaints from authorized persons in compliance with legal processes. Please refer to our Intellectual Property Policy for more information and instructions on how to submit an intellectual property notice.
  14. Jordann Braveheart wrote: So is it safe to assume if you keep streaming media off, that they will not be able to track you? Voice is another place that can potentially be leaky too. I think that by now, everybody knows that IP address matching can have false positives and false negatives, but it can still be used to annoy and harass people.
  15. That particular system was shut down, but the method it used to compare addresses is still viable and not especially difficult. It is safest to assume that if you use media or streaming audio inside SL, that someone will be trying to match up connections to avatars, with varying rates of success.
  16. I am pretty sure that he would be labeled as a griefer and banned within a short time. If he kept a screencap journal, it might look a little like w-hat.org.
  17. There never really was a teen grid. TSL was always a part of the main grid, and individual account restrictions determined what regions could be used. This arrangement still exists, but it is not called TSL any more. Now, there are private estates using the same kind of account for under-16 users, with access restricted to those estates.
  18. On Phoenix it will be Advanced>UI>Show Matrices. Show Matrices will be way at the bottom of that menu.
  19. PrincessBeatrix wrote: I have just signed up to Second Life and when I click on "go to home" it asks me to allow a program at which point it says it can't find an app that supports it and it sends me to the app store... I'm not good with computers, can you help??? I haven't seen any Second Life in the app store. You can download the regular viewer from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Several people have made nice additions and modifications to the SL viewer, you can find those at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory But, you may want to start with the standard viewer until you get your feet wet.
  20. Some viewers that use old style profiles can have trouble with these flags. If you are trying to work on the setting that way, try instead to do it from the gear menu at the top of their my.secondlife.com profile.
  21. You have not said what "old or new" versions you tried to run. It matters. You should not expect anything newer than these to run on OS X 10.5 -- Second Life Viewer 3.3.4, which can be downloaded from this page Firestorm 4.2.2, which can be downloaded from this page See also http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-8431 Adding -- To explain a little more, "Symbol not found: __ZNKSt9bad_alloc4whatEv" means that the viewer is expecting a newer version of libc++ than the one installed on your operating system. Yours is too old, and missing newer features the viewer needs to run. On a Mac, the remedy for that is a new version of OS X.
  22. There is another angle to this scammer that can make him hard to get rid of. The bots are sometimes set up in teams. One sits in a busy spot to collect the names of avatars who show up, then a second chatbot in another region starts the IM confidence game.
  23. It's not a hard limit on number of items, more of what will fit in a single transfer through the server pipeline without choking everything else. The current system sends inventory data a folder at a time, that's why the limit is per folder. You can read more about it in this old office hour transcript. Stone Linden's comments inparticular will be of the most interest, Note that he's talking about "ballpark" ranges. Inventory items can vary a lot in how much data is packed into each entry. But the short version is, if you have thousands of items in a single folder, it's really, really time to start splitting that into subfolders, It's going to be hard to even find anything when it gets that far out of control!
  24. The limit is about 10,000 items in a single folder. If you go over that limit nothing is lost, it just isn't fetched from the inventory server so you don't see it in your local cache.
  25. If you want to let go of the selection but leave the edit window up, press Ctrl+E If you want to open up the editor without a right-click and edit first, use Ctrl+3
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